Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 29 Mar 1989, p. 3

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Happy 30th Melody Letter to editor Dear Mr. Editor: consulting the map opposite page In last weeks paper there was a 248, she could have determined that photo of a house at 5085 Main 5085 Main was not a Gamsby Street, termed the "Guy Gamsby home. House". This building is NOT the This does little to promote the Guy Gamsby house. credibility of LACAC. If Mrs. Doug Dewell, the writer of the information for the Local A change of subject - too bad no Architectural Conservation Ad- one thought it of importance to visory Committee (LACAC), had celebrate the 100th anniversary of done her research this error would the organization of library services not have been made. By reading in Orono last December 11th. page 227 of Out of the Mists, and Helen Schmid Letter to Editor Dear Roy: new landfills would be required at The residents of the various com- SO me point in time, here we are in munities which make up the five 1989 on the eve 0 f a garbage crisis. Regions, in the Greater Toronto Enough said. Area (GTA) waited with bated j WO uld now like to continue with breath* as the Premier and the ^ extens ; on t0 t h e 4 r> s _> a * C om- Regional Chairmen hdd their recent pre bensive "R"got for your inconference inconference at the Ontario Science terçst; Centre. It was hoped that there "Xo review the recent announce- would be a great panacea announc- ment of our representatives is to ed which would seriously address re joice in their re-iteration and our garbage woes. As the media regurgitation of the repeated stories filtered out, it became ap- reassurance to react with resolve parent that there was, indeed, ljttle ^ responsibility to the 4 R's - 'news* to report. This same view REDUCE, RE-USE, RECYCLE has been re-iterated consistently in ^ RECOVER. Refusal has also numerous editorials. been re-written into the recitation. * It appears to me that we all agree For citizens to react with respect that increased commitment to the, ^ regar d to the rekindled rela- Four R's was the overall message. tionship of the Regional represeh- Part of thfe hidden message is that tatives, is to realize the requirement the politicians (and staff) shall be to re f ra j n from rehearsed repetition looking to the citizens for their aid ^ rete nj ng 0 f the 4 R's. Renewed in the decision-making process. resolve to reinforce recycling and This is a truly commendable ap- reduction requirements through reproach; reproach; however, we are.kept in the wor ki n g legislation, retraining dark every step of the way. Are we society, rewarding industry and re- to be kept more informed? In the jeering revolters are reassuring, meantime, unless I missed the boat Regardless of the reborn respect somewhere along the line, the situa- of the s i tua ti 0 n, there is little relief tion appears as follows to me: the f or recess; indeed, a re-examination municipal staff are hired for their 0 f the process is required in order to expertise in long-range planning by ( refrain from relapse, repetition, or the politicians. The politicians are worse yet, regression. Re-vàmping elected by the citizens. Part of the ^ re fining the siting process job includes making many tough wou id result in restored regard of decisions, on our behalf. It is ap- a y representatives. Another parent, though, that although the realistic requirement would inclùde politicians of the GTA, and their renouncement of the relentless respective staff (of the day) were repression of relevant information aware up to ten (10) vears ago that Kendal Hall News Report Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 29, 1989-3 Despite the fact that mother nature loaded us down with, snow, on Friday, March 17th there were 9'A tables, of euchre players present at the hall. High score was won by, John Lowery, 2nd high Dave Spencer, 3rd high Alec Moffat, 4th high Evelyn Marchant. The 50/50 draw was won by Fred Griffin. The special St. Patrick draw of a shamrock was won by Evelyn Marchant, Marchant, for the lady wearing the most green. See you all on Friday, March 31stl The Junior Lodge held a practice, at the hall, on Thursday, March 16th. On Saturday, March 18th, the men met for the Royal Arch Degree and meeting. On Wednesday, March 22nd four members were Exalted Exalted to the Royal Scarlet. The next meeting of Kendal L.O.L. 405 will be held on Wednesday, Wednesday, April 5th. On Saturday, March 25th four pair of Euchre players from Kendal L.O.L. and Kendal Hills L.O.B.A., took part in a Euchre put on by the 'Warkwarth Lodge. Cathy Switzer and Brenda Lowery, of the L.O.B.A. placed 2nd, and Wayne and Richard Lowery of the L.O.L. placed 3rd, that's showing them Ladies. This makes up for the bowling results. To discuss local school housing crisis An educational lobby group - the Northumberland and Newcastle branch of the Ontario Public Education Committee - plans to meet local builders to exchange view points on the province's controversial controversial proposed lot levy, and to raise its concerns about current, provincial funding of education. Michael Slocombe, Chairperson of OPEN, and a trustee with The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, said he hopes the meeting will encourage builders to look beyond the lot levy issue and at the critical issue of provincial funding "which is inadequate." The builders strongly oppose the proposed levy arguing that new from citizens. Such restriction only results in reserved response and resigned resistance to relate to the re-surfaced "refreshing reformation reformation and rejuvenation" which has been referred to as reshaping and rebuilding the process. Not intending intending to rebuke the restorative measures, but to revert to earlier remarks regarding restored respect from the residents to the representatives, representatives, is to rehash the rehabilitative requirements and to remind the representatives to resist any attempts to relax their resolve to reverse the crisis. Revelations of substance would remove any opportunity opportunity to refute efforts with reproof or redress. Co-operation is revived. Remorse and regret can be restrained. restrained. Respect will be regained, and could be retained." What I am trying to say is that promotion of the 4 R's does indeed rate high in resolving the crisis. We all agree on the merits. But, going beyond that, is the necessity for an entirely different approach to our attitudes towards garbage - beginning beginning right at the point of manufacture manufacture and purchase. What we are looking for is leadership, commitment commitment and steadfast resolve. There is no room at the dump, and no dump in sight! What I fear now is that quick-fix solutions will become the order of the day, and we shall all have regrets for which there will be no solutions. I can't help but feel annoyed and frustrated with this dilemma and feel cheated by those who have been in the positions of long-term planning, and who appear appear to have been delinquent in their responsibilities. I wonder: how many other areas of planning have also been subject to such neglect due to their political nature as "hot potatoes"? Sincerely, (Mrs.) Helen MacDonald ♦Post Script: "R"got - "argot" - "unintelligible jargon" "vocabulary peculiar.to a particular group of people" - reverse political rhetoric. homebuyers will end up paying it. Trustees with The Northumberland ànd Newcastle Board of Education recently approved the idea as a temporary temporary measure to help ease the current current school accommodation crisis. "There may be a housing crisis in certain parts of the province, but there is also an eduational 'housing' crisis province-wide," said Slocombe, adding that about 18 per cent of elementary students in this Board are currently housed in portables portables and the number will climb is more people move into the area. "The rapid growth east of . Oshawa means overcrowding in some of our schools and that means there isn't enough space for libraries or gyms." Slocombe, Dr. Gary Tushingham, Director of Education for the Board, and the Board's Superintendent of Business, Ron Sudds, will meet with Wayne Jeffery, Jeffery, President 1 of the Oshawa- Durham Home Builders' Association Association and with Bob Haynes, President President of the Northumberland (Continued page 11) HELP WANTED Tree Pullers required approximately April 10th for 3 to 4 weeks Orono Nursery, phone 433-7290 and leave a message or ap^ly at the Orono Nursery Wednesday to Friday from 9' to 4. Binkley Lawn and Garden Care incorporated Nuclear Industry hazards must he addressed In a letter to the Region of Durham Irene Kock, on behalf of the Durham Nuclear Awareness group states that the nuclear industry industry with its associated hazards must be addressed at the planning stage. She states that Durham residents must be provided with adequate plans to enable them to cope with a nuclear accident. "The official plan should give a "special designation" to the emergency planning zones and restrict population density to a level which will make prompt evacuation feasible," states the letter. She also states that residents should be à subject of a thorough base-line health study so as to tract the public health impact of the day- to-day activities of the nuclear industry industry in the community. . The letter asks that the Region encourage the province to phaseout phaseout nuclear energy replacing it with conservation initiatives and the use of new technology for electricity production. Kock would also have the Region set forth a special policy for the Pickering and Darlington sites to ensure the proper handling and storage of waste and to prepare for the decommissioning of the facilities. It was stated that DNA feels that it is the Region's responfibility to ensure that planning is carried out in a *ay which benefits all residents of the Region, for the present and for the future. "We do not inherit the earth from our parents, we borrow it from our children," stated the letter. letter. THE REGIONAL - MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM NOtlCE.OF LANDFILL CLOSURE The SCUGOG LANDFILL î>ITE will close permanently on March 31, 1989. Facilities to accept residential household refuse only will be provided at the site starting starting on April 1, 1989. The hours of operation will remain unchanged at: Monday-to Friday ■ 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday ■ 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. W.A. TWELVETREES, P. Eng. COMMISSIONER ÔF WORKS

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