^ Qrono Weekly Times, Wednesday, August 28,2002 - 11 Birth Announcement YAKE, Murray and Sonya (nee Raffm) are proud to announce the arrival of their daughter, > Vanessa Sonya Yake. She was bom April 30, 2002, weighing 7 lbs. 12 ozs. Proud Grandmother Norma Taylor of Oshawa and proud Grandfather Douglas Yake of Uxbridge. Grand-daughter of the late Celso and Anna Raffm of Port Perry. A very special thank you to Dr. Kassirer for his outstanding support. Also, a special thanks to Marilyn, Cathy and the rest of the staff at Lakeridge Health Bow- manville for their care that went above and beyond. 28 cpn ap WANTED CAMARO WANTED 1981 or 1980 for parts or restoration. Also '69 Camaro. (rusty ok). Call 905-431-0407. 14, 21, 28, 4 ap DAWSON Cemetery MONUMENTS Full-size Monuments From $1849 Flot fil Pllloui Markers also available. Low Ovêrtiêod Low Prient *** PH Monument Hrrongements modo privototy In your homo. Coll Tom Henderson In Orono at 905-983-9608 visit our website at: www.DawionMonuments.oom FOR SALE For Sale - Ducklings and ducks, 2 weeks and up (Muscovy arid mix). $4.00 each. Call 905- 983-1053 28, 4 cpn HELP WANTED Daycare wanted in Orono before and after school for 9 year old boy. Non-smoking family. family. Call Carole at 905- 213-0295 cell. 14,21, '28 ac Part-time, daytime help wanted at Village Bake Shop starting September. 28 ac Help Wanted - Part-time . seasonal, arena assistant (rink rat) for evenings and weekends. Ideal for student. Apply in writing writing to: Orono Arena, 2 Princess St, Orono, ON LOB 1M0 28,4 ac DOG TRAINING CHIENDOR DOG TRAINING 35 years experience. Call 905-983-5457 for September Classes. 14, 21, 28, 4,11, 18 ac Traditional Usui Method of Energy Healing • gentle and effective • benefits for physical, mental and emotional issues Jflfo appts/classes fSj call: Bonn! Yerex Reiki Master/Teacher 1-905-983-5552 rfiikibon@hotmail.com (put "reiki" on subject line) FOR SALE BIRD HOUSES For Sale For Bluebirds, Chickadees Chickadees and Wrens, $10.00 each or multiples multiples $8.50 each. Roy Forrester, 6 North Mill Lane, Orono. 905-983- 5147. tfn For Sale - 1982 CB900 Honda motorcycle, 34,000 km, full fairing, $2000. Call 905-983- 5552. 28 cpn For Sale - Skates: Size 4-1/2 CCM Pro-Lite Tacks worn one month. Size 4 Bauer Supreme 5000. Pants: Tackla 140's, Vic Ultra Lite 120's. Call ,905-983- 9529. 21, 28 cpn FOR SALE - Sega system system with two controllers and 7 games, asking $50.00; Boys left hand ed Wilson Extreme golf clubs asking $40.00; Yamaha Keyboard portable portable AC/DC asking $30.00; Call 905-983- 5266. 21, 28 cpn FOR SALE - 1989 Pontiac Sunbird: 4-door, 4-cylinder, automatic, excellent condition, well maintained. Call 905-983-8150. 28, 4 cpn FOR SALE - Pool, 15' round, 4-feet deep, asking asking $600., or best offer. Includes winter cover and solar blanket. Call 905-263-2693. 28, 4 cpn The " ffopte Blossom §hop flover * &G ^ Orono 983-9155 • Oshawa 433-2515 www.appleblossomflowers.com "We don't just specialize... We make every order special." YARD SALE YARD SALE 5222 Ochonski Road, Orono. Friday, Saturday, Saturday, and Sunday, August 30j 31, and Sept. 1, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Rain or shine. 21, 28 cpn YARD & POND PLANT SALE Friday, Saturday and Sunday, August 30, 31 & September 1st. from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. rain or shine. 7242 Carscadden Rd., Orono. Bring your own bucket and shovel. 905-983-5701 28 cpn NOTICES That's your business. That's ours. Call Alcoholics Anonymous Lakeshore Districts 905-728-1020 G0RD ROBINSON Local Councillor, Ward 4 Home Phone/Fax • ' 905-786-2970 Bus Rhone 905-623-3379 Ext. 294 Fax 905-623-5717 Email council@municipalitÿ.çlarington.on.ca 40 Temperance Street DISTRESS CENTRE DURHAM FEELING CORNERED? SCARED? ALONE? Distress Centre Durham offers a free, confidential, 24-hour, help-line service. Call 905-433-1121 or 1-800-452-0688. To volunteer call 905-723-4461 or visit: www. distress centredurham.com for info. Travel & Tours Goliger's Travel/ Plus BUS TOURS LONG STAY Sept.4-5- Niagara Falls Getaway Sept. 13 -15 -The Battle of Plattsburgh (Concert Band) Sept. 22-25- Agawa Canyon & Frankenmuth Oct. 12-27- Portugal (15 days) Algarve Oct. 20-23 - Quebec City & Montreal Nov. 23-24 -Niagara Falls Christmas Shopping DAY TOURS Aug. 29 - Red Barn "Last of Red Hot Mamas" Sept. 76-Oktoberfest with The Walters Family Sept. 25-Wenonah II Muskoka Cruise Sept. 28-Autumn St. Jacob's Tour Oct. 8 -Shaw Festival Hayfever Oct. 9 - Bancroft Colour Tour CASINO RAMA - $3 905-623-1511 Pro Painting •General Repairs "No Job Too Small" • Reasonable Rates • • Reliable Service • "Book your Spring & Summer painting now! " 905-983-5761 Clifford Francis BARINA V HOME CHECK "Let us make your home look lived in " • Vacation Home Checking • Wedding Day Services •... or whenever you're away RELIABLE REFERENCES 905-786-2996 Barb Shetler • Ina Cox Serving Newtonville, Newcastle, Orono & surrounding communities. Listed In While & Yellow Pages Kendal Bingo Results The winners at the Kendal Lodge Bingo of Tuesday, August 20, are as follows: One time winners: Helen Couroux, Lovey Cathcart Two time winners: Dorothy Stark, Anne Zealand Three time winners: Ilona Riggers, Brenda Lowery Five time winners: Dora Mac Donald, Carol Smale Newtonville Euchre Tournament Results August 17 1 - Olive Little - 83 2 - Liz Reynders - 83 3 - Joyce Cowan - 81 4 - Norma Moffat - 78 DRAWS 1 - Liz Reynders 2 - Thelma Vagg 3 -Thelma Vagg LONE HANDS Olive Little, Doreen Green, Lil Bolder- stone, Wallace Boughen Next Tournament Sept. 21 -1 p.m. Wes's Small Engine Repair wo do n an... SNOWBLOWERS LAWNM0WERS • TRIMMERS CHAIN SAWS CHAIN SAW SHARPENING You name it, we do ill 5105 Main Street, Orono for service call 905-983-9772 GRUNDYS Country Upholstery Qualify Work in Upholstery ❖ ❖ ❖ Shop at Home Service Visit our Showroom 3375 Cone. Rd. 7 (905) 983-9874 www.grundysupholstery.com BRYON GRUNDY