ORONO WEEKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS || â€"=========â€"â€"p- = - = â€" == =u NEWTONVILLE M r. MacGregor Jones, of Markham, was home on Suit day. Miss Audrey Burley, of Port Hope, was home on Sunday. Mrs. Raymond Bruce is visiting friends at Bancroft. Miss Olive Johnston, of Peierboro, visited her brother, Mr. T nipper John- ston, Mr, Clarence Allin, Orono, was a 'Sunday guest of Mr, and Mrs. B, J, Rowe. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Randall, Osh- awa, visited his mother, Mrs. H. Randall, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Farewell Blackburn, of Salem, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Saver,v. Mr. Harold Allin, Newcastle, was a g.Uest of Mr. Win. Laing on Sunday and assisted the choir. Miss Lois Turner and Mr. Tom Turner, Crooked Creek, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nes- bitt, Mr. John Kennedy and daughter, Mrs. Chris Graham, of Petorboro, visited: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jones on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Best, Thorn- bury, and Mrs. John Reid, of Port Hope, visited Mrs, Charles Reid on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jones and Miss Nancy Gordon, of Port Hope, spent Sunday with Mr. âncl Mrs. Geo. E. iStapletd.n, Mrs. Ira Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson and Giwynne, of Kendal, were Sunday guests of Miss Jennie Thompson. Mr. Willis Jones and party have returned from their deer hunting ex- pedition, bringing three victims of the hunt with them. Mrs. Byers, Garden Hill, Mr. and Mrs. N. McCullough and Jean, of Port Hope, visited Mir. and Mrs. Gteo McOul'lough on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oielaitd Lane and Miss : Mary Lane and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sa very visited Mr. and Mrs. McGill, Argyll, recently. Mr. and Mrs. C. Glass, Mr. and Mrs. M ilt.'Robinson, of Kendal ; Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Smi till, of Stark ville, spent Sunday with Mrs, John Jack- son. Mr. J. W, Bradley, Newcastle, was guest speaker at the men’s club on Wednesday, November 9th. At the close the members treated all pres- ent with oysters. The girls’ softball;â- â- team are bold- ing a dance in the Community Hall on November 26th. Galloway’s or- chestra will, be in attendance. Ad- mission 250. Lunch 10 c. Mr. and Mrs. K Hutchison, Miss Mary Lane, Mrs. 0. Lane, Mrs. J. "Stark, ' Miss He no Ho skin, Miss Gladys Pearce, and Mrs. Willis J ones were in Petenboro last week. The W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church held their Thankoffering in the basement o'f the church on Wed- nesday, November 9th. Rev. Foote, of Port Hope, gave a splendid address on the Parable of the Talent stressing the part that the Sins of Omission are greater than the Sins of Commission, A social hour followed and a delight- ful lunch was served. The result of the annual election of officers for the Y.P.IT. is as follows : President, Rena Hoskin ; vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Savory; secretary, Wanda McKay ; treasurer, Sidney Lancaster ; Christian Fellowship, Hazel Reid and Jack Kimball; Christian Missions, Lena Kimball and Sidney Lancaster ; Christian Citizenship, Betty Staple- ton and Elsie Wallace; Christian Culture, Mrs. J, Stark and Gladys Pearce’; pianist, Margaret Denault; Assistant, Mrs. Lane. Rev. Littlewoed, Orono, was guest speaker at the Thank-Offering Ser- vices in the United Church on Sun- day. In the afternoon he gave a talk on the Church, The choir sang an anthem and Mrs. A. Redknapp sang at solo. In the evening he spoke on “Porter†and after picturing the newer that profanity, liquor and. dher evils has over many, showed how hey might overcome these with the Power of Jesus. The choir sang two mtbems and Miss Elsie Wallace sang a solo. ' . â- * Mrs. L. Savory, vice-president, opened: II. C. League on Tuesday evening, November 8th. Miss Lena Kimball acted as secretary in the ab- sence of the regular secretary. When Ire business part was concluded Miss Hazel Reid, took charge of the pro- gram. Jack Kimball read the scrip- ture lesson and Stanley Lott gave his speech on Sir Wilfred Laurier that won first prize in Clarke Township. Next came a debate, resolved that the new four-lane highway , should go through. Crooked Creek instead of Newtpnvilie. Affirmative, Sidney Rutherford and Frank Gilmer ; nega- tive, Melville Jones and Lawrence -Savery. Decision, a tie; judges, Miss E. Pearse, Mrs. George J. Stapleton •m l Mr. Wm. Laing. Mr. Ronald Burley then favoured with a very fine violin solo, accompanied by Miss Margaret Denault. Mizpah B'enedic- tiion. --------;â€"o------------ A. medieval idea in keeping off moths was to put rosemary in chests and clothes cupboards. A joint project of American ex- nloreris arid W.P.A. workers is a m ineograpiicd list, of bibliographies oin polar exploration, which is ex- pected to run into several volumes and to inel’uide 500,0OO1 entries'. FOR YEARS tie name, of Delanty has stood for courteous attention, high class, workmanship and fair and reasonable treatment. To day, even more than ever, this firm takes pride is guarding and maintain- ing its pi-oud record-â€"earned through long years of straightforward dealing with the public. No matter how small or how large a proposition, we will gladly go into details in connection so that you can intelligently come to a decision. j THE cobourg granite and marble works I DELANTY BROS. ÃŽ For further particulars see our local agent ! MR. G. A. BEAMISH l STARKVILLE Mrs, G. Silver with friends in Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs, Boss. IIallowed with Mrs. John Henry, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Ross li allowed with Mr. and Mrs. W. Prouse, Osaca. Mrs,: Wm. ’Savery with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Savery, Newtonville. Mr. 'and Mrs. J. J. Mell-or, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ruther- ford. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Rutherford with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Rutherford, Kirby. Mr, a nd Mrs.-. Milton Weatherilt and boys, 'Bethany, with Mr, and Mrs. A. Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallowed with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence White : of Maple Grove. Mrs. Russell Savery with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, A. Muldred, of Elizabethville. Mrs. Wm. Rutherford, Mrs. J. Ha.s- sen and friends with Mr. and Mrs. II, B. Gilmer. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carson and family with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wil- son, Perrytown. Mrs. R Boughen and family, Mr. Arthur McKay with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Martin, Brighton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Savery and Ruth, Mr. and .Mrs,' Russell Savery with Mi-, and Mrs, Charles Yule, of Oshaiwa. Misses Ruth 'Savery and Meda Hal- lowed were the guests of Miss Mar- guerite McKay, Newtonville, on Fri- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowed and Helen, of Elizabethville, Miss Beulah Hallowed, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. .S, G. Hallowed, On Friday afternoon the gentlemen of our community attended a plough- ing bee for Mr, Lome Paeden on the farm of Mr. E. Bullied- We under- stand Mr. and Mrs. Paeden will be residents of our community in the spring. The Y.P.U. met last Wednesday evening in the church, the programme being in charge: of the missionary convenor Ruth Savery ; bible read- ing, Hazel Falls; solo, Gwen Gilmer ; topic, Mrs. A. Dunn; mouth organ selection, Bren ton Farrow, The meet- ing closed with a hymn and the Miz- pah Benediction, Miss Norma Hallo- wed has charge of the programme this week. Mr., J. J. Mellor will be ' the guest speaker, KIRBY Miss Annie Forbes was home over Sunday. Mr. Ross Whitaker, of Toronto, wal,' a guest at Mr. G. Forbes on Sun- il i.v last. Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Powers were in Kirby on Sunday for a short visit with friends. iM'iss 'Christine McKinnon, who is attending Olshawa College, spent, the week-end at home. Mr. and Mit. E. E. Bryson spent ’Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Copper and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Denned and Miss Eileen were visitors with Mr. arid Mrs, John Brown on Sunday. Plea'rcd to have a call from Mr. Clarence Allin, our former mail clerk, who gave us good service in that ca- pacity'for years. In the absence of our pastor, Rev. S. Littlewood, Rev. E Beech, of New- tonville, occupied the pulpit here and all were dblighted with the sermon be preached. 'Mils E. V. Wilson, â- of Barrie, aient last 'week with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bigelow and Mr. Wilfred Bige- low, he being on his holidays at this particular time. Mrs. IS. L. Berry entertained the ladies of the east and west, groups on Wednesday of last week. The after- noon was spent in quilting ,and social chat, followed by a delicious lunch. Owing to Mrs. Wm, Cobbled'vole be- ing absent at 'church "on Sunday, Mrs. Zed a Little officiated in her place at; the piano " and Mrs. Hart- well Lowery and 'Miss Ha'nsb. rr.v very ably helped out with the sing- ing. Next Sunday there will foe,: the usual afternoon 'service and: in the evening at. 7 o’clock Mr. J. J. Mellor will take charge of the annlual W,M. S. service. 'Special music by. the choir. Please encourage this society by your attendance and donations. As the threshing season is about finished, we understand that Messrs. And and 'Stone are making prepara- tions for a big deer hunt in the nor- thern wilds some place and they have engaged Mr. Robert Lun.n as their guide and Robert, has nurchased a compass from Mr. Durey Sr, of Orono. Robert says he will guarantee NEWCASTLE Mrs, Floyd Butler visited friends in Belleville 'for a few days last week. Miss Couch was over from Buffalo visiting friends and relatives for a week. Mrs'. Stella Anderson of the “New- castle Arms†is spending a week in New York, Mrs. J. A. Butler entertained a number of friends at Bridge re- cently at the ‘Newcastle Arms.†Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ardagh were down- for the week-end and 'closed their summer house for the winter. 1 Mrs. D. J. Galbraith has closed her house for the winter and is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Sam 'Stewart in Bowman ville. Mrs. I). B. Simpson has returned from a two weeks’ visit with her daughter, Mrs. Estol in Kingston and relatives in Montreal. Dr. Addison has returned to Tor- onto after spending a fortnight with Mr. and Mrs, Reman. Mrs. Reman entertained at tea for Miss Addison On Friday afternoon. ..Mies' Audrey llorrocks visited friends in â- Toronto for a week. Upon her return she was accompanied by Miss Margaret Morris who stayed â- over for the week-end. On Sunday morning the Rural Dean, the Rev. P. T. Roberts of Col- borne took -the services at St. George’s and in the evening Rev. .’Spencer ctf Bowman ville. Mr. Fred Graham has: returned from ia month’s visit in the West. As a place to visit friends and relatives the West -is fine but for a longer stay Mr. Graham says ' no thanks, the east suits me. Mrs, R. W. Gibson has closed her house for the winter and taken an partaient in Orillia. Before leaving Its. Gibson was presented with a ery beautiful floor lamp from her eifow members on the Board of Management of the Community Hall. Mrs. Gibson was secretary-treasurer ,f that committee for a number of "ears: The deer hunters are returning ram the north country and not empty landed. Mr. Art Toms, Mr. Irwin lit will, Mr. Gordon Ash, Mr. Murray •Think. Mr. Boss Dickenson, Mr, Stanley Graham, Mr. George Steven- on, Mr. John Rickard. It is report- id one mighty hunter got two deer with one shot and another shot fivé luring hi;s visit. CLARKE UNION Miss Lorn a Clark spent the week- end at home. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clark on the arrival of a baby girl last, week, 'Several from this section attended lie fowl supper at Orono last week, reporting a good supper and pro- gramme. : Please keep in mind the Home and1 School Club meeting on November 24th. - A good programme is being prepared. Mrs. Sandy Watson was taken to Bowman ville Hospital last week where she underwent an operation. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blackburn, Mr. and Mrs. Silas 'Soueh and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailey entertained a few rf their friends last week with all re- porting a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. TIeber Souch and Eileen spent a few days with friends n Toronto and Hamilton and also jailed1 on Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ros- ier at their radio station. COWANVILLE Miss M. Anderson, of Oshawa, was a week-end visitor with Misses Ethel and Marian 'Simpson. Mrs. M. Comstock, of Bowman ville, was a, 'Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Borteous. Mi*, and Mrs. VV. C. Oros'sley were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cross)e,y, Zion. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence and: Sam were Sun nay visitors wth Mr. and Mre.. Hilliard 'Simpson. 'Mr. and 'Mrs. George Henderson were récent visitors • with Mr. and "ML. Li, i ). Bebpe, Morrish. Mr. Hector Mil Ison and his mother and Mr. Thomas Kinsman are visit- ing Mrfe. A. Bandy, Herman. 'Mrs. Latimer and Muriel, of Tor- onto,- and Mr, and Mrs. Fred Nes- bitt, of Newtonville, were recent visi- tors with Mists, Flossie Graham. The Y.P.IT, met as usual on Thurs- day under the convenorship of Citi- zenship, Sidney Hughes, with a good attendance. A good programme was followed by contests and gam.es. ife return to the feoyfe. Best wish- r/xiYi oil tinrl jmnrl luck. TyrrelPsBrug Store DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO BOYS AND GIRLS ! ENTER YOUR NAME NOW AND GET STARTED EARLY IN THE Boy’s And Girl’s Popularity Contest The cantest star is Friday morning November 16th and closes Xmas Eve at midnight One valuable prize will be given away free to the leading girl contestant and one prize to the leading boy contestant GIRLS’ PRIZE-â€"One Fitted Travelling Case, made by Lang- muir Luggage, complete with chrome brush, comb and mirror. BOY’S PRIZEâ€"One All-Steel Express Wagon, streamlined, complete in every detail The contest is open to every boy and girl in Orono and the surrounding district. Ask at the/ store to have your name en- tered in the list. Get. busy early and ask your friends-to vote for you. A purchase of 25 cents records 25 votes for you. For example, votes on the purchase of greeting cards and toilet sets count double. Votes will not be given on cigars, cigarettes, tobaccos or any price controlled merchandise. Reiriember! The contest starts Friday morning PRIZES ARE ON DISPLAY IN THE STORE WINDOWS See our display of 1938 Christmas Cards. Cards for every special need at every price. Clever, colorful designs at LOW PRICES You Save With Safety at Tyrrell’s Drug Store Wednesday, November 16th OUR THIRD ANNIVERSARY ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS For Thursday, Friday and Saturday ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, new stock...3 FOR.........13c DISH CLOTHS, assorted stripes ..3 FOR, 13c FACE CLOTHS, assorted .........3 FOR..13o CHILDREN’S HANDKERCHIEFS .....3 FOR.... 5c MEN’S FINE WOOL SOCKS, medium wt„ 3 pr.....$1.00 AYLMER VEGETABLE or TOMATO SOUP, 3 for.23c TUMBLERS, bell shape or plain..3 FOR...13c CANNED GOODS, including Corn, Peas, Tomatoes, Pineapple, Pilchards, etc., 17 varieties to choose from 3 for ....... ...... .............. MACARONI ...... ...... .........3 LB., ICING SUGAR ...... ........ 3 Cakes of FELS-NAPTHA SOAP .. 3 Cakes of SURPRISE SOAP ...:. SHIRIFF’S JELLY POWDERS ......3 FOR. KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES .........3 FOR., ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE 3 LB.... 13c 3 CBS 23c 13c .3 FOR .13c. 3 FOR... ...v.....20c Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big | Dividends/Both in Comfort and Convenience | WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS* SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection i SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS â€" PROMPT SERVICE â„¢~ PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co All kinds of Printing produced at our office. Call arid compare our prices with others, you will be surprised