Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 13 Oct 1938, p. 1

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Vol.2. No. 38. ORONO, ONT., THURSDAY, OCT. 13, 1938. Subscription, $1.25 Per Year Once Turned Down, Orono Will Again Vote On Hydro Purchase Of Hydro System On November The 5th Anyone Wanting Informa- tion Should Apply To Trustee Board The Police Trustee Board of the Village of Orono have decided unan- imously to submit to the property -owners of said village certain bylaws necessary for the purchase of its ÃŽPK wa,s opened, by singing Hymn No. W. A. MEETING The regular meeting of Park Str. United] Church Women’s Association, Orono, was held in the basement of the church on Tuesday, October 11th. Miss M. Davy wag in charge of the devotional period, with the president, Mrs. W. M. Stun in the chair, and Mrs. Hoar at the piano. The meet- Hyidiro Electric Poiwer System, to be -operated at cost basis. The trustee Board have had this question under consideration for same time and have •studied it from all angles. They know -every pole, transformer, insulator», etc., that is embodied in the agree- ment of sale, they have ascertained what the system has done in the way •of operation and profits and are satis- fied that J:f we are ever going to- have reduced rates in the village there is -only one way to get them, and that is by purchasing the system and o-per «.ling it for the..benefit of every citi- zen in the village who is a electric -power user. The Beard has in its possesfeiom the receipts, expenditures end maintenance of our system front 19312 to and including 1937. These facts are such that should the presofilt and pas|t conditions prevail, the sysi tern will he paid for in six years out of revenue .derived- from the system, or in other word's the profits are suf- fki-enit over and above expense® of operation to refire in the time afore- mentioned, all- of th-e debentures is- sued -against the system. Your Trustee Board believe that they are acting wisely and ask you nofi to -believe all. the rumours1 that yon hear t„, the contrary. They have the facts and will gladly give them to you or any infformia-tion yo,u: ntay require. 'The Board ask1.- fur your whoie-hearited co-operation for the pnreluise of its Hydro Elecftric Power 'Syi^tem, -to he wholly owned by i+s citizens and operated as a public utility. Further details as to the revenue, mla,ih)tenianbe dbsts and net profits of this system writ appear in the press next -week. Read them carefully. 374, “Gome -thou fount of every bless- ing.” After the reading of Psalm 146, Hymn No,: 211, “Sing to the Great -lehovab's Praise,” was sung. Prayer was offered by Mias Davy. The business, pant began- with the Secretary, Mrs. Hoar, reading the minutes of the last meeting, followed, by the treasurer’s- and. finance treas- urer's reports, given by Mrs. James Dickson, correspondence read by Mrs. J. Elagleson. A committee named: Mrs. A, A. R-olph and Mrs. Dickson, were to purchase five hundred tulips for the church and parsonage bor- ders. Arrangements were made for the banqueting of the Young P-eo pie’s Rally on October 30th, and also to complete arrangements for the an- nual goose dinner on November 10th. There will be more particulars later with regard to the -goose dinner. The meeting closed by prayer led by Mrs. S. Li-titTewood. TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Police Village of Orono RUN OVER TWICE Di-ghthouses in the Philippine Is- lands have to be built to withstand typhoons travelling 120 miles an hour. Run over twice within -a minute by a car dtiyén by hi® mother, the 23-nn.mt-li-old child of Mr. and Mrs, Ambrose MacDonald, of Denbigh, is in Belleville Genera? Hospital in a vri'iiea.l condinon. 'The family was on BojleviQe Beach for the afternoon. Preparing tio leave, Mrs. MacDonald started the car while her husband walked •around in front with theiir two chil- dren. According to the story told police Mrs.1 MacDonald,, not knowing the car was in gear, released the clutch The ear jumped for word and struck the child. Horrified, she reversed and- the front wheel ran over the child a second lime. BY-LAW NO. 1030 Synopsis of above By-Law Purpose To approve and authorize the purchase 0f the electrical distributio system and business known as the “Orono Electric -System” under the terms of van agreement attached to ,tihe By-Law a,s Exhibit “A” for $8,128.40 and any -capital account costs incurred since Oct. 31st, 1987 and to provide for the issuing of $8,000 debentures in payment therefor. Amount and Nature of 'Debt Created The sum of $8,000.00 to be borrow- ed on the credit of the Corporation at' the. Towns-hip of Clarke at large by an issue of debentures of not less than- $100.00 each therefor bearing interest at 4 3-4 per cent per annum payable semi-an anally with coupons attached for interest. The debentures both -as to principal and in lorest are to be payable by ten equal annual instalments of $1,068.50. The first, debenture is for $643.50, -payable on Nov. 1st, 1939, and the last is for $977.08, payable on Nov. 1st, 1948, with interest on all unpaid debentures payable on 1st May and 1st Nov. in- each year, commencing 1st May, 1930. The respective '•amounts ^ of principal -and interest payable in. each year is set forth in a schedule attached t0 the By-law as Exhibit “B”. The said debentures a» to both prin cipal land interest are to he payable in lawful money of Canada at the chli-ef office of the Bank of Montreal at Toronto and at such other place or places as the Corporation may decide. The Reeve and Treasurer are to -sign and issue the debentures -and oo-upons. During the currency of the dehen hires the sajd su-m of $1,0-28.50 shall be raised- annually -by the Orono Electric System- and failing such rev enue then any balance shall be raised and levied annually as a special rate upon the rateable property of the said Police Village of Orono at the same time and in the same manner as other rates. The debentures may contain such clause as to . registration thereof as -authorized by any statute affecting same. : -, 1 mission of Ontario- are to operate the system for the -Police Village from the lirait day of the month in which the assent of the electors is gi ven un- ll'il -a diate to be fixed by the Commis- sion. The yearly installments on the de- bentures are to be paid from revenue of the -system. William Jones Passes Away At Newton ville A well-known and highly respected resident of Newtonvi'lle, Mr. William (Dudley) Jones, passed away in Port- Hope Hospital, Tuesday, Sept. 27th, in his 83rd year. ITe had been loving- ly eared for by his,- devoted wife through M-s entire illness until the Monday when it was deemed advis- able to h'oye him to (he hospital for " Special treatments but- he expired the following -day. Mr. Jones was born on the .same lat where he was- residing at the time of hi- dea-tih but in a different house. He was the -son -of the late Mr. and .Mrs. William Jones. - ITe began the butcher ..business with Elilioktis and carried .on this work for -five years in: Orono and five years in " Newcastle, after which he went to Gainsfooro, Sask.. where he was still in the same business. He spent eighteen y-dars in the West during the latter part of which he carried on a drover business, shipping stock to Winnipeg. It is eighteen years since he Mit the West and Came to New- tonville -to li-ve retired. His first wife was Mi-ss Dorothy, Ptirteouis, who -died lat Gainsboro, Sask. Of this union one daughter (Bertha) Mrs. F. 0. Darting, and two granddaughters, Dorothy and (G*jh*ey Darling, Gain-shore.,... ,::rvive TL,il White still in Gain shore lie met and iParried for his second wife Miss Mary Janet MacGregor, who wlitlli their, son MadGregor, also sur- vives him. His one brother, J. J. Jones, and. his sister Elizabeth, pre- deceased1 -him. His only living niece is Mrs. John II. Oavanagh, Toronto. Mr. Slam â-  Jones, ' Newton-ville, is a first cousin. M r. Jones was a loving husband and father. ITe 'had a quiet, unas- suming', pil'da-sant dispusirioti. always ready to lend a helping hand so long as health permitted and tie will be long remembered in the community as well as in the family circle. The funeral services were conduct- ed in the Newtonvillé Presbyterian Church on Friday, -Sept. 80th, by his pastor, Rev. W. G. Blake, assisted by Rev. Thus. Wallace, Greenibank. Mr. George Campbell -sang with feeling, “No Nliglht There.” The pallbearers were : Arthur McKay, Cecil Robinson, Dave Do- na::!:. Robert Nesbitt, Fred Nesbitt and Joseph Sexsmith. The many beautiful flowers were a silent tribute t0 the departed who was laid to rest in Newtonville Ceme- tery. . 'Some of those present from a dis- tance were, Rev. Tho-s. Wallace and -son Douglas, of GreenMank, and Mr. Herb. Alexander, Markham, with whom MacGregor is associated in- his work with the Bell Telephone Oo. AGREEMEMT OF SALE A synopsis of the Agreement of -S'ale and Transfer mentioned in the above by-law and the -schedules' men- tioned therein and thereto attached: The purchase is of all the electrical distribution system and business, in- cluding all 'contracts in- 'the Police Village -of Orono and certain switch- es to the south of Orono now owned by the Hydro-Elecitrie Power Com- mligsion of Ontario and known as the “Orono Electric System” bu-t not in- cluding t-h-e Commission’s primary circuit for distribution of power in the Newcastle Rural Power District on 14 poles on Main street-, north of Mill street, n.-or three poles with equip- ment thereon at the north end of Main Street in the Police Village, nor two -poles on Princess Street a,t the west edge of the- Police Village nor the service wires-, supplying -con- sumers sou-th of the fif th non-cession road, all of which is in the Newcastle Rural Power District. the price -is $-8,,128.40 and any capital account easts which have been incurred since Oct. 31st, 1937, and the Ãœydro-Eleeirie Power Commis- sion of Ontario accept the debentures off the C-onporfaltion of the Township of Clarke; for $8.000.00 at 4 3-4 per cent. per annum in payment of the purchase price and agree to allow prepayment of any of these deben- tures on any first -day off May or November. . The Hydro-Electric Power Com - BY-LAW NO. 1031 Synopsis of above By-Law Purpose , T-o provide for the submission to the electors of the Police Village off Orono. qualified to vote on money by-laws of t-h-e question as to whether they are in favour of securing a sup- ply of electrical power o-r energy from the Hyd’ro-Blectric Power Com- mission of Ontario. To provide t'-or the submission to the said electors of a By-law 'to aut-h orize the proposed purchase of the electrical: distribution system in the Police Village of Oron-o and to pro vide for the borrowing of $8,000.00 for that purpose. The quojtiun to be vote,] on is as follows : “Are you in favor of secur- ing a supply of -elect,ridai power or energy from the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario?” Vote Voting shall take place on Saturday the -5th dl.ty of November, 1938, be- I tween the hours of 9 a.m, and 6 p.m, The Electors entitled' to vote on money by-flaws- shall vote at the Fire Hall in Orono and C. F. Awde will be the D.R.O. and Mrs. Clara Harri- son the Poll Clerk. Advertisement Synopsis of By-llaws lb be published in the 'Orono Weekly Times on the 13th, 20th and 27-th days of October, 1938. Officers At Bowmanville Fail In Search To Find Missing Sherbrooke Man Local News Scrutineers On the 1st day of November, 1938, at 2 pan. at the Council Chamber, in tihe Village of Orono, the Reeve shall appoint scrutineers -to attend at the polling booth on the voting day and at the official counlt of ballots, on be- half of all interests. Official Count On the 9th. day of November, 1938, at 8 p.m. at the Council Chamber in Orono the Township Clerk wi'Il sum up the votes da-st. NOTICE I, ALBERT J. STABLES, Clerk off the Corporation of -the Township off Clarke, do hereby certify that the foregoing are true synopses of By- laws- Nos. 1030 and 10-31 to authorize the purchase of the “Oron-o Electric System” and to provide for submitting the same -and a -correct s-tialtement of the question to be submitted to- the eledtbrs ; And I hereby give notice that iff the assent of tflie electors is obtained to By-law No. 1030 which passed first and second readings at; a meeting of the, Council of the Township of O’larke on the 121th diay of October, 1988, :i,t will be taken into consider- ation by the Council of the Township of Clarke after the expiration, of one momfth from the date of its first -pub- lication which i-s the 18th day of October, 1938 ; And I hereby further give notice that a. tenant who is qualified to vote on m-oney, by-lla-we -and desires to vote must deliver to me not later than the tenth day before the said 5 th day of November, 1938, the. dedl!arti|tion pro- vided for by giutipeeti-on 3 of section 2-88 of Chapiter 26-6, R.S.O. 193-7. A. J. -STAPLES, Clerk Township of Clarke On Saturday, October 1st, 1938, there Was united in- marriage at the Parsiomage, Orono, by Rev. 8. Li title- wood, Mary .Isobell Brown,, daughter of Mr. and Mm 0. Brown, to Roy M. Thompson, son of Mr. and. Mrs Thomipsto-i., of Hayden. A ehimeny fire at the home of Henry ‘Cantrell, Main street north, Orono, brought the fire fighting equip- ment from the fire ball -at 6.15 a.m. on 'Wednesday morning and in- about three minutes the engine was- on the scene with a ful'Pcrew of the brigade present. A fire extinguisher was all that was necessary to extinguish the blaze. The alarm was sounded by Henry Cantrell. Mr. Percy Winter had one of his â- citron weighed that tipped the scales at twenty-seven and three-quarter libs. I le -planted twelve vines in he spring which produced 185 citron. Others ranged -around 20 !.. 25 pounds. - The seed were procured in British Colum- bia some thirty years' ag0 and the citron look like watermelon onfly they have the citron markings and -are light in color. “Bingo”, a part collie and husky dog, owned by Rev. S. Littlewoo-d, died on Wednesday morning from the résulte of receiving poison in some unknown manner. The dog was a very playful .me and was a great playmate of the children on Park Street and will be grealtly missed. Poison- at times i|s- necessary -to de- stroy undesirable pests b-u-t citizens should be very careful where it is placed as usually some other animal receives the poison- when it is meant, for another animal. Sherkrooke Man Last Seen When Leaving For Short Ride Before Dinfter Party Police off B-o'wmianville -are sfiffi mystified about the discovery on Sept. 2Sth -off an auto hidden in bushes juste o-ff the shier.uni between Newcastle and Newtonville. Investigations have revealed' the oar to be owned by Maurice S-t. Pierre, 26, of 'Sherbrooke, Que., who has been missing from his home-there for 17 days. 'Containing plenty of gasoline, the machine wa-s in- perfect working or- - der. The ignition key was :i.n the car. Provincial- Officer D. P. Morris and Chief Constable Syd. Yen ton, of Bo-w- manville, searched the vicinity but cuildn’r find -any sign of its occu- pante. ^ According to -Sherbrooke police, St, Pierre left home on Saturday- niiglht, Sept. 24, and was- to return shortly to accompany his wife out to dinner. He has not been heard off since. Elis wife and children -are worried and fear foul play. He is thought to have h-ad about $12 ;or $14 on his- person. No explana- tion can be given, by relatives as to why he would leave home. He was apparently in good health and. good spirits, and had good employ- ment. iRelat-ives claimed the car this week-end but couldn’t give any clue as to the disappearance. The ma- chine was abandoned before 11 a.m. Sept. 25 tli. Police at Bowmanville and at Sher- brooke are continuing the investiga- tion,. STEALS SHOTGUN It: seems that -no one can come up to the potatoes that were on display in the “Times” window, though one thing we can truthfully say is that we received a good deal of criticism on the number of bags of potatoes we mentioned thla-t might be harvested on a quarter of an acre if they were all that .size. It seems that the editor overeetimtated the yield, though not being an .authority on the amount of potatoes raised on a quarter acre, we are informed that thirty to thirty-five bags would be a good1 yield. CAN THEY DO IT ? We think so. 'Orono folks have at "knelt as good intelligence as the folks in the forty-seven other police villages in- Ontario where the Hydro sydtem is owned and, operated by the local Trustees. Th-e Hydro engineers and auditors! are available to guide them and witihfeaught -a; 30-po-uind llunge while fish- all modesty, we think they can do thei in'g at Beiw'dlley. The fish put up a A person o-r persons sometime re- cently entered the home -off Mr. Geo. Bowen, 4th Line of Clarke and made away with a shotgun. The first in- clination that- Mir. Bowen had of his loss Was on Monday of last week when he noticed that the gun was not in its usual place. This is not the. first time that thieves have entered’ houses in that vicinity, as other places have been visited- and money stolen in- some cases, while in- others different articles have been taken, though it would seem that the culprit w-ais after money, and not finding any would take something else. It seems that the culprit was well acquainted in the vicinity and knew the habita of the people as most of the thieving has been one in the daytime when all would be out of the house together at sometime in the day. W- George Raver, of Bradford, Pa., job. ! strenuous ha tide. Federal Vote Not Far Off Is Ottawa View POWER AT COST W'e do noc get power at cost in Oronko. The Hydro operates under the Seymour Power Company fran- chise and uses the profit for th-e bene- fit of the partner municipaliltiieis of the Eastern Ontario] System. Vote for the by-laws- -and keep the surplus -at home. COBOURG VICTORS Cobou-rg won. the opening of the in- termediate O.B.E.r. Lak-eshore Lea- gue on Thanksgiving Day by defeat- ing Trenton “Flyers” by the score of 14 to 0. Cobblurg team scored most of their points in the third quarter. M-eiikle ran from Ms own dead-line down the length ,J the field to score a touchdown for Cobourg. -Many followers of the Dominion Government -are of the opinion that as soon as the J an u ary session starts and the legislative program is finish- ed, the decks will be cleared for. a general election. Cabinet, reorganization would, pre- cede an election,, but ' with one prob- able exception nothing extensive on -that iinc is expected before the eve of the election. Aniy idea that be- fore another elector: . the " present Prime Minister may retire, is de- clared to have nothing whatever, to suprort it. Mr. King has never given tihe slightest indication of such tan intention. No dou'Hbt is- entertained of Dr. Manion’is -success in the London by- election. 'During next winter and Spring in- Parliament he will have the opportunity of. winning his-spurs, -or rather brooming accustomed to them. He will have the backing of Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett, but the lat- ter will not. seek re-election in the next general election:. What will be the issue, of the next, contest, time alone will] determine, but as war is avoided, the presum%>- tion is it will be fundamentally on trade p-oliicies. At party gatherings during tihe next session, however, a group of Liberal] members propose. [strongly to .advocate a “Liberaliz- ing” of the party platform and re- form's in many ways, not nduding the question off currency and credits.

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