2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, December 7, 1983 1 #rono Second Class Mall Registration Number 000368 Published Every Wednesday at the of flee of Publication Main Street. Orono Roy C. Forrester, Editor \ Proposed Policy Contes Under Fire The Town of Newcastle council has proposed that some of the cost of streetlighting both capital and operating be taken from the general budget which would, as such, distribute the cost throughout the rural and urban areas alike. It is a new venture in financing streetlighting but one that has created a storm in the rural areas which is only natural and surely could have been expected. Counc. Woodyard points out that rural residents in a majority of cases already provide lighting on their own property without the help of the municipality and cannot be expected to now being taking some of the load of municipal projects where they do not receive a direct benefit. Taxpayers in suçh as Orono, Newcastle, Bowmanville who have for years paid their own costs would receive the benefit with rural assessment being taken into consideration for streetlighting costs in those particular areas.. It is interesting to note that council has somewhat introduced a user-benefit, user-pay policy for recreation and culture.' The street lighting proposal, however, is a direct contradiction of their philosophy being instituted in recreation and'culture. Instead of reigning down on expenditure they would be opening the door and most porposals for street lighting expansion expansion would be decided with a political base. It will be interesting to witness the deb.ate this coming Monday and it is expected that there could well be some turn-around. Ganaraska awaits watershed plan OK (Intended for last week) of Newcastle including the area of the Hunter Creek which crosses Highway 115 south of the fourth line, the Orono Creek and the Wilmot Creek. Palmer explains that this particular area would have preference for projects projects submitted by private individuals over those in other areas of the authority authority during this period of time. He points out that the authority has no specific projects that they would hope to carry out other than those submitted submitted by the individual property property owners. The secretary-manager states that the Authority, has a sum of money in the 1984 budget to hire a public relations officer who through , articles to the news media and other means would make contact contact with the public outlining outlining Authority programs available and assistance from the Authority. Me ' said it could be that the public relations officer would make individual contact with owners. Through the watershed ' plan the Authority is opting opting to have property owners take the initiative in preservation and con- ' servation. Clarke High School News The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority presented their Watershed plan to the public in Newcastle last week with eight residents attending. A similar presentation in Port Hope attracted six area residents. The Watershed Plan outlines the intentions, of the Authority in both a five year plan and a twenty twenty year plan. In speaking with tjie secretary-manager, Doug. Palmer, the plan is presently in a state of limbo limbo awai.ting commènts from the Ministry of Natural Resources. The Authority have submitted the plan to both the Ministry aryl all affected affected municipalities and has received comments back from all municipalities including . the Town of Newcastle. Palmer states the authority does not expect to receive comment back from the Province until sometime in 1984. As a result no action is expected expected on the *plan until 1985 when monies would be included in the budget for that particular year. In the five year plan priority has been given to certain areas in the Town v bv Kellv Anderson What a great band dance. To teachers a band dance means nuisance. This one wasn't at all. About 500 students showed showed and we came out with approximately approximately a $500.00 profit. Coney Hatch gave a respectable concert, the best the school has had for five years and everyone enjoyed themselves. The Chrstmas break this year runs from December 19th to Monday, January 2. It will be a nice long vacation. Students and leachers alike are looking forward to it. Career Week, this year will be quite different. The Guidance Department is planning to get all teachers .and students to get involved and do something. The week is from December 12th to December 16th. There is going to be a play presented in the future at Clarke. Leading actors are: Jeff Lowery and Jeff Vanhaverbeke. Females at the school have shown an interest and have auditioned for part with Linda Vanderstoop, Brenda Bunting, Bunting, Lana Veselinovic, Jackie Westbrook and Emma Martin receiving leading parts. The play is called "Skin Of Our Teeth". It will be staged Kendal News The Wonder of God's Love Have you ever stopped to think about The wonder of God's love? The golden dawn, the fields of corn, The stars that shine above. Have you ever stopped to think about The wonder of God's earth? The endless seas, the fruitful trees, The miracle of birth. Have you every stopped to think about The wonder of God's hand? The sunset's glow, the dancing dancing snow, White waves that kiss the sand. Oh, there is much to think about, How then can we deny That God must be - Eternity . For all things cannot lie. Patricia Emme Sunday brought the first winter and storm in the form of snowy and icy roads. Some of us who live outside the village didn't get to church on this second Sunday "of Advent. Advent. However, there were twenty-one there after the Sunday School pupils and their teachers had gone out to their classes. The Sunday School are preparing their sometime in February. The play is about the history of man. from the Ice Age to the future using one family to make the representation. [ ftappenmgg... ] ORONO SCOUTS VISIT TRENTON AIR BASE A week ago Saturday 28 scouts and four leaders of the Orono Scout troop spent two days of the week-end at the Trenton Air Base along with a similar number of scouts from three other troops. The scouts received instruction in winter survival as , well as seeing a number of movies related to their course. The visit also included a tour of the base as well as inspecting a number of airplanes and movies relating to the use of some of the planes. Although it was a winter survival week-end course the scouts slept in barracks. OTTAWA WANTS ELDORADO SOLD Senator Jack Austin, in a recent newspaper report, is stated to have said that the federal government is asking the Canada Development Investment Corp. to seek a quick sale of > Eldorado Nuclear Ltd. Austin who is in charge of the corporation corporation said the sale of the crown corporation is a priority. The company reported sales of $89 million in 1982 and a profit-of $11.2 million this first six months of this year. Austin would like to see the sale take place in 1984. SEEK RIGHT TO APPEAL The Ministry of the Environment through the Attorney's Attorney's General Office are seeking the right to appeal a court decision which turned aside an interim injunction sought by the Ministry against Regional Reclaimers as to the operation of their landfill site in the south-east corner of the Town of Newcastle. The hearing will be held in Toronto on Decemeber 20th and will determine if the Ministry of the Environment can call for an appeal of the decision handed down early in November. LITTLE INTEREST SHOWN IN TOWN COMMITTEE Ward Three (Clarke, Orono, Newcastle) and Ward One (Darlington Township) have shied away from the Town Recreation Committee and fewer than the required number of four have made application to sit on the committee from each Ward. Ward 2 (Bowmanville) provided more than the required four nominees to sit on the committee which is to stir recreation recreation and culture in the Town of Newcstle. Councillor members from Clarke and Darlington have been asked to supply further names of those who would sit on the committee. It is the intent to have four members frqm each Ward on the committee. Counc. Woodyard stated he felt two members from each Ward was enough. The Town hopes to have the committee operating in the new year. ELECT OFFICERS The Progressive Conservative Association recently elected their officers at a meeting held in the Orono Oddfellow's Oddfellow's Hall. Marion Manders was elected president with Marianne Zakarow, Deanna Wiley, Bob Craig, Bill Tomlinson, Tomlinson, vice-presidents; Lorraine Lover, secretary; and area chairpersons as directors "being, Terry. Clifton, Darlington, Eleanor Colwell, Bowmanville, John Reid, Clarke-Newcastle and Gay Henning, president of the Young Progressive Conservatives. Conservatives. , , - > » . JUST MADE IT ' There were a few hours of concern by Yvonne Maitland prior to opening of her Apple Blossom Shop in Orono last Friday Friday at 'five o'clock. At noon the front door had yet to be in- 1 stalled but it all happened in time for the five o'clock ribbon cutting. , Christmas program to be given on Sunday morning ■ December 18th. Edna McCann says: Yesterday over tea an<j cookies, old Mr. Meers and I were talking about the differences differences between horse- drawn carriages and motorcars. motorcars. To my astonishment Mr. Meers remarked that a horse-drawn carriage used to travel an average of eleven miles an hour in downtown Toronto traffic. Today the average speed of an automobile along these same streets is six miles an hour. Do you think this is progress? Hère are some rules from The Master Diet Plan. It works! ' 1. Never order anything deep fried when you eat out. , 2. Cook without oil. Meat broiled by itself is every bit as palatable as meat panfried in oil. - 3. Poach the things you usually fry. ' Think vegetables. They provide abundant natural vitamins, fibre and remarkably few calories. Rediscover potatoes. The potato is the most maligned staple in our diet, the first item abandoned by the weight watcher. In actuality a small potato may contain only only 70 calories and seasoned with a little salt and coarsely ground pepper it is one of the tasti.eSt apd most nourishing df low calorie foods. Watch the sugar. Sugar is the only thing in"our diet that contains nothing but calories. 1 Cook your vegetables in one kettle, one flavours aiiother. Then be sure and save the juice, it contains the mineral, use it in soup. An onion improves the flavour of tùraips.» In lighter vein: As a female letter carrier, I have been called many things by people on my route - mail lady, mail mârm, mail ma'am and so on. But my favourite greeting so far is: "Well if it .isn't our postal-packin' mama! Alice Willis What we all need is more celery or salary. St. Saviours ANGLICAN CHURCH Orono, Ontario Regular Sandtty Worship Service - 9:45 a.m. Rev. Allan Haldenby BALTh. United Church Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. Waype Wright SUN., DECEMBER 11,1983 Orono United Church Church School 11:15 a.m. White Gift Sunday Morning Worship 11:15 a.m. Bible Study & Hymn Sing Thursday 7:00 p.m. Friendship Room Bible Study Series On Discipleship Saturday 9:30-10:30 a.m. Friendship Room Last in the Series U.C.W. General Meeting *rhurs., Dec.T5th 6:00p.m. Main Hall Pot Luck Kirby United Church Church School 9:45 a!m. Morning Worship * 9:45 a.m. Gotta Getta Gund Home Save 25% Now' Til Xmas Some Special Thoughts For Christmas Giving Shaeffer PEN ■ SETS Kodak & Polaroid Cameras ■ Film CARDS &' GIFT WRAP by Carlton i giTABATH Colognes & Perfumes Singles or Sets b y JOVAN ! ! Men & Ladies MUSK ANDROW Lady's or Mens' GAMBLER Stuff's Pharmacy MAIN ST, ORONO, ONT. .983-5009 J