It was a great morning for the children of the Orono.and Newcastle Nursery School last Friday when they were entertained at the Pumping Out Septic Tanks United Church by a Puppet show. A great, array - of puppets from Gigi to Rag Time Joe along with their Orono particular antics provided an interesting program of enter- tertainment for the young ' children. The puppets are the property of Mrs. Harris of Bewdley who also performs the show. Bert Tompkins Phone 786-2552 EZRA, Clarke Public LIBRARY PHONE 983-5507 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 2:00 to 8:30 Saturday 10:u0 to 12:00 Church St. Orono, Out. fKEElP YOU* EYES OPEN 'BEFORE MARRIAGE, 'AND HALF SHUT j AFTERWARDS. J WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343' St. Saviours ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service-10:00 a,m. Holy Communion First and Third Sundays, Morning Prayer - Second and Fourth Sundays Holy Baptism by appointment with Rector 987-4745 Rev. H. Robert Hay ne, B.A.*. L.Th. by. jachman Beautiful Flowers .... .for Beautiful People 162 King St. East, Bowmanville Phone 623-3365 ZENITH 36540 No Commissioned Agents S DXSERVICE STATION Highway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: Premium Quality Products At the Most Reasonable Prices Stove Oil & Diesel Oil Available in any quantity Phoiie 987-4215 Group opposed to Eldorado plans Some thirty residents from the Newtonville-Port Granby area attended the Newcastle Industrial Committee meeting meeting on Thursday morning of last week. The meeting was held to discuss matters with Eldorado Nuclear concerning the relocation of a UF 6 refining plant and dump extentions in the south-east corner of the Townof Newcastle. Newcastle. The Port Granby delegation have formed a group to be known as "Save the Environment Environment from Atomic Pollution (SEAP). John Veldhuis, spokesman spokesman for the group, asked the committee on Thursday to do everything in their power to stop dumping of refuse at the Port Granby dump and also to discourage the deve- lôpment of the refining plant in the area. Eldorado Nuclear Ltd. now has control over some 600 acres in the south-east corner of the Town and are considering considering it a location for both the refinery and the site of an extended dump. Carl Grant, solicitor for BYAMS PLUMBING - HEATING Sales and Service 24 HOUR BURNERSERVOCE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Phone: Tyrone 263-2650 VENEZIA Restaurant IIWY 115 and .35 ■/a Mile South of Orono Phone 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK We Specialize in: Pizza - Meals f * ALSO , Weekend Specials Eldorado stated that trie company would not railroad the project through. He also said it was Eldorado's intention intention to hold public meeting and to adhere to all municipal and provincial regulations. Francis Tennant Fuels Phone 983-5693 to (Dry Wall Taping-Spray Ceilings Plaster Repair Painting ' Wally Lucyk 983-5518 ORONO Orono Weekly Times, Spring care for your lawn mower During the summer mon-' Ills, the rotary lawn mower is possibly one of the mogt used gardening tools. To keep it operating efficiently, spring maintenance is a must and Ontario Agricultural, College engineer Professor R. : W. Irwin says/that sharpening trie mower blades is the first task. "'First remove the blade from trie mower, and be sure to take note pf how the lock washer is placed on the shaft. Examine the blade for defects; defects; a bent blade may be weakened and unsafe after straightening, so you may need to purchase a new one. If there are no defects, place the blade in a vise for sharpening. Using a 10 inch mill-bastard file or, if preferred, a grinder, file equal amount^ off both sides of the blade tip to its original level. A 45 degree angle is best, since sharp angles of less than 45 degrees dull faster," he says. Proper balance of the blade after sharpening is important,-Professor important,-Professor Irwin says, to prevent vibrations and damage damage to the busings and engine. To check the balance, he suggests hammering a nail horizontally into the wall and placing the sharpened blade over the nail; if sharpened properly, the blade should not John De With Real Estate , Limited . Realtor Bowmanville ... 623-3950 and 623-3111 For Prompt, Efficient Service when buying or selling Contact: Joe Barnoski 786-2202 Ross Davidson Wednesday, May 19th, 1976--5 dip'to either side. If it does dip, more filing is needed off -the'.low side until the blade balances. Opce the blade is sharpened and balanced, replace it and the lockwasher securely, and finish the remainder of the mower's maintenance. How's Your Hearing? Montreal--A free offer of special interest to those who hear but do not understand understand words has been announced by Beltone. A. non-operating model of the smallest Beltone aid of its kind will be given absolutely free to anyone answering this advertisement. advertisement. Send for this free model model now. It is not a real hearing aid, but it will show you how tiny hearing hearing help can be. The, actual actual aid weighs less than a third of an ounce, and it's all at ear level, in one Unit. These models are free, so we suggest you write for yours now. Again, we repeat, there is no cost, and certainly no obligation. obligation. Thousands have already already been mailed, so write today to Dept, 2219 , Beltone Electronics of i Canada Ltd., P.O. Box 647, Montreal, P.Q. Orono Buildiog Contractor Brick - Block - Concrete StoneWork Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors - Tile 983-5441 Orono . Tender Tootsie Wedge Heel in both Doe & Golden Tan colours. Priced at $12.50 Wedge Heel in Denim look Priced at $U.50 Ladies' Slacks Ladies' light weight Summer Slacks in navy, brown, black and pretty summer shades. from $15.75 to $23.50 Material In stock a bolt of Perma-Press 45" white material i i t with a glossy pattern especial ly'sqitable for making uniforms ................ yd. $2.10 Ends of'Lilies 'Ends of lines of Ladies' dud Ghildrep's Bathing Suits have been added to our .' 2 'PRICE , RACK.,, Men's daps and Hats] \VOKK CAPS in dark green priced at ' GOLF CAP'S, in several eoiours - MEN'S SIX-piECU HATS Sr'.r.ii / in several colours ' ARMSTRONG'S