Port Granby Continued from front standard down to .3 mil- lisievert for this project. An adult living in Clarington would on average be exposed to an annual dose of 2.6 millisieverts which includes normal background radiation in Clarington which is 1.4 millisieverts and 1.2 millisieverts from medical sources, explained Mr. McKee. The fact is, stated Moffat, that the project to move the low level radio active waste will not be dangerous, "because we're making sure it's not dangerous." "We wouldn't be allowed to carry on it were harmfully," he said. During the relocation exposure to radiation will not be more than it is today, he explained, and when the project is finished and encapsulated, "exposure will be less," he stated. The current concept, for the purpose of the environmental environmental assessment phase, consists of trucking the waste in enclosed containers, containers, on clean roads, with wheel wash stations and dust monitoring stations, all to minimize the risk to neighbouring neighbouring residents, crops and livestock. Councillor Trim wanted the team to consider using conveyor belts to move the contaminated waste to the new location. "I don't see much of a problem conveying conveying it [contaminated soil], instead of loading and dumping trucks," he said. "I want to be assured that a conveyer system is studied," stated councillor Trim. The LLRWMO is in the process of preparing the environmental study report. At present, they consider the trucking of the waste to the new permanent facility one kilometer north, across Lakeshore Road, to be their preferred option. The exact details on the best method of moving the waste will be explored in the engineering and design phase of the environmental assessment. "LOVEABOUNDS" Petsitting & Transport Wendy Partner - 905-983-9238 The Name Says It All! "LoveAbounds" * Hiili m Looking for a place that treats your pet like home? Look no further! "LoveAbounds" is just that place! My unique petsitting business serves all of Clarington, with services of dog walking, walking, feeding, car rides, administering meds, taking them to the vet, just to name a few. I will look after your pet in your home or mine if you are working late, going out to dinner, have an emergency at home or just to take a break. I will provide proof that I am bonded and insured and certified in pet care. Your pets are never left unattended. "LoveAbounds" vet recommended. Let me love them when you cant! Check out my website at www.loveabounds.com and see what we can do for you! Booking now for the Holiday Season! Don't miss out! Book now! THE ORONO TOWN HALL BOA presents 'teaé/aét with Santa Saturday, December 4th 9am - I lam Ùj * -jW- m x ilM PACKAGE INCLUDES: Pancake Breakfast Gift for Each Child from Santa ADULTS: $5 • CHILDREN: $3 i m V \ 'Potato with S<Mtn (famel fâtdeà rfvaifaMe Sponsored by: Clarington Toyota, Orono DBIA, Municipality of Clarington, Hamilton's Insurance Wednesday, November 24, 2004 OPEN 1 K)USK~SUN. NOV. 28 1-3pm 34 Church St., Orono You won't be disappointed disappointed when you see this beautiful 3 bedroom, brick bungalow with finished finished rec. room, walking distance to downtown Orono. Immaculate inside & out, featuring new carpets, new vinyl flooring, all new vinyl windows and much more. All for only $218,500. °æ§ssr"*œ For more info call MARGUERITE LaFALCIA 905-743-9211 Romance hCW Main Street, Orono Proprietors: Gary, Carol & Cory Vreeker 905-983-9779 Closed Sunday and Monday • Wedding Cakes • Bread & Buns • Cakes for all Occasions • Pastries - Donuts - Pies Christmas Open Cotise 7086 Old Kirby School Rd. Featuring Kirby Centennial Public School Choir Join us in the traditionally decorated Schoolhouse. for hot apple cider, and Christmas cookies and the Grand Opening of the Exhibit "'BïushstŸckts in ^Tinte." Clarington Artists - Past & Present Enjoy works of art by Don Staples, Dick Morton, Pat Best, Todd Tremeer, Merl Slute, David Bennett & A.A. Drummond The Museum Shop will be open with unique Christmas gift items including handcrafted German glass tree ornaments and historical publications. NOVEMBER 28th $ 1:00 - 3:00 pm 00 The flu shot. It's free. Now, it's easier. ft .'ve all seen how serious infectious diseases can be. Gelling your free flu shot Is a good way to protect yourself protect your family ami protect the people around you. Many local pharmacies aie making it raster for you to get your free flu shot by holding llu shot clinics. So get your shot while you shop. Pharmacy Flu Shot Clinics Nov. 15 - 30 Call for a clinic near you. l-8()()-FLlI-'N YOU TTY 1-800-387-5559 www.healtli.gov.on.ca Let's Beat the Flu! (Vj Ontario p,;:/ lYtU'-tf Uffil'! UHi : i •. n u r* ; " V. iu ) .'I ' v,. .'.a , ,1 l„ I - (1 v , » < T *♦ l <*