V ORONO WEEKLY TIMES One Week Special for % Children’s Permanents r s,B° gçz Leaves the haïr soft and nat oral Afy, Phone 40-11 m /Ayk \^Z Finger Wave - 35c. & Finger Wave 50c Manicure - - - 35c Haircut - - - 25c Oil Shampoo* Finger Wave, *7C _ Rinse Manicure . . . • vC "KAY-DEE†EXHIBITORS CIRCUITS PRESENTS LAW FOR TOMBSTONE A thrilling Exciting. Portrayal of Early Western Days Featuring BUCK JONES Top Rating Western Motion Picture Star Special Added Attractionâ€" A trip with Lowell Thomas. “Thru' Beautiful MIAMIâ€; “Trailer Thrillsâ€, a comical Cartoon Comedy Hit! Town Hall, Orono, FrL, Oct. 7th 8.00 p.m ADULTS, 30c.; CHILDREN, 15c. THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Shelled Walnuts ^ lb for 17c. MINCE MEAT 2 lbs for 25c. 1 16-oz pkg 14c. Handy Ammonia 2 pkgs. 9c Cooking Onions, 10 lbs for ...................,19c Chocolate Covered Candy per lb. .......19c HUMTUGS, lb ,17c- Orono Pastry Flour, 24- lb. bag ..44c Large tins Tomatoes, choice quality, 3 tins for .......... ......,25c Poit Barley, 2 Ibfe.....lie. 1 Uv-aT; '• ' , - Canned Peas, 3 tins......25c. Oval tine, large tin with dish free, all for,...97c. 4 lb. tin Corned Beef....65c Salt Pet tie, 2 lbs......25c Pumpkin Spice, tin.......9c. Mint in tin ........i....9c. Crisco, 1 lb tin ........23c Supreme Shortening, 2 lbs for ........ ....,23c. Huron Toilet Paper, 8 rolls for .......... 24c. Flaked Whle'ait, 5 lb bag ’ for .............. ...20c. Wonderful SOAP 5 bars 14c. ROASTING PORK lb. 22c. SPARE RIBS 2 ibs 29c* Muffets 2 pkgs. 19c. Plate of Beef, lb. Bologna Sausage, lb. - 12c. 14c. J. J. CORNISH Phone For It Prompt Delivery PHONE 12r2 RED & WHITE STORES LOCAL AND SOCIAL] Mks Freda Wilson baa been on the sink list. Mrs, Robert Glauvill-e has been on the sick list. Mr. Lhom-as Cowan has-disposed of his driver to Mr. J antes Nixon of Clarke Union. Miss Maickinnon, ILX., of New- market, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Gordon Werry. Mrs. I). Carsieadden entertained some friends to afternoon tea on Thursday last. Mr. Allison Oowan, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cowan. Mrs. Mary Henry, of Toronto, and Mrs. L. Searl visited Mrs. V. Brown at Newcastle recently. Miss Florence Harris, R.N., from Cabourg, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris. Our sincere sincere sympathy is extended to the family and relatives of the late Mr. George Mercer. Mrs. M. Henry, who has been visit- ing1 friends here the past few weeks, returned home on Saturday last. Mr. Wilfred Sherwin left on Sun- day- to resume his third year studies at fhe Ontario Veterinary College, Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. John Powers, of Rochester, N.Y.. and her father Thos. Miller, Oshawa, visited O. T. Miller on Friday A number of members of St Saviour’s Church attended the Dean- ery meeting held in Newcastle on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F’raliek and daughter Ruby, Mr. A. H. Davy and Mr. W H. Dunn visited with Miss M. Davy and sister on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Fowler and daughter Miss Dorothy Fowler, of Lindsay, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Elagleson on 'Sunday last. Miss Adams and Miss Foster left on Wednesday evening for Toronto, where they will attend the Teachers’ Convention on Thursday and Fri- day. We are more than pleased to see T. E. Richards (back in his office again after his serious illness. He has to take life easy for a few weeks yet. . For the first time in many years, our local furniture store had a. thor- ough housecleaning and scrubbing, which makes the interior shine like new. Mr, and Mrs, DeLine, of King Oily, spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and .Mils. A. dough. Miss Betty returned with them' for a few weeks’ holidays. (Bruce Myles, four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Myles, was rushed to Bowman ville Hospital on Saturday night, where he was oper- ated on for appendicitis. Rev. and Mrs. S. Littlewood and 'Son Mgnley and Roy Jr. Forrester motored to â- Baysvillie on Tuesday morning where they spent a couple of days at their summer cottage. The Durham Temperance Feder- ation will hold a meeting in the town hall, Orono. on 'Friday evening, October 14th. iSpecial speakers and special music. Everybody welcome. La sit Wednesday evening the annual meeting of Park ’St. United Church Choir was held in the basement of the church. All the officers were re- elected for another term. The meet- ing was concluded with Hamburgers and coffee for lunch. Mr. Lance Case, who has been on the Campbell farm for the last five or six years, moved this week to Aurora where he will take up his (abode. The neighborly spirit still [prevails in Orono as was shown by the: citizens in lending Mr. Case helping hands to round up his poultry and farm equip- ment. (Mrs, J. R. Cooper and Miss Mc- Kay entertained in their home on Wednesday evening tb a dinner bridge. Prize winners of the evening were, high lady. Mrs. C. G. Arm- strong ; second high, Mrs. Helena Mfe- Donald; consolation prize, Mrs. W. Riddell. 'Messrs. Art Allen and Harold H " 'ey have purchased new trucks. Mr W. E. Armstrong made a .busi- ness trip to Toronto ou Wednesday. Mrs. Grady, of Hamilton, is visit- ing her raothei, Mrs. C. G. Arm- strong. Running true to form, BOackstock had a wet day for their Fair on Wed- nesday. Mr. Charles Awdo celebrated: an- other milestone last week. We wish him many returns of the days. Mr. OiMe Cooper is busy remodel- ling his new residence and expects to occupy same the end of the month. ISlpeblal Harvest Thanksgiving services will be held at the Anglican Church on Sunday, October. 16th, at 9.30 a.m. and 7.00' p.m. Mr. Albert Harness, of the Eighth Line, has rented Mr. Ray Thornton’s farm. Mr. Thornton is giving up farming for a couple of years at least, A meeting of Durham Central Agricultural Society was held on Wednesday 'evening in the Armour- ies for. the purpose of. paying the prize winners and other bills. Mr. “Bill†Jordan and family have moved from the Fitehott Block that has been 'bought by Mr. O. Cooper, and have taken up residence in the late Mr. M, Gibson’s house on Cen- tre Streep, village, has moved wi to Newton-ville, while Mr. have taken up residence on the Sis- emp i.yod. The InteriSehoo'l Meet brook and Orono Cc of 1 M'iil- turà ll Grounds on Friday, Od 14th, when the pupil's of these two school will vie for the honors in the different sporting events. Watch in next week’s issue of this paper for ad- vertisement of this event. picture show in the town hall on Friday night last to see “Iloosier Schoolboy,†starring Mickey Rooney. This week the picture will be “(Law For Tombstone,†starring Buck Jones. As an added attraction there will also be shown “Through Beauti- ful Miami,†and “Trailer Thrills†a comical cartoon comedy hit. In the near future silver will be given away at these weekly shows to the lucky number holders. Last week Mr. Milford 'Sherwin and both: solid throughout and nice- ly shaped. The ground that these potatoes were grown on had been yielding a weed crop so Milford ploughed the weeds in for fertilizer and sowed the - potatoes in every third furrow. The patch consists of one quarter of an acre and if they are all around this size he will have about two hundred bags off this lot. Can anyone produce larger potatoes than these? If you can, bring them in and let us display them in the Times window. W.M.S. MEETING 'The Autumn Thank-Offering ser- vice of Park Sit W.M.IS. w'a-s both in- teresting and helpful. Thankgiving for temporal and spiritual blessings and peace was the theme of the de- votional period in the charge of the President. Announcement was made of the Annual Presbytenial Meeting to be held in Trinity United Church, Bowman ville, on 'October .28th, and the members urged to attend. The first part of the programme dealt with the Honan Mission Jubilee, which icannot be celebrated in China on account of the war. Mrs. M. H. Staples gave a very - interest- ing historical sketch of the begin- ning of the work in, Honan fifty years ago, and continuing through the five décades. The educational work was presented by Mrs. L. Fra lick, and Mrs. O. Wood told of the medical work of the missions. Mrs. W, E. Beaman, of Newcastle, brought an inspiring message as she told of the days spent at the school for leaders which met in the O.L.'C., Whitby, in September. Her description of the different speak- ers and their very- fine addresses will not soon be forgotten. Her closing thought was “We lose what we do not use†of talent, love and service. PATTERSON’S SERVICE STORE PHONE 73rl WE DELIVER SPECIALS Libby’s Pork & BeanT g PEANUT BUTTER 2 for 15c. I quart gem, 35c. Habitant Tomato and 1 Iiillcrest or Eas "first Pea Soups, 2 tins 18c f Shortening, 2 lbs 22c ORONO GOLDEN ROD BREAD FLOUR, cwt.........$2.20 TODDY, 1 lb. tin .........................„,39c. EXTRA, 1-2 lb tin for .....,1c HORNE’s BAKING POWDER, with glass tumbler FREE, 1 lb. tin ...... .................,.25c. RINSO, large pkg.........................., ' 21k BROWN SUGAR, 10 lbs. for ......................49c. ORONO PASTRY FLOUR, 24 lbs ................,45c. Large Bottles VANILLA .........I'....i.....15c. CYRUS BREAD FLOUR, cwt........ ..... .....$2.30 COTTAGE ROLL, lb...............................23c. NEW CHEESE, lb ......».....................20c SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 lbs. for 21c. Bee Hive Syrup 5 lb. pails, 37c. Purity Oats with China package, 25c. ROMAN MEAL package, 29c. ARMSTI RONG’S OVERCOATS -â- We bought the samples from the Cook Clothing Co, ait 33 1-3 discount. They are wonderful Coats at wonderful prices. SLâ€^:t$20.00 to $45.00 SUITS A! Wool Worsted Two Plant Suit’s, 183 weight of cloth, satin lined, good tailoring ; in. grey, brown and blue, fancy checks and stripes, sizes 36 to 48, priced. $27 50 UNDERWEAR Penman's All Wool R'itibed Shirts and Drawers, sizes 36 to 44. Priced. $1J)9 UNDERWEAR Penman’s Wool Fleeced Lined Shirt's and Drawer's . Sizes 36 to 44 *7r Priced • DC UNDERWEAR Turnbull's Conibinafiions, double back and front, sizes 34 to 44 (1*0 r* A Priced * BLANKETS 1 Bex 12-4 Blankets, the largest and best quality made. Priced per (1*0 A C pair «P^.ttü SWEATERS Men’s All Wool Coat, without a collar ; a good looking garment, d* 1 TA for «Pl.dv RUBBERS Men’s .1 'Jack 7-lace lot Red Sole Rubbers at a ridicu- lously 'low price, d*1 AT sizes 6 to 11 ...... «P 1 ../D Ladies' Winter Underwear We have a complete line of Winter Underwear al rea- sonable prices Come in and see our stock. SOCKS Heavy Ribbed Sox, reg-. 50c. value, 3 pr (P1 1A for «Pl.lv HATS We have a large assortment of Ladies’ Hats in all the newest shades, black, bur- iganldy, green, navy (P1 A P* and brown «pi.vv CARDIGANS Ladies’ and Misses’ All Wool, with high buttoned fastening jn - navy, brown, green and black, (M l7C sizes 34 -to 38 «P1 • • 0 Sizes 40 to 44...... $2.00 SHOES Ladies’ Low Heeled Kid Oxfords, with cushion sole arid steel arch support ; a good durable shoe (1*0 QC ' for winter wear... «P£.v«J PULLOVERS Girls’ All Wool Pullovers, in green, blue and red, in a sma rt style, sizes (j* j A A 24 to 36, each «P A «VU Trusses, Abdominal Belts, and Elastic Hosiery % From, the Ottawa Truss and Surgical Co. may be purchased at Tyrrell’s Drug Store. A complete line of Single and Double Trusses is always in stock. They are properly fitted and guaranteed. TYRRELL’S DRUG STORE - Phone 68 Orono