6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 6th, 1979 Orono Beavers '/Swim U] Monday evening was a big evening for the Beavers and Cubs of Orono as it marked the time for moving up to the next group if they were qualified. The above photo shows the beavers who swam up to cubs: Back row, left to right, Craig Tompkins, Tim Bailey, Troy Young, Jamie Shmyr, Remi Pleasance and Jeff Miller. Front row, left to right, Mike Munneke, Chris Vander Velde, Kevin Cowan, Jeremy Pooler and Andy White. _ ■ - 'v; To investigate use of Pine Ridge School The Town of Newcastle council on Monday were quick to set up a course of. action relating to their possible possible purchase and use of buildings and 279 acres of the Pine Ridge School. A special meeting of council has been called for this Friday morn-" ing when the issue will be discussed in detail. The Pine Ridge School is to be closed out on October 31st, 1979 at which time the property will come on the market. Council has met with the Ministry of Government Services Services as to the possible use of the property but- did not obtain a clear purchase price for the property. This price will be set in the future by private appraisal. It has been pointed out that the Ministry will obtain an appraised value of -the property and if the Town is interested in the pur "chase of the property they would obtain a similar appraisal. appraisal. ' The matter came before council on Monday following a report by Mayor Rickard pointing to public interest in the purchase of the property to he used as an Administration Administration and. Cultural Centre for the Town. Durham Regional departments have also shown an interest in the use of portions of the property, one being the Social Services Department. Mayor Rickard recommended recommended in his report that the Town council act as a co-ordinator of all groups interested in the use of the property. He suggested that all groups interested make submissions to the Town of Newcastle. All council members members are to be involved in the meetings. * Counc. Cowman agreed with the Mayor and that all council members should be involved. Town Manager Alex Guiler said the Town should have their submission ready for the Ministry within the next two or three weeks and at least no later than June 25th. On motion of Councs. Holliday Holliday and Prout the first meeting to discuss the possible possible use and purchase of the property will be held this Friday morning. Orono Figure Skating News Clarke High News The annual meeting of the Skating Club was held on May 3lst in the Arena. There was a good turnout of mothers for the meeting. The following is a list of the 3 new executive members. President, FranLunn; Past President, Sue Sawyer; 1st Vice, Pat Irwin; 2nd Vice, Elaine Haines; Rec. Secretary, Secretary, Darla Lowery; Corr. Secretary, Marj Lowery; Treasurer, Marg. Gorman; Test Chairman, Hilda Gat- chell; Assistant, Fayrië Burnham; Burnham; Banquet Convenor, Donna Hutton; Assistant, Lyndh McCullough; Publicity and Advertising: Carol Graham; Graham; Carnival Convenor; Pat Irwin, Assistants, Joyce Major, Major, Sharon Smart; Pirectors : Nancy Hood, Charlotte Anderson, Anderson, Irene Tennant, Donna English, Donna Scott, Joan Cochrane, Shirley Henry, Barb McAllister, Beverly Williams, Williams, Donna Mudd. The Skating Club will once again be holding a $500.00 draw at the Orono Fair. Also a Walk-a-Thon will be held late in September to raise funds ton the club and the arena. The cubs who joined in their "Going Up" ceremonies were Randy Cowan, Mike Dennis, Brian Young, Shawn Bailey, Steven Barry and Ken Munneke. Munneke. The special ceremonies were held down in the park Monday evening. We are now finishing the ,last week.of school before the final exams. Those students fortunate enough to not have to write any exams are through sch'pol June 8th. Those students not as fortunate fortunate go to school the following .week to write the final exam. We have held our elections to choose next year's class presidents. Josey Vogels will represent Year Two, Sharon Chidley Year Three, Evan Bryn-Jones and Charlene Zietsma Year Four, and Susan Ball and Karen Davidson Davidson Year Five. Good luck to these students in running next year's government. Also, congratulations congratulations to those students who <#ave successfully run this past year's government. On Thqrsday, May 31, 1979, Clarke held its 1st Monte Carlo Night. With the admission admission price you were given' $20.00 play money. With this money you could gamble at the various tables. At the end,. if you had any money left, you went to the auction and brought prices with this, play money. This event was organized organized by the Math Department and the Student,Council and it was reported by all as a grand success. On Friday; June 1st, the graduating students of Clarke Went to Cedar Park for a picnic. It was a good-bÿe 'party enjoyed by all those who attended. Once again Clarke has turned out a grand Yearbook, Invictus '79, under'the direction direction of Gord Proacher, Jim Lycett and the,rest of the Yearbook and Camera Club staff. Congratulations on such a fine achievement. Heather Sawyer and Sylvia 1 Rueggar both broke records at the recent COSSA Tournament Tournament in Track and Field. Clarke had a Prom May 25th at the Marina in Bow- , man ville . There was a good turnout of about 45 couples. It was a very nice evening organized by Vicki Clark, ; This has been an exciting and eventful school year. It has gone by very quickly due to the various events like the Winter Carnival, dances and Monte Carlo Night held. To the graduating students we congratulate them and wish them luck in the future. To all we wish you, "Happy Holdidays". by Andrea Williams. Jîowm an ville La Leche League to begin meetings The Bowmanville Group of the La Leche League will hold its first meeting of Thursday, . June 21,1979 at 8:00 p.m. at 55 Simpson Ave. . Topic for the first meeting will be "Advantages of Breastfeeding to Mother and Baby' '. Subsequent meetings will be held on the following dates: July 19th: /'The Art of Breastfeeding and Overcoming Overcoming Difficulties" , August 16th - "Baby Ar- ■ rives; the Family and the Breastfed Baby". Sept. 20th - "Nutrition and Weaning". ' The continuing series of informal meetings are open to • all womeh interested in breastfeeding. Babies are always welcome. For further information^ please call 623-3607 1 . Our Fireplaces DO NOT Smoke CHIMNEY CLEANING OXFORD * t t Bricklayers - Stonemasons Ltd. ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-5*06