Wednesday, January 12, 2005 Orono Weekly Times - 3 ■' ,n "i ühiiliîHiiiiuiuwMU: ' ; if? by Jeanne Burnside Ice Capades The .good news is the weather has been quite pleasant pleasant and there is just enough snow around to enhance the green and brown. The bad news is the warmer breaks have caused inches of ice build up on the driveway and walkways, at least around my house. Simple chores like getting the daily newspaper and bringing out the garbage have become extremely challenging. challenging. To retrieve the morning morning paper I tend to walk the entire driveway, about 200 feet, sideways as if I am trying to walk on a hill with skis. I smartly carry the broom by the outside deck with me for balance. Luckily I have only taken one really nasty dive and I had my broom to regain my stance. I mostly just slip and slide along the way and have caught myself talking out loud--'you can do it, you can DO IT! I then just start laughing and wondering does anyone else face this on a daily basis or is this my hell on earth. My other thought-- is the news really worth it? My husband was looking out the window the other morning and asked if I always ride my broom to get the paper. My response was it would be my fondest wish to really be a witch and have a magic broom like Harry Potter. I wouldn't mind having having access to some of the magic spells and potions either! I warned friends my driveway driveway was really, really slippery but as we know men just don't want to listen, especially to a girl from the city. So as expected, a friend's car got up about halfway, slid back and rested right up against the fence. Not great, but at least it didn't fall into the ditch. After many shovels of dirt and salt the tires stopped spinning and they were able to make it to the house. They ended up staying over, hoping the situation situation would improve by morning. morning. The experience was so traumatizing they haven't been back since. I guess .they may not return until spring - not such a bad thing! I'm not sure the ice situation situation is a good thing when you already have an injured knee as I currently do. When not walking on ice, T now have a pronounced gimp from my torn ligament. Walking around the outside my house in baby steps with apprehension apprehension has worsened the problem. problem. On top of that my puppy, Angus, has picked up a limp of his own. I'm not sure he actually is hurt. Most times he is running on all fours, up and down the hills on the property. Every once in a while he starts moving around only on three paws'. I've checked the 'injured' paw and everything seems to be okay, so my husband husband has decided he is trying to imitate me. Now if only I could get him to walk with the mini-broom... distributed by Kaitlin Homes, the Port of Newcastle Developer. Baby Jesus Continued from front While the church is in no position to offer a reward for the safe return of the baby Jesus, Harley is pleading to who ever took the baby "just put him back." MS lives here. Multiple sclerosis usually strikes people aged 20 to 40, in the prime of their lives. Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada 1-800-268-7582 mg ittmÿnk Main Street, Orono Proprietor*: Gary, Carol & Cory Vrcckcr 'Wedding Cakes • Cakes for a\\ Occasions • Pastries-Donuts-Pies • Bread & Buns 905-983-9779 Closed Sunday and Monday Development Continued from front purchased a home in what at that time was promoted as an Adult Lifestyle Community. In order for these types of issues to work out, residents have to look at taking some kind of legal action, said Mayor John Mutton. "Residents have to take it up, not with the council of the municipality, but with the developer," he stated at Monday's meeting. "As a municipality we don't have any means to get involved." The homes in the Port of Newcastle were developed on wide/shallow lots. This was approved at the time on the basis that a more attractive streetscape could be achieved with wider but shallower lots. Garages could be incorporated into the thé structure and therefore be less prominent. A sixty per cent lot coverage coverage is permitted with these types of lots. Staff have over the years received several complaints from residents in the Phase I of the Port of Newcastle development regarding inadequate amenity area in their rear yards for such structures as pools, decks and sheds. It is staff's opinion that the Port of Newcastle is the largest concentration of wide/shallow lots in the Greater Toronto Area. Over the years the municipality's experience with the wide, shallow concept has not been positive in many respects. Some studies have found these lots to be more costly to the municipality due to long term maintenance costs for infrastructure, snow removal and garbage collection for homes of equal size and assessment value. For these reasons staff do not support any further wide, shallow lots in the Port of Newcastle. Kaitlin's current amend ment proposes the wide/shal- low lot concept for the development development of the 11 acre 'Future Use' block, with a total of 92 single detached dwelling on lots with 13.7 meter frontages. The staff .report recommends recommends that the lots proposed for this block be revised to the standard depth of approximately approximately 33 meters. The Port of Newcastle Neighbourhood has a population population allocation of 2,800 and a housing unit target of 1,075, in Clarington's Official Plan. Phase I of the development's now complete with 258 registered registered units. ~ Happenings ~ WUmorCreekï^shcries Management Plan Public Consultation p ™' css g vnTirtr OF PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE -7 to 9 p.m. at Orono Town Hall, 5315 Mam Street, Orono/TIds^isTwofking P r0V Wj"S of heard by l^lpme to idetUify key issues^ Th ^ ^ participat in the MOpen'House 2,1mWilt Creek Fisheries Management Plan Publie Consultahon process. Ourham^CentralAgrieultural Society Annual General Meeting -Orotic.Arena at I P .m. Anyone interested in sitting as a director contact MaryAnne Found 905-463-2528. Ski Club - 8:30 to 6 p.m. «/person. Proceeds to Sunrise Youth Group.