"*rK nv . !:? bowmanville 163 Church Street ucip7 Bowm anviWe. $1.00 GST Included | -- 'T«4,!|'i|l»W||W,I, ilhV.Ll.il' Li. ' ' him. Orono Town Hall Wednesday January 12, 2005 Serving Kendal, Kirby, Leskard. Newcastle, Newtonville, Orono, Starkville and Tyrone since 1937 , ; jfl <r£.: "Viii "" !U vij AkAf" » 1 *liSiu'JVilO- {* J 't S " " ,t*l| . ' 8 "..« •!> 11 | > Baby Jesus which was on display in the man ge ro^St George's AnflUcarclnKch^castle, disappeared after two weeks. Port of Newcastle homeowners displeased with elimination of golf course a„ «**•«-«; cftstiMirrs itlsSmB 22 ■ jSfcüfftA»»» jjljljlijjliilijHIttjiHiji; 'jj" I;' wH*iiniL ; Uipii&i. Kaitlin Group to increase the her of semi or link units to 22, number of housing units in and increase the number ot their next phase of the Port of single units to be developed to Newcastle Development, met 217. The proposal also in- , nlurlnn nûlfolr\r\_ with little public they purchased their home four-and-a-half years ago, she stated. "We bought on a mis public meeting portion, told the Orono Times later that they too were shown plans of (( opposition. Committee of Council dealt with a proposed amendment at Monday's General Purpose and Administration Administration Committee meeting to permit permit the development development of primarily primarily single dc- tached dwellings ~ in Phase 11 of the Port of Newcastle. The draft plan of this subdivision subdivision which was approved in 1997 allowed for 33 single units and 160 semi or link units, with an 11 acre block of land designated for future use, We bought on a misconception... misconception... " --Maxine Hoos Port of Newcastle homeowner eludes development development of a block previously designated designated 'Future Use.' Maxine Hoos of Carveth Crescent in the Port of Newcastle Newcastle spoke at Monday's public public meeting, displeased displeased with the elimination of " the nine hole golf course from the development. development. Later during a phone conversation with the Orono Weekly Times reporter, I loos said, "We paid the price we did for our home because there was supposed to be a golf course with a club house conception, now it [the golf a golf course and club house course] is not going to hap- in the development when they pen." Hoos feels they should receive some monetary reim- purchased their home at the Port of Newcastle. "Originally St. George's St. George's Anglican , Church want their baby Jesus back. Worshippers at the Mill Street Newcastle church noticed that the baby Jesus was missing from the creche on the church lawn this Sunday morning. The figures printed on plastic board of Mary, Joseph and a donkey were erected on the church lawn on December 22nd, along with a sign stating, stating, "He is coming." The 2 ft. by 3 ft. plastic board picture of the baby Jesus, wrapped in swaddling' clothes and lying in a manger was placed in a basket of straw in the manger scene on December 24th, with a sign stating, "He is here." two weeks later the baby disappeared. disappeared. Padre Saunders had explained to the congregation that the Christmas season from the religious point of view is not yet over. It is the season of Epiphany according to the Christian calendar, the time Jesus was shown to the world. Padre Saunders planned to keep the St. George's manger scene up until January 17th, unlike the Christmas scenes found in commercial establishments which disappear in the new year. Parishioner Ann-Marie Harley told the Orono Times that nearby residents were surprised at the loss of the baby. "It's not the sort of thing that happens in Newcastle," they said. "It's sad." BABY JESUS see page 3 receive aumv . , bursement from Kaitlin now the plans show it, and all the that there are no longer plans advertisements said there was to create a golf course in the development. Mrs. Flo Shrives, who also attended Monday's meeting, going to be a golf course," she stated. She and her husband moved from Kemptville and DEVELOPMENT see page 3 in this phase. The current pro- in the development. I hat was Residents object to further development While the neighbourhood is pleased with improvements made on the south east corner of Baldwin Street and, Highway 2 in Newcastle, they are not anxious to see further commercial development in that area. In October 2004 municipal staff received a rezoning application to permit the con version of two existing buildings, buildings, 119 and 123 King Avenue West. The building at 123 King Avenue West has been converted converted into a bakery, which opened in mid November, and has a seating capacity for 17. The applicant Mr. Peter Sainovski would like to con- RESIDENTS see page 4 What's inside • •• Meet the Times' newest reader See page 6