IO-Onmn VV vi'kly l imes, \Yvilnvs<l:i>, December 21, 1988 From the speaker 's corner Helen Macdonald, R.R. Newton- ville and Jan Mayer, Hayden, took advantage of the speaker's corner at the Moonlight Madness event in downtpwn Orono last Thursday. In the above case they spoke Technology grads 100% placement Durham College is hard pressed to fill the demand for Technology grads with 100 per cent job placement placement in the field. While demand for Technology graduates is ever increasing, increasing, the number of students entering Technology courses is not keeping pace although these grads obviously enjoy excellent career choices, opportunities and wages. This year, overall, 97.4 per cent of Durham College's postsecondary postsecondary graduates have found employment. The statistics'represent statistics'represent the employment status of postsecondary postsecondary graduates six months after graduation. The percentage of students employed is based on the number seeking full-time employment. employment. - *» Durham graduated 878 students from post-secondary programs in 1988. Of that number, 744 were seeking full-time employment, '27 were not, 88 chose to continue their Compliments of . . . OF THE SEASON We d like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family the best of the season, May the peace and joy which is its true meaning be with you always. We have been happy to serve you throughout this past year and look forward to serving you in the future. And we wish you all the happiest of holidays and a most prosperous New Year. Major Plumbing & Heating Ltd. RUSS, JOYCE, DUANE and JASON from, the corner at Mom's Kitchen with a somewhat witty and cleaver piece on garbage. education, and 19 could not be reached. Of the 744 seeking fulltime fulltime employment, 88.7 per cent are employed in a field related to their training. Post-secondary programs that had a 100 per cent placement rate in related employment were Sports Administration (3 year program), Public Relations, Graphic Design (3 year program), Business Administration, Administration, Office Systems Administration, Administration, Office Administration, Administration, Office Administration (Secretarial-Executive option), Dental Hygiene, Chemical Engineering Technology, Civil Engineering Technology, Electronics Electronics Engineering Technology (Computer option), Electronic Engineering Technology (Industrial option), Mechanical Engineering Technology (CAD/CAM option). The College" offers 46 post secondary programs. For more information information on Durham College programs programs call the Admissions Office 576-0210, Ext. 244. Sleigh rides at Conservation Area The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Conservation Authority is offering sleigh rides at the Enniskillen Conservation Conservation area on Sunday, January 15th and 29th from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Price $1.50.. Conservation area north of Hampton to 7th concession and then west to Hall's Road. The route is well marked. m i 1 Durham East Progressive Conservative Association SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING ACRES RESTAURANT TAUNTON ROAD EAST OF LIBERTY ST. Tuesday, January 10 ' 8:00 p.m. Delegates will be elected, from the membership, for a Special General meeting of the Ontario P.C. Association, to be held in Toronto, to debate Constitutional Amendments. Amendments. Pres. Eleanor Colwell Secretary, Fred Gardiner The Regional Municipality of Durham HOLIDAY CLOSURE of SANITARY LANDFILL SITE The NEWCASTLE TRANSFER" STATION (formerly the. DARLINGTON LANDFILL SITE) will be closed on Monday," Monday," December 26 and Tuesday, December 27,^1988, for Christmas Day arid Boxing Day. Normal operations' will resume on Wednesday, December 28, 1988. PLEASE NOTE the Newcastle Transfer Station (formerly (formerly the Darlington Landfill Site) will not reopen in the new year, " W.A. TWELVETREES, P.ENG. COMMISSIONER OF WORKS DURHAM Holiday Joys and Dreams With each bright- day of this holiday 'goes our warrrfest thanks to you all- Wakefield Insurance „ Rolfe and Bev. (i) (ii) (iii) . $20.00 each For the third dog $30.0.0 For the fourth and each additional dog* ...... (iv) For a spayed or neutered dog $50.00 each $10.00 each DISCOUNTS: (i) For each licence purchased on or before March 1st, 1989 » . - $2.00 discount (■ii) For proof of rabies innoculation at time of licence purchase « -$2.00discount Brian P. Irwin , By-law Enforcement Officer 40 Temperance'Street Bowmanville, Ontario , L1C 3A6 Date of'Publication: December 21, 1988 The Corporation of the TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS DOG LICENCES 1989 1989 dog licences will go on sale Monday, January 2nd,. 1989, and may be'purchased at the following locations: (1) Newcastle Jown Hall, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville (2) Animal Control Facility, Liberty Street South, Bowmanville SCHEDULE OF FEES: For the first and second dog .