-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 27th, 1976 ,PIJ FALLS IN GOVERNMENT HOUSING PLAN The Ontario government last year came up with what \ appeared a reasonable program to assist the first-time home oyynef. The program included a $1000 grant on purchasing a home along with an additional $$00.00 spread over the next . two years. To qualify for the grants it must be the first purchase of a home for the individual or couple. The plan had merit for it was to encourage the sale of homes to those in the lower income bracket and who were haying trouble in assembling the necessary funds for a down payment. But government planning being what it is and the 'nature of people some $9 million has gone astray and the Provincial Minister of Revenue, Arthur Meen has stated that it would cost more to investigate and collect this misspent money than the $9 million. Surely the intent by the government was clear enough so that proper guidelines could have been defined and adhered to. It would almost appear that someone in the . government felt this sounded like a good idea, which it was, and said "We'll have it" and then forgot all aboutit and left it to someone else in the bureacracy to carry out. How many times is this repeated in all departments within the provincial government with the end result that millions of dollars are wasted after being lifted from the pockets of the individual. Surely the Ontario Home Buyer grant program was not intended to purchase $100,000 dwellings such as made Otto Jelenik and others. - The taxpayer does not mind assisting those in need but the line should be drawn to those than can well afford their own accommodation. The old adage seems to hold true, for those that have will gain more. LACKING POLICY Over the past few years this column has often referred to the need of policy in government and especially at the level of Municipal gopvernment and this would certainly include the Town of Newcastle where today decisions are made on a day to day basis. Garbage collection in the Town is a prime example of the lack of any plan or policy by the municipal council. Residential garbage pick-up in Orono costs on a yearly basis a sum of $18.00, in Newcastle, $30.00, in Courtice $36.00 and according to a reported statement by Counc. Don Allin $60.00 per home unit in Bowmanville. This last figure could not be substantiated by the Treasurer who said he was just now working on these figures. It might be pointed out that garbage collection in Orono, Newcastle and Courtice are through the ^services of private enterprise while that in Bowmanvillej is under the Town through the Department of Public Work^. These figures»do show a great variance ^ throughout the Town and naturally Orono should have no complaints. But with the formation of the Region the responsibility of garbage collection was delegated to the Municipalities. Newcastlqhas done-nothing other than continue what existed in the past. It could well be claimed they have abdicated this responsibility which today is every bit as important a$ dog control, arenas and other such services. Council should be looking at the whole picture and this may well include the tendering to public concerns the djity of garbage collection. Certainly the public system in Bowmanville is a way opt of line and collection in other centres as Courtice and Newcastle are on a hit and miss basis. Lets-pu ; it all together. Letters to the Editor of interest and abstained from voting. Councillor Lyall voted against this proposal. History has once again proven- proven- Councillor Lyall to be correct. The radioactive waste from Eldorado cannot be processed into fertilizer without harm to the environment. environment. You made it sound however that Mr. Lyall did not wish any further information. information. This is absolutely false. Mr. Lyall and the members of S.E.A.P. had already discussed discussed this issue and were aware of the dangers involved. You stated: "There is a Resolution No. 76-778, passed on July 5, 1976 moved and seconded by Councillors Entwisle and Allin, Allin, indicating concern over Eldorado operation and asking asking for a Public Meeting. Again, Councillor Lyall was the only one opposed." This would indicate that Councillor Lyall wanted no Public Meeting particularly if we are to believe other innuendos made earlier in your letter. My record does not read this way at all. Honestly, Mr. Rickard, I do not see" how you can make such statements or implications implications when the record of council minutes of July 5,1976 states that: "Whereas this Council is appalled by the continued leaching into Lake Ontario of radioactive water, aresenic and other lethal chemicals from the Eldorado Nuclear Limited waste dump at Port Granby ; And Whereas this Council is dismayed by the failure of our Federal and Provincial Governments to act to prevent this abuse of our environment; Therefore it is resolved 1) that Eldorado Nuclear Limited shall be required to devise a permanent, watertight watertight container, or containers, to contain future production waste and the present contents contents of the Port Granby dump. | 2) that Eldorado Nuclear Limited shall arrange a public meeting in this Municipality Municipality within sixty days to detail their disposal and clean up plans 3) , that the Clerk is instruct- Dear Editor: Thank heavens we have free speech in this country or else a large number of citizens who did read Mr. Rickard's letter in this paper last week wculd be completely completely confused and receive the wrong impression. It would appear from Mr. Rickard's villains in dispute are S.E.A.P stated that letter that the the Eldorado Councillor Ren Lyall and John Veldhuis. How utterly absurd! ! ! onest Mr. Rickard, Rickard, ydh goofed! You backed the wrong group and now you shake the blame for the Eldoifado controversy and take all the credit. This is ecause the people people who are familiar with the Eldorado issue remember a meeting where you you were not opposed to the Eldorado plante plante put a dump and refinery in Port Granby and you tried to convince the people of the "erits of industrial development development of any kind in our area. Remember your comparison with a chocolate factory"? In your letter you state: "There is a Resolution No. ' C 76-675 passed on June 7,1976 moved and seconded by Councillors Entwisle and Allin, Allin, requesting Eldorado for further information to which Councillor Lyall was the only one opposed" However according to my copy of the minutes Resolution Resolution No. 76-675 states : "That Eldorado Nuclear advise if consideration is 1 being given to converting refuse from their production process into fertilizer" Xou sir, declared a conflict Don't Leave It to Chance Be sure your home is truly protected by a good policy Call us now Mi IIsorr Insurance Agency Office: Corner o£ Church ,and Cobblcdick Street 983-5032 Orono Electric Herb and Gerry Duvall 983-5168 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliances T.V.-COLOUR T.V. RADIO-HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELjECTROHOME Guaranteed Service tç arrange a meeting ' of Council with Mr. David Est- rin, Solicitor, to explore the avenues open to Coucil for enforcement of its wishes." You know, Mr. Rickard, that if you vote for such a motion you are voting for a permanent dump site at Port Granby. This is all the more absurd when you realize that the citizens of Port Granby and the members of S.E.A:P. had just put on a very successful demonstration at Port Granby and in Ottawa which resulted in the eventual closing of the dump by January 31, 1977. Yet on the day of our protest, In Ottawa, a lettter was received by the Atomic Energy Control Board which stated the above _and therefore gave the impression that the Town of Newcastle was in fact in favour of.a permanent, all be it water tight container, for nuclear refuse material. We don't want any kind of dump We don't want any kind of dump in our immediate area so Councillor Lyall had to vote against this resolution. Oh yes, where is the public meeting which was supposgfl to be held before September 5, 1976? Did Council seek the help of Mr. Estrin to enforce it's wishes? Your letter goes on to state that Councillor Lyall abstained abstained from voting on Resolution No. C 76-799. Mr. Rickard, you know I can't tell you whether he did or didn't, since my copy of the minutes show no recorded vote on this resol- • ution it states : "That the letter dated July 12, 1976 from Mr. Brown of Newton ville offering land for sale at the junction of Regional an Provincial Highways Highways in Newtonville be referred referred to the Public Works Committee". Even if he had abstained from voting does this really make any differéhee in our dispute with Eldorado? Any reasonable person would see that there is no connection what so ever and for you to draw a connection is ridiculus at best. May I draw to your attention another resolution. Resolution No. CW 490-76, Moved by Councillor Lyall seconded by Councillor Hobbs : "That it be recommended to Council that the Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada be advised that the Council of the Town of Newcastle is opposed to any extension of the operations of Eldorado Nuclear Limited within the Town of Newcastle" Newcastle" Although you were not present all of Council except Councillor Lyall voted either against this resolution or abstained. Only Councillor Lyall voted for this resolution. resolution. Is it any wonder that as long as facts are twisted and some members qf Council can not see the obvious dangers of their course of action'organizations action'organizations such as'jS.E.A.P. and conservation minded,'citiz,çns such'as myself are Upset with you for not providing the clearheaded leadership, .we need at this 1 time rather than the muddled, •flip-flopping confusion we are receiving. Thank heavens for our elections, at least we get a çhance to make some changes changes on December 6. E. J. Velduis! Poems CLOWNS Clowns, clowns everywhere, Fumling, stumbling here and there. Cuddly, lovable wonderful clowns, Laugh with them, Play with them, Love them always, Clowns, clowns, wonderful clowns.' LOVE Spirits high, thoughts aroam- ing. Eyes bright, hearts agiowing Love is young, never to grow old, Hearts are young, hearts are bold. People are foolish, people are wise. Truth is told, among the lies. Love is the same anywhere, Loyes goes on without a care. HALLOWEEN NIGHT Witches and warlocks, And big black cats. Ghosts and pumpkins, And small skinny rats. It's Haloween Night. The time of the year whpn they're out on the street Some of these ghouls may give you a fright, But just remember it's Halloween Halloween Night. Elaine Hastings THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF N EWCAST L E NOTICE Revision and Certification of the assessment Commissioner's List School Support Entry Last Day Filing an Appeal November 5,1976 Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Sectioq 516 of the Municipal Act and the Ontario Regulation 374-72 as amended, I have posted up at my office, on October 27, 1976 a copy of the Assessment Commissioner's List showing the , School Support for all persons who are qualified to direct taxes for the taxation year 1977. The persons who are qualified to direct taxes ary: Owners, Joint Owners, Tenants or Joint Tenants. I* hereby call upon all perçons qualified to direct taxes in the Town of Newcastle to take immediate proceedings to have any errors corrected, the last day for appeal being - November 5,1976. tievision of the list for a change in School Support wjil commence on November 8, 1976 in the Clerk's Office, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. Appeal forms for alterations of your School Support are available at the Clerk's Office. Dated it the Town of Newcastle, this 27th day of October, 1976. J.M. Mcllroy, A.M.C.T.' Clerk , Corporation of thé Town of Newcastle. Clerk's Notice Of * First Posting of Preliminary List i The Municipal Act, 1972 ' Section 23 ( 1 ) and < 2 ) PRELIMINARY LIST, 1976 OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE, REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 23 of The Municipal Elections act, 1972, and that I have posted up at my offieve at 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, on the 27th day of October, 1976, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the municipality at mimicipla elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all 'electors to take immediate proceedings to have , any errors or omissions corrected according to law- The last dtay for filing compilants is the 5th day of November, 1976. ' ' , i . ■ The place at'which the'r.evision will commence is 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. . / . . * The time at which the 'revision will commence ■ is'9 a.m., 28th day of October, 1976. ' Dated this twenty-seventh day of .October, 1976. . J.M, Macjlroy, A.M.C.T. Clerk ■Town of Newcastle. .