Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jun 1938, p. 3

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Classified Advertising It A ll Y CHICKS rOULT.II Y AND POULTRY RUIJIPMENT WHY PAY MORE WHEN YOU CAN (purchase these husky chicks from blood tested breeders at these low p rices, tit a n d a r d q u a lity Le g h o r n s $6.95, pullets $14.90, cockerels $1.50 jEiirred Rocks, New Hampshire Reds $7.95, pullets $9.95, cocker- els $7.95:; 10 day old Leghorn pul- lets $17.90, 2 week old $19.90. Large Egg* quality hatched from 05 ounce eggs and larger add 1 ct. leghorn pullets 2 ets. Top Notch Chi eke ries, 10 Wilson St., G-ueJph, 'Ontario. we can Give you prompt de- livery on day old, cockerels, pul- lets and mixed chicks. Also start- ed and older pullets. < hit* low prices for July will surprise you. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Box 10, Fergus, Ontario. â€"• tL | M/’s SEVEN HUNDRED BRAY pullets averaged 465 eggs daily all last Fall and held that 66 per- cent average all Winter. Order your Bray chicks today for real production next Fall and Winter. Bray • Hatchery, 130 John Street North, Hamilton, Ontario. DON’T WAIT UNTIL IT’S TOO late ! The hatching season is al- most over! Order your Bray chicks NOW. Prompt shipments ©n almost all breeds. Write for prices today. Bray Hatchery, 130 John Street North, Hamilton, On- tario. . J. | WAs BRAY NEW HAMPSHIRE pullets, average 1% lbs. when 8 weeks old. Fast-growing Bray • ©hicks ensure Fall and Winter egg profitsâ€"Order your Bray chicks today. Bray H atchery, 13 0 Jo h n BAILIFFS AND COLLECTIONS WE HAVE THE FACILITIES TO î,i.ct for you in any seizure or col- lection problem anywhere in the world. Our results are immedi- ate and satisfactory. Ross and Company, 102 Richmond St. W., Toronto. FILMS AND PRINTS ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 free enlargement, 25c. Re-.prints, 10 for 25c. Photo-Craft, 183 King East, Toronto. FURNITURE LYONS TRADE IN DEPARTMENT GEORGIAN WAV SUMMER CAMP CAMP FRANKLIN’S PRIZE ESSAY Contest. First prize, one hundred dollars; second prize, fifty dollars. Theme â€" “Camp Franklin â€" the Camp with Ideals”. Full informa- tion regarding Canada’s unique and pioneer lecreational camp for young men and young women, from Camp Franklin’s Toronto of- fice, 83 Yonge Street. Kl AIK GOODS W1G8, TOtJ PBS, TRANSFORMA- lions, Braids, Curls, and ail types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illustrated catalogue. Special attention to repair work. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 628 Bathurst, Toron to. M HIM UAL ECZEMA, SKIN AILMENTS, SORES, quickly healed by Dermisoothe, the clean, white, antiseptic oint- ment. Sample mailed free direct. 35 cents at all druggists. Twenti- eth Century Remedies, 87 Ingham Ave., Toronto. (It.&S.) RHEUMATISM AND STÃœM- ach Powder, ‘‘The Great Elimina- tor,” Contains ten of Nature’s in- gredients. Removing the cause and eliminating Rheumatism, Stomach troubles, Arthritis, Neu- ritis, Constipation, etc. $1.50, $3.00, $5.00. All Druggists. Agents Ly- mans Limited Montreal. MSSCELLA NE O'US GEM ELECTRIC FENCER, OAN- ada’s own. The unit that makes ordinary fences too expensive to build. A single strand of wire and a, simple portable Gem Fencer keeps all stock where they belong) Ask for circular and name of the GEM! agent nearest you. Groh's Cooler, Limited, Preston, Ont, MOTOR BOAT FOR SALE 28-FOOT MOTOR BOAT WITH 4 cylinder, 20 horsepower, electric starting St. Lawrence motor. Top and side curtains installed. Would make a splendid supply boat. Spe- cial price for immediate sale. The Peterborough Canoe Co. 268 Water Street, Peterborough, Ont. PHOTOGRAPHY ENLARGEMENT FREE WITH Ev- ery 25c order. Roll film developed and eight prints 25c. Reprints 3c. Established over 26 years. Erigilt- ling Studio, 29 Richmond Street East, Toronto. PERSONAL cover, Marshall reversible 478 Yonge St., Toronto JUNE CLEARANCE SALE • Every article marked down for Quick sale. We must have floor Space regardless of cost. A real op- portunity to buy good reconditioned furniture at a fraction of its actual value. Listed are a few of the out- standing values picked at random frem our enormous stock. CHESTERPIELD SPECIALS 3 ^ PiGce suite, brown repp cushions. <1 Odd chesterfields, assorted UVkJ covers. Marshall spring cushions, â- JfA Ãœ'K 3 piece suite, good repp coyer| Marshall spring re- versible cushions. KA 3 Piece suite in blue ve- lour, reversible Marshall spiring’- cushions. £?A 6 suites, assorted velour aruj repp covers, Marshall reversible cushions. $37 *ÏO beautiful. mohair suites, u s *'JVlarge sizeSi reversible Mar- shall cushions, in blue, walnut and wine shades. Of! ^ rebuilt suites, new cov- erti> in brown, rust and green repps, reversible Marshall cujjih ions. 5 brand new suites in as- sorted repps, Marshall spiting, reversible cushions, some 4w wood fronts. BED ROOM. FURNITURE d&ed'Q Af| 5 pieces in rich walnut finish, dresser, chiffonier, iulll size bed, sagless spring and 19.00 brand new felt mattress. ©m| a e?a Dresser and bod in walnut «yiiiP.uv finigb, complete with sag- spring and new mattress. Q 00 beautiful 4 piece suite, ciresSer> fUn size bed, van- ity and chiffonier and rich 2* tone walnut finish. les, $5 9,00 Modern s .rite with Veneti- m mirror, dresser, full size , chit "oilier, sagless spi in g and v felt mattress. $6 9.00 Smart sui finish, e in dar Tresser, t walnut Vanity, f foniei , bed, spr ng and mattress eor nplete. CfA Floor sample suite (new) s eUV yanity, with Venetian inir- rw, chiffonier, and full panel bed <1 only). ; CA Chiffoniers, 5 drawers, with mirror backs. Jk||4 QC New cbiffrobes, colonial «r» I'n.'j'ij ^eSjg.n$ 5 drawers in wal- nut shade. Jftg OtJ AND up Large assortment «pu dressers. Or! 6 wash stands, assorted Sizes. 5 RO New wardrobes, with large v mirror fronts and .lower $1 dr; tGÛ AO Beautiful walnut suite, vv floor sample, large chif- fon AA 1 Only Vanity, large round tpuiuaw piate mirror, Oriental wal- reg. $48.00, $59 00 ^ew mo^ern suite, vanity, ter $2 tat ull size bed, and chiffon- two tone walnut finish. DINING ROOM FURNITURE A QCÏ Solid oak dining room suj(-e_ buffet, extension le and 6 leather seat chairs. fiA 9 piece suite, buffet, china ^ cabinet, extension table am Wit $0 O' leather seat chairs in nut. finish. :? gif) Beautiful English suite, buffet, china cabin- et, extension table and G leather seat tirs. ter, full panel bed and dresser h round Venetian adjustable mir- .ehfi 4*1 f>Q fiA Barge solid walnut suite «piv^.vv buffet china cabînetf ex- tension table and 6 chairs upholster- ed in blue mohair, reg. $250.00 value. Rasy terms. Open evenings. Ev- Y piece thoroughly cleaned and re- conditioned and sold under a posi- tive money back guarantee of satis- facjUon. LYONS PRADE IN DEPARTMENT 478 Yonge St, Toronto ARB YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, comfort, positive support with our advanced method. No elastic or under-straps or steel. Write Smith Manufacturing Co., Dept. 219 Pres- ton, Ont. EVERY MARRIED COUPLE AND those contemplating marriage should readâ€"“Sex and Youth,” 104 pages, postpaid 25c, Our 12 page illustrated catalogue of sex books, drug sundries, etc., free upon re- quest. Supreme Specialty, 109 Yonge, Toronto. Are you blond or brunette? Do you want to win your man? Match your perfume to your per- sonality. A delightful French per- fume whose delicate, lingering fragrance becomes part of you. Keeps you sweet and lovely. Beau- tiful bottle postpaid.; Send 35c Postal note. State whether blond or brunette. Cosmetic Products, 636 Champagneur, Montreal. QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF, EASILY, Inexpensively. Home remedy. Testimonials. Guaranteed, Advice free. Write Box 1, Winnipeg. MARRYâ€"WOULD YOU MARRY IF suited? Hundreds to choose from. Some with means. Many farmers' daughters and widows with pro- perty. Particulars, 10c. Confiden- tial. Canadian Correspondence Club, Box 128, Calgary, Alta. PERSONAL PROBLEMS SOLVED from your handwriting and signa- ture. Write us in confidence. Send 25 cents today. Kingsley Docu- ments, 221 St. Sacrament Street, Montreal. “ASTHMA SUFFERERS” Get quick relief from the paroxysms caused by Asthma when you inhale the effective fumes of “One Minute Asthma Relief." Just a few whiffs relaxes the bronchial tubes, relieves the difficult breathing and that dreadful gasping. This scientifically made effective preparation has given blessed relief to asthma sufferers for over thirty-five years. Take ad- vantage of this generous offerâ€" send ten cents, stamps or coin, and receive a twenty-five cent package prepaid. Good until July 15th, 1938, only. MacRobie, Manufacturing Chemist, Petrolea, Ontario. Europe Feeling Wheat Shortage Britain Reported Angling For Big Supply From Canada Great Britain was reported last week to be angling for a consid- erable amount of wheat in Can- ada while the Central European and Mediterranean countries ap- peared faced with disastrous crop- failures. Good rains, following the early summer drought, have caused a re- vival of British crop prospects, but Canada’s granaries are believ- ed to be the likeliest source of im- ports. The Hardest Hit The hardest hit by the drought were the Mediterranean countries, particularly Italy, where the Gov- ernment banned exports of flour and decreed a 20-per-cent, adul- teration of bread with maize-rice, or leguminous flour. Broad-Minded, Small-Minded Qualities of Both Are Defined â€"Contrasting Characteristics The following interesting defini- tion of broad-mindedness appeared recently in the Montreal Star, the contribution of a correspondent: Small-minded people are denun- ciatory and inflammatory in their speech. Broad-minded people are restrained and conservative. Small-minded people see little good in those who disagree with them. Broad-minded people see some good in everybody. Small-minded people are often very m-?h concerned about other persons’ business. Broad-minded people ignore it. Small-minded people are envious of those who do well. Broad-mind- ed people are merely ambitious of those who achieve it. Small-minded oeople scoff r>t knowledge and culture. Broad- minded people realize the value of acquiring " Ah, Small-minded people are unduly suspicious of other persons’ mo- tives. Broad-minded persons are inclined to give others the benefit of the doubt. Which Are You? Small-minded people usually talk a great deal without thinking. Broad-minded people usually think a great deal without talking. Small-minded people think they are always right. Broad-minded persons know how easy it is to be wrong. Small-minded people are con- stantly sitting in judgment upon others. Broad-minded persons are content for others to sit in judg- ment upon them. Which are youâ€"small-minded or broad-minded? Fruit Outlook Below Average In Ontario This Year -â€" Cher- ries, Plums, and Pears Do Not Promise Good Yield Crop conditions in the Prairie Provinces are fairly satisfactory, with most of the wheat emerged and coarse grain seeding practically completed, it was stated in the Do- minion Bureau of Statistics’ tele- graphic crop reports. Field work in Ontario was gen- erally earlier this year compared with a year ago. Fall wheat prom- ises an almost normal yield, al- though thin and patchy in some parts of Western Ontario. The peach and. strawberry bloom in the Niagara district was normal this year, although other fruits, includ- ing cherries, plums and pears, are showing conditions distinctly below average. The BOOK SHELF By ELIZABETH EEDY “HEREDITY AND POLITICS” J. B. S. Haldane Written in a clear, simple style, this work by the noted British biol- ogist, Prof. J. B. S. Haldane, sets forth for the general public the author’s vie\vs on various eugenic (breeding better humans) proposals now under wide discussion in the civilized world. He declares that drastic social changes, supposed to be based on biological facts, are not justified by our present slim knowledge of the science of hered- ity. The time is not yet ripe. The author brings his knowledge to bear on such social problems of science as the nature of racial dif- ferences and the sterilization of the unfit â€" problems around which controversy rages today, in conse- quence of the stringent controls ex- ercised recently in Germany. He presents in no uncertain terms his own findings that the premature applications of the laws of heredity to men, wo me • and nations results in untold confusion. He also criti- cizes the wide powers given to of- ficials in the United States and elsewhere, for the sterilization of the unfit â€" an e'*ort which will yield 1. tie result, he says, and lead to grave abuses. Prof. Haldane concludes Ms book significantly with these words: “we must remember that the investiga- tor, whether a biologist, an econ- omist, or a sociologist, is himself a part of history, and that U he ever â-  forgets that he is a part of history he will deceive his audience and de- ceive himself.” "Heredity and Politics," by J. B. 8. Haldane, 202 pp, Toronto, George J. McLeod, Limitedâ€"$2.75. V V â-º5 8» 6« r* . » * A | Smiles and | I Chuckles 1 y y Par too many of ns have so little conception of the real value of time that we waste the greater part of today either lamenting yesterday or day-dreaming of tomorrow. Now Is the accepted time. Remember that yesterday is gone, and tomor- row never comes. â€"oâ€" A little hillbilly watched a man at a tourist camp making use of a comb and brush, a tooth brush, a nail file and à whisk broom : Hillbillyâ€"Gee, mister, are you al- ways that much trouble to yourself? â- â€"o-â€" Moths Different From Butterflies Most people call moths “butter- flies,” yet there are about nine times as many moth families as butterfly families. Because but- terflies fly by day, while moths are night-flyers, the former are common sights to the most casual observer. There are, however, numerous ways of telling them apart. Butterflies fold their wings high over their backs when at rest, while moths fold their, down flat. Butterflies have club-shaped antenna, while those of moths are feathered. Traffic on roads in England is held up 100,000 times a day by the closing of railway crossing gates, representing a loss of at least 4,500 working days in the last 12 months. District Justice Lennon of Dublin. Courage! There’s the courage that nerves you in starting to climb The mount of success rising sheer; And when you’ve slipped back, there’s the courage sublime That keeps you from shedding a tear. These two kinds of courageâ€"more strength to the word ! â€" Are worthy of tribute, but then You’ll not reach the summit un- less you’ve the thirdâ€" The courage to try it again. â€"oâ€" A man was charged with shoot- ing a number of pigeons, the pro- perty of a. farmer.. Counsel for the defense tried to frighten the farm- er. Lawyerâ€"Now, are you prepared that this man shot your pigeons. Manâ€"I didn’t say he did shoot them. . I said I suspected him of doing it. Lawyerâ€"Ah! Now we’re coming to it! What made you suspect this man? Manâ€"Well, firstly, I caught him on my land with a gun. Secondly, Ï heard a gun go off, and saw some pigeons fall. Thirdly, I found four of my pigeons in his pocketâ€"and 1 don’t think them birds flew there and committed suicide. Brothers Under the Skin The words of preacher or sinner Are very much akin When against a misplaced chair He barks his shin. Ireland, advised boys arrested for playing ball in the street to form a committee and ask the public au- thorities to provide playgrounds. HARD LUMPS CAME ON HERLEGS Ankles and Feet Swollen, with Rheumatism Rheumatism sent this woman to bed with lumps, swellings, and in- flammation. Yet these symptoms soon disappeared, as they always will do when the root cause is re- moved. This letter tells you the method she used :â- â€" “I was taken ill with terrible rheumatic pains in my legs. They were badly inflamed, swollen, and they were partly covered with red, hard lumps. To put my foot down to the ground was agony. After Ï had been in bed for 16 days, suf- fering agony all the time, my hus- band said, ‘You can’t go on suffer- ing like this, let us try Kruschen Salts.’ He got a bottle, and almost from the first I felt benefit. Be- fore long, I was completely re- lieved â€" swellings, inflammation, and lumps all goneâ€"and I am up again and doing my housework.” â€" (Mrs.) E.L. Do you realise what causes a good deal' of rheumatic pain? Nothing but sharp-edged uric acid crystals which form as the result of sluggish eliminating organs. Kruschen Salts can always be counted upon to clear those pain- ful crystals from the system. â€"oâ€" Girl (to her mother)â€"How do the present-day dances differ from those in your girlhood day? Motherâ€"Well, in my day a girl stayed home when she didn’t have anything to wear. â€"oâ€"- Read It or Not Jacksonville, Illinois, is the only city in the world having art inter- section. on which are located, four churches, one on each corner and each of a different denomination. They are Baptist, Episcopal, Meth- odist and Presbyterian. â€"oâ€" Wonder why we never see a pic- ture of a June Groom ? We wonder ! â€"oâ€" You can’t push yourself ahead by patting yourself on the back. Make and Burn Own Gas t Give city-like gas cooking service j $ anywhere. Light instantly. Regu- late at finger-touch. No pipes, « connections or greasy wicks. One and two-burner models. See dealer \ or write. h THE COLEMAN LAMP AND < STOVE COMPANY. LTD. }} Dept. WL.560 Toronto, Ont (8560) Use MEMBA-SEALS Clear as glass. Beautify your Jams and Jellies. Packet of 25 Seals com- plete 10c, at all grocers, druggists and 10c stores. Issue No. 26â€"-’38 IE Bâ€"B

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