Orono Weekly Times - 7 Wednesday, May 18, 2005 -- -- World Literacy Canada calls for national action plan that lite.racv affects emDlov- about the future while the pro- ther study and an action plan," eracy scores of abongin World Literacy Canada calls for a national action plan in the wake of the release of Statistics Canada literacy study showing 42% of Canadian adults do not have adequate literacy levels for coping in the 21st century. Toronto, ON, May 13, 2005-Canada's report on literacy literacy across the country, The Adult Literacy and'Life Skills Survey, released yesterday, shows that Canada still has more work to do if all Canadians are to participate in the information age and the technology based economy of the 21st century. "Literacy is a factor in every aspect of life," said Mamta Mishra, Executive Director of World Literacy of Canada. "When Canadians cannot read instructions on a medicine bottle, or safety directions, this becomes a health issue for their families and society." "The study shows clearly that literacy affects employment employment and income. The study shows that 70 % of unemployed unemployed Canadians with adequate adequate literacy skills, were employed after 48 weeks about the future while the profession profession of teacher, once respected, is at an all-time low with politicians in Canada," said Mishra. World Literacy Canada is ai lvi -tv », -- ^ . while only 50 % of low-litera- concerned by the digital divide cy unemployed Canadians had emerging in Canada and all found a job after even 52 weeks of job search." "The fact that on the whole the literacy rates of Canadians have not declined in the decade since the last study is a credit to the dedication of teachers, librarians and literacy literacy volunteers across the country. country. The past decade has been a time where short-sighted political decisions have crippled crippled public education: budget cuts, teacher assistants pulled from classrooms, teacher librarian positions abolished in boards across the nation, and the threatened fragmentation fragmentation of public education through various new and proposed, proposed, voucher systems. World Literacy Canada is concerned nations in the ALL survey. The study showed that in all countries, countries, adults who were regular computer users had higher literacy literacy skills, and those who had high literacy skills and used computers regularly were much more likely to be in the upper 25% of income earners in all countries. "We're concerned that the digital divide in literacy has the potential to become a negative negative spiral in which those without access to computers . have lower literacy skills, are ^then less employable and, as a result, are less able to afford technology that demonstrably contributes to literacy and civil engagement in modem society. This issue needs fur ther study and an action plan," said Mishra. "While the ALL report gives us a view of how Canadian literacy literacy rates have fared overall in comparison with other nations, those of us working in the'grassroots have the close- up view. We see the devastation devastation low-literacy rates brings to the lives of individuals and families both in Canada and in our overseas development work," said Mishra. World Literacy continues to be concerned about the plight of marginalized Canadians who may not be able to access the literacy help they need without the coordinated coordinated action of politicians, educators and non-profit literacy literacy providers. One encouraging encouraging development in Ontario is the recent initiative led by Lieutenant-Governor James Bartleman who has brought together key stakeholders, including World Literacy Canada, to address the low-lit eracy scores of aboriginal youth. He has spearheaded a series of initiatives including the 2005 launch of literacy summer day camps. WLC has facilitated programs across the country through it's Kama Coast-to-Coast reading festivals festivals program, the St. Jamestown Storytelling Festival and other initiatives. - World Literacy of Canada applauds Statistics Canada and OECD for their work on the report and calls on the government government of Canada to develop an action plan in its wake. World Literacy Canada celebrated celebrated it's 50th anniversary in 2004, the oldest literacy organization in Canada with an international component, World Literacy of Canada is a npn-profit, voluntary, charitable charitable organization that promotes literacy and social justice in Canada and the world. Central to all of WLC' programming programming is the belief that literacy literacy is a basic human right Hljljj if* yp iiv Jklri;'"":: jîHfcé HI And we do too. * • 7 ' m IlIllSISIllilæ : !!!!! ii'rii'irkk il! i|P|l||p | p||j|Pj! : 1 IP llmliiiiiliF' Three new free vaccines have been introduced into your child s immunization schedule. These vaccines are for chicken pox, meningococcal meningitis and pneumococcal diseases. For more information, talk to your doctor or local public health unit. Visit: www.health.gov.on.ca. Or call 1-877-234-4343, TTY 1-800-387-5559. £ Ihvtccting your health. © Ontario