Most points in show Mrs. Isabelle Challice, Or consistant winner at flower was presented with the G Imperial Bank of Commerce plate last week having the points in the summer flowji vegetable shop- ono, a The show was held last Thursday shows, evening in the Orono Oddfellows 'gnadian Hall. The Oddfellow's Hall was be- silver ing used as a new furnace is being most installed in the Orono United er and Church, the usual meeting place for the Orono Horticultural Society. The Laser-Beak bird Never a day goes by thi doesn't learn something Perhaps from a lack of knc; or 1 would rather believe fr fact that there is an abundai new ideas and things con^i stream at such a rate it is record. So hearing about the Las^i bird was a new one. A couple qf weeks ago and I were visiting Jim, Narii the kids just north of Pictori the family now resides. It has some time to restore and ri an olcfrfarm house located o 80 acres of pasture land and bush quite close to the Mount; the Lake. The property affoi the opportunity of exploring has been the case on a num occasions. Jamie and Billy are always' for a tour of the property 4 especially applies the older two, Jamie. It was one of our tours came upon a section df land the time, is open to the putjli recently had been used for would appear a teenaee beer Bottles spread all over which is an irritating aspect as far concerned. In taking time to Clean up the 36 beer bottles and dozens çf cooler bottles I was telling Jamie we could cash in the beer bottles and the returnable tins for money. I thought this might be an encouragement encouragement for his assistance, xyhich it was. After, explaining where ties could be exchanged for he asked if he could spe money at Wendy B's in Now you have to understan this grade one aged kid has • fection for Wendv B's and at one ew. jvledge om the nee of ing on hard to :r-beak *>- Donna icy and where taken énovate n some cedar ain on rds me which ber of eager nd this of'the ' that we that, at ic and what * oartv. always as I'm th e bot- money ;hd the Orono. d that an af- about every time he comes to wiuuu ne asks if he can jaunt off to tie store to buy from the selection of G.I. Joe's and other toys which appeal to him. He often arrives even with his own money which he has saved but as often as he comes with his own coins it requires a outright grant from grampa. The boy was eager and in no time the bottles were packed in boxes for the rebate. As is always toe case, I always take the binoculars and viewing scope along just in case there may be something new to see as far as birds are concerned. It was an opportunity to introduce introduce some of birding to Jamie and we did come upon à House Finch, an American Gold Finch and had, zeroed in, with the viewing scope, on an Eastern King Bird. While Jamie was looking at the bird through the scope I was calling out the identification points to which he, relatéd he could see. ? • Then came the question if 1 had ever seen a Laser-Beak bird. "No I hadn't, nor had 1 ever heard about it and I doubted there was such a bird." "I have one grampa, its a transformer." Well, I had learned from Jamie sometime ago what a transformer is so was not about to dispute the existance existance of a Laser-Beak bird. For the uninitiated in modern toys a transformer; by moving parts, could "be a tank, He-man, and, of course, a Laser-beak bird. By transforming parts of the object you made other objects. The first time I heard Jamie mention mention transformers I wondered what the kid was talking about. What relationship would he have with transformers on a hydro pole or transformers in a radio or television. television. ' Never a day goes by that one doesn't learn something. Orono Weekly. Times, Wednesday, Ontario to spend $4.5 on co-operative educ. The Ontario government will make available $4.5 million over the next year to develop new and expanded expanded co-operative education initiatives, initiatives, Education Minister Sean Conway announced recently. The Ministry will provide: $2 million to school boards to improve improve the delivery of co-op education education programs, and ensure that the jobs in which students participate relate closely to their school work; $1.8 million for school boards through an Access Fund to develop pilot programs designed to encourage encourage greater participation in coop coop programs by targetting groups of students who have not traditionally traditionally been involved; $700,000 to increase awareness of co-op programs and to co-ordinate school board efforts and enhance partnerships in placing students in jobs. These initiatives should attract an additional 10,000 students to co-op programs. "By ■supporting co-operative education through the introduction of this new fund we are improving the quality of an already effective program by making it more flexible and responsive to the needs of today's today's students," Mr. Conway said. Some of the $2 million will be used used to enable teachers to better monitor the kinds of co-op work, students are doing to ensure that the experiences relate directly to what the students are studying in school. The $1.8 million Access Fund will be used by the Ministry to fund two pilot projects for each of the following; - Native students; - Non-traditional placements for male and female students; - Physically-disabled students; From around the Region and District Awareness of drinking and driving drops highway deaths Highway deaths have dropped by fifty percent in the OPP Cobourg area and likewise in 10 OPP detachments in the district Tom Parker of the Peterborough OPP district believes it is all due to thç awareness of drinking and driving. driving. Battle with Gypsy Moth won This year's battle with the Gypsy moth is over and the leaf-eating exploits exploits of the caterpillar is down by 90 percent in Ontario. But for the Ministry of Natural Resources the war is far from over and the decline this year was not all due to a spray program. Natural predators, parasites and a natural virus has been taking its toll. Fears threat to township way of life Residents in Hope Township are voicing their concern over residential residential development through the municipality and the threat they see to their way of life. Council has been dealing with development plans but not all residents are satisfied with those developments approved. But some want development and it has been noted that only 3tf families earn a living from the land. - Trainable mentally retarded students; and - Visibile minorities. In addition, the Access Fund will pay for six pilot programs - one in each of the Ministry's regions -related to dropouts. At least one of these six pilot programs will involve involve French-speaking students. As well, the Access Fund will provide money for schOpl boards to introduce or expand co-operative education for their minority- language (French or English) students, Mr. Conway said. Further to this minority-language initiative, funds will be available for the secondment of francophone co-- op educators to selected Ministry of Education regional offices to help school boards initiate or expand their cp-operative education and transition-to-emplo.yment pro- - grams. . Mr. Conway" said the Ministry plans to use the $700,000 for partnership partnership initiatives to promote co-op programs among students, their parents, and the general public, and to encourage employers to identify work sites to ensure that co-op placements increase at the same rate August 19, 1987-11 as student participation in the program. program. The fund will also be used to encourage local co-ordination of co-op / programs run by conterminous conterminous school boards and community community colleges. This announcement fulfils a 1987 Throne Speech commitment and builds on previous initiatives in cooperative cooperative education announced in January .1986. At that time, a $13-tnillion, three-year fund was established to provide money to school boards for equipment and to hire resource people who could establish co-op programs. So far, more than 100 school boards have received money from the fund. The original goal of the fund was to double co-op participation participation from 20,000 to 40,000 by 1989. Today's announcement will allow the target to be increased to 50,000 students. Currently, there are approximately approximately 30,000 secondary school students across Ontario participating participating in co-op programs. Co-operative education allows students to gain valuable job- related experience as part of their school education. As the 1987 Throne Speech stated, "the cooperative cooperative education approach Has demonstrated considerable success ïn improving the relevance of the school experience and building strong links to the world of work." Notice of Meeting The Ontario Public Education Network . ; * (OPEN) announces that it is pleased to sponsor an ALL CANDIDATES MEETING , to be held on Tuesday, August 25 . . ' at the COURTICE SECONDARY SCHOOL , Commencing at 7:30 p.m. The first hour of this meeting will be devoted to a debate among the three candidates fof election for office on issues relating to education. education. Following a brief five minute opening statement from each candidate, candidate, questions will be received from the floor. Following the special session -on education, candidates will be asked to discuss other issues of interest to those in attendance at the meeting. 87/ 88 Hockey Registration Place: ORONO ARENA Monday, Aug. 31 & Wednesday, Sept. 2 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. Both Dates FEE: ' , ' Tyke, Novice, Atom, PeeWee - $195.00 Bantam, Midget, Juvenile $220.00 ' Late Registration Charge $25.00 Registration Fee covers the Pat StapletcBJEundam entai s In action instruction plus Players and Family Pass and Team Photos. Family pass good" until March Î, 1988 No Post-Dated Cheques No rebate on Registration Fee after December 1, 1987 ex- > cept due to injury or moving out of the area. No rebate for, any reason as of January 1, 1988 Hockey Registration must be paid before any player will be allowed on the ice. All hockey players will please register on the above dates. Failure to register may forfeit a player's chance to play * * .. hockey this'season. ' • interested Coaches and Managers please leave your name , a'nd phone number at this time. - ORONO AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION