$ Horticulture Show A large crowd of members, friends and visitors from Bowmanville and Newcastle attended the Christmas Show and party of the horticulture Society Thursday evening November 29th. Gladys Brown entertained the audience with her usual musical talent on the piano before the meeting. The president opened the meeting by dimming the lights and reading the story of the origin of the Christmas Candle. ; The secretary read the minutes of the last executive meeting held at- Evérett Browns, and several items of business were passed. Various items of upcoming interest - the Jr. Gardeners Show, December 11th at 6:30 p.m., Orono Church; thé Achievement Day for the "Indoor Gardening" members members to be in Orono Arena December 11th; the Annual Meeting and supper, January 17, 1980. At this time Doreen Lowery introduced the musical quartette, quartette, Kevin Lowery, (Lead) Soprano and Alto Sax; Steven Haynes, Alto Sax; Andre Lambier, Tenor Sax and Will Scoffield, Baritone Sax. . Ontario Telephone Service Commission Public Notice TAKE NOTICE that Community Telephone Company of Ontario Limited has applied, pursuant to The Telephone Act, R.S.O. 1970, c.457, for approval of rates for Chll-Pac. * The Ontario 'Telephone Service Commission will consider this application at the Commission's Offices, 3625 Dufferin Street, Suite 200, Downsview, Ontario, on ; December 14, 1979 at 9:30 a.m. Persons wishing to make representation or submissions to the Commission with respect to this application may do so at this hearing. As required by the Statutory Powers Procedures Act, R.S.O. 197L c. 47, the Commission further gives notice that if you do not attend at the above, mentioned hearing, the Commission may proceed in your absence and you will not be entitled to any further notice in the proceedings. Secretary-Registrar Ontario Telephone Service Commission Suite 200 . 3625 Dufferin Street Downsview, Ontario M3K 1Z2 These young men are to be congratulated on their fine calibre of. music and the audience responded with several several rounds of applause. The president then called on Ann Evans, who was in charge of the photographic competition to read out the prize winners. We were sorry to have so few entries this year, but are looking forward to more enthusiasm next year. Mr. Rick Gould, Photography Photography Shop, Bowmanville, showed the winning slides, and then brought his presentation, presentation, "People, Places, Faces and Things" along with a musical background. This was certainly a pictorial treat for all, and Rick has already promised to visit us next year, with something new! Our new "mitten tree" added greatly to the festive air with its flashing lights and daintly hung mittens of every hue (over 30 pairs in all). Mrs. Dini Schoenmaker, our judge for the evening was then called on to give her remarks re the entries, and Bertha Touchburn and Adele McGill gave out the prize monies. An excellent show, 53 entries and 17 exhibitors. ( Our show chairman Bertha, is retiring this year and she will be sorely missed. Only Bertha could bring such expertise to the job and do such a professional job of recording the entry lists and prize winners. Congratulations also to our press secretary Cyril Baird, who again, did such a wonderful job of press coverage. coverage. Many fine comments were heard through the years of the interesting write-ups he always put in our papers. Congratulations to these two people for a job well done, and we all hope they will join us often in the coming years activities. Nellie Baird and committee committee served a delicious lunch of Christmas cake, fancy loaves etc. to an appreciative crowd. Mrs. Mary Morris was the recipient of the Sr. Citizens prize for ^being the oldest person' present (89 years young) , and certainly has the youngest ohtlook on life. Best wishes Mary! Also to Jean Dykstra, Grand Bend, Ont, the farthest distance. Prize winner? as follows: Class 1 - Table Centre 1. I. Challice 2. Lyn Harrison 1 , 3. Carol Mostert 4. Harvey Robinson Class 2 - Christmas Card (homemade) 1. Denise Challice 2. Corine DeJong 3. Carol Mostert 4. ... Challice ■ . Class 3 - Collection of Dried Nuts 1. M. Zegers 2. Lloyd Pfpffer ' 3. I. Challice Come in and compare our prices on flower arrangements, plants and all your supply needs. •' Be sure to enter our Opening Special Draw on a Poulon Electric Grass Trimmer. Come in and meet us over a cup of coffee. Store Hours : Monday-Saturtlay : 9-6 Friday : 9-9 Phone 983-9715 after hours 987-467,0 1 Only 16 shopping days left until Christmas. Are you ready? Here are sorpe suggestions. For Mother - Cosy house slippers, housecoat/ nightgown, a slip (both long and half slips in stock), pair of gloves or mitts, a scarf, panty hose, etc. For Dad - A sweater, warm hat, toque, gloves, socks, shirts, ties, thermal underwear, car ha rtf jeans, pyjamas, pyjamas, ski boots, etc. For Sister - Nightwear, blouses, tops, foxy jeans by Carhartf, slippers, briefs, knee socks, mitts, pompom,sock- ettes, etc. For Brother - T-shirts,,briefs, ski mitts, gloves, sweaters, flannel 'shirts, skidoo boots, felt-lined laced boots. For Infants - ,To 6X - Sleepwear, dresses, suits, ,, ,. blankets,, headwear,,raffles, ; etc.' 4-Oronn Weekly Times, Wednesday, December 5th, 1979 Sebekah bazaar a busy happening i. 4. Carol and Cor Mostert Class 4 - "The Pleasures of Giving! !, a homemade gift 1. Lyn Harrison 2. Frank Zegers (Sr.) 3. I. Challice 4.. Harvey Robinson Class 5 - "A Welcome Door" arrangement Carol Mostert Nellie Baird Corrie DeJong I. Challice Class 6 - "Christmas in the Country" arrangement 1. Minnie Zegers ; 2. Lynn Harrison V 3. I. thallice 4. Carol Mostert Class 7 - "Christmas Break", coffee cup arrangement 1. Frank Zegers (Jr.) 2. Carol Mostert .3. Corrie DeJong •4. 1: Challice Class '8 - "Christmas Gift Basket 1. ' M. Zegers 2. I. Challice 3. Corrie DeJong Best arrangement in show: I, Challice Vander Stoop's Florist and Greenery As usual the annual Heather Heather Rebekah Bazaar and tea held Saturday afternoon in the Orono Oddfellow's Hall was jammed to capacity when the various booths opened 'for business at two o'clock. The brisk sale continued continued until most items were sold when it was off to the tea garden for tea and cookies. Announces their Official Opening Thursday, December 6th Just in time for Christmas !