, ■ • Calling for changes $6.5 million spent ..I children aid for hydro hearings The regional social services committee will get an opportunity opportunity early next year to propose changes in the way children's aid societies are operated. A report outlining six different different approaches that could be taken on the subject was presented to thé committee Thursday, but was tabled Until a meeting next year." Prepared by Social Services Services Commissioner Doug Johns, the report does not make specific recommendations but provides options that could be pursued. It is basically concerned with the question of how children's aid societies can be responsible to the public as well as to the children in their Orono Weekly RURAL RATE FOR POWER TO CLIMB (Continued from page 1) kilowatt hours a year to $847 from $658. care. The societies at present, Mr. Johns points out, are required by law to perform specific functions such as investigate allegations or evidence evidence that children may need protection. The board of the Durham region children's aid society is composed* of 21 members, four of whom are municipal representatives who sit on the nine member executive board. The other members are elected at the society's annual --ceting. .'he most tenable solution to The problem of the region's financial obligations to the society is to increase the number of municipal representatives representatives on the board of directors, the commissioner says. If there vyere at least 10 municipally-appointed directors, directors, "it is reasonable to assume that the municipal council would have, at least, an equal voice in the decision making process." Local citizens would still have equal input into decision making and could not complain complain that their interests had been disregarded, he says. Mr: Johns goes on to predict that "local government might rest more easily recognizing that a modicum of financial restraint might be exercised, if necessary," The region at present pays 20 per çent of the society's operating expenses and the province pays the other 80 per cent. The province also picks up all the tab for maintaining the- children of unwed mothers. Other possible courses of action outlined in the report are as follows: Dissolution of the existing board and creating regional council or a council committee committee as the board; Dissolution of the present board and making the agency a division of one of the regional departments; Putting the agency completely completely under, provincial res^ ponsibility ; Getting more municipal voting power by having the municipalities purchase enough enough $2 society memberships to ensure sufficient voting power at annual meetings to elect directors sympathetic to municipal objectives, and, In the past two years Ontario Hydro has spent over $6.5 million through legal fees and personnel costs in attending attending hearings relating to Ontario Hydro proposals and programs. This was revealed at an Ontario Hydro hearing last week in Toronto. Robeft Taylor, chairman of Hydro, stated that the staff had spent more than 100 man-years attending and preparing preparing for hearings since January of 1974, Most of this time was spent in attending royal commissions, select ■ committees and meetings ■ within the Ontario Energy Board. Taylor also pointed out that much of the information information and hearing time is a duplication. As well, Hydro will have to face more energy board hearings and expropriation hearings next year. "There must be some way so that senior members of Hydro don't have to spend so much time examining themselves," themselves," he said. He said that despite campaigns campaigns promoting energy conservation, conservation, consumption increased increased by ^even per cent this year. One of the problems is convincing people that conservation conservation is important. Henry Sissions, Hydro vice- president of distribution, said that if promotion campaigns fail, regulations might have leave matters exactly- as they are. to be imposed. Asked about nuclear generating generating stations, Mr. Taylor said this form of power production is cleaner and less expensive than coal-fired plants. But Mr. Nastich said that unless Hydro has the capital to build such plants, high energy costs will prevail. O.P.P. News (Dry Wall Taping-Spray Ceilings Plaster Repair Painting Wally Lucyk 983-5518 ORONO During the period between December 6th and December 12th the Ontario Provincial Police at Newcastle investigated investigated 22 motor vehicle collisions collisions and 80 occurrences of a ■general nature. Five of the 22 collisions were personal injury accidents accidents resulting in injury to 7 persons. Following investigations investigations into the causes of the accidents 9 drivers have been charged with offences contrary contrary to the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario. The 80 general occurrences involved complaints Of Wilful' Damage, mischief, theft and break, enter and theft. As a result of investigations into these occurrences 4 persons have been charged with offences against the Criminal Code of Canada. St. Saviours ANGLICAN Regular Sunday Worship Service -10:00 a,m. Holy Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays Morning Prayer - 2nd and 4th Sundays Dec. 19th - No 10 a.m. Service. Christmas Story in readings and carols. Special Special scenery and lighting. Silver collection and coffee after in Parish Hall. Times, December 15th, 1976-3 Hdyro said the average farm customer's monthly bill will increase to about $46.65 from $38 and a residential customer in a low-population area will pay about $35.33 instead of $28. UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. R.E, Long B.Th. ORGANIST & CHOIR DIRECTOR Douglas Dewell SUNDAY, DEC. 19TH, 1976 ORONO UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church School 10 a.m. Christmas Service 11:15 a.m. Special music by the Choir. FRIDAY, DEC. 24TH, 1970 Christmas Eve Services Leskard Church 7 p.m. Orono United Chufch Hi-C Service 9:30 p.m. JKIRbV UNITED CHURCH Morning Worship 9:45 a.m. Sunday Church School 11 a m. Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 Dave's Plumbing Heating Electric Industrial-Commercial Residential • « 786-2471 R.R. 1 Orono Thank-You. . . . At this time I would like to thank all the electorate that gave me their support in my effort to be Regional Councillor for Ward III in the recent election. • I give Ted Woodyard my ' congratulations on being elected. I give him all my best wishes in the performance of his new duties. Sincerely Keith D. Barr Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year to everyone. CAo<k& Catei Canada Grade "A" Eviscerated - Young Toms Turkeys, Frozen s lb. 79c ' Maple Leaf" or "Burns" Short Shank Skinless Smoked Ham % u £ 10N)I "Pride of Canada" Smoked Bonelss Pork Shoulders Fully Cooked Ham Steaks "Uevon Brand" , Rind less Bacon Mapiê Leaf Sausage Meat Maple Leaf Skinless Wieners "Burns" Small Link • _ ' S 3 US3Q6 (BEEF AND PORK ) Maple Leaf 14 to 1 ( 6 Ounce size Party Loaf GO F Polidi, Chicken, Mac & Cheese lb. $1.15 lb. $1.69 lb. $1.39 lb. $1.09 lb.59c lb. 79c lb. 88c lb. $1.39