ORONO WEEKLY TIMES COWANVILLE Mr. Sam Carr spent the week-end in Belleville. Mr. Thomas Kingman laittended the Sons of England march at Millibrook on Sunday. Misses Viola, Ada -and Dorothy HoHinigsiwdrth were week-end visitors at. their h-ome. Mr. -and Mrs. Roy Burley, Port Gi'andby, -spent iSkinday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burley. There was a good! turn -out on. Sun. day to hear Rev. W. J. H. Smythe on Sunday at Clarke Church. Mr. and Mrs, Richard Hiaekill,. Port Britain, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Port ecus. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Edwards, Peterixno, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Westol Stringer. (Several from tliisi community at- tended the Orange dance in Newton- ville on May 24th. All report a nice time. % •Mr. and Mrs. Boh Daivey and Ken- neth and Mr. and Mrs. David No-rage •were Sunday visitors with M.r, and Mrs. Philip Stephens. WOOD FOR 'SALE Mixed Wood, single c-ord, 12 inch, $2.00 delivered; Phone 26r9, A. C-ars- oadden. a-19-p. FOE SALE (1 ood rnlining Wagon, 3-4 height, for siale cheap. H. S. Bowen; Phone 54, Orono-. c-21-tp. WANTED To rent with the option of buying, 5 acres or more, with buildings and water. Apply Orono Weekly Times office. a-19-p. found One Waterman’s Fountain Pen and one Automatic Eagle Pencil. Owner may have same by applying at the Orono Times office. FOR SALE Six-roomed House, new furnace, hardwood floors, all modern conven- iences, good garden. Apply Mrs, F. L. Souch, Princess Street. Orono. tf. IN MEMOR1AM - In loving memory of our dear father, Jamies Burley, Who was called â- away to rest from his- dear home one year ago, 4th of June, 1937. We watohed him suffer -day by day, It caused us bitter grief To see him slowly pine away. And could not give, relief. Gone dear father, gone forever, How we miss your smiling, face; But you left us to remember "Nbne on: earth can take your place. A happy h-ome we once enjoyed But -death -has left a loneliness The world ean. never fill. â€"'Sadly and greatly mis-sed by Wife,Daughters and Sons. HAMCO ORONO |COAL&LUMBER| co. Subscribe now for the Orono Times I Classified COMING EVENTS -Kjbiby Anniversary Services will be held on Sunday, June 26-th, and on Monday, June 27th, the annual •Strawberry Festival. Watch for par- ticulars later. e-19-c. A play, entitled “-Smiling Bill,†will be put -on by Elizafoethvilïe young People, in the Orange Hal'l, Kendal, on Tuesday, June 14th, 1938, under the auspices of the Kendal Women’s Institute. b-20-c. The Boys at Christie -St. Hospital, the patients in Toronto Hospitals and in the Weston San. endorse “The Cheerio Variety Entertainers.†Be sure and -see them at the Opera House, Bowmarmlle, June 9th, at 8.15 p.m. (D.,S.T.). b-19-e. A Silver Medal Oratorical Contest wil be held in the school room of Turk iStreet United Church on Fri- day, June 3rd, at, 8 o’-el-odk. A good programme, consisting of Rowe’s Or- chestra -and other talent will be given, under (the auspices of the W.C.T.Ãœ. Admission, 25b.; Children -silver col- lection. b-19-c. 'Célébra,te the King’s Birthday, June 9th, by attending the Opera House, Bvwmianvile, and hearing “The Cheerio Variety Entertainers†of Toronto. Two hours of entertain- ment, starting 8.15 p.m. (DJS.T.) Prices : Adults, 25c.; Students and Children; 15c. 'Sponsored by The Canadian Legion. b-19-c. KENDAL Professional Directory DANlOE HALL OPENED The (Spring Opening of Willow’s Pavilion, Orono, was celebrated on 'Saturday-evening, M'ay 2let. Dance to the music of Jack Gallo-way’s Or- chestra every 'Saturday Night. SAVE MONEY House Painting Season is here again. Why not SAVE MONEY by using C. V. HOUSE PAINT The Most Durable, Highest Quality Guaranteed All Colored C. V. Paint, per gallon $3i50 $5.25 Utility House Paint, per gallon $ 2 â- 0 0 Richmond Paint and Enamel, quart . 0 0C ROLPH HARDWARE PHONE 43 r 1 - - - ORONO 1 gallon Outside White Paste and 1 gal. of Raw Oil (making 2 gal- lons of Pure White Paint) for . TO RENT iStone house and about one acre on Fifth Line, Township of Clarke, on Lot 22, Concession 5. Apply to R. R. Waddell, Orono. tf. Township of Clarke Court of Revision and Appeal Notice is hereby given that the first sittings of the COURT OF REVISION for the Township of Clarke will be held in- the Town- Hall, in the Village of Orono-, on FRIDAY, THE 3rd DAY OF JUNE 1938, at the hour of two o’clock p.im. (standard time), to hear and deter- mine the several comipiiain-ts and omissions in the Assess-menlt Roll for the said Municipality for the year 1938. A1 persons having business -at the Court -are requested to attend as aforesaid. A. J. STAPLES, Township Clerk Orono, May 12-th, 1938. d-19-c. Friends and acquaintances are pleased to learn- that Jackson Pea- cock is at his-, home and improving in health. Mr. Jack Bryson motored: to Oeh- awa on Saturday to visit his father, who is staying with his daughter, Mrs- T'rew. Mr. Osborne Quannil has: arrived from, the West to make a six weeks’ visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Quant roll. Mrs. A. Jackson and her daughter, Mrs. Will. Honey, and Mr. Honey, have left on ai mo-tor trip to Regina and other places. -Mr. and Mrs. Burt Darlington, of Toronto, visited- with Mrs.. Darlington on the 24th.. Mise Georgina Darling- ton was also home from Almonte. (Too late for last week) Mr. Roy Mercer has purchased a new -Chevrolet car. IS-orry to hear Mr. Samuel Bryson is on the sick l-isf again. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas- Twiddle -spent the week-end at their farm. Mr. and Mbs. Norman Thertell and family, of Toronto, are visiting with friends- here. Mr. and Mrs, John Elliott, of Bbwmawiile, visited at Mr. Wesley .Hiott’s last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Duncan and daugh- ter, of Toronto, have returned home after a visit with Mr. antil Mrs. H, Mercer. Quite a number of the members of Kendal Young People’s Union are hoping to attend the Y.P.U. annual picnic in Hampton on June 4th. There was a good attendance at church, and Sunday school on Sun- day. At the close of the service the sacrament of the Lord’® Supper was served. The League on Thursday evening was in charge of Cl am ce Bell and Mr. F. Cornish, with twenty-six be- ing present. The Scripture reading was taken by Bill Bostock, Mark, 10th chapter, vreses 1-16. Mr. Beech then gave a. ten-minute talk on the -Scriptures. 'The programme con- sisted of readings by Archie Hoy and Jean Mercer; a duet, Wilma Carson and: Bernice Langstatf. The topic was taken by Mr. Oo-mfeh on Pro- testant and Catholic -Religion, which lie compared. Annabels, Hendry then gave some current events. Mr. -Siwaitbriek sang a solo. The League closed with hytmn 338 and the Miz- pab Benediction. -----------o-----------' DENTAL DR. J. C. MILNE, Dental Bur- geon, Orono. Office hours : 9.001 a.m. t0 5.00 p.m. Evenings by ap- pointment. Newcastle every Wed- nesday and other days by appoint- ment, Phone 18rl. MEDICAL DR. H. E. MANNING Physician and Surgeon Orono - - - Ontario Office Hours *. 1.30 to 4 pan. and 7 to 9 pan. Sunday by Appointment AUCTIONEERS JED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction -Sales of all i and: at reasonable rates. Communicate with him at Pert Per!ry, Ontario, or see -his Clerks, A. J. Staples or A. E. Morton, at Orono., for date. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker All Repairs to Watches, Clocks, and! Jewellery, will receive our prompt will attention PARK STREET ORONO John J. Gilfillan Phm. B. QUALIFIED OPTOMETRIST Licentiate of the College of Optom- etry of Ontario Office Hours : 10 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4.30 p.m- and by appointment Office in C.. B. Tyrrell’s Drug Store Rhone 68r2 Ã1 HI H D Ãœ B D â- ==Jl=U'l^i^ia=ll^i5^t^irsJ|=^Fsd,|=l|Ssir==l|Slr==lir=lJE "â„¢ li | BIGGEST DAY OF THE YEAR I EVERYBODY WELCOME Sixth Annual Junior Farmers’ Field Day AT BETHANY I SATURDA Y, JUNE 11, ’38 B Girls’ and Boys' Softball Tournaments, open to Durham County, send applications to Depart- ment of Agriculture, Bowmanville, not later than B j] Monday, June 6th. Games commence at 9.30, Standard Time Township Tug-of-War; Championship Hard Ball Game, North Durham vs South Durham LLj B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B GRAND DANCE 7.30 to 11.30 FEE, 25c. Admission to Grounds: Adults, 25c.; Children 12 jl years and under, 10c. ; Ball Players, 10c. j] Ji=dr=di==lr=^r^i^i^i^i^i^i^r^r==Ji==ii===li=SE B KIRBY Notice to Creditors IN THE -M ATTER of the Estate of (Robert iSbaekeltoni, of the Township of Clarke, in the County of Dur- ham. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having any claims or de- mands against the late Robert Shaek- leton, who died on or about the 2Stii day of February, 19-37, in the Town- ship of Clarke, in the Co. of Durham, ,are required to send by posit prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned Ad- ministrator, their names and address- es, and full particulars in writing of their claims and -statements' of their accounts and the nature of securities, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the 19th day of June, 1938, the assets of the said deceased will- be distrib- uted among the persons entitled there- to, having regard' only to the claim-s of which lie shall then, have bad no- tice, and that the said Administrator will riot be liable for the said- assets or any part thereof, to any person- of whose -claim he shall , not then have received notice. DATED at -Orono this 19tih. day of May, 1988. B. IF. ARMSTRONG' Orono, Ontario -Solicitor for BOLAND STIA OK LETON Administra tor. Orono Tinshop All kinds of Plumbing, Heating and Furnace Work Eavetroughing and Pump Work Pleased to see Mr. -and Mrs. Russell Best and Mise Stella Heist -at church here om -Sunday. 'Come again. Mr. and Mrs. William Wannon, in company with Mrs. Wm. Patterson, of Kendal1, attended church here Sun- day, Mr, and Mrs. John Bro-wn visited friends in Trenton over the week-end land while there called on Mr. and Mrs. Percy Moi-deti. Mr. O. Tarnblvn is doing most of the -spraying in this section. That goes’ to prove -the good judgment of the farmers -and their knowledge of proper spraying. Mr. and Mrs. Don MacKinnon and Mise Jean, accompanied by their un- cle Mr. J. H. Mb-aKin-non, all of Tor- onto, spent -Sunday with- Mr. and Mrs. D. A. MacKinnon and family. The proprietor of Kirby store is well pleased with the business done So far and he predicts that either Messrs. Shaw-or Frost may want to buy him omit before it’s in full blast. A huge pvociipino appeared in the village last week and after firing a number of quills into Mr. E. R. Bry- son's dog’s head disappeared and. since that time John Bigelow, and Stan. Chapman are found in their homes- before dark waiting the return of Aurora patiently. The Rev. W. II. Sterling, of Feme- Ion Falls, con cl neted the services here Sunday afternoon and he delivered a good sermon. During his conversa- tion he made some fitting remarks about th-ose of his former congrega- tion who had passed on to th-e Great Beyond. All were pleased t-o have the privilege of a hearty shake of his hand and hope to- have the pleasure of a return of the same in the near fu lure. R. E. LOGAN Centre St. PROPRIETOR Orono Phone $0 r 16 PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. H. Osterhont, B.A., B.D. Pastor Try ub with your next order. #*â- SSUNDAY, JUNE 5th (Temperance Sunday) 1 a.m.â€"DRiew. A. R. Sanderson. 7 p.m.â„¢Rev. A. R Sanderson. COME AND WORSHIP The very popular horseshoe pitch- ing court ’behind Mercer’s garage, we hear, is to open up again for the horseshoe'pitching enthusiasts of the town. The game has .never been .so popular since this site was Abandoned, but now that the men are -getting to- gether again many a lively evening will be spent to the click of shoe against -peg. â- â€",----â€"-o,-----â€"-â€" Rev. -S. A. Kemp, o-f the Havelock United lOhurch, -has accepted a call to Centre 'Street United Church at Osihawa. FRIDAY & SATURDAY Matinee PORT HOPE Saturday, 8.30 Canada’s Own Song Star BOBBY BREEN In His Greatest Hit “HAWAII CALLS†Selected Short Subjects MONDAY and TUESDAY Last Show 8.30 D.S.T. “ILL TAKE ROMANCE†Grace Moore Melvyn Douglas ‘‘LANCER SPY†Dolores Del Rio George Sanders WEDNESDAY ONLY On the Stage RIN-TIN-TIN The Famous Film Dog t‘YOU’RE ONLY YOUNG ONCE†With Mickey Rooney, Cecilia Parker and Lewis Stone