Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 21 Apr 1938, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES FREE CLINIC In D. E. Steekley’s office on Siin- <soe istrieeit non it, O-'nawn, each Tues- day and (Slaf-urdlay, from 4 to 6 o’cok-k a free ©'Indie is conducted for Uioderprivileged ehiidren up to twelve years of age. Many children w'ho need attention, and wihpae parente Cannoft afford a physician,. have been taking advantage of the clinic. Open- ed on the fourth of January of this year, the iclii-niic is modem in all ne- spfe'ts, well equijppedi, drugless, and renders a valuable service to these needful children. Mr. Steddey has expressed his pleasure and siatisfac- tinii at the continued improvements in the children he has been treating foil- v&iouiS: deformities and ailments bo common to them at ’that age. Children are examined Carefully and the type of treatment necessary to correct the particular laiiltmen* is given. The clinic, is q'uiite capable of handling a large number of pa- tients at one time. Various rooms are provided for giving varying treat meurs such iae the sun lamp, electrical, and mineral fume bath. Many parents of the children have stated that their ehildren’Ls improve- ment has been noted, not only by •themselves, butt, by their friends. The treatments given to these, children: tare calculated to avert lifefflotng ail- ments. One example is that of a little girl suffering from, paralysis of one leg and its result in underdevdlop- ment of that member with a twisted kniee and ankle. A double spinal curvaiture has resulted from defec- tive posture. This child has never missed a treatment and much im- provement is eviidenlced each month. The leg has become warm, having previously been cold, circulation is improved, nerve energy is being re- stored iand the leg is filling out and developing muscle. The child, is walking much better. Other chil- dren halve deveflbpedi healthy ap- petites and gained weight, evidencing improvement in health and difeeaise resisting energy. This dlinic is for needy children. Mr. iSteckley point- ed out, and any child under 12 years â- of age is 'welcome to come at the hours stated, or if they are unable to come, the parents should ‘take ad- vantage of the clinic and bring them or have some friend bring them. --;---------O--â€"------ U,jS. Park (Service naturalists say that coyotes are better rnousens than cats. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Burnett wish to thank all neighbor® - and friends for the assistance and help rendered to them on the occasion of the fire which destroyed their home on March Wh, 1938, _______a-12-c. RED & WHITE STORES THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ORONO PASTRY FLOUR.....24-LB. BAG..,.59c. EASIFIRST, DOMESTIC, PICAKE, JEWEL, SHOR- TENING, MAPLE LEAF PURE LARD.....2 LBS.25c COOKING MOLASSES ..„......TIN.... 9c. 1-lb. tin RED & WHITE BAKING AND EXTRACT, Classified Local News Professional Directory COMING EVENTS •St. George’s A.Y.P.A. will present the comedy play “iSmall Town Romeo,” in three acts1, Orono Town Hall, on Friday. April1 22nd, 1938, at 8.00 p.m., sponsored by Orono Y. P.U. Admission 15c. and 25c. c-13-p. ANNOUNCEMEN T Tbloee wishing to send old woollen aiwtay to be made into blankets pleiase leave them in the library before May 24th. c-14-c Mr. Lewis Dewell, of Bowman ville, visited his friend, Everett 'Stapleton. Misa Hilda Gamsby spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. G. M. Linton. Mr. John iMillson, Toronto, is visit- ing his parents1, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Milfeon, Mr. WaîkiÅ" Sisson, Toronto, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Mary Sisson. Miss Edna Best, of Toronto', spent the Easter week-end with her mother, 'Mrs. H. J. Best. Gordon! Loam an spent E aster FOR SALE iSix-roomed House, new furnace, hardwood floors, all modem- conven- iences, good garden. Apply Mrs. F. L. iSouoh, Princess Street. Orono. tf. FOR SALE (Nine Young Pigs', and they are good ones ; also a good Melo-tte ‘Sep- erator. Apply to S. D. Souch, R.R. No. 4, Bowmamville. \ / / -c-13-p. .Vi/. PAINTING & PAPEEHANGING Betiter Class Painting and Paper- hanging. Very Reasonable Sam- pues. Estimates Free; Phone 310, iBowimanville, J. Jensen. c-13-p. â-  NOTICE Commenciiig next week Orono Mills will observe early closing every Wednesday laftemoon up until Sep- tember 1st, 1938.â€"W. II. Rowe. c-15-c. MUSIC LEiSlSO'NlS Mrs. Dorothy Rowe Lynch, A.T. C.M. Special methods for young children. Rates reasonable. 'Spring term starts immediately; Phone 37r2. c-13-c. tBmcfcl'y, in Sutton. Miss Ted Carson, of Chppercliff, spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs: J. C. Gamey. Mr. H. Winter, teacher in Toronto, is visiting has mother, Mrs. Winter, during Easter week. Mrs. Jack Higbee and bride of Bur- lington, wore Easter visitors' with Mr. and Mrs. S. Cuttell. Miss Neva Rainey iand. friend Mr. (Snodgrass, of Rochester, spent, Easter at her home in Orono. Principal R. Rosiborough and Mrs. Rloslbbroughi 'spent the week-end with, relatives in Peterborough. Misa Helen ISims, af St. Cathar- ines, is spending Baislter week: with her friend, Mrs. J. E. Richards. Mrs. G. Ell intoff and two daughters iSIhiifliey and Margaret, are visiting relatives in Toronto this week. Miss Jean Wighton, of Montreal, visited Rev. J. II. and Mrs: Oster- hout during the Easter hqjâday. Mrs. F. Fairbairn and Mrs. Dean •Oarsdadden are visiting, Mr. and •Mrs. Les. McGee at Ottawa this1 week. Mr. iand Mrs. Fred Lyoett and baby, of Osfaawa,. are spending this week with the iat'1-er’s mother, Mrs. Winter. Good Friday guest* of Mrs. A. A. Rolph were, Mr. Lloyd Walter, Miss' Ethel Little -and Miss Vivian McFad- den. Mr. Widdlis, teacher in Orono Continuation School, is spending his Easter holidays with his mother in DENTAL DR. J. 0. MILNE, Dental Sur- geon, Orono. Office hours : 9.00 a.im. t0 5.00. p.m. Evenings by ap- pointment. Newcastle every Wed- nesday and other days by appoint- ment. Phone "18rl, MEDICAL DR. H. E. MANNING Physician and Surgeon Orono - - - Ontario- Office Hours : 1.30 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. -Sunday by Appointment AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of all Mae» and at reasonable rates. Communicate with him at Part Perry, Ontario, or see his Gierke, A. J. Staple® or A. E. Morton, st Orono, for dtote, G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker All Repair» to Watches, Clock*, Jewellery, will! receive our prompt attention PARK STREET - ORONO John J. Gilfillan Phm. B. QUALIFIED OPTOMETRIST Licentiate of the College of Optom- etry of Ontario Office Hours : 10 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4.30 p.m and by appointment Office in O. B. Tyrrell’s Drug Store Phone 68r2 either Vainila or lemon...1 OF EACH FOR........25c PITTED DATES.......................2 LBS....21c. AUSTRALIAN SULTANA RAISINS..........2 LBS...25c. Canned Peas, 3 tins.....25c. Gammed Corn, 3 tins...25c- 3 large tins tomatoes.25c. Tuna Fish Flakes, 2 tins for .............,..25c. Glover Leaf Pink Salmon, 2 large tin.! for...27c. Tomato Juice, 25 oz. tins, 2 for ..............19c. Oranges, 2 dozen for..29c. Beef ex Fish Pastes, nice sandwiches, 'Lin makes > per 10c. Large tins Pork & Beans, 2 for ...... 19c. Infant’s Delight Toilet Soap, 4 cakes 19c. 2 bottle's Catsup 19c. Good sized Prunes. , 2 lbs for SWEET PICKLED PICNIC SHOULDERS, LB....:.19c. DUTCH LOAF, LB ...................25c. LEAN STEWING BEEF, 2 LBS.......1...-23c. HAMBURG STEAK, LEAN AND FRESH, 2 LBS...25c. FRONT OF LAMB, LB..................17c. VEAL, BONED AND ROLLED, LB .......17c. Huron Toilet Paper, 6 rolls - 19c. J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 FOR SALE Baby Chicks, White Leghorns and Barred Rocks, from Blood-Tested flock, sired by ROT. Cockerels. Ap- ply A. H. Clemens, BowmanviCe R. R. No. 6; Phone 2433. tf. R. H. ARMSTRONG j Barrister & Solicitor | Moved to New J | Premises j 1 in I \ ARMSTRONG BLOCK j | Over Rolph’s Store | j ! j In Orono 1 | EVERY SATURDAY | Office Hours: 9 a.m to 10 p m » I Phone 47 r 1 1 I TORONTO-Care Jenner * j I Brunt, 171 Yonge Street | j El, 8131 1 Prices reasonable on Job Printing. Try us with your next order. “R-l”... the reason is simple ... it costs you less than any other comparable tire . . . gives you greater mileage. LUNN HARDWARE ORONO ONTARIO Gmem.ee. : Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Stapleton - spent Easter with the latter’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Poitlt-s, of Eliza- hethvifflie. Miss Edna Stott, teacher north of G ration, is spending the Easter holi- days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. 'Stott. Mies. Viola Gilfilian. teacher at Kincardine, visited her brother, Mr. J.J. Gfifitoam -and Mrs,. Gi ifilhm over the Easter week-end. Mr. and Mrs. L. Buckley, of Sut- ton, Mr. John Buckley and, lady friend of Oshaw-a, visited friends in and around Orono last Saturday. 'Mr. -and Mrs. A. White and daugh- ter, of Toronto, visited the former’s brother, Mr. Ben- White and Mrs. White, during the Easter week-end. Mrs. Nelson- iSkelding wishes to tihlank the ladies of the W.M.S. of Kirby United Church for their kind- ness in sending a beautiful Easter plant. Carman Davey, -of the Ontario Veterinary College, Guelph, will open -an office in Orono around the 1st of May. This will be good mows for the flarmiers. Mr. Bill Brown and Mr. Malcolm Orchard, -of the Department of Chem- istry staff, University of Toronto. visitedNhe former’s parents over the week-end. Mr. -and (Mbs. M. O. Hall visited friends in Toronto last week. Their daughter, Mrs: Ardron, and- little grandson Madison returned home with them-. Dr. E. J. Cuttell of Buffalo, Mr. 11 uds.,i! 'Slt-owe, Toronto, and Mr. Jack Higbee -and bride of Burlington were Easter visitors with, Mr. and Mrs. S. Cuttell. Miss M. Taylor, who has been a patient in the Bowmanvilie hospital â- for several weeks, is now at her brothers', W. T. Taylor, in care of Miss Ten a Taylor. Mr. Robert Oo-mfo-rth, of Lindsay, was in town on G'o-od Friday and -paid a visit to some of his friends. Robert says he is quite satisfied with his mlove to Lindsay which we are glad to h-eiar. Mr. Fred Lycett and Mr. Lloyd 'Smith, of Oshiawa, have charge of thirty-six singers from Mary Street (School, O-shawa, and will sing by request at, the 0. K. A., and they will also be heard over CURB from 5.30 to- 5.45 to-day (Thursday.) -The public are earnestly requested not to throw refuse or garbage on the fair grounds. 'This only oaiuses, the -expense of having it removed and as it, is pfliemty hard enough to finance the fair without extra expense, dras- tic action will! be taken if this warn- ing igi not heeded. We are informed that an esteem- ed citizen, Miss- 'Sadie Brown, com- pleted the planting of her -large gar- den on the nineteenth day of April. I Spinach, radishes and peas which had' been put in at an earlier time were PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, APRIL 24th 11 a.m.â€"The New Congregation. 7 p.m. â€" Evening 'Service. The minister -at both services GOME AND WORSHIP FRIDAY & I SATURDAY Matinee PORT HOPE Saturday, 2.30 A Fascinating Rogue FREDRIC MARCH In Cecil B. DeMille's Mightiest Spectacle “THE BUCCANEER” With Franciska Gaal, New Star Discovery Daylight-Saving Time Starts on Sunday MONDAY and TUESDAY His Finest Role Edward C. Robinson In the Year’s Most Exciting Melodrama “The Last Gangster” WEDNESDAY ONLY The Star Beloved WILL ROGERS In His Greatest Picture “DAVID HARUM” Coming Next Thursday “SNOW WHITE” up by the -above date. How is this for being industrious ? Large appreciative congregations attended the morning and evening Raster services'- at Park 'St. United 'Church on - Sunday. The pulpit was occupied by the pastor, Rev. J. H. Oeterhout, pastor. The commamibn was observed a(f the morning service. Special music was- rendered by the -choir at bo-t-h services'. Rev. Samson Littlewood of Sunder- land received lan unanimous -call to- the Orono Paste rial Charge, of the Park (Street- United Church, at a -eongre- gatiomail meeting Wednesday evening. The way to prosper is to read the ladvertisemenits in -the Orono Times.

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