Engagement, Milne - Aitken Sandra and Walter Milne of Wilmot Creek, Newcastle, and Connie and Alex Aitken of Windsor are very happy to announce the coming marriage of their children David and Charlene. Their marriage will take place at Fantasy Farm on Friday, July 14th, 2000. Rev. Norman Seli of- Tyrone United Church will perform the ceremony. Both families wish the happy couple much joy in the years ahead. r v ON THE WING by Roy Forrester With the calendar turning turning to the month of June I find it has been seven weeks of checking nesting boxes and felt it was time to tabulate the results. I was somewhat surprised in the results which include right into the past weekend. weekend. A total of 26 boxes make up the full compliment of nesting boxes all of the same size with the exception exception of the nest box housing housing the Great Crested Flycatchers. It is some larger with a larger entrance opening. Two of the boxes are in the back yard while the remainder are spread out between an Unopened Road Allowance west of Leskard < road (Skelding Road) and a further Unopened Road Allowance west of Highway 35 between Regional Road 20 and Concession 9 Road. Of the 26 boxes 18 are, being used' with the following following count: Bluebirds 4 Tree Swallows 5 House Wrens 7 Chickadees 1 Flycatcher 1 The Bluebird count has three sitting on eggs and one with young ready to leave the nest. They are almost fully feather out. Five in number. I might say that Bluebirds generally have two nestings and in some cases it could be three. It takes 12 to 14 days for the eggs to hatch and some two weeks before leaving the nest. The five boxes with Tree Swallows are all with egg with a couple near to hatching. They nest but once a year but with timing timing such as that of the Bluebirds. In both cases, Bluebirds and Swallows, the female does all the nest sitting being feed by her mate during the two week period. period. The Wrens outnumber all others on our route taking taking up seven nests. Of the seven four contain eggs. The others are likely incompleted dummy nests which were built by the males. The males arrive first to th nesting area and will start building incompleted incompleted nests for the female to make a choice. She may turn aside both and start another solely of her choice. As far as the activity at the 26 boxes I am most pleased especially with the Bluebirds and the two bird species in the backyard. In fact it has been somewhat somewhat of a learning experience experience especially keeping tab on the young as they develop develop in the nest. I was always of the opinion opinion that the young were always stretching their neck for food when the parent parent birds enter the nest with a tidbit. From my examination these young are always asleep on opening opening the front. In fact at times I wondered if they were alive and putting my finger under their bill lifting lifting up th e head to see hardly any movement of the young bird. The head dropped back in place. jdwh/ V SPeff/ - 50/a A step in Time. À single moment in history. Marriage, birth, friends and family. Haifa century of Love. 50 years of hard work. A life forged together. Evelyn & Alistair, Donald <& Susan, Linda & David and families. The young also create a perfect circle in the nest with their butt ends into the middle and their heads at the outer rim of the circle. circle. It does make sense both for d clean house and feeding. Nature does have its ways and they have been tested by time. School Board Meeting Resched uled Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board representatives are looking forward to meeting with Ministry of Education senior staff and local MPPs on June 14, following cancellation for the meeting scheduled for June 6. The June 6 meeting was rescheduled due to unavailability of Ministry staff. Instead, the group will met at the Ministry officials in Toronto at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, June 14. "We look forward to meeting with the Ministry officials and MPPs", says Catharine Tozer, Board Chairperson. "Our intent is to confirm our understanding of the complex funding formula, explore all possible options for funding and ensure we are able to access the funds available." St. Saviour*s Anglican Church MILL ST., ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. David R. Saunders, CD 983-5594 • 987-2019 Sunday Service, Sunday School & Youth Group 9:30 a.m. 1st & 3rd Sunday of Month HOLY COMMUNION * * * * * 2nd &4th Sunday . MORNING PRAYER Newcastle Community Church Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 a.nu 390 Mill St. North (North at lights, first right to end) ~ AMPLE PARKING ~ Prpaching this week Rev. David Chisling "Doing Well, Thanks for Asking" III, 'in in inn nil ■■--■I in I ii i ii i il, iiiiiinim ■11111-- ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Minister Rev. Mervyn Russell Church Office 983-5502 SUNDAY SERVICES Kirby United Church at 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church 11:00 a.m. "Wheelchair Access" ***** Sunday School Classes and Nursery facilities available during Church Services ***** A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE «S® 7s£ W S Orono Country Cede, Ç. Full Menu l) -®- W Main Street., Orono, Ontario • 983-9009 & Tea Room » Wedding Cakes • Cakes for all Occasions • Pastries - Don uts - Pies • Bread & Buns Closed Sunday & Monday Proprietors: Gary & Carol Vreeker Main Street, Orono 983-9779