.v: 2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 3rd, 1976 Mayor loses out in bid for change ASIGNOF JELLING 'Monday nights council meeting appears to be the first Sign of some form of jelling. We do not believe it was solely, because the meeting was being televised by Cable TV but rather a general accord that some things are beginning to firm up. On the positive side dealings with Ontario Hydro through the special committee seems to denote some respectibitity that did not exist before. The Secondary Planning Reports are ready and about to be presented to council and here again council acted with determination calling a meeting within the period of seven days. Council also showed compassion in dealing with a matter relating to Nursery Schools but .still .held that proper conditions must exist. Even though the Mayor lost his battle to turn council about in certain matters pertaining to planninghe has not lost ■ the war for there are still a number of checks that could well prove him right in the end. , There, of course, were some outburst but all-told it was one of the better meetings for council. May it continue. IS THIS FREE ENTERPRISE? \ One must agree with a number of concerns expressed recently by our local M.P.P., Doug Moffatt concerning the pricing of gasoline. We certainly agree when he attacks the high prices for gasoline one must make if usin g the service of Service Centres along highways 401 and 400. The free enterprisers have always stated that they can provide a service better than through any form of government but in this area the claim reallv falls apart. One would imagine that the operation of the gasoline , outlets in service centres do have a volume that would make the operation most economical and that gas prices could, if anywhere, be somewhat léss than the small operator around the corner. We feel, however, it is one place to really get stung and stung properly. We wish Moffatt well intiis campaign against this apparent injustice. SUBMIT NOTI CE (Continued from page 1 ) libellous and enclose a copy of a notice under the Libel and Slander Act which has been served upon the publisher and delivered to Councillor Entwisle. Our clients are anxious that this unfortunage incident not interfere with the due processing and consideration of their proposal on its planning merits. It is most disturbing that such unfortunate allegations are published at a time when there is an effort to reverse the longstanding support that this proposal has enjoyed from both the former Township and the Town.of Newcastle. We wish to assuré the Town that we are co-operating with Ontario Hydro to see tiiat its requirements can be satisfied with as little impact as possible on the proposal. We are confident of the continued cb-operation of Ontario Hydro and are satisfied it recognized that in implementing its plans it must in law tiave due regard to the legitimate aspirations of property owners affected. We would ask that this letter be received and read at the next Council meeting so that our clients' position will be a matter Of public record." Signed-G.J. Smith NOTICE UNDER THE LIBEL AND SLANDER ACT, R.S.0.1970, C.243 TARE NOTICE that Ridge Pine Park Limited and Rice Construction Co., Limited hereby complain .of and object to an article appearing on pages.l and-2 of the issues of the Canadian Statesman published on the 13th day of October, 1976 as being libellous. The article complained of is headed "Charges of Conspiracy after Council Adjourns". AND TARE NOTICE that this notice is given pursuant to the provisions of The Libel and Slander Act, R.S.O. 1970 c. 243, S. 5 (1). DATED this 25th day of October, 1976. Weir and Foulds, 330 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. Solicitors for Ridge Pine Park Limited and Rice Construction Co., Limited, Street West, ' .Mayor Rickard lost out in his bid on Monday evening to have council reverse a previous previous resolution which cleared cleared a number of planning matters to the Ministry of Housing. He pointed out in his address to council that when council took this action both he and the planner for the Town were absent attending a convention in Quebec. Mayor Rickard stated that there was a great deal of contradiction in a number of resolutions and that these • contradictions did create a source of embarrassment , both at Regional planning and at the Ministry of Housing. He noted as one example a resolution passed by council in which no plan of sub-division sub-division of more than three lots be considered without a district study being carried out. In contradiction to this resolution resolution council had the same day given approval for approximately approximately 32 building lots for a Mr. Pedwell in the former Township of Clarke. This approval, he said, was given without any study or provision provision for services of any kind. "I cannot understand this position of council", he said. Mayor Rickard also sought change in the decision of approval for the rice Mobile Home project as well as the approval of rezoning lands at the intersection of Highways 115, 401 and 2 to allow some form of tourist development. In the latter he said the highway is already known at, the "Riller strip" and with further entrances this would be adding to the dangers that apparently now exist. Cause of Clarke Tax Rate He also stated that people in Clarke were concerned over their large jump in taxes and that they should be concerned when Uis 47 mills higher than that of Darlington. The greatest greatest cause of this jump, he said, was because of sparotic development. Mayor Rickard also claimed claimed that council had not .discussed the planners report • but had given their approval of these comments on the When the letter came before council in the correspondence correspondence Counc. Hobbs and LyalFmoved that it be read as requested. At this point the N letter was read by the clerk. It was then moved by Councs. Allin and Tink that the letter be received for information. At this point Counc Lyall said he was regional official plan and sent this report on to the Ministry of Housing. In speaking on the Pedwell property the Mayor stated this had come before the Regional Planning Board and had been voted upon only to. be lost. He recommended that all planning items should go through the proper planning process and pleaded with council to rescind the resolution resolution which gave their approval approval to a number of projects under a blanket coverage. Counc. Lyall stated that council could not rescind the resolution since action would have been taken on , the resolution. Acting Mayor Hobbs com-' men ted from the chair which he held temporarily Monday Durham to get loan Durham Region has been offered a $1.7 million loan by the' province for the purpose of servicing industrial land, Housing Minister John Rhodes Rhodes said today. Mr. Rhodes met Tuesday with Durham Region Chairman Chairman Walter Beath and Agri- culture Minister Bill Newman. (Durham-York) to discuss night that the resolution to which the Mayor was speaking speaking was only confirming action that had been taken by council previously. Prior to the calling of the vote Mayor Rickard said he was greatly concerned and felt that council had broken faith with the people. The resolution to rescind the former action by council was defeated with only Mayor Rickard and Cpunc. Entwisle voting, in support of any change. the loan. 1 "We're» prepared to make it. They have to agree to it." Mr. Rhodes said. ( He also said the province would not tell Durham in which industrial areas within the region the money would have to be spent. "It's their decision". .The loan, which comes Under, the Ontario Housing Action Program, would likely be interest free, with no repayment necessary for the first five years, similar to other loans negotiated with other local governments, said Mr. Rhodes. Encouraging industrial development east of Metro has long been a goal of the provincial government, emphasized again in the Design for Development Re- ■ port released last spring. ' The City of Oshawa has been negotiating for months for provincial money to service Stevenson Industrial Park. ENFORECEMENT OFFICER TO INVESTIGATE (Continued from page 1) circumstances. Council agreed to endeavour endeavour to speed up the process for Miss Anderson. Later in the meeting council council passed a resolution authorizing authorizing the Town's Enforcement officer to investigate the Country Roads Nursery School at Shaws and report back to council. TO: The Canadian Statesman, 62-66 Ring Bowmanville, Ontario AND TO: The James Publishing Company Limited, 62-66 Ring 'Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario AND TO: Rirk Entwisle, Newtonville, Ontario. abstaining from voting claim- Orono Electric ing to be an injured party. This was followed by an abstention by Counc. Hobbs and Counc. Cowman and as Counc. Entwisle had previously previously stated he was abstaining abstaining the Mayor claimed he did not have a quorum and that council would now move onto the next item of business. Herb and Gerry Duvall 983 5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliances T.V.-COLOUR T.V. RADIO-HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE RCA EÇECTROHOME Guaranteed Service Town of Newcastle 1976 ELECTIONS NOMINATIONS Nominations for the following Offices will be held on November 12th, 1976 and November 15th, 1976 Mayor 3 Regional Councillors (Qne for each Ward) 3 Local Councillors ( One for each Ward) 6 Members for Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education ( Two for each Ward) 1 Member to represent the Town'of Newcastle on the Peterborough, Victoria, Victoria, Northumerland and Newcastle Separate School Board T Member to represent the Separate School Supporters in the Town of Newcastle and County of Northumberland on the. Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education. The nomination papers can be obtained at the TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE, 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO The nomination papers, when completed, shall be received by J. M. Mcllroy, Returning Officer at the TOWN HALL, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, on November 12th, 1976 and November 15th, 1976, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Nomination paper must be filed by 5 p.m. on November 15th, 1976. ELECTIONS The Municipal Elections will Monday, December 6, 1976. Polls wi take place open at on 11 o'clock in the forenoon and close at 8 o'clock in the afternoon. ADVANCE POLL. The Advance Poll will be held on Saturday, November 27th, 1976at'thefollowing locations: WARD 1 - Township Hall, Hampton, Ontario WARD 2 - Town Hall, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. WARDS- Town .Hall, Orono, Ontario The Advance Polls will open at 11 o'clock in the forenoon and close at 8 o'clock in the afternoon. PROXY VOTING Any person whose name is entered on the Polling List for a Polling Sub-Division or who has obtained a certificate entitling him, to vote and who is unable to vote: (a) Because of medical.rcasons and so certified by a legally qualified medical practitioner. <b) Becaüse of absence from his Polling Sub-Division by reason of attending an educational institution, (c) Because of absence from his Polling Sub-Division by reason of-being engaged in the business of transportation by railway, air, water or motor vehicle, - may vote by proxy in that Sub-Division. - Proxy applications may be picked up at the Town Clerk's Office and returned by 5 p.m. on Tuesday,'November'SQ, 1978. , . ■ , - , , J. M. Mcllroy, A.M.C.T ' > ( Town Clerk ■ • Returning Officer 40 Temperaiice Street Bowmanville, Ontario . Phone 623-3379 1