To believe it was to see it m m m by Sheri Yeo You had to see it to believe it. At least I did. Who would have imagined any movie star coming here, let alone Lee Majors? Friday morning I was sitting at the desk I. have claimed at the Times and always work at, when Elaine said to the boss and me,, "guess who's going to be at the old Fina station on 115 today?' Lee Majors!". My intelligent response was a dropped jaw and a "You're kidding ! ' ' The boss had an even better reaction - "Who's Lee Majors?" We forgave him that, but when he didn't ' even recognize the Six Million Dollar Man, well the generation generation gap was definitely visible. Elaine and I wanted to see Lee, but we hadn't any idea when he would be thepe, and of course, there was work to do. At about 9:30 later that morning, I received 9 phone call from Mr. Winston at Clarke High. He related to me he had just heard from a reliable source that Lee Majors' was filming right no>v. ; Off I dashed to see the boss upstairs where I told him of the fantastic news scoop (good excuse). But I didn't want to go alone, being shy, so coiild Elaine come? Good, and Margaret from the front office wanted to come too. With a warning from the boss not to stay all day, we piled into the car with camera and film and paper for an interview, and drove as fast as legally possible to the old Fina station beside Ace Submarine. We knew we were in the right place. "Are you with the movie?" "No we're from the paper". "Then you can't park on the set". So we parked in Ace Submarine. It was a cold, dampday, but worth it. We were told Leé wasn't there but soon would ; be arriving. I took out the camera to get a few shots of the Porsche racing car (VW engine), and to be ready for his entrance. While wandering around, I met a reporter from Bow- manville and we were told the same thing - You'll have to put your camera away. There (Continued page 4) Career Education Week at Clarke High by Sheri Yeo The week of October 29th to November 2nd has been declared by the Ministry of Education as "Career Education Education Week". The aim of this declaration is to create knowledge and understanding of careers available to the youth .of today. Clarke High School's Guidance Guidance Department has a fifth and interesting agenda fortihe week. Events planned are tours of various local Indus'-. tries, seminars with professionals professionals and a panel discussion.» discussion.» Parents and people of the communities are invited to attend. The tours will take place on Wednesday of that week arid are being planned for General Motors, Curvply, Bowman- ville Hospital, Oshawa Times, Durham Regional Police, Smith Anderson and Goodyear. Goodyear. Students will sign up for the tour of their choice, if they so wish. ; Seminars are to be held Thursday morning, with two one hour sessions, 9:05 to 10:05, and 10:10 to 11:10. All students must sign up for two seminars. Some of the professionals professionals that will be speaking speaking are George Pollitt, Paul Kelsey, Sue Sawyer, Sam' Cureatz, Roy Forrester, Dr, McArthur, Dr. Alvin, Lucien' Lambier, Dick gander and David Bryn-Jones. ■ An optional panel dis- ► ♦ ♦ ♦ 1 BUSY NIGHT AT ORONO TOWN HALL This Wediips^lay evening (tonight) two events are being held in the Orono Town Hall. Wiz Bryant will present his program under the auspices 'of the Newcastle Library Board is in recognition of Library Week. The program gets underway at 7:30 and has interest for both adults and children. A public meeting is also being held in the hall to consider opposition to the proposed new developments for Highway 115. The meeting is being called for 8:00 p.m! and will consider a petition opposing the 'Super' highway proposal. • MORE TYKE PLAYERS NEEDED There is need for six or seven more Tyke aged hockey players for the local Orono team under the sponsorship of the Orono Amateur Athletic Association. At the present time there are eight or nine players and a few more would give greater flexibility. The age group is six and seven years prior tc# December 31st, 1979. Anyone interested are asked to contact Gord Lowery, Orono. ROLLATHON NETS- $2,070.64 FOR ARENA fUND The final figures are now in as to the receipts from the Rollathon held in the Orono Arena this past summer. The monies collected amounted to $2,070.64 which amount will be donated to the arena fund. Mrs. Fran* Lunn who headed the organization of the event is to be congratulated as well as all of the participants. , \ Timbrell wants Port Hope To plant Year of the Child Forest Saturday in the Ganaraska study Dennis Timbrell, Ontario Minister of Health has recently recently recommended a federal- provincial group study of the possible effects of radiation on residents in the Port Hope area who have been exposed to radioactive wastes over the years. "I want to put the matter to rest once and for all", stated Timbrell. He claimed that statistics show radiation in the area to be somewhat lower in many cases than one would believe. cussion is to be held Tuesday morning. A panel of students and professionals will be discussing topics such as how to look for a job, get a job, what an employer expects from an employee and other job related subjects. There will be orte representative from Bell Canada and one from General Motors. Throughout the week in all English classes, students will be taught how to fill out application forms, write a letter of application, write a • , resume, and how to conduct oneself in an interview. If you want any additional information about Career Week, look for the posters in the communities and the school, or phene Clarke High School at 987-4842. The Guidance Department at Clarke has found the public to be very receptive, co-dper- ative and supportive in this career week. And well you should be. Remember, today they are just students, but tomosrow, they are Canada's future. Plans' have now- been completed completed by the Ganaraska ' Region Conservation Authority Authority as to the planting of International Year of the Child Forest. The plariting is - to take place this Saturday, , October 20th on lands dwned by the Authority north of the County Road 9 east of Kirby. The idea is to have children and parents involved in planting a forest to be designated as the , International International Year of the - Child Forest. The day is to begin with an opening speech by Allan Lawrence, M.P. for the • Nor thumberland-Durham constituency, followed by am information period to detail the why's and how's of the day. Fallowing this, participants participants .will have an opportunity opportunity to get their hands dirty while planting a forest that we will all remember. Trails will be marked to provide the potential for hiking in the Ganaraska Forest after the event. The day is expected to be an enjoyable one for all participants. participants. This event is for children , ages one to one hundred. The site for the planting is north of ' County Roâd 9. Travel east on County Road 9 from Kirby to the first road north at the bottom of the hill at the Oshawa Ski Club. Travel horth to the eighth concession, turn left on Concession Concession 8 and then right at the front side road going north. The route will be signed. Orono firefighters receive Firefighters Jack Mercer and*Fi;ancis Tennant' display a plaque presented to the local fire department on Friday evening by Safety. Supply Company. The plaque is for the 'Best Original Rig' in the. Ontario Fire Buff Association 1979 Muster hel.d in T'qronto in June. ' The two Orono firefighters had attended the muster driving the OronO 1933 Bickle Pumper. The Bickle Pumper' kept as an antique by the Orono firefighters made the trip to Toronto and back all, uhder its own power without a hrtch, TheTe were twenty-five ■ pumpers in the class with the Orono Biçkle placing first. Some pumpers were present from as far as Buffalo.