Local educators would have Province up funds Obituary ROY BEST PATTON Roy Besi Patton in his 71st year. OriMi» Weekly Times, Wednesday, August 12, 1987-7 Newcastle residents can help with MUir swim In an effort to raise the profile of issues in the Ontario election pertaining pertaining to public eduction an organization known as Ontario Public Educàtion Network (OPEN) ; been formed. The Network ih- '"xrrudes local teams generally operating within the jurisdiction of the individual Boards of Education. OPEN and the local teams 1 represent represent seven Trustee and teachers' groups along with having representation representation from the local Boards of Education. A local team is being organized in the Northunberland and Newcastle Board of Educatio.- jurisdiction with representation from the Federation of Womens' Teachers Association of Ontario, Ontario Public School Teachers' Federation, Federation, The Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation, the Ontario Public School Trustees' Association and with four representations representations from the local Board- of Education. S. Stewart,, Robert Willsher, A. Spooner" and Wm. Carman interim chairman of the local team. The various groups have joined together, to present, under the OPEN, organization, a public education campaign to build both public awareness of the interests and needs of public education and gather support for provincial policies which will protect and improve improve public education throughout the province. It is not the purpose of OPEN to elect or defeat any election candidate candidate or to support any political party. It has been stated it is not an anti-government campaign. OPEN seeks to have the province increase its share of education funding; funding; to increase funding to public school boards for new school construction, construction, renovations and repairs; to halt any attempt to pool commercial commercial and industrial assessment and to halt any attempt to provide pùblic monies for private or independent independent schools. The local teams, as the one in the Northumberland and Newcastle area are attempting to get their message through to nominated candidates, candidates, public groups as Home and School, the general public and provincial provincial and local media. Roy Best Patton died peacefully in his sleep at his residence in Orono on Monday, duly 6, 1987. Beloved son of the late Percy D. Patton and the late Mary L. Best. Twin brother of Carman P. Patton. Mr. Patton was born in the Township of Clarke and educated at Lockhart Public School, Orono High School and at the University of Toronto where he received his B.A. and M.A. degrees specializing in languages. A resident of the Orono area most of his life, lie was a teacher by profession retiring approximately approximately five years ago. During World War II he served overseas with the Royal Rifles of Canada. Surviving are his brothers Manson of Orono, Carman and Ross of Oshawa and three sister-in-laws Muriel, Isabel and Beverley, three nephews and a niece. The Reverend Fred Milnes officiated officiated at the funeral services held on Thursday at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Pallbearers were nephews Larry, Randy and Darryl Patton and Aldo Solimono of Oshawa. Interement Orono Cemetery. On Friday, August 14th and Monday, August 17th Town of Newcastle residents will have the opportunity to swim 700 miles - the same as Jocelyn - only in the three municipal pools located in Orono, Newcastle and Bowmanville. People People of all ages are invited to get out to the pools on these days to see how far our combined distance will be around the Lake. There will be "Jocelyn Muir" prizes for the individuals who swim the furthest distance in the following following age categories (i) nine years and under, (ii) 10 - 13 years, (ill) 14 - 17 years, and (iv) 18 years and over. Patrons will be charged the regular price of admission of which all money will be donated to Multiple Multiple Sclerosis on these days. Jocelyn Muir souvenir items including T-shirts, caps, towels and buttons will also be available for sale at all three pools on these special days and at the Fitness Centre every day until August 23rd when Jocelyn arrives arrives in Bowmanville. So get your family out for some exercise as well as give to a good cause. Let's see how far our Community Community can swim in only two days. Special swim times are noted below: AUGUST 14 & 17 ONLY Newcastle ' Village and Orono Park Pools - 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. (Public) Call 623-3392 for further information. Newcastle .Fitness Centre, Bowmanville - 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. (Public) 11:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. (Adult) 1*30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. (Public) Call 623-3392 for further information. information. JOB PRINTING at the Orono Weekly Times Phone 983-5301 NDP candidate, Wilbur oppose Free Trade their financial survival." Wilbur, 48, is fighting her third provincial election. She has worked for Durham East residents as a member of such community groups as the Scugog Library Board and Durham Federation of Agriculture during her 18 years in the riding. The NDP's Bob Rae-and Ed Broadbent are the only party leaders strongly opposing Prime Minister Brian Mulroney's. Free Trade deal, Wilbur points out. Progressive Progressive Conservative leader Larry Grossman supports a deal, while Premier David Peterson said in April he's prepared to take a "modest leap of faith" on Free Trade talks, she adds. ' "I would take a firm stand on all .issues - listening to people and taking taking their concerns to the top,"' Wilbur says. A local newspaper recently described her as "one of the nicest people, you will ever run into. Words like dedicated, committed committed and caring come to # mind..." In 1987 it is important to have more New Democrats in Queen's Park representing ordinary working people by fighting on such issues as Free Trade, the environment and auto insurance, Wilbur says. Happenings.. JOCELYN MUIR COMES TO ORONO At 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 22nd a motorcade of antique cars will be parading through downtown Newcastle and Orono with Jocelyn Muir. Jocelyn will be presented with funds collected in the Orono area for Multiple Sclerosis. The Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen will be honouring Jocelyn and her entourage with dinner at the Orono Arena. Please come out and support this worthwhile cause. GOOD SAM CLUB HAS GOOD WEEKEND The Good Sam Trailer Club had only good news to report-on their recent stay at the Orono Fairgrounds. They were very happy with the • warm welcome they received in addition to the great time they had with the great people of Orono in the great village, of Orono. TIME FOR BARBEQUES If you're hungry for some good outdoor cooking then you can satisfy your palate over the next week starting tonight with the Annual Annual Beef Barbeque at the Orono Park. Dinner will be served from 5 to 7 p.m. or if you are politically inclined.there is the Annual Federal Liberal Beef Barbeque at Mac Ransberry's farm. On Saturday, August 15th the New Democratic Party of Durham East will host a corn roast from 3 to 5 p.m. at the home of Mac and Muriel McCormick McCormick in Newtonville. So come out, support a worthwhile cause and have yourself a good meal. Durham ' East would lose its economic base in a Free Trade deal with the United States, says Marg Wilbur, the riding's New Democratic Party candidate. "If the auto pact is on the table and if import controls are on the table there would be a major negative impact in Durham East," she says. Wilbur notes that General Motors in Oshawa as well as parts suppliers, workers, farmers, and small businesses stand to lose in à trade deql. Voters, she says, are worried. "They're worried about their jobs, worried about their future - NOTICE TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE CORPORATION OF THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM The Audited Financial Statements of the'Corporation of The Regional Municipality of Durham for the year ended December 31, 1986 are available from the Regional Finance Department. Anyone interested in obtaining a copy of these statements should write to the Finance Department of the Regional Municipality of Durham, 60 Bond Street West, P.O. Box 618, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 8B6. The following financial highlights reflect the operations, assets and .liabilities of the Regional Municipality of Durham including the Waterworks, Sewage and Waste Disposal Systems and the Board of Commissioners of the Durham Regional Police. COMPARISON OF CONSOLIDATED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES (All amounts in thousands of dollar^) WHERE THE MONEY CAME FROM: 1986 1985 Requisition on Area Municipalities 39,254 34,372 Ontario Grants ■ 51,332 46,214 User Charges 41,257 37.573 Other Revenue 20,733 13,448 152,576 131,607 WHAT THE MONEY WAS SPENT FOR: 1986 1985 General Government 5,208 4,874 Protection to Persons & Property 27,662 24,236 Transportation Services 15,601 13,589 Waterworks 19,422 16,010 Sanitary Sewer System 23,762 18,008 Other Environmental Services 5,937 4,916 Health Services 4,355 3.988 Social Services 19,367 17,938 Senior Citizens 18,059 16,405 Day Nurseries . 2,958 2.440 Family & Children Services , ; 1,187 ; 1.078 Planning and 2,783 Development , 1 2.3'64 146.301, 125.846 YEAR END POSITION OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES (All amounts in thousands of dollars) 1986 1985 .Cash and Short Term Investments 12,805 10,085 Accounts Receivable t 21,607 18,750 Other Current Assets 3,035 2,107 Restricted Assets 32,167 4 27,676 Capital Assets 56,644 67,882 • 126,258 126,500 Accounts Payable, Accrued Liabilities ' 13,88V 12,917 Current Portion of Ontario Housing Action Program Loans 6,764 2,946 Other Current Liabilities and Deferred Revenue 2,055 2,121 Outstanding Long Term.Debt 56,644 67,882 Reserves and Reserve Funds, 39,217. 32,014 Fund Balances 3,776 < / 3,573 Unexpended Capital" Financing 3,915 5,047 _ 126,258 126,500 Tiust Funds Administered bv Region ' • ' 1.408 1.342