...W- For Mayor - Elect One Orimo Weekly Times. Wednesday, December 1st. 1976 Election Day, Monday, December 6th On the sixth day of Decern- Municipally the race is Kenneth Lyall Garnet Rickard For Local Council - Elect One her the electorate in the three wards in the Town of Newcastle Newcastle will elect their council for the next two years. As well they will also elect their representatives to the Northumberland Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education with the exception of Ward 1 where the incumbent members will be returned through acclamation. acclamation. wide open with every seat on council being contested along with the Mayor's position. In Ward 3 (Clarke, Newcastle) Newcastle) three candidates, Alfred Alfred Gray, Larry Pooler and Douglas Simpson are seeking election for the one position of local councillor. At the regional regional level another three candidates are seeking the single position. They are Keith Barr, William Clarke andE/R. (ted) Woodyard. Voters in Ward 3 will also cast their ballots to elect the Mayor from either Kenneth Lyall or Garnet Rickard. Two will be elected for the Board of Education out of five candidates contesting the po sitions. Those seeking election: election: to the Board are George Cameron, William Carman, Margaret Ibbotson, W. A. Montgomery and Harry Wade Local voters will receive four ballots at their polling station on which to make their choice of candidate. The campaign both for (Continued page 3) For Regional Council - elect One Alfred Gray Larry Pooler Douglas Simpson Keith Barr William Clarke Sr * * E.R. (Ted) Woodyard fjappemngs... I FROG PRINT THEATRE AT ORONO Here is something the kids don't want to forget and it doesn't cost a cent. Your local library board along with the Ministry of Culture and Recreation are sponsoring the Frog Print Theatre at the Orono Town Hall on Saturday, Dec. 4th at 2:30 p.m. It is a delightful entertaining program which could be enjoyed by adults as well as children. Free admission. WIN TARIO GRANTS Mayor Rickard last wêek announced that Wintario Grants had been approved for the ball lights in the Orono Park amounting to $4,421.90; ft^the new Recreational Centre in Tyrone in the amount of $42,208.00 and for renovations at the BrownsviHe Community Centre in the amount of $9,340.00. CLOSED FOR THREE MONTHS . In a report to the Board of Education it was noted that the Clapke High-School auditorium would be closed for a period of three months clue to the construction of the addition and alterations at the school. f CLINICS CANCELLED The Durham Regional Health Unit has informed .the x .as that all influenza clinics which were to be held in the Region have been cancelled. The cancellation wa's made necessary due to the ..fact that an insufficient supply of vaccine had been received. A.I.B. APPROVES INCREASE Word was received last week that the Anti-Inflation Board had given their approval for the 6.7 per cent, increase awarded secondary teachers in the employment of the Northumberland and Newcastle Board Of Education. Both the board and the teachers had ratified the contract for the year 1976-77. ORONO GIRL GRADUATES Miss Carol Chatterton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chatterton, recently graduated from a two-year course in Medical Technology. Carol is now employed as' a registered Technologist; in the lab at Oshawa General Hospital. ADVANCE POLL VOTING UP ' Voting at the Advance Polls held last Saturday throughout the Region has shown an increase over that of three year'ago with the exception being the City of Oshawa where Advance poll voting was down. ^ The turnout at the three polls in the Town of Newcastle, Orono, Hampton and Bowmanville numbered a healthy 243 which is a sizeable turnout from this Town's population and uld be an indication of a large turnout on Monday. x ~'Oxbridge had one of the largest turnouts on Saturday with 287 voting possibly sparked by voting for or against the penitentiary reception centrç. 224 attended the advance polls in Whitby compared to 147 three years ago. In Pickering 166 votes were cast while in Ajax the number of votes was 153, a number again up from 1973. , Commencement held at Clarke Factfinder favors many board proposals Clarke High School held their fourteenth annual commencement commencement on Saturday evening evening with the program being held in the auditorium of the Pines Senior Secondary School. School. The auditorium was filled to capacity witli both students, students, parents and friends. The pVogram was precluded precluded by musical selections by Terry Dawson to be followed by the processional of the faculty and graduating students students to Sine Nomine by the Clarke High School band. Mr. E.G. Witherspoon, pri- nfcipal, greeted the large audience, and outlined developments developments at the school over the past year. He pointed to the addition at the school which when completed will do away with the portables and provide ample accommodation accommodation for many years to come. The principal noted the Development Reading course now in operation at the school and stated that the school was trying to do something to improve reading. He said it was yet too early to assess the program but did feel that already it had proven succes- < Continued page f) Near the end of last week the Fact Finder's report in respect to the outstanding issues that have led to the impasse in negotiations between between the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Elementary Teachers was made public. G, McKechnie was the fact finder with assistance from S. Linden. There were a, total of sixteen items in. dispute between the two parties which were nqt resolved through mediation. It appears the fact finder ruled in favour Of the board on the major issues under dispute dispute in such areas as determination determination of category, Secretarial Secretarial assistance in schools as well as principal and viceprincipal viceprincipal allowances. The fact finder in the Cost of Living Allowance ruled that such should not be included in the 1976-77 contract contract as the contract is a- yearly contract and at the present time economic conditions conditions are not such as to require the need for such protection. The Board had 1 Continued page 7) On Saturday evening at the on behlaf of the Ontario Doug Moffatt, Leslie Jane ' ine Van derHeyden, Alida Clarke Commencement Mr. Government to the above Benson, Isobel Jean Davidson Maria Becker and Laura •Doug Moffatt, M.P.P., pre- 1 Ontario Scholars from Clarke Cheryl Lynn Savery, Grace' Jean Tate. ( • serited cheques and awards High School (left to righU vanNiejenhuis, Mary Gather- 1 ,