Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jan 1938, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Mrs. :i Eaigleson ant mitre:; of the W. A United Cliuroh "wish elation to -all who assisted in the appro eonir.hution to the rs cm the 25ti he (hma'ting ai: nitts. Anyone supipe also i fine ti to contribute to à : Western- bale can leave Anyone wishing to limy any of these quilts E H B B B B m her relief com- of Park -Street t-o convey their very successful and 26th ins't, d making of six haying anything it with the comini! tee any linn1. tit,ay see the convener. Mrs, Eagle-son. In 1929 Mrs. George Buffers while paying a visit to Pennsyi.vHiihi sent a postcard to Mrs,! Charles Awde with views, which M-tf-s. Awde received oin January 19th, : 938. We latter learn, id that b certain person found this card on the sidtiwalk and .mailed it at the post-office, ; which cost Mr. Awde- 2 cents to redeem. Mr, Awde claims that they never received the postcard in the first place. <So the mystery-is : ‘'Who- had the card and bow did it get on the sidewalk after all these years?” Mr. Dewy Harness, who is tan em- ployee at tilie Forestry, suffered1 pain- ful injuries last.: Saturday when a horse plunged- and fell on him. While Mr. Meredith .Linton’s ear was stuck in the snow at the Forestry Mr. 1 lai- ne-.- hitched a horse onto the dar to pull it out of the drift. Things were going nicely until t-he horse saw the ear -eomiing along behind him and took fright, ga-ve a plunge and fell, knocking d-own Mr. Harness and pinning him underneath, crushing him badly. â€" --------Oâ€"---â€"â€" Mr. James Tambfyn wandered into the Orono Times office at 5.30- this morning and informed us that it was six below zero. ^jr^r^r=Jr=^r=^i^i^r^r=Ji=^r^i=li^r=»r==Ji=^i= 4 BIG STOVE SPECIALS EMPIRE ENAMEL RANGE with Warming Closet & Reservoir 5.00. Sale Price $79.00 Complete Reg. $9 Clare Bros. No. 25 JEWEL RANGE Walrrhing Closet and Reservoir Reg. $85.00. Sale Price $69.00 B B B B B B B B B Clare Bios. No. 97 Jewel Enamel Streamlined Range Reg. $110.00. Sale Price $89.00 GURNEY No. 1835 RANGE Warming Closet and Reservoir Reg. $75.00. Sale Price $59,00 40 ,„d 60 Watt Electric Light 23C. Bulbs 3 for .TV Ask for Membership Cortf *i<! ly ask about con- >ge® at our store» this the last week for them P. M. L U N N ORONO - - ONTARIO rsJrrilnsiirssirS m H B B B B I mi B B B B B B B B E B B B B B B B B 317=» n=3 rp=a |7=3 n=n n=> n=» n=» n=a r?=i i RED & WHITE STORES Set FREE RING FREE DANCE BOOK - FREE PARTY BOOKLET FLEISCHMANN YEAST LABELS I Molasses Snaps per lb. 10c. Extra Value Pure Lard LB 10c. 2 lbs. only to each customer Tapioca, 2 lbs. for .......15c Chocolate Marshmall-ow Cakes, 2 lbs. for.........29c. Grapefruit, 6 for .......-25c. Large Cabbage, each........9c. Carbolic Soap, 4 cakes for ............... 18c. I and G Soap, 6 bars for ...... ............ ..21c. Oh Boy Hand Cleaner, per tin....â€"....... 9c. C astilie Soap, 10 cakes...25c. Sauer Kraut, 2 large tins for .............25c. Lyle’s Golden Syrup, 2 lb. tins ....... .....24c. Good Quality Assorted Sandwich Cakes, 2 lbs for ...........'......29c. Noodle with Chicken Soup, 2 tins for....,.23c. Pearl Barley, 2 libs.....15c- 1 cwt. Fine Salt ........69c. Macaroni, lb...........-• 6c. LOCAL AND SOCIAL Fresh Roasts of Pork LB. 19 c. Hamburg 2 lbs- 25c. STEWING EEF, lb 10c. No. 3 Peas Nice & Ter>der 3 Tins 25c Oranges 2 Dozen 25c. Extra Values Our Store for LOW PRICES SODA BISCUITS lb. pkg 10c. J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 M-r. W-i-ti. Bhmio-n of Kirby i- very ill. Mise.. Ma marc! Dickson was home for the week-end. ’Mrs, Win. Mitchell visited in Bow- man vi lie last week. Mr. Fred Sisson spent three - days in Toronto last- week. Miss Hilda Gam-siby is visiting her sister, Mrs. M'. Hinton. Mr. John Milfean* was home from. Wt-iland for the week-end. Mr. < 'has. Doncaster has been on the sick list the last week. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rainey spent, the week-end in, Peterboro, 'Mr, J aines Richard- is up arid wound again after his recent illness. Miss Freda Wiils-on has returned home after a month’s visit in Bow- man ville. ‘Mrs. Geo. Butters entertained Mr, and Mrs. Wy-en Reid and family on -Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Morton celebrat- ed their 48 th wedding anniversary qniietlv at home, O. w. Rol-plh’s rink defeated Dr. Colville’s rink la-t curling on Miondiay evening by 11 to 5. Mr. Frank Graham, of Winnipeg, spent -a day with his friend, Mr. Mil- ton Morris last. week. Mr. and Mrs. R. IT. Allan celebrat- ed their fifty-fourth wedding an ni versary on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomas, of Toronto, spent a day 'last, week with Mr. and Mrs. George Butters, Miss Viola GriTfillan- of Toronto, spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gilfillan. Visitors at M r. and Mrs. Eowllamd iSmifh’s over the week-end were their son, Mr. iSnnit'h and Miss Br-odker. Mrs-, R. H. Bro-wh ,is spending a few d'ays in Toronto this week visit- ing lier ‘mqtih-er, Mrs.; E. A. Li-mbert. Mr. and Mbs. F. Ardrr-n and son Madison visited -Sunday at the lat- ter’s home. Mr, and Mrs. Madison Hall. Mrs. J. J. Gilfillan and Miss Eileen Bidddl both celebrated their birth- day* on the same day this weekâ€" Tuesday. Mr. Lew Buckley and -son William, arid friend Mr. Aiken, of Sutton, were guests of ami Mi's. Harvey Curtis on -Tuesday. Mrs, Grord-on- Powers o-f Ol-arke Uni-on entertained some of her old- friends- last -Saturday and- all report, a very pi casant time. Among those who entertained this week were Mrs: Harry Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ami-strong, Mrs, Har- rison, Mrs. C. Awde, Mrs. A, Man- ning and Mrs: A. -Saunders. Mr. Arthur Maiming and son Ed- win, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson attended the hockey game between, the Toronto Maple Leafs and Boston Bruine Ht Toronto on Saturday even- ing. Mrs. H. G. Macdonald, -who under- went an operation in a Toronto hos- pital some months' ago and who has been reeupera’ing at her home, was up town for the first, time -one day bust week. Mr. Orme Gamsbv accompanied the Coca Cola team, of Osh-awia to Petenboro on Friday evening last where they played a very strenuous game with Peterboro, 'the1 swwe being 3 to 2 in, favor of the Colas. Orono Midgets vs. SSi-mc-oe St, Church Midgets, O-shawa, on Satur- day next at the Orono Arena, Game called 1.00- p.m. sharp. Don’t fail to secure your ticket and thereby en- courage the kids who are always worth while. Admission, 10c. Two shields; have been donated to the Continuation -School, one by Obas: Tyrrell for General Proficiency and the other by Percy Bunn for Pro- fioieney in Agriculture. These will be given at the Commencement, and are on exhibition now in the stores of, the donors. Through the kindness of Mr. Har old .Hamley, the genial manager of the Oisbaiwa Coca Cola Co., coupled with the persuasive influence of Orme Gam-shy, sweaters have been given to the Orono Continuation' S'chool team. The thanks of the faculty of the school, cuti tied with the boys appré- ciation is something that, -will not be easily forgotten. A special -sweater has been, donated by Mr. I iamiley to the most efficient, player of the above named team which will be decided latter. Motto: Let’s -all drink Coca Cola. W& *1.-4 .."4 PATTERSON’S SERVICE STORE PHONE 19rl9 WE DELIVLR SPECIALS 1 lb. of Rose Raking Powder - 11c Jewel Shortening, 2 lbs. - - 25c Pitted Dates, 2 lbs. - - - 21c Bulk Macaroni, 4 lbs. - - 19c Campbells Soups- Mushroom, Noodle with Chicken, Vegetable, Chicken with Rice - - 11c a tin Coffee, morning cheer, fresh ground lb. 27c Quick Cooking Oatmeal, 5 lbs. 22c Beehive Corn Syrup, 5 lb. pail 37c No. 1 Quality Dairy Butter lb. 31c Choice Golden Bantam Corn, 2 cans - 17c Fresh B. C. Salmon, lb. - - 13c Filletts, fresh, lb. - - - - 14c Head Cheese, lb. - - - - 15c CURED MEATS AT ALL TIMES ARMSTRONG’S We are still stocking taking. This is a list of goods for cash customers. These goods are at cost and below cost DRESSES All our $3.75 to $5.95 Dresses. Special ^2#25 SKI SLACKS All Wool, in Blue, Black and Maroon .$3.00 WOOL BLANKETS With Fancy Satin Bound L A : ' $4.00 UNDERWEAR Ladies’ Cotton and Wool Vests, Bloomers and Paniees, reg. 59c A O ^ for ........4ZC WOOL SUITS 3 pieces, made by Monarch Co., reg. $7.50, for ............. $5.50 WOOL SUITS 3 piece's, made by Monarch 1 ; $6.50 for GOLOSHES Made of 1st Grade Velvet, reg. $2.95, far $2.45 HAIR NETS An assortment of shades, reg. 10c., 3 for...... *| *| 0 YARN We have too much SCOTCH FINGERING YARN. The reg price $1.40 shade's, of grey, black, green and d*1 | A brown heather. Special for week-end only, lb y i ® 1U APRONS Made by tiie blind. You can help the blind by 1 inying thes-e 29c. and 39c MULL in a variety of shades, reg. 25 c. per yard, 1 Q 2 yards for . * 27L# UNDERWEAR In Pantees only, reg- 39c. f"i-.......19c OILCLOTH Remnants of 1-2 to 1 1-4 lengths iif Table Oilcloth, reg. 55c. per yard OQ _ for vOL Another QUILTING SPECIAL in 36 inch width, *g 22c. reg. value, for this week, only ..... * » y WALLPAPER A few Remnants of 4 and 5 roll lots at 1-3 Reduction REMNANTS A table full of odd and ends. Great place to find bargains

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