Bill and Maureen Tomlinson Tomlinson of Orono attended a screening of the Dead Zone in Toronto Monday morning 1 and report a heavy, dramatic movie with an interesting story, A small segment of the movie was filmed in the' Orono Town Hall earlier this year and certainly was a topic of discussion in this community community from which close to one hundreçl extraswere hired for the particular sequence sequence filmed in the hall. The Tomlinsons were high in their praise of Christopher Walken who they feel gave an Oscar-winning performance in his star role in the movie. Walken played the part of a psychic who appeared to obtain obtain such powers following a car-milk truck accident. It was at this point the movie started and continues as the book by Stephen King. Maureen Tomlinson states that the story moves swiftly and this is true of the segment filmed in Orono. The Orono Town Hall segments takes no more than five minutes but there is time to get a glimpse of some of the Orono extras. Maureen Tomlinson states that Gladys Brown of Orono appears dead centre in one of the Town Hall shots. Yvonne Maitland is alsd quite visable following Martin Sheen as he makes his entrance into the hali. Maureen says you have to be. quick to make recognitions. recognitions. f The movie is being released this weekend in the Toronto area in four or five movie houses by Cineplex. The movie is produced by Paramount Paramount Pictures. The opening scenes of the movie, states the Tomlinsons, sets the atmosphère for the whole movie making you realize with the contrasting blacks and whites and music that you are not there to laugh. It does bring tears. The Town of Newcastle council committee has approved approved in principal an amendment to the Region of Durham Official Plan to permit permit a waste disposal site which has been submitted by Regional Reclaimers for part lots 11 and 12 in concession three of the former Township of Clarke. The approval in pincipal does carry the condition condition that the proposal does meet all the requirements of the Ministry of the Environment Environment and other government ministries and agencies. The motion presented by Courtes. Woodyard and Hubbard was amended by Councs. Hamre and Cowman that conditions include all those previously indicated by council which would include the constrcution of a new overpass on highway 401 and a guarantee from the Ministry of the Environment water management and its that operation would be closely monitored. Previously the Town of Newcastle had denied their- approval stating the amendment amendment to the Official Plan was premature pending approval of such bodies as the Ministry of the Environment and other agencies. The committee on Monday received a planning report from the Town planner, Terry Edwards, in which the planner had recommended that the revised application for the amendment be denied. A motion supporting the planner's recommendation by Councs. Hobbs hnd Hamre went down to defeat, Mr. Hassard, speaking on behalf of Regional Reclaimers, stated that Regional Reclaimers had received a letter of agreement from Browning Ferris Industries Industries which was current to the middle of November. He said BEI was the largest and (Continued page 5)- , Request Eldorado widen site search Dead Zone screening Approves in principal viewed by locals Hale landfill proposal The Newcastle General Purpose committee has recommended that Eldorado Resources Limited be urged to approach the federal government, with the support of the Town of Newcastle, regarding the establishment of an independent body to conduct at least a provincewide provincewide search for a permanent disposal facility for low-level • radioactive wastes. The Town committee is also asking that such a body operate as does a similar committee for the Ontario Ontario Waste Management Corporation. The action by committee on Monday resulted from a request by B.C. Pearson of Eldorado Resources Limited, Port Hope, who by letter to Mayor Rickard had asked that through the Mayor Eldorado be allowed to present present a progress report to council as to the possible use of a Port Granby site for waste disposal providing further further meetings could not be undertaken through the Consultative Consultative Committee. The ' Port Granby committee has refused to meet due to the fact that Eldorado has refused refused to broaden their search for a low-level waste management management site outside of four sites in the areas of Hope Township and the Town of Newcastle. The position as outlined by ' committee has yet: to b*e endorsed endorsed by council. Newcastle would have Region change The Town of Newcastle general purpose committee is recommending that the Region of Durham amend its official plan in order that control of severing farm residential lot's can be controlled controlled other than by the use of the one foot reserve. At the present time the Regional Land Division Committee in granting a severance makes it conditional conditional on the municipality accepting accepting a 'one foot reserve on the remaining farm lands and this one foot reserve granted to the municipality prohibits further severances. The Town of Newcastle would have the Region amend their Official Plan in which only one severance could be granted in such cases of surplus residential buildings where consolidation consolidation was being undertaken. The Town would incorporate in their Comprehensive Zoning Zoning By-law zone provisions that further implement the (Continued page 5) Ministry list concerns waste site proposal In early July a report from the Ministry of the Environment Environment was received outlining their comments as to the proposai proposai of a waste disposal site proposed by Regional Reclaimers. The concerns were divided into three major areas; ground water management management and monitoring, surface relation to Graham Creek and leachate handling and treatment. Minor concerns and more detailed concerns were not included in the report. The Ministry report points out that the leachate proposal is a relatively new method of treating leachate. Here the Ministry has many concerns and states that long term studies are required to confirm confirm conclusions drawn. The leachate is to be treated through an aeration- marsh channel which the Ministry claims such treatment treatment is still experimental for sewage effluent and that no information is available to verify the effectiveness of such a process to treat leachate. The Ministry report also mentions paint-sludge expected expected from General Motors but points out that the Haie report considers only 2.6 percent percent of the total. The Ministry asks for information on the remaining 97.4 percent. percent. The report from the Ministry contains nine pages of concerns and concludes with "In particular, the documentation does not adequately adequately substantiate the viability of the proposed leachate handling and treatment treatment system." Further the Ministry states such a program program is of an experimental nature and not totally applicable applicable to leachate from landfilling sites. The Ministry also states that the Hale report for contingency* contingency* plans for leaohate treatment is merely a list of technologies that are available but no evaluation has been given whether one or more is viable. happenings;. Gfrono Town Hall Showcase promotion On November 18, 19 and 20th the Orono Town Hall will be full of local crafts for sale with the annual November promotion of the Ororfo Town Hall Showcase of crafts. Eileen Stephens stated there arc a number of new local artisans taking part in the show this year and that tile event will be a. grand opportunity for the purchase of-.Christmas gifts.* Head Zone previewed on Channel 2' ^ Last Friday evening while watching Entertainment Tonight on Channel 2, Buffalo, the Orono Town Hall flashed across the screen as a five minute preview of The Dead Zone was presênted by host Barbara Howard. The preview not only had Howard speaking outside the iocai hall sitting on the park bench but also walking along the south side of the hall where all the light fixtures were in place for the inside filming. * . The preview also gave inside acticyi shots with Martin Sheen "clutching the young child during the shooting attempt on his life. * The Dead Zone was also screened for a select audience in Toronto on Monday of this week. Draw winners at St. Saviours Bazaar Fran Wright of Newcastle was the winner of the quilt drawn at the annual St. Saviour's Bazaar and Tea held last Saturday in the Church Hall. Leona Wilson was winner of the basket of groceries. There was good attendance for the .bazaar and tea which was held in the new hall for the first time. Euchre Party tonight ** There will be a Euchre Party tonight, Wednesday, October October 19th at 8:00 p.m.'in the Town Hall. Coi-pe out and support support your Hall Board to keep this historic and beautiful building l adies bring lunch. ' * St. Saviour's holds bazaar St, Saviour's held a most successful bazaar and tea on Saturday of last week with a good attendance from the community and area. Many enjoyed tea and cookies served by the ladies of th.c- church in their new church ti'al! at St. Saviours.