Orono Weekly Times. Wednesday. September 28. 1976-8 FREEZE GRAPES NOW. MAKE THE JUICE LATER The different ways people havè left records of themselves, themselves, of their actions, is always interesting and always always important in a museum collection. These records may be in a written form - as deeds - or visual, such as photographs, Last'July, along with other donations, we received both types. Miss Catherine Stewart Stewart brought us eight deeds' - ranging from a power of attorney paper of 1827 to mortgages and farm leases from 1872 to 1903. The power of attorney was written, not printed, in a very elegant hand - which is nevertheless rather hard to read. All these deeds refer to Manvers Township Township properties. The photographs were donated donated by Mrs. Elizabeth Teep- le; all of them relate to thé Cowan and Hancock families, and happily, with very few exceptions, all the people in these photos were identified. You can see one photograph in our "History in Many Ways" display; it is comparatively comparatively rare - a photo not taken in a studio - and shows many of the favourite house- plants of the day. Museum Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 2-5, Thurs, Evening 6-8:30, Sun. 1-5 . So you want to make your own grape juice this year but you don't want to make it all at once, the day after you come home with baskets and baskets of Ontario blue grapes. grapes. Food specialists at the Ontario Food Council, Ministry Ministry of Agriculture and Food, can hardly blame you for that. They advise that you wash, stem, bag, and freeze thè grapes now, in 5 cup lots. Move House Plants F rom Ga rden to House Even some normal outdoor bedding plants can give extra months of bloom indoors. Fibrous begonias, geraniums and impatiens can be pinched back severely, potted up and brought in before frost touches touches them. Fed every two weeks on "CIL Geranium Food" and set in a sunny window. They can go on blooming all winter. If they are still in the pot, Now is the time to move those house plants, that have been summering in the garden, garden, back into the House, according to horticultural experts in the lawn and garden section of Canadian Industries Limited agricultural agricultural chemicals division. Since these plants will not V ' UPANDDOWN THE BOOKSTACKS Thursday, Sept. 30,1976 ÀDULT Quiltmaking and Quiltmakers by Marilyn Lithgow ORONO Nursery School Vz Day Enrichment * Program for 3-5 Year Old Children Places available for September Call 987r4012 St. Saviours ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship * Service-10:00 a.m. Holy Communion First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer-- Second and Fourth v -- Sunda s Holy Baptism by . appointment with Rector 987-4745 Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B:A., L.Th. withstand freezing weather it is important to bring them into the house before the first frost. However, it is wise to bring poinsettias in a little earlier since they dislike the cool, fall weather. Christmas cactus and azaleas need the cooler temperatures to help" set buds. NITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B E, Long B.Th. ORGANIST & CHOIR DIRECTOR Mr Douglas Dewell SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3,1976 WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY ORONO UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church School 10 a.m. Morning Worship 11:15 a.m _ KIRBY UNITED CHURCH .Morning Worship 9:45 a.m Sunday Church School 11 a.m. Basic Accounting by Albert Slavin (first Cdn. edition) Passion's Child by Margaret Schmidt (the extraordinary life of Jane Digby) The Altitude of Prayer by Joel Goldsmith The Intruders by Hugh Garner Garner The Vengeance Trail of Josey Wales by Forrest Carter (Western) The Hilling Gift by Bari Wood (winner of the Putnam Award) David Meyer is a Mother by Gail Parent JUNIOR Bachman Turner Overdrive by Martin Melhuish (biog.) A Pumpkin in a Pear Tree by Ann Cole (holiday activity book) < The Seven Wonders of the World by Arthur Nicholls Brighty of Gr^rnd Canyon by Marguerite Henry EASY READING AND PICTURE BOORS Spots are Special by Kathryn Halbraith Re'd. Riding Hood by Dick Bruna s Crôcodije and Pierrot by Russell Hoban Joe Moves House by Alison Prince. Madeleine Hadley Orono Building Contractor , Brick - Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors -Wile 983*5441 Orono ail i-- been planted in the garden greater care is required in moving them. The first step actually, is to prepare the pot. The following pertains primarily to the common, earthen, planting pot, but all pots should be cleaned. Clean thoroughly and remove any salt or lim encrustations. As a final step sterilize the pot to kill any insect eggs or disease germs. You can use boiling water or a dilute solution of household chlorine bleach. • Pot size is also important. The root sysfem of a plant has roughly the same spread as the foliage, so it is important that the pot be large enough, as wide across as the foliage spread. If the plant was in a pot all summer it may have outgrown that pot size and require re-potting. Soil is also important. You can purchase a potting plant mixture, or make up your own. A good soil mixture consists of one part coarse sand, one part sterilized soil, and.one part well decayed plant material (compost), or peat moss. Good draining in the pot is essential, but many home gardeners make the error of blocking the bottom of the pot. Put a good layer of broken crockery or coarse gravel on the bottom, "Tur- face" a porous calcined clay, has many uses for the home .gardener. It can make up bné-third of the soil mix, and a one inch layer on the bottom of the pot will aid in "drown proofing" the plant. Dig up the plant carefully so the roots remain in a ball of Soil and plant at the appropriate appropriate height in the pot. Place the plant in the pot so the surface of the soil will be an inch below the rin of the pot to allow for watering. Firm down the soil around the root ball. With the plant potted, now is the time to cut off all discoloured or dead blossoms and leaves. Destroy these as they may carry disease spores or insect eggs. Water the plant well. Since feeding is necessary as well as watering, for a healthy plant, it is recommended that a solution of one teaspoon of "Green Elf" per quart of water be prepared and used. This will help the plapt Then, every so often, make the .grape juice from the frozen grapes. It really is much easier this way because you won't have the terrific workload all at once on sunny warm days, and storage of jars won't be a problem. Another thing is that you won't require as many jars, as you can just re-fill the empty ones. The recipe for the juice is as follows. All the family will love the good real natural grape flavor. "BOTTLED" GRAPE JUICE. 5 cups washed and stemmed Ontario blue grapes 2 cups hot water Combine grapes and water in a saucépan. Bring to a boil, Simmer covered for 30 minutes, minutes, or until very tender. Strain through a fine sieve. For each cup juice, add Va cup sugar. Return to a boil. Pour into hot mason jars. Process in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes. Makes about 2 pints. To serve, dilute half and. half with cold water. BE A GAY BLADE 3C Kin-Kinette Soundings The Kinsmen have held their first meeting and some of their plans for the coming year include four dances and the C. F. Skate-a-thon on Dec, 26th. If you are a young man between the ages of 20 and 40, who enjoys a good time and along with it serve his community, then perhaps you are a potential Kinsmen. If you wish further information,: call Ron Hadley 983-5623 or busy year ahead of them. We are holding a House Tour on Oct. 30th, we visit Nel-Gor' Nursing Home on a weekly basis, and a C. F. Dance is planned for April. Our Clubs are full of enthusiasm about the events we plan to hold, and we hope that the people in our community community will enjoy attending them. recover from the shock of transplanting. By using this solution every two or three weeks in lieu of a normal . watering you are assured of meeting the continuing feeding feeding requirements. Incidentally, most house plants require abqut four hours of sunshine per day, on the equivalent in artificial light. This should be taken into consideration when deciding deciding where to place plants in the house. ' The Kinettes too have a IBHffk Bui Iding a Hoqse? or remodelling your present one? Then contact : Floyd Nicholson Orono 983-5049 YOU'LL SMILE VX/ / ALL THE WHILE mu l/iieJa ° / VJill STYLE., V-N k\ BETTER XwJk Pumping Out O. Chatterton Septic Tanks Electrical Contracting Bert Tompkins • • Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Phone 786-2558 \ Orono, Ontario. CAMSPORT TRAILER SALES Seeour line of - .. -CHEVRON TRAILERS r-TRUCKCAPS , --FIBREGLASCANOES Stock some parts for above items ' OPEN WEEKDAYS & WEEK-ENDS 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Closed Mondays at Noon HIGHWAY 115 & 35 NEWCASTLE PHONE 987-5174" Sweaters! Yes more ladies' sweaters including turtle necks and sweater coats. Warm winter jackets for men. Plain green, navy and brown colours with quilted lining. Trice $28.00 Jacket with quilted lining apd plain back in green, blue and navy with.white and black stripe trim on sleeves and pockets. Price $30.00. Navy, brown and green quilted lining jackets for boys, .with white and £jold stripe trim. Price $20.50. Canadian made wood plaid jacket with pile lining for boys. Prïce $28.00. ' , More fall clothing will be added to our stock this week. ARMSTRONG'S!