Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 10 Feb 1938, p. 8

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ORONO W K K Kl. Y TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS KIRBY KENDAL iM’iss Marion Ban non was home over-Sain day giving all her attention to her dear father, who we all wish to recover again.; We are all sorry to learn of the serious illness of Mr. Wan, Ban non and hope for a speedy recovery; also Mr. Harvey Morgan, who has been laid up for some: hm* with, a very bad infection of the hand. Mack claims that Stan, is pobr pay and will not settle up for the services rendered as colored soloist at enter- tainments held at Kirby. We would advise -Stan, to move forward at once and save trouble. Our genial storekeeper, Mr, Percy Morden, is considering starting up business again, either in John Brown’s shop which was once owned and occupied as a store by the late James Jackson, or otherwise he will build on his former location which w-e hope will mature. We noticed a few autos passing through since the shovel brigade went, into action Saturday last, and I ask- ed those -chaps who it. was that laid out the Indian trail from Mr. Tiam- biyu’s north, and one promptly re- plied : J. D. Brown and a man by the man of Hall. I said in reply I can’t see that. J. D. had anything to do with it as he was possessed with too much mental capacity to be guilty of such. (Too late for last week) We notice Jimmy wending his way westward these times. Wonder what the attraction is ? Church service was withdrawn on account of the heavy downpour of rain and bad roads on Sunday. Quite a number from this burg -are taking in -the Short Course -at Oronio through the month of Feb- ruary. Mr, A. Morrow and Miss Pearl have returned home after a pleasant vacation with his daughter, Mrs. Roy .Bryson, Hamilton, and with his son Len, Toronto. The social evening of the West Group passed off .very successful on Friday of last week. Our convener, Mrs. Brown, is a live wire, and Uncle Joe did his part. SIXTH LINE Miss Marion Mlc-Kelvey (Reg. ST.)- was a recent visitor at her uncle’s, the Stewart family. - Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hoy, Oshawa, and their boys were here as guests re- cently at the Gilroy home. Mrs. Anson Gilroy has been quite ill for several days and is now, we believe, on the way to improvement. While the recent rains, ice and other inconveniences have been with ns several farmers here who have 'large and necessary cisterns. filled have been made glad by the supply. Air. John Cornish, son of our neighbor, Mr. Fred Cornish, is at present a patient in St. Michael’s Hospital, where he underwent -an operation, and we hope soon to here of his return. Ilis father and mother were visitors. with him a few days ago and report improvement, Mr. Alex. Henry, Orono, was a visitor here and called on several former neighbors and school mates -and this -s'eribe can say (and not mdblbee) Alex, is always welcome. We also had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Leslie Morgan who has been indis- posed for some time, but is now im- proved in health we are ' pleased to state. â€",â€"â€"----â€"oâ€"â€"â€"â€":----- Try us for your next printing order i RADIO TUBES j i ~~ i j Automatic Volume Control | | Automatic Frequency Control j ï Inter-station Noise Suppression | j Phase Shifting j I All necessitate good test I instruments | | I HAVE THEM j I ^! ! , Chas. R. Knox | | ' Phone 42r2, Orono | ÃŽ All Makes Ail Models | | Guaranteed Service | Airs. Wcm. Wannan, Kiiiby, visited her mother, Mrs. Win. Paititeiison, one day last week. Miss Anna-bolle lion-dry, teacher of McLean’s. School-, spent the week- end at her home at Newcastle, - We are looking forward to the Valentine Social on Monday evening, Fab. 14th. under the auspices of the Kendal Women’s Institute. The Quarterly Official Board- of New ton ville Circuit will meet in Kendal -Sunday 'School room on Sat- urday afternoon, February 12th, at 2.30 All members are requested to be present. Owing to the roads and weather conditions there was a small attend- ance at church and Sunday School Sunday morning. Mr. Beech’s ser- mon. was based on the text “And they shall be Mine saith the Lord of Hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels,, and I will spare them as a man spa.reth his own son that ser- veth him.” Mala-ehi 3:1.1. Owing to the icy road's Clarke Young People’s didn’t pay their visit to our Y.PJS. on Thursday evening last, s-o we are hoping to have them with us this Thursday evening if the roads and weather permit, and we are looking forward to it with in- terest as the Presbytery debate be- tween the Kendal and Clarke debat- ing teams is to be the special fen-, tore on the program. Our Y.P. meet- ing was cancelled on Thursday even- ing. newtoMle Miss Checkliy. of Hamilton, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Win. Milligan. Air. and Airs. Jas. Da-rcb visited her brother, Mir. F. Pea-te, recently. Mr. Reuben Payne spent the latter part of the week with friends in Tor- onto. There is , -quite an epidemic of stomach flu and bronchitis around here. Mrs. 0. Burley was in Port Hope on Thursday attending the funeral of Mrs. Nelson _Rdbee.' Mesdames Milligan and Pollard attended the funeral of their father, Mr. A. Tay-l-or, in Lindsay. Air, and Mrs. Douglas Ogden and babe, of Oshawa., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Stone. A few friends gathered at the home of Mr. Raymond Bruce one night last week to celebrate his birthday. The Kool I Cut Mills in Port Hope have had Mr. Willis Jones down overhauling their Diesel engine. Mr. and Mrs. Diollph Payne and so-u and Mrs. Harris, Toronto! v-isited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Payne on Tuesday. There was a basket social in the Community Hall on- Friday night under the auspices of the Park Com- mittee. Proceeds $36. Their many friends extend heart- felt sympathy to Mr. and Airs. J. T. Pearce in the death of their daugh- ter, Airs. Fred Walker. Mr. John 'Colon, who makes his home with his daughter, Mrs. Lippett, Newtonibvook, was in the village call- ing .on friends this week. Lena Farrow, Lena Kimball, Rena Hos-kin, Bemiece Milligan, Bill Hos- kin and Jack Kimball are taking the Short Course in. Orono. Mr, Wm. Stapleton and Mr. Kb. Stapleton visited Saturday with Air. Alvin Jones, Port Hope, who is recov- ering from a severe illness. Air. J, T. Pearce, of La-nsdowne, and Miss Ivina Pearce, Montreal, were home arid attended the funeral of Mrs. Walker in Port Hope. lAt a public meeting in the Com- mun! ty Hall recently it was decided to leave the street lighting question to the council for decision. The council took a vote and tied so are doing nothing about it, Now what? CLARK UNiON Miss Dorothy Sou-ch .is visiting in Toronto. A number of our young people are attending th-e short course being held in Orono. Miss Myrtle Patterson is staying at Mr. Albert Clark’s while attending the short course. The, regular meeting of the Clarke Union Home and School Club will be held ore Thursday night (next). Ail members and those who wish to become members are urgently desired to hand in their fees -at the meeting or as s’o-o.-n as possible, --------â€"-oâ€"â€"'â€"-â€"â€" lubsertbe to the Orono Weekly Times NEWCASTLE Miss' Caswell, was home from Tor- onto- for the week-end. Mite: Muriel Bradley was home from Toronto -for the week-end. Mrs. W. II. Gib,sign entertained at an evening of bridge on Friday last, Miss B. S. McIntosh has left to spend same time in Nassau and Ber- muda, Rev. D. R. and Mrs. Dewd-eney en- tertained at a tea and a bridge party recently, Mrs, Philip LeGresley entertained a, few of her friends at tea on Wed- nesday last, Airs. Edward Pomeroy, of Orillia, spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Atkinson. Air. and Mm T. Anderson, of Tor- onto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hoy rocks. (Mite Ethel Lockhart has returned -from Toronto and is staying with Mrs. D. B. Simpson. Airs. Clarence Allin recently en- tertained a number of her friends at .an evening bridge. Miss Arrest a Martin and Misa 'Salome Howard were home from Toronto for the week-end. Rev. John Bona than has returned to Montreal after spending a few days with his mother, Mrs, Sam Bon- a titan. Mr. Adair Hancock of Larder Lake is spending la -short holiday with his -parents, Air. and Mote, Char- les Hancock. Mrs. Stinson, Miss France? Stin- i-son, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eiibeck and son Jack, of Toronto, were week-end -guests of Mrs. Gen. Hi 1 beck. The sincere sympathy of the en- tire community is felt for Airs. Ed. Hoar and her three boys. Mr. Hoar passed peacefully away on Tuesday morning-. The Home and School Olu-b of School Section No. 9 intend having the annual dance and card party in the, Comimunity Hall on Friday even- ing, February 11th. The young men’s club of St. George’s Church held a very success- ful. ladies’ -night on Tuesday even- ing last. “500”, euchre, ping pong a-nd -carpet bowling entertained the guests. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Rickard en- tertained the choir af the United Church on Friday evening. Games and contests were enjoyed -by all, fol- lowed by a delightful supper and community singing. The Parochial committee of -St. George’s Church intend holding a shower for their an nun' summer ba- zaar at the residence of Rev. J. 'Scott and Mb. Howard on the afternoon of 'Si, V a! eret'i n-e’-s Da y. Mr. George Wright, Mr. Douglas Wright, Mr. Archie Glenny and Mr. Charles Thaekray motored to Toronto for the hockey match on 'Pia-tu-rday evening between the Tor- onto- Maple Lcaf-s and the Boston Bruins. iS-evera-l groups- of the W.M.'S. of the United Church have been holding “quil'tlngs”. Quilts have been made to send to the Indian- schools and al- so -orders have been filled for W.M.S. members, thus making revenue for the group finances. COWANVILLE Airs. J. J. W. Stringer is visit- ing her mother at Bancroft. Mr. Eric Edwards, Kirkland Lake, is visiting Air. and Mrs. West-ol (Stringer, Airs. A. T. Perrin hais returned ho-me from Hamilton much improved in health. Mr. W, Cowan, Newcastle, was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Stan'iey Porterais. Because of so much ice and' water Clarke church and Sunday school was postponed on Sunday. Because of the treacherous icy roads the league postponed their in- vitation to Kendal until a further date. Air. and Mrs. W. T. Marvin, Ger- trude, Lloyd and Miss M. Earl visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson on Sunday. -Mir. and Airs. J. J. W. Stringer, Air. and Airs. West-ol ! Stringer and Mrs. George Henderson motored to Peterbor-o on- Saturday. Clarke Sunday School are having a pancake supper on -Monday, Feb- ruary 14th, 1938. A good programme is being provided. Everybody wel- come. Admission $Sc. and 15c. The regular monthly meeting of -Ol-a-rke W. A. met 'at the home of Airs. W. C. Oro-ssley on Wednesday with a good- attendance in spite of ice. They planned to have Port Bri- tain play is-omle-thin-g in March, The- programme consisted of a reading by Mary Henderson- and a valentine -contest. Mrs. George! Henderson kindly offered her home for next meeting. TyrrelFs Drug Store DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO FOR A FINE QUALITY HOT WATER BOTTLE AT A MODERATE PRICE, TRY THE ROXBURY STURDILY CONSTRUCTED BOTTLES WITH A FINE QUALITY SEAMLESS RUBBER SHOULD THEY FAIL WITHIN TWO YEARS WE WILL REPLACE THEM WITHOUT CHARGE Each..................... 69c Ace Hot Water Bottle - - - l39c Monogram Hot Water Bottle, one year guarantee 49c Defender Hot Water Bottle - - - 99c Kantleek, combination hot water bottle and ice bag ------ - $1.75 This is the week to buy your VALENTINES Beautiful Modern Designs, Priced from 1 et, 25 cts. You Save with Safety at Tyrrell’s Rexall Drug Store ! Now, You Be The Judge COMPARE VALUES AND PRICES AND YOU TOO WILL MAKE THE ORONO 5c. to $1.0(1 STORE YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE QUILT PATCHES, 9’'x9”, no two alike, 20 piece's to bundle ..,,..............„........... 25c. INDIVIDUAL GLASS SALT AND PEPPERS, color- ed top's, complete with glass tray, pair ... 10c. O.K. UNWRAPPED LAUNDRY SOAP, 10 bars..;..,.. 25c. SURPRISE SOAP, 3 bars for.............. 14c. WHITE BEANS, 6 Ibis, for .............. 25c- CHRISTIE’S PRAIN or SALTED SODAS, 2 lb box... 35c. CAMPBELL’S PORK & BEANS, large cans, 2 for. 17c. KREMO COFFEE, fresh ground, 1 lb.h....,, 21c. BELLE CITY PEAS, standard quality, 2 for.... 17c. PURE CORN MEAL, 6 lbs. for ............ 25c. SNAPPY CHEESE, lb...................... 25c. MAGIC BAKING POWDER, 16 oz. can ........... 28c. SNAP POWDER for Household Cleaning ....12c. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR I REQUIREMENTS â€" PROMPT SERVICE PHONE 48RI6 i Orono Coal & Lumber Co |

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