2-Orono Weeklv Times, Wednesday. June 27th, 1979 Orono Weekly Times A COMPLACENT WORLD Although we can travel to the moon with all the required technology to make the trip safely and comfortably we are unable or unwilling to cope with human suffering that is demonstrated and witnessed from time to time throughout the world., A case in point at the present time is the plight of the Vietnamese refugees from their homeland seeking a hew start elsewhere in the world. Tlje world community has been slow to act as it has in similar cases throughout the world in the past. Hardly can we expect Malaysia to accept all comers to their lands especially whe.n it numbers in the hundreds of thousands. It is a world problem which no doubt in the future will be repeated over and over again. There would be little difficulty in anticipating the reaction of Canadians if this deluge, of humanity breached the beaches of this nation. Canada must share in the responsibility in revealing the plight of the Vietnamese as with others from other lands. But hieing a world problem it ngiust be expected that other countries will also share with their responsibilities. The problem is even greater than the price of oil and as the industrialized countries of the world meet in Japan this week their economic strength should be considered not only in the light of their own people but also for those who now are suffering human strife and dignity. GASOLINE SUPPLY AND LIFESTYLE CHANGE Gasoline supply or the lack of it may have widespread effect in changing our lifestyle in the future. And this-change may be one that reverts more emphasis to the family rather than the increasing division we have seen over the past couple of decades. It does not have appeared that price increases in gasoline has had much effect to this point in travel and our highways and travel abroad has risen continually even in the past few years. Our affluent society could well afford the increased prices for their pleasure. Of course it has had effect bqt this has been registered in portiops of society other than the more affluent. Gas supply is another matter and we depend so much on this Slippy tor most of our needs One only needs to reach the daily press to realize the effect this supply is having in the United States and yes on the supply of some of our fruit in this country. Supply will effect everyone equally if it comes to rationing and no doubt there would be a downward trend in the economy as well as a lifestyle change for the individual. . The lifestyle change could well be one that brings the family unit back together again and certainly this could be a welcomed development for any nation. As we will begin to play in our own backyard the recreational,facilities of the community and the region will become more and more important and if planned on a family basis will benefit the community and nation greatly. Graduate Carol Barnett, daughter pf Mr, and Mrs. D.A. Barnett, R.R. 1, Orono, received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agriculture, majoring in Horticultural Horticultural Science, on June 8, 1979 at the University of Guelph. Carol attended Ken- Orono Nursery School Register Now for September 1979 WE OFFER A HALF-DAY ENRICHMENT PROGRAM FOR 3-5 YEAR OLD CHILDREN Qualified Staff - Licensed Premises* For Information call - 983-5402 A.M. 687-4012 P.M. Police investigating Durham Regional Policy are investigating a break-in of an Orono area residence which resulted in the loss of some $2000 worth of goods from the dwelling. Thieves gained entrance to the home of Francis Mastroianni, Mastroianni, Lot 30, Concession 4 through a locked basement door. They made off with jewelery, clothes, china and liquor. Over $250 damage was done to the furniture in, the home. Hospital care . expands despite financial crimp At the annual meeting last week of the Oshawa General Hospital it was reported that despite the limitations imposed imposed by provincial funding of thé Oshawa General Hospital had continued to provide an expanded level of health care to the community. The annual report also said that due to the severe financial restraints they were anticipating the necessity of closing some beds and making making some reduction in staff. It was reported that the hospital had coped well in the past with restraints by increasing increasing the out-patient surgical surgical procedures and by rationalizing rationalizing hospital admissions and length of stay. SAM AT QUEEN'S PARK ïîàw SAVE ON AUTO INSURANCE? Before you buy, call and compare. Maybe you will save yourself money. Dirk R. Woudstra, Realtor, General Insurance t Orono, 983-5915. Allstate You're in good hands. Allstate Insurance Company. Announcement dal Public School, Kirby Centennial School and graduated graduated with honours from Clarke High School. She is now an assistant store manage! manage! with Oshawa Garden Service. Hamiltons Insurance Service Service is pleased to congratulate congratulate Mrs. Nelda Dawson of Caesarea, formerly of Bow- manville. Mrs. Dawson, with 7 years experience in the general insurance field has completed the General Insurance Insurance Agents Ontario Licencing Licencing Examination. We will continue to extend courteous .and efficient service plus no 1 obligation consultation. Report from Queen's Park Sam Cureatz, M.P.P., Durham East PROPOSAL FOR A NEW PLANNING ACT. A White Paper on proposals for changing Ontario's Planning Planning Act was recently tabled by Queen's Park. The Planning Planning Act is the framework under which municipalities control the Way in which land is used and the way development development will be allowed to take place. When the original Planning Act was passed in 1946, the legislation was designed to accommodate post-war development. development. The White Paper outlines the government of Ontario's position on revising this Act by making the legislation more relevant to today's conditions. The recommendations for change culminates almost four years of study and public review of Ontario's planning process. During the initial review of the Planning Act in 1975 by the Planning Act Review Committee, a series of meetings meetings were held province-wide to determine what was wrong with the present system and , what changes should be made. The committee receiv-, ed more than 300 written submissions from municipalities, municipalities, school boards, planning boards, builder and developer associations, lawyers and other professional groups and individuals. In June 1977, the committee's committee's report was tabled in the Legislature and distributed across the province for review review and comment. Upwards ' of 350 briefs were received, and at the same time, the Government of Ontario initiated initiated further studies and consulted with other ministries ministries and agencies to arrivé at a position that was both far-sighted and responsible. The major emphasis of the white paper is to help reduce problems of red tape , and provide municipalities with more autonomy in making planning decisions. Briefly, the main changes proposed by the white paper include: Refining the role and intereste intereste of the province in local planning so that there will be no interference in municipal matters unless it is necessary to protect the provincial interest. Streamlining the planning process in Ontario by cutting red tape and providing municipalities municipalities which are capable with more freedom in deciding deciding their own local planning issues. Altering the role of the Ontario Municipal Board when it deals with planning matters so that it becomes solely an appelate body able to deal with issues quickly and efficiently. Although the white paper represents a firm position on the part of the government, local governments and other organizations will be contacted contacted again to explain the proposals before final legislation legislation is introduced. Responses to tile White Paper arid draft legislation should be 1 submitted to the Ministry of Rousing prior to November 16,1979 so that all submissions could be reviewed reviewed and legislation prepared for the Spring 1980 session. I would strongly urge anyone who is at all interested interested to make a response to this White Paper. I know only too well from not only my past experience of practising law but also from the political level the frustrations that many of my constituents have encountered because of the • length of time required in regards to rezoning of property. property. On June 17 th I had a busy Father's Day having been invited to six different functions. functions. Because'of my busy schedule, I have to apologize for not having attended the Fiesta Week Parade in Oshawa Oshawa as my St. George Anglican Church had its Annual Sunday School picnic. I'd like to congratulate the Pine Ridge Kinsmen's Club for their donkey baseball game. It's the first time Lhad participated in such an event and I know everyone who joined me enjoyed it immensely. immensely. (Continued from page 1) Summer School week courses with the first course opening on July 3 and Continuing to July 20. The second course opens on July 23 arid continues until August 10th. : Free bus transportation is also being provided and the bus route throughout the western area is outlined in an advertisemerit this week, for adult members there are also free babysitting services. According to W.H. Carman, school trustee, the program fees and provincial grants provide all the funding for the programs of the summer school. A similar summer school is being held in both the eastern and central areas of the Board's jurisdiction. (Continued from page 1 ; Coroner's Report indicate that Hibben was then not seen j)y a doctor until the next morning even though Dr. Singil had been contacted twice during the night by nursing, staff. A courtesy call by Dr. 1 McKenzie at 10 a.m. found Hibbeh, according to evidence, restless, perspiring and confjused. McKenzie called called Dr. Bengal again arid the patient was immediately prepared prepared for surgery. Following surgery Hibben was transferred to the Oshawa Oshawa General Hospital where Dr. E. Long testified the man was almost dead. The next morning Hibben was transferred transferred to Sunnybrook Hospital Hospital for further treatment. Mr. Elston; Memorial Hospital Hospital Administrator, said on Monday that the list of recommendations from the jury^ilong with a report by himself will be placed before the Hospital Board at their Wednesday meeting. He said "he would certainly be recommending recommending that an internal investigation be carried out. Elston said there Would have to be clarification of some of the recommendations' and that all recommendations were not pertinent to the hospital. He said there would bea release following a study of the report and the determination determination of action to be taken. Elston said the board would have to consider the validity of the recommendations recommendations and if some recommendations recommendations should be implemented. implemented. He said it was very difficult to argue against the recommendation recommendation that a doctor should be in attendance at Memorial Hospital 24 hours a * day. He said the board would have -to consider if this is practical or reasonable. Kirby, Ontario Hwy. 115 and35: Bus. 983-5476 (Kirby Store) - ARTISTS: Maureen Remirigton . Eileen Van Nest "• i Peggy McKenzie Doris Roberts f ' Box 2^0, Orono' LOB 1M0 -- 983-5948 Jessie Slemon | Shirley Wilcken] Pottery .Open Daily 10-5 Closed Tuesdays and Sundays. TELEPHONE 623-655$ JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. ' INCOME TAX AND ' RELATED ACCOUNTING SERVICES 118 KING STREET EAST, SUITE 2 BOWMA.WTLLE. ONTARIO L1C 1N3