Orville Chatterton ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING 983-5546 or 983-5940 ORONO, ONTARIO Attention Farmers!! SAVE ON * Diesel Fuel * Motor Oil * Gasoline For Prompt Courteous Service CALL US TODAY Gentlemen do you need a warm jacket? Ti y are now reduced Twenty percent off regular price for boys winter toques. Many items for ladies and children now selling at Va regular price. Children's bunting bags, snow ! jackets and coats are suits off regular price ARMSTRONG'S 7:30 p.m. Monday, January 27, 1975 Copies of the District Plan are available for viewing and inspection at the following locations :- OFFICE OF THE CLERK, 40 TEMPERANCE ST. BOWMANVILLE AND OFFICE OF THE SEC., HAMPTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, NEWCASTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY, BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY LIBRARY AND ORONO PUBLIC LIBRARY. J.M. MCILROY, AM.C.T. CLERK, TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Notice To all ratepayers of the Town of Newcastle RE: The New Ratepayers Association THERE WILL BE NOMINATIONS, ELECTIONS AND GENERAL MEETING ON January 29th AT THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, BOWMANVILLE ALL RATEPAYERS ARE URGED TO ATTEND IfOR MORE INFORMATION CALL Kendal news : Xfter one of the warmest -izricember's on record and two weeks of very mild weather in January we are now in the deep freeze. The ski hill thronged with skiers on Saturday and Sunday. There is a good covering of snow. Sorry to hear that Mrs. O. Town of Newcastle Notice of Public Meeting The Council of the Town of Newcastle will hold a Public Meeting to present and discuss the proposed Interim District Plan. The public are cordially invited to attend this meeting for the purpose of obtaining the participation and co-operation of the residents of the Town of Newcastle in determining the solution of problems or matters affecting tne development of the District Planning area of the Town of Newcastle. Council Chambers, 132 Church Street, Bowmanville TENNANT FUELS Your Fina Sales Agent, Orono, Ontario Serving all of the Town of Newcastle 983-5693 Enjoy the warmth of summer throughout the winter months we provide everything you need. ■FREE annual furnace conditioning. -PLUS FREE, Emergency burner service. ■Hot water tank rental. ■Dependable automatic metered deliveries. -Monthly credit terms. • -Interest free budget accounts. -Furnance financing and installation. Fjor complete personalized home comfort day or night. Wright has broken her hip and is receiving treatment in hospital. She is Mrs. Lèn Falls' mother. Rev. G. Montgomery told the children an . interesting story about, "Five marbles in the pocker of a coat sent by a lad to Africa." He spoke from Phillipians 2 v 1-11 on the subject, "The Personality of Jesus." Take a few lessons from Jesus. He was humble. He taught the golden rule. He was wise. He had inherited his parent's wisdom. He had a positive personality. No matter matter where he went he was -irresitable. Through following Him we learn to pray for the' unity of Christians everywhere. everywhere. Next Sunday our guest speaker will be Rev. Robt. Lindsay from church head quarters in Toronto. He has a great work to do in helping our United Church try to solve food problems in Packistan India, Bangledesh and Chile, also the problem of the chain stores wanting to keep open on Sunday. Let us have a good turn out to hear this ltalented speaker January 26th at 11:15 a.m. The following Sunday, we hope to hold our Annual meeting on February 2nd following the sèrvice. Congratulations to mrs. Alva Swarbrick who celebrated celebrated her eightieth birthday January 18th. Mr. ANd Mrs. Doug Mercer and mr. and Mrs. Bill Mercer of Toronto spent the weekend with their parents Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer. Kendal United Church Women Women met in the Church Hall with seventeen present. There were visitors from Newtoriville and Shiloh. Our president was unable to be present so Mrs. T. Stevens opened the meeting with a New Year prayer. After welcoming the visitors she asked Mrs. G. Cathcart to tell the story of the author of our opening hymn, "The King of love my Shepherd is. The minutes were read, the offering offering taken. Mr. G. Montgomery showed the Bay of Quinte Conference slides on the Mission and Service work of our church. The slides showed work among the Indians at Elder - ville hospital visiting, work children and they youth groups also work among the elderly. Mrs. T. Stevens presented our retiring president Mrs. Levina Downes with a gift in appreciation of her fine leadership leadership during the past two years. The closing hymn was "Joyful, joyful we adore Thee." Lunch was served. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. R. Elliott. The fuenral of mr. Eugene Ross was held in North Bay on January 14th, 1975. He was 68 years of age. Sympathy is extended to his sister Mrs. Julia Jackson. KIRBY NEWS Kirby United Church Annual Annual Meeting was held on Tuesday January 14th in the Sunday School room. Around thirty enjoyed the Pot Luck Supper. After everyone had their Pot full the Church business was taken care of with Rev. Long being chairman. chairman. Mr. Alan Riseborough was made one of the Elders to fill the vacancy left with the passing of Mr. Stanley Chapman. Chapman. Other offices remained about the same as last year. Mrs. Julie Harris is a patient in Bowmanville Memorial Memorial Hospital, having hemor- raged after having a tonsilec- tomy. We hope she will soon be feeling much better. Mrs. Youmans was taken to Oshawa General Hospital yesterday yesterday after having a fall in her home. We wish her a speedy recovery. We wish to correct a mistake in last weeks news. The old Kirby School will be a hundred years old in 1978 - not 1976. Everyone enjoyed the speak er Rev. Sidney C. Batin of Belleville on Sunday at Church. Church. He is from the Bay of Qunite Conference Ministry with the Deaf. Did you know :hat when you talk to people who are hard of hearing you uivui'v utEiiLi innns, J/vivuAKY 22nd, 1975 -5 speak softyly? They lip read so you do not have to shout. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stapleton Oshawa were Fri. evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ball. Miss Susan Ball and Mr. Les Hrebicek, Toronto were weekend visitors of her parents parents Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ball and all were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mercer and family Hampton on Sunday. Mr. Jim Wilson is home with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wilson for a couple oi weeks after having a tonsilec- tomy at Scarborough Centennial Centennial Hospital last Friday. BYAMS PLUMBING - HEATING Sales and Service 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Local News Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duncan of Ottawa on their 55th Wedding Anniversity. They were originally originally from this area. Their daughters held open house on this special occasion WE CAN SAVE . _ A LOT OF LEGAL tenderer you ose THE SERVICE THAT WE RENDER Phene: Tyrone 263-2650 Don't leave It to Chance. Be sure your home is truly protected by a good policy. Call us now. Millson Insurance Agency n „ Office: Corner of Church and Uobbledick Street 983-5032 PETROFINA CANADA LTD DRYWALL ■ TAPING SPRAYED CEILINGS APPLYING DRYWALL PLASTER REPAIR Wally Lucyk ORONO