Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 3 Feb 1938, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Letters to the Editor .......;..-.â€"j It is nearly two months since we were filled with awe and admiration as we gazed upon our beautiful Christmas tree. It stood in its place in front of the Community Hall in all its stateliness and .attractiveness and truly exemplified the spirit of the season. The tree has fallen. Undoubtedly it served its useful purpose. Why should it not now receive a proper burial ? I would suggest to the Christmas Tree Committee to finish their job. M. COW AX. In reply to your recent and more recent l «quests to send you a cheque for my bill due you, 1 wish to inform you that the present shattered1 condi- tion1 of my bank account makes it im- possible for me to take your request seriously. My present financial condition is due to the effect of Dominion laws, Provincial laws, Municipal laws, County laws, Corporation laws, Traf- fic laws, Liquor laws, By-laws. Mother-in-laws, and outlaws, all of which bave been foisted upon an un- suspecting public. Through these laws, I am com- pelled to pay a business tax, amuse- ment tax, gas tax, income tax, water tax, excise tax, school tax, hydro tax, auto tax and syntax. In addition to these irritating taxes I am forced by the strong arm of the law to get a permit for this thing and a permit for that thing. I am required to get a business li- cense, a city license, a provincial li- cense, a sign license, a dog license, a motor license, a radio license, a li- quor licensë1â€"not to mention a mar- riage license. I am also requested and required to contribute to every society and organisainm which thie inventive genius of man is capable of bringing into lifeâ€"to the Society of St. Jean Baptiste, the Women’s Relief, the Near East, relief, the unemployment relief, and the gold diggers’ homeâ€" also every hospital and every charit- able institution in the city : the Red Gross, the Black Cross, the White Cross, the Green Cross, the Purple Cross, the Flaming Cross and the Double Cross/ “t [For my own Safety, I am remit red to carry life insurance, liability insur- ance, burglary insurance, hail insur- ance, and business insurance, acci- dent insurance, collision insurance, and rain insurance. The. government has now so gov- erned my business that it is no easy matter for me to find Out who won it, I am inspected1, expected, intro- spected, suspected, disrespected, ex- amined, re-examined, informed, re- quired. summoned, fined, command- ed and compelled until all 1 know is that I am supposed to provide inex- haustible m*ns arid supply of money for every known need, desire, and hope of the hitman race. To beg, borrow, or -steal money to give away, and: if I refuse to donate to each and all, I am-cussed, discussed, boyco tted, talked to, talked about, lied to, lied1 about, held up, held down, and robb- ROBERT BURNS Robert Burns was born in a small roadside cottage which still stands about a mile and! a half inland from the county town, and- bay of Aye on the south-western Scottish coast. “Our monarch’s hindmost year but ane Was five and twenty days begun, ’Twas -then a blast o Jan wav wind Blew handsel in on Robin. The gossip keeki-t in his loot', Qwo’ she wha lives will see the proof, This waly boy will be nae eoof I think we’ll da him Robin.” William and Agnes Brown Burns were excellent parents and John Murdoch, who was Robert’s first School teacher, is described as no or- dinary pedagogue. Bobbie never bides the fact that they were poor (in money) but could say “Though poor'in' gear we’re rich in love,” How well that name is immortal- ized these one hundred and seven ty- nine years. Burns has not been canonized but he is surely enshrined in the hearts of a 1/1 good Scots and others. The late Ilamsay Macdonald, former Brit- ish premier, in unveiling the Burn’s statue at Dumfries last year said “If Robert Bums requires advocate at the judgment seat evterv Scottish heart and voice will be lifted up in sup- plication on Ms behalf.” In his analysis of Burn’s poem. The. Cotters Saturday Night, Rev. W. A. Cameron of Yorkminster Church, Toronto, states, “Surely it is no exaggeration to say that, the Colter’s' Saturday Night is the finest picture of life among the lowly ever produced by pen or brush and sug- gests the glory of a Christian home.” it is not surprising if any who have read and re-read this wonderful! sketch of this humble ‘Hoosie’ (Burn’s boyhood hame) might shout or at least whisper, agreed : as he sum s Up wi th “From scenes like these old Scotia’s gran don i' springs That makes her loved at home re- vered abroad.” . ETON .Sixth Line, January 30th, 1938. -----;-----y--------â€" Visits Whitby Lodge Orono Masonic Lodge visited Com- posite Lodge, Whitby, on Monday night, January 31st. 'Some sixteen went down from here and report a good nine. The real purpose of the visit was to present, the “travelling square” which bad been brought to Orono from Oobourg a month ago. Arriving in Whitby the Orono mem- bers found1 themselves. present at the installation of officers in Whitby, which had: been postponed a month owing to the illness of the master elect, After the installation cere- mony Dr. Colville presented the square, and delivered one of his ori- ginal speeches which only he knows ed. until T am nearly ruined. T can foretell honestly, Mr. Moyer, that, failing a MIRACLE, you won’t be paid just now, and the only rea- son I am holding on to life is simply just to see what is coming next. Yours respectfully, Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN FOGG, late of the Township of Clarke; in the County of Durham, Fanner, Deceased : All persons having claims against the Estate of the said John Fogg, who died on or about the 5th day of I December, 1937, are hereby notified â- to send to the undersigned (Solicitor on or before the 24th day of Feb- ruary, 1,938, their names and address- es and full particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities (if any), held: by them duly verified by statutory declaration. Immediately after the said 24th day of February, 1938, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard, only to the claims of which notice shall then have been re- ceived. Dated at Orono this 26th day of January. 1938. It. It. WADDELL, Orono, Ont. Solicitor for Frederick S'. Blackburn and George V. Fogg, Executors. PLAN DOLLAR FEE FOR FISHING RODS Not being content with the numer- ous licenses that are in force today, the Provincial Government proposes to charge a dollar on each rod of On- tario fishermen and to introduce leg- islation for the preservation of the moose within its borders, stated1 D. J. Taylor, deputy minister of game and fisheries, speaking to the members and guests of the Oshawa Fish and Game Chib on Monday night. It is the intention of the govern- ment to prohibit the exporting of moose out of Ontario, said Mr. Tay- lor, and the areas south of the C.N. northern lines will become restricted areas. The department will: this year let, loose some 2,000,000 trout, bass and pickerel. This number will be increased to 3,000,000 next year. lit will be the policy of the depart- ment to be ahead of requirements each year so as to meet the tourist demand. Restricted areas for the giant muskie. will come under con- sideration by the department, too said Mr. Taylor. BIRTHS VAN HE BET In Clarke Town- ship, on Thursday, January 27th, 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. Hendrick Van De Bet, a. son. 'SUNDAY â€" In Clarke Township, on Tuesday, January 25th, 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sunday, la son. how to do properly. At the banquet following Mr. Meredith Linton, was the speaker. His theme was “fores- try” and “reforestration,” and judg- ing- by the interest shown by the Whitby people, it must have been! considered of more than average in- terest in that town, as raeredith had to answer questions until all hours in the mornng. Classified COMING EVENTS A.Y.P.A. Oyster Supper in the Orange Hall on Thursday, February 3rd, at 5.30 p.m. Admission, 35c. b-2-e. The Orono Public Library will hold a Five Hundred and Euchre in the Orange Hall, Orono, on Thurs- day, February 10th, at 8 o’clock. Ad- mission, 20c. Everybody Welcome. c-3-c. A Valentine Social evening of music, cmkinole and other games with lunch will be held in the School Room of the United Church on Tues- day, February 15th, by the W.C.T. IT. ladies. Come and enjoy the evening. Admission 15c. e-5-e. The Annu'ai Dance of No. 9 Home and School Club will foe held in New- castle Community Hall on Friday, February 11th, eoanmencing at 8.00 p.m. Admission, 50c. per person. Re- freshments served. Cards, Merry- makers’ Orchestra in artend-anee. WOOD TENDERS Sealed tenders will be received up to and including February 15th, 1938, for 12 single cords of wood, 12 inches long, beach and maple, body wood. Lowest tender not necessarily accept- H, M. SOOTT iSec-Treas. Clarke Union School BowinaiiviBe R.R. 4 c-3-c. Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF MABEL LENA: TUCKER, late of the Vil- . page of Orono, in the County of Durham, Spinster, Deceased : All persons having claims against the Estate of the said Mabel Lena Tucker who died ou or about the 8th day of December, 1937, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Soiicitor on or before the 24th day of February, 1938, their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims and the nature of the se- curities (if any) held by them duly verified by statutory declaration. Immediately after the said 24th day of February, 1938, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard: only to the claims of which notice shall then have been received. Dated1 at Orono this 26th day of January, 1936. II. R. WADDELL. Orono Ont. Solicitor for the Executor. Now is the time to j join the J I ORONO HAWAIIAN I GUITAR CLASS ! I _______________ ! LESSONS WEEKLY !---------------- I; GORDON BRUTON i Ï Teacher « I 1 jj Apply evenings at ! I residence i W.M.S. MEETING The Women’s" Missionary' Society of Park Street Church met on 'Tues- day afternoon in the schoolroom. The devotional period was in charge of Mrs. II. Walsh, who gave some very helpful thoughts. After some discussion it was de- cided to combine the regular meet- ing in March with the World Day of Prayer service on Friday, March 4th. The Supply Secretary made all appeal for articles of clothing and quilts for the bale to 'be ready by the 1st of June and asked that each member contribute something. The Study Book chapter oil “The Minis- try of Healing” was presented in an interesting way by Mrs, Osterliout and Mrs. L. Fra lick. A piano duet by Mrs, R. IT Brown and Mrs. M. H. Staples was much enjoyed. Reports of the recent Bresfoyterial meeting were given by Mrs. M. H. Staples and Miss Davy. ------------o----------- The short, course in Home Econo- mics and Agriculture, conducted by the Durham County Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, opened on Tuesday morning with a membership o-f twenty-eight girls and Vox Populi. Scottish Curlers Arrive to Meet Canadian Rinks These bonneted Scotsmen pho- tographed in the lounge of the Canadian Pacific liner Du- chess of Bedford on arrival at Halifax New Year’s Eve are mem- bers of the party of curlers who have come to Canada to meet Canadian adherents of “the roar- in’ game" in many cities and towns of the Dominion. They are all members of the Royal Cale- donia Club. Captain William Henderson is seated third from the left of the group. During a two months’ tour they will visit Saint John, N.B., Sher- brooke, Quebec, Three Rivers, Shawinigan Palls, Montreal, Otta- wa, Sh&rbot Lake, Kingston, Port Hope, Lindsay, Peterboro, Galt, Detroit, Toronto, Welland, Hamil- ton, Medonte, Port. William, Win- nipeg, Regina, Calgary, Banff, Ed- monton, Saskatoon, Sudbury, North Bay, Timmins, Swastika, Kirkland Lake, Buffalo, Utica, Albany, Boston and Portland, Me., and will sail from Saint John in the Duchesa of Bedford on February 25. Professional Directory DENTAL DR. J. 0. MILNE, Dental Sur- geon, Orono. Office hours : 9.0© a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Evenings by ap- pointment. Newcastle every Wed- nesday and other d’ays by appoint- ment. Phone 18rl. MEDICAL DR. H. E. MANNING Physician and Surgeon Orono - Ontario Office Hours : 1.30 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. 'Sunday by Appointment AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of all sums and at reasonable rates. Communicate with bun at Pert Perry, Ontario, or see his Gierke, A. J, Staples or A. E. Morton, et Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker All Repair» to Wstche», Clock*, and Jewellery, will receive our prompt attention park Street orono John J. Gilfillan Phm, B. QUALIFIED OPTOMETRIST Licentiate of the College of Optom- etry of Ontario Office Hours: 10 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4.30 p.m and by appointment Office in O. B. Tyrrell’s Drug- Store Phone 68r2 i PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. H. Osterhout, if.A., B.D. Pastor ! SUNDAY, FEB. 6th 11.00 a.m.â€"Last of the series of sermons cm the Lord’s'Prayer. ÃŽ7.00 p.m,â€"-Ordination of new Elders and Installation of Stew- ards | COME AND WORSHIP FRIDAY & SATURDAY Matinee PORT HOPE Sat , 8.30 A Perfect Scream ! “THE PERFECT SPECIMEN” With Errol Flynn, Joan Blondel!, Hugh Herbert, Edward Everett Horton and May Robson MONDAY and TUESDAY intense Human Drama “THAT CERTAIN WOMAN” With Bette Davis, lan Hunter and Henry Fonda WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY The Musical Comedy Hit “LOVE AND HISSES” With Ben Bernie, Walter Winchell and Simone Simon EVENINGS AT 7.00 AND 9.00 i, ; large class' of boys. Visitors are welcome to these classes : which are being held in the town hall. There were 10 visitors on Tuesday and 18 on Wednesday. The -girls enrolled are : Eileen Riddell, Kathleen Stark, Betty Clough, Myrtle Patterson, Mary Harris, Inez Merton, Eileen Jones, Stella Best, Mary Brown,. Ruth Bebee, Mrs. J. Richardson,. Mrs. Carlos Tamfolvn, Mary Tnmblyn, Beatrice Hamm, Myrtle Tamblyu, Thelma Worry, Winn,if red Worry,, Bessie Blackburn, Dorothy Swin.fi-rd, Lela Welsh, Dorothy Scott, Annie Forbes, Lenora Ball, Marjorie Far- row, Bernice Milligan, Rena Hoskin,. Lena Kimball, Lena Farrow.

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