Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, January 13, 1988-3 What a Mill Ponds for in winter Snow fall has not been bountiful have been ideal, cold and not too so far this winter and although.that may deter some outdoor winter sports it is not the case for mill pond skating. Weather conditions No truck parking ruled by council (Continued from page 1) laws for years. In speaking of an OMB hearing he suggested that the Town's legal and planning staff would be placed in a position to testify against one another. It was stated that the applicants had never asked to sit down with the complaintants to discuss the issue. Counc. Cowman said the issue had been going on for some 18 months and was told by Le» Guy that those in opposition had asked enforcement of the existing by-law in the fall of 1986. He also said it was not their purpose to make life difficult for the applicants or to put them out of business but rather to protect the value of their own in-* terest in their properties. Like most council members Ar- not Wotten said he was disappointed, disappointed, that the two factions could not sit down and come to some form ef agreement. He noted that the existing by-law did allow for the parking of a 4000 pound vehicle on residential properties and wondered what the difference was when the vehicle weight was 10,000 pounds. In reply Guy said when you start bending the by-laws you are on the slippery slopes of defeating the purpose purpose of the laws. Counc. Wotten said he had great * Funds available t for students (Continued from page 1) are available to help a learning disable student who needs a computer computer for home use, for example, or for a senior secondary student attending attending a leadership training course. Grants, so far, have assisted students who participated in a writers' workshop, in the Ontario Leadership Pilot Program, and in a European trip with the Ontario Youth Orchestra. , The Fund is supported by The Northumberland and Newcastle Bpard of Education and by the Separate School Board. Donations are tax deductible. Further information information is available in writing to the 1 ui;d, c/o Box 866, Cobourg, On- .... K'>,\ 4S3. much snow to shovel to clear a skating space. It is the case at the Orono Mill Pond and over the week-end it was in constant use as displayed by the Ryckman family and some from the Jones and Mitchell families. An ice pad with no ending. concerns but would be supporting the existing by-laws and the denial of the application. The councillor, the week before, had helped turn aside the denial recommendation as presented by the planning department. department. Irwin Hamilton, speaking for those opposing the rezoning, said to make such a change would be a significant shift in planning and would be the first move in totally dismantling the Town's comprehensive comprehensive by-law. He said there would be no need for a planning department or for that matter a by-law enforcement enforcement officer. In speaking of the presentation by George Pollitt on behalf of the applicants at a previous meeting Hamilton said Pollitt didn't and couldn't argue his case on the principal principal of planning. Rather, said Hamilton, he told council the application application had been submitted to avoid prosecution, Hamilton also sated that with the issue going , to the Ontario Municipal Board the Board will only only consider the application as it relates to the planning issue. He further stated that the recommendation recommendation from the General Purpose committee was to say, "Get lost". Mayor Winter stated he was there to uphold the conditions of the bylaw bylaw and voted to support the recommendation recommendation of the planning department. department. Counc. Harare said she thought through the establishment of a site plan all concerns could be meet and this, she said, was the recommendation recommendation of the General Purpose committee. committee. Counc. McKnight spoke in support support of the planning recommendation recommendation which he said was quite clear that the application did not conform conform with the intent of the by-law. He questioned if this was a different form of residential area and asked if approval was a matter of accommodation. accommodation. Counc. Stapleton came out again in support of allowing vehicle parking parking and suggested a temporary rezoning which the planner said would not apply as such are meant only for buildings. Fie also suggested that the Town's by-law did not hold water and the applicants applicants needed their trucks on their own property for their businesses. ^Around Home Weather In Which To Hike Although we may be somewhat disappointed in the amount of snow this winter putting a damper on cross country skiing we certainly could not be critical of the weather conditions over the past week-end. One just had to get out in the outdoors outdoors to enjoy those things that nature does provide. With the sun shining in the windows windows . at the office on Saturday afternoon it was off with binoculars to see what may be lurking around in the harbours at Oshawa and Whitby. Certainly Canada Geese continue with their presence and in Whitby a large flock of Common Mergansers were swimming in and out of the chunks of ice. Being in south Whitby we took the opportunity to hike through a small nature area at Cranberry Marsh where the Conservation Authority fills at least twenty feeders with bird seed. Entering the area the air was filled filled with the chirping of birds and this was not unlike the sounds the spring arrival of birds at Point Pelee bring. It was more than one could hope for. Tree sparrows by the .thousands along with chickadeçs, white breasted nuthatches and mourning doves were prevelant. I was quite surprised with the happy sounds in the area and intend to revisit the area on another such day. A little closer to home Brian Colville Colville reports an interest by his son in the birds around their home between between the seventh and 'eighth concession. concession. He reports 'a robin still around. Donna is the birder at home and reports Pine Siskins, American Gold Finch, Tree Sparrows, House Sparrows and House Finch. Unfortunately Unfortunately the appearance and a day stay of a Sharp Shinned Hawk scared some the birds àway. Facing ■ another good day of weather on Sunday it was off to the Petroglyph Game Preserve just south of Apsley with Bill Bunting. We joined a group of birdert from as far away as Hamilton tak ing part in an Ontario Federation of Naturalist trip searching for eagles. ' Bill and: 1 have tripped to the reserve at least three times in search of the birds in the winter with no success. liie naturalist organization had made arrangements that the group could enter upon mining property and as such were able to occupy a high crest of roack overlooking a great panorama of forested and lake land. It was a great viewing point, high above the trees, with advantages advantages over areas which Bill and I had previously visited'. We did see one immature Bald Eagle but at a distance. A number of Ravens did fly and soar by. It was pointed out that the previous day three bald eagles were sighted along with a golden eagle. It's always tne case . . .the day before or the day after. The birds apparently feed on deer carcasses and the reserve does have an abundance of deer as the area has been closed off to hunting which has been a contentious issue. The mine operation, we were told, mines rock grinding the rock into an abrasive for such as sandpaper sandpaper and swimming pool filters. As to birds Esther Allin reported earlier this winter a regular visit to their bird feeder of a Red Bellied Woodpecker. A most unusual oc- curance for this area, winter or summer. All we need now is a couple more days of sun and bearable temperature to enjoy the oudoors again. ATTENTION Former Clarke High Students C.H.S. is celebrating its Twenty-fifth Anniversary and Reunion in June If you haven't received your letter yet or know of someone who has not been contacted contacted please write giving name" and/or mai.den name and address to: , CLARKE REUNION P.O. BOX 371, ORONO, ONTARIO LOB 1M0 by January 31st REFLECTIONS JANUARY 8th to 30tH REFLECTIONS IS RE-LOCATING with Exciting Additions tev'v. We Are Moving In February and MOVING SHOULD BE FUN Help Us Have Fun and Reduce Inventory Pop A Balloon for DISCOUNTS 10 to 100% On Each Purchase