, > ' ■WW' Accomplishments jited by chairman Land purchases by authorities Orono Weekly Times, W<\.esday, March 3, 1976---3 Mr. Ed Haynes in his final report as chariman of the Ganaraska Conservation Authority Authority stated that, the Authority had made some remarkable " accomplishments accomplishments Within the past year. We are now on the "threshold, he'said, with the best yet to come. Even with the present day restraints he felt that the Ganaraska could continue to UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister v. B.E. Long B.Th. adhere to the principals of conservation gnd its development development within this area. He said there was still a During the past year the Central Lake Ontario Conser vation Authority purchased a total of 500 acres of land in great need in the area for the their area while the Ganaras- application of conservation. Over the past year there has been considerable growth in Staff due to expanded work by the authority which now has a fulMime resources manager, a full-time secreatry-treasurer, secreatry-treasurer, a planner and a superintendent. superintendent. Flood plain mapping has continued and the final report ka purchased some 110 acres in the Ganaraska watershed. Total lands owned by Central Lake Ontario Authority has now risen to 1809 while 8875 acres is held in ownership by the Ganarasks Authority with the major portion in the former north Clarke Township Township and Hope Township. Purchases during the past for the area in the Town of year by the Ganaraska inclu- Newcastle is expected to be made available this year. Work is to commence in the Port Hope area this spring iRGANIST & CHOIR and the Cobourg area is to be DIRECTOR Mr. Douglas Dewell Sunday, March 7,1976 Orono United Church Church School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:15 a.m. Fellowship Groiip' immediately alter Church Upper C.E. Auditorium GUATELAMA RELIEF: You may give through your Church for relief in Guatelama. Put money or a cheque in an envelope marked 'Guatelama' with your name and bripg or mail it to the Church Kirby United Church Morning Worship 9:45 a.m. Church School 11:00 a.m. Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 ■ :■ > * : ; k' '=» - ' -C: - ■ ■ .S * -> s . 'K< ' *ï. LS ded some 16 acres added to the Ball's Mill Conservation area. This site includes the pond at the north fend of the area. Some 94 acres was also purchased on the south west side of Rice Lake near Bewdley. This parcel, consisting consisting of a sizeable wild-life couple of weeks in order to - area is adjacent to a former 70 arrange the program of Work acre purchase. completely completed by the middle of the year. The new committees are to be in operation within a ther 36 acres in the Soper Creek Valley. Whitby as well as a 21 acre plot for the Purple Woods area and and additional 16 acres of the Oshawa Creek Valley. O.P.P. NEWS During the past week the Ontario Provincial Police at Newcastle investigated 15 motor vehicle collisions and attended several general occurrences. occurrences. These motor vehicle collisions collisions caused injury to six persons and investigations resulted in five persons being charged with.offences under the Highway Traffic Act and two persons being charged with driving offences under the Criminal Code. The general occurrences investigated included offen ces such as break and enter., wilful damage, and assaults, Seven persons have been Charged, with impaired driving driving and four persons have been charged with offences under the Liquor Control Act. appear lived in? Do ybu have good locks? 1 )o you keep good control of ' air house keys and never leave them hidden outside y.iur home? Do yop have good locks or latches on all your windows? , Do you stop deliveries? CRIME PREVENTION TIP: ooes your neighbour have SECURITY OF YOUR HOME th e description of your car, Since many families Will bfe licence number, your route taking a brief holiday during and destination? An emergen- the annual school break it is C y may arise when you have worth while considering the ; to be contacted, security of your home. Ask G. W. Brun ton yourself- Community Services Officer 1 Does your home always . Mid- winter Dance Saturday, March 6 8.30 to 1.00 a.m. Newcastle Community Hall LUNCH SERVED EVERYONE WELCOME Sponsored by East Durham NDP Tickets at the door Admission: $6.00 per couple for 1976. On a number of occasions at the annual meeting reference was made of the foresight shown in the early years of the authority through .the acquittions, acquittions, of lands, now the Ganaraska forests. The annual meeting was the 30th annual meeting of the Authority. The Central Lake Authority added 280 acres to its Lynde Shores Conservation area in Witby as well as a 21 acre plot for the Purple Woods area and an additional 16 acres of the Oshawa Creek valley. In Newcastle the Authority purchased 58 acres of wetlands wetlands at the mouth of the Bowmanville Creek and ano- Wage controls are necessary - Stuart St. Saviours ANGLICAN Established 1869 1 Regular Sunday Worship , Service-10:00 a.m. Holy Communion First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer - ' Second and Fourth Sundays Holy Baptism by appointment with Rector 987-4745 Rev. H. Robert Haÿne, B.A., L.Th. Don't leave It to dance Be sure your home is truly protected by a good policy Call us now Mi I Ison Insurance Agency Office: Corner of Church and Cobbledick Street 983-5032 Wage controls are necessary necessary to end the redistribution of wealth in society, according according to Ontario Liberal leader Stuart Smith. , Dr. Smith said Thursday night that he supports long term controls to counteract the effects of large wage increases won by powerful unions, for which the unorganized unorganized segment of the economy eventually has to pay. "-It's an arbitrary, and in my opinion, redistribution of wealth because it takes from the weak' and gives to the powerful," he said. The Liberal leader told the Durham West Liberal Association Association regional government in Ontario "went crazy" when it was established and instead of eliminating centralization, has created a new bureaucracy bureaucracy at the regional level, Dr. Smith said the power and autonomy of smaller municipalities had been t^ken away and centred in a new level of government which is even farther removed from the people. Instead of reversing the trend toward centralization, regional government in Ontario Ontario has created a new government with a new bureaucracy bureaucracy to carry out new laws, he said. Thç Liberal leader said he supports the concept of deceh- William C. Hall, b. Cemm. Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY t tralized regional administration, administration, but added no staff should be hired at the regional level except, to replace a position eliminated from the small municipality's payroll. Dr. Smith took school board officials to task last night for what he called their ability to increase the tax rate by any amount they choose "virtually "virtually with impunity." Liberal mission to Durham Following in the footsteps of the New Democratic Party, four members of the Liberal caucus visited Oshawa Tuesday Tuesday on a fact-finding mission related to the provincial government's restraint prp- gram. Led by Liberal financial critic MPP Marvin Shore (London North), they met ■ with , municipal officials to exchange views on the restraint restraint program. They also examined attitudes attitudes towards provincial-municipal provincial-municipal relationships, particularly particularly revenue sharing and provincial priorities. ENROLMENT DOWN IN FRENCH KINDERGARTEN ( Continued from page 1 ) motion to re-open the question question of the french course stating that with restraints and rising taxes it should possibly be discontinued. The Board on February 12th endorsed the French program by a vote of 8-7. The Blyth move would be to rescind this approval. As yet no new french teachers have been hired but interviews are being held. The legal stand of the notice of motion is to be decided prior to the next meeting of the board. Newcastle Recreation Department COUNTRY JAMBOREE ORONO TOWN HALL Sunday, March 7th Starting at 2:00 p.m. HOUSE BAND FAY ADAMS and the COUNTRY HITS With Fpy, Glory, Don Adams;,Len Somerscales on the Steel Quitar and Joey Howe on Lead Quitar guest artists; JOHN NOONAN Janice & Rodney CRAIG Country Entertainer from Rpseneath 12 and 9 Year Old from Hampton HAROLD FIFE ' and his 4-string Banjo, Daisy "D" WINTER BOTTOM Jamboree From the Hayloft Dance Party ADMISSION $1.25 Children 50c |Doqr Prizes i MAXINE Fresh Cut - Back Off Chicken Legs Fresh Cut - Meaty Back Off Chicken Breasts Maple Leaf Mild and Sweet Rind less Bacon Ideal for Dressing Pork Spa reribs lb. $1.09 lb. $1.12 lb. $1.75 lb. $1.29 lb. 84c. Maple Leaf or ALL BEEF Wieners Maple Leaf Fully Cooked Smoked "gonfileSS" > Pork Shoulders Dinner lb. $1.78 Burns Small Link Sausage (Beef and Pork) lb» 88ce Red and White Brand Produce Best Buy Butter ,- First Grade ■ i lb. $1.05 Celery ~ "forma 39c. - Crisp California JUMBO EACH CORNISH'S