WORK WANltl Ear piercing Phone 623-5747' for appoint ment and informatn m, Hooper's Jeweller's Ltd. Monuments and Family Memori aïs Our quality andse leaves nothing o be desired Ask the person who bought from us, g neigh hour, friend or relative The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORTHOPE Phone collect- V.W. RUTTER Office-885-5216 Home-885-5522, Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod, Siding - Soffit - Facer Eavestroughing - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 For Free Estimate FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTR Y REPAIRS STEVE'S FURNITURE TOUCH-UP R.R. 1, Orono, Ont, Complete furniture, refinishing. refinishing. Antique and modern. Steve Johnson, 983-9630 Pumping Out Septic Tanks Bert Tompkins FOR SALE Cocker Spaniel pups, Registered Registered blonde, ready for Christmas. Christmas. Phone Lindsay 324-0602. 8,15, ac. FOR SALE Slightly used clothing for sale, 9 - 16. 1 pr. girls' figure skates, size 6. Phone 983-5851. 15, ac. INFORMATION RAPE CRISIS CENTRE Victims of rape or sexual assault call 623-7243 or 623- RAPE. Volunteers needed over 18 years of age. 24 hour answering answering service. tf. WANTED Room and board for student. student. Phone 987-4233. 15, ap. COMING EVENTS The Nativity in carols and reading, Dec. 19th at 7 p.m., St. Saviours Church. Silver collection. Coffee in Parish Hall afterwards. afterwards. COMING EVENTS Anyone wishing to register for a 10 week crocheting course, please contact E. Haines, at 983-9218. Course starts Jan. 10th, 1977 15, ac. COMING EVENTS TABLE TENNIS Table Tennis for Teens and Adults Thursdays from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. at Newcastle Village Hall. Contact the Recreation Department for further information, information, 987-5039 or 623-3379. 15, ac. BYAMS PLUMBING - HEATING Sales and Service 24 HOUR BURNERSERVOCE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Phone: Tyrone 263-2650 Bob Yeomans Plumbing and Heating 24 Hour Service New Installations Alterations - Repairs Specializingjn Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work R.R.l, Orono 983-5624 COMING EVENTS Town of Newcastle Social, Planning Council will meet Dec. 16 at 8 p.m. in the council chambers of the Village of Newcastle town hall. All concerned citizens welcome. welcome. 15, qc. CARD OF THANKS To all those who were so . kind while I was in the hospital and since my return home, thank you sincerely. Mrs. Perc Limn. 15, ac. L , CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Howell Rowland wish to express their appréciation Jo relatives, friends and organizations organizations for visits, flowers and messages to their dear mother mother during her retirement and for floral-tributes, sympathy and memorial donations- at the time of her passing. A special thanks to Rev. Basil Long, Dr. A.F. McKenzie, McKenzie, the Morris Funeral Home, and staff of Marnwood Nursing home. Bill and Pat Rowland and family, Jim and Hilda Tamblyn and family. 15, ac. TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. income Tax and Related Accounting Services 67 KING ST. EAST - SUITE 2 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO - L1C 1N3 DXSERVICE STATION Highway 35 and 115, just-nort'h of Newcastle Featuring: Premium Quality Products At the Most Reasonable Prices ' Stove Oil & Diesel Oil > Available in any quantity Phone 987-4215- Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, December 15th. 19|76-11 CARD OF THANKS On behalf of the Orono and Area Chamber of Commerce I would like to thank all people who helped make annua! Christmas party biggest and best ever, special thanks to the comfnit- tce and members who worked so hard, to Sterling Mathers, ' our capable M.C., to the Tirl Guides and Boy Scouts, am the Orono Figure Skating Club for all their help an I to Earl Taylor and his staff their fine co-operation. See you all next year. Douglas Simpkon, President. 15, ac. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Reginald Sutton wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for the floral tributes, cards, kindnesses and memorial donations to the Cancer Society in the loss of a dear husband, father and grandfather. Special thanks to Dr. A.F. McKenzie and nurses on 1st floor for care given Dad while he was a patient there, also Rev. B. Long, Orono United Church Choir and organist Doug Dewell, Oroho U.C.W., Unit i for the lovely lunch, H.H. Barlow Funeral Home, staff of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Orono and Dept, of Lands and Forests. Frances Sutton, Kennedy, Joyce and David Gray. a c - Advertising- a showcase for intelligent shopping. CANADIAN ADVERTISING ADVISOR^ BOARD the our the A for CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank Dr. McKenzie, the nurses and staff of Bowmanville Memom ial Hospital, also Dr. Tator , and staff and nurses of 4th Floor, Sunny brook Hospital, Toronto. A special thanks to Rev. Long, U.C.W., and the Reb- becahs, friends and neighbours neighbours who sent flowers and visits. Also a special thanks to the U.C.W for flowers sent to me on my birthday. Thank you, Ernie Nicholson. 15, ac. Marsh World THE PROLIFIC MUSKRAT -- The muskrat is capable of breeding, at four months of age and producing a litter of six to eight young at monthly intervals during the summer months. The relatively short Canadian summers usually restrict the number of litters to two, three, or rarely, four. Thus a female is capable of replacing her and- her mate with 12 to 18 young in one season, although only about half will reach maturity. -Under good conditions this will result in a density of one pair and their accumulated young-of-the-year for every 8 to 10 acres of marsh. DUcks Unlimited (Canada) .' 188 - 76 IN SEASON * Pears ( Flemish Beauty i andBdsc) Winter Apples 75 lb. bag of Potatoes Fresh Maple Syrup Honey, Sweet Cider Xmas Trees and Gift Packages FRED'S Fruit Market Highway 115 South of Orono