4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday lune 24,1981 in Durham 1980 by Rod Stork, Associate Agricultural Representative. SIKMA - TOP HOLSTEIN jHERD IN 1980. The Ontario Branch of the Holstein Association of Canada has announced that the Herd of Pier and Rose Sikma and family of Orono is the top herd in Durham for 1980. The herd has a composite Breed Class Average (BCA) of 167 with production of 7665 kg of milk per cow on 24 records. The Sikma herd was top herd in 1976 and 1977 and has now come back to top the list in 1980. The herd was also recognized with a Master Breeder Shield awarded awarded by the Association in 1980. Runner-up herd was that of Neil & Shelley Allin of R.R. 1, Orono. Composite • BCA on 22 records was 162.5 , with production of 7810 kg per cow. , Rounding out the top five Holstein Herds for 1980 were Ross Sharp of R.R. 2, Blackstock' with a BCA of 161 on 25 records. The herd of Frank Barkey and family of R.R. 2, Blackstock was fourth, with a composite BCA of 157 on 33 records. The herd of Peter Hoogeveen and family of Blackstock was fifth, with a BCA of 154 on 38 records. Top Guernsey Herd was the herd of Frank Fry and family of R.R. 1, Janetville with a composite BCA of 163.5 on 48 records. Top Jersey Herd was the herd of R.P. Stenger and Son, Enniskillen Enniskillen with a composite BCA of 149.5 on 45 records. All of these herds are on either the Record of Performance Performance (ROP) or Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) performance performance testing programs. Our congratulations to alb breeders using a milk recording recording program to improve... their dairy herd. . 6 Special congratulations to the owners of top herds in ■ each breed for their efforts during 1980. Keep up the good work. RECREATIONAL ACTIVITY ACTIVITY SIGNS AVAILABLE. The new Occupiers Liability Liability Act and the Trespass to Property Act contain, many revisions regarding lan- Blue Thistle looks great inflower garden Beware of cute, cuddley animals downer liability for people .entering private property and , trespassing by those entering property without permission. These two Acts were reviewed in an earlier Agri News Column. Under the Trespass to Property Act a landowner may restrict the activities allowed on the property, property, or the property such as farmland may be off limits to anyone. A series of yellow or red markers can be posted at normal points of entry to property indicating the status of the land. The Ministry of the Attorney Attorney General has also developed Recreational Activity Activity Signs which can be used by property owners to designate certain recreational activities while restricting , others. A number of property owners have been inquiring about these signs and how the, van be used. The signs are pictorial in nature showing an activity that would be permitted. All , other recreational - activities would not be allowed on the property. There are also signs with a graphic design and an oblique line through the picture picture which indicates the activity activity is prohibited. The signs are 12" x 12" made of coated aluminum with nail holes in them. The cost per sign is $3.48. They will be available shortly through the Ontario Government Government Publications Centre. Cheques should be made payable to the "Treasurer of Ontario". Signs are available for the following permitted activities: activities: Hiking, Cross- Country Skiing, Horseback Riding, Camping, Hunting, Fishing and Trail-biking. Prohibited Activity Signs include: include: Horseback Riding, Camping and Campfires, Hunting, Fishing, Trail- biking and Motorized Vehicles. Further information on the two Acts and how they apply to landowners can be obtain- ; ed by picking up a copy of the publication "Property Protection and Outdoor Op- portunities" at . the Agricultural Office. Wild animals may look cute and cuddly but they could spoil your camping vacation. The Ontario Safety (League urges that your viewing viewing be done at a safe distance. Probably the most dangerous animal to campers and canoeists in Ontario is the black bear. Sometimes we forget that all bears aren't like Smokey or Yogi. They are wild creatures. Feeding the bear or leaving food around the campsite acts as an enticement and the bear becomes a nuisance. If naturalists are unable to find a workable solution for a "nuisance bear", the only recourse is to kill it. Along with the bear, camp For most gardeners, thistles are weeds to be feared, hated and attacked on sight, but some gardeners are discovering one thistle variety can add summertime blue to their flower collections. collections. "The Blue Thistle can add distinction to any perennial flower border, says Mr. Bob Fleming, horticulturist at the Horticultural Research In- stitute of Ontario at Vineland. "When it's flowering in July and August, the Blue Thistle is one of the few true blue flowers in the garden." "The Blue Thistle has tall, strong stems topped by* a sites may be visited by numerous other curious and hungry animals such as skunks, raccoons and porcupines. porcupines. In most cases they can be scared off - by a flashlight or loud noise. You can prevent animal intrusions by keeping your campsite clean and your food locked in your car or hung from a tree away from the site. While the Ontario Safety League recognizes the potential potential danger of wild animals, campsite statistics show that the majority of animal- inflicted injuries are caused by domesticated dogs. Dogs should not be approached unless the owner is present and gives permission. : i* TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SPECIFICATION NO. 81 --7 Tender for the supply of TWO (2) 1982 model] TRUCKS, CABS and CHASSIS. 84" C.A. - 35,000 G.V.W.| Mairk outside of envelope: "TENDER FOR TRUCKS" ALL blanks must be completed by Tenderer. Town tender forms must be used. The units must be capable of having snow removal] equipment attached to frames. Lowest, or any, tender not necessarily accepted. Late tenders will not be accepted. Tenders due: 4:00 p.m., MONDAY, JULY 6,1981 To: J.W. DUNHAM, Director of Public Works, Municipal Building, HAMPTON, Ontario LOB 1 JO globe of small, metallic blue flowers. Its leaves have a white, downy undersurface, making the plant attractive all Season. It grows in any good garden soil. You can start plants indoors indoors for planting outside in early spring or fall. After establishment, the thistle multiplies both by division and from seed. Unlike other thistles, the Blqi Thistle is easy to control and grows well in clumps, says Mr. Fleming. It doesn't spread by means of an underground root system, so you don't have to worry about this thistle becoming a weed. Retailers may sell for lees than the prices shown below. Sale Prices That "TAKE ■ THE BAIN out are! PAINTING" Premium Quality Exterior Paints ALKYD GLOSS WHITE Mg. $30.99gal. Mow $ 19.99gal. PLAT LATEX WHITE Beg. $33.99 gal. Mow $16.99 gel. su GLOSS LATEX WHITE - Beg. $36.99gal. Mow $ 19.99 gal. ÏR] * Similar savings on one-coat whites, primers, packaged colors, and tints. BUY NOW! OFFER EXPIRES JULY 4,1981 mw You've come to the right place ROLPH DOMINION HARDWARE ORONO, ONT. 983-5207 Offer available at participating retailers only.