10 - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 25,2002 ) ALTERATIONS General sewing done in my home, 5 days a week. Phone 905-983- 9761. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT tjn FOR SALE Computers for sale. Pentium I and II. Cheap. Call 905-623-8831 nights. tfn FOR SALE - Hewlett Packard LaserJet 5L printer. $250. Call 905- 983-5301. tfn Drill Press - Carftsman 1/2 H.P. floor model $200. Also, Table Saw - 18 amp. Power Maxx 10" stationary, $300. Call 905-983-5542 25cpn Linda (Snêi the birth of the?second child, Sally Sheridtin; on August 15th, 2002, weighingSIbs, 15oz, measuring 18" long, AND her safe arrival home on August 27th, 2002. After arriving three weeks early, little Sally was diagnosed with a heart defect, rushed by air to Toronto Hospital for Sick Children and surgery followed. She was released from the hospital just one week after surgery and is recovering well. Sally is a little sister for Lucy, the 6th grandchild grandchild for Don and Beverly (Bunny) Snedden of Perth, the 7th grandchild for Malcolm and Sheridan (Sherry) McKenzieof Bethany, the 18th great grandchild for Ruth and Edward McFarland of Gore's Landing, and the 7th great grandchild for the late Dr. Fraser and Daisy McKenzie of Orono. Proud godparents godparents are great uncles Don McKenzie and Michel Lord of Scarborough (Orono). Many thanks to Dr. Constance Ling of Ottawa,Dr. GlenVanArsdell of Toronto, Dr. John Smythe of Kingston, and all the talented and dedicated doctors and nurses nurses at the Kingston General Hospital and the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children. Special thanks to all our family ■ and friends for their support and love i,' < during-Sally's adventure. HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE LIMITED Representing: Pilot Insurance, Farmer's Mutual Lindsay, Halifax Competitive Rates AUTO • HOME • BUSINESS INSURANCE "Serving Orono & Area for Over 50 Years" 905-983*5115 Our Sweet Corn Beans Pickles Tomatoes FRESH PICKED FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT FRUIT MARKET ~ Early Apples ~ Pears: Bartlett and Club's Favorite Excellent Ontario Peaches Plums • Melons • Potatoes (3 kinds/ V/ Farming/Livestock FOR SALE - 125 oat bales $1.50 each, you pick up. Also, 4-year old Guard Llama up-to- date on shots, worming, trimming. $400 obo. Call 905-983-5968 25ac Wanted to Rent Apartment or room wanted to rent in Orono, Newcastle or Enniskillen. Enniskillen. Non-smoker, good references. Relocating to be near fire department. department. Call Lisa 905- 438-8331., 25ac South of Orono Hwy. 115/35 Call Anytime: 905-983-5628 "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" You can help support youth by providing leadership in the Ontario's Promise program. There are five promises at its core: a healthy start, an adult who cares, safe places to learn and grow, the tools to succeed, and a chance to make a difference. difference. Corporations, organizations and agencies can get more nformation at www.ontariosprdmise.com. BUSINESS OPPS. WATKINS HAS HELPED Independent Associates develop secure incomes since 1868. If you are an enthusiastic self-starter who wants to earn incremental income, call 1-800-375-1114. FORTUNES HAVE BEEN MADE $$$$. Successful people buy when everyone is selling & sell when everyone else is buying. Many of today's fortunes were built during tough economic times. GET the information you need to make the right decision. decision. CALL NOW for a FREE Market Reportl! 1-800-663-3105 (24 HRS) INVENTORS - PRODUCT IDEAS WANTED! FREE INFORMATION PACKAGE. Develop & professionally present your new product idea to manufacturers through Davison, an award winning firm. Patent assistance available: 1-800-544-3327 (24 hrs). LEARN AUCTIONEERING, Classes held November 9-15, 2002. For information contact: Southwestern School of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9.1-888- 673-6999. BE "A SUCCESSFUL WRITER with our great home-study course. Send for the FREE-BOOK that explains it all. Call 1-800-267- 1829. Quality of Course, Ottawa, ON. WORKER'S COMP PROBLEMS? WE GET RESULTS! For FREE ' consuitatiori and advice CALL our Toll-Free number 1-888- 747-6474 Serving all Ontario. PART-TIME SALES. Sell fundraising products to schools/groups. Suit parent with school age children, retiring teachers, principals. School vacations and summers off. CALL 1-800-268-1250 Ext. 3209. BULL HAULERS. Owner/operators and drivers needed to haul livestock. 2 years driving experience. Ralore Trucking (1998) Ltd,, (Adventure Livestock Ltd,) David (Mitch) Mitchell. 1-866- 433-9993. FOR SALE SAWMILL $4995.00 All new Super Lumbermate 2000, larger capacities, more options. Norwood Industries, manufacturer of sawmills, edgers and skidders. Free information. 1-800-566- 6899, ext. 400.0T. NEED A COMRUTEILDON'T HAVE CASH? The Original IBM PC, just $1 a day..no money down! The Buck A Day Company. CALL: 1-800-666-3547, www.buckaday.com INTERNET PC $24.99/month. RENT TO OWN. Complete Internet ready Pentium II computer. No credit check. Re- Compute Toll-Free: 1-877-795-9433. REDUCE YOUR HEATING BILLS! Outdoor hot water furnaces, wood, coal, also oil, gas, electric boilers, Radiators, pumps, Kitec pipe, controls. 1-888-385-4328. Email sales@heatinn.com website www.heatinn.com TAKE THE' AGONY OUT of learning multiplication tablés! Kids love playing "Fun Times" until they master them. Agest 8-15+. Single player. Tested & proven, www.funtimesgames.com or 1- 866-227-8881. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE DUE TO SEVERE DROUGHT we need to liquidate our herd of alpacas. $365,000 value sacrifice for $180,000 O.B.O. Serious inquiries. Sask. 306-873- 4926 or 306-873-5001. www.circleoffriendsalpacas.com. HEALTH DON'T LIKE SURPRISES? Have you ever experienced an involuntary involuntary or uncontrollable loss of urine (wetting acddent)? If you answered yes, you may have overactive bladder. Talk to your doctor or call 1-877-2BLADDER for more information. -- HELP WANTED ACCESS TO A COMPUTER? Be your own bossl Full training training providedl Earning potential UNLIMITED! FREE INFO ONLINE, www.joyofmoney4u.com CEDAR LOGS WANTED. Buying standing-roadside-or delivered to our yard. Trucking available. Best prices paid. Large volume required. Gerry 613-543-2666. Fax 613-543-4258. EXPERT.PSYCHICS...Try Us First! Your Future 1 Revealed by Your Personal Psychic. Sincere & Genuine Readings. Call 24 hours. 1-900-561-2100 $2.95/min. 18+ DIVORCE SURVIVAL STRATEGIES-.Before spending large sums on legal fees, call THE FAMILY LAW CENTRE to understand your rights & obligations. Our lawyers will present you with your options & offer smart & proven strategies to help reduce your legal fees, safeguard your assets & defend your child custody & access rights. Don't be a victim! "Separate Smarf.Joll- Free1 -866-879-3 -REAL ESTATE OKANAGAN LIVINGI On the shores of : Osoyoos Lake, B.C. Brand new lake front apartments starting from $89,900. Townhomes from $169,900. Call 1-866-738-1002 or visit: www.casa-del-lago.ca STEEL BUILDINGS ALL STEEL BUILDINGS...FACT0RY DIRECT...N0 DEALERS 25'x32' $7200, 25'x40' $7800; 30'x40' $9500, 32'x50' $12,000, 40'x60' $16,500. Many other sizes and prices. Call 1-800-504-7749 PioneerBujldings.com VAf.AilON/lRAVtL TIMESHARE RESALES. Worldwide Selection. ERA STROMAN Since 1979. CALL NOW! Buyers call 1400-613-7987. Sellers call 1-800-201-0864. www.timesharelink.com. WAN! LI i WANTED OLD TUBE HI-FI - McIntosh. Marantz Fisher tannoy Scott Goodmans Eico Heathkit Hammond organs. Leak Quad Vitavox J.B.L. Western, Northern Electric. No furniture. 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