Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Jan 1938, p. 7

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I Classified Advertising | ARTICLES FOR SALE CI'FnoI'K own hair •', LITTLE GIANT POCKET BARBER, THE automatic hair-cutter, for men and boys. Really does cut and trim the hair, and does ilt well. Send for circular. 8. J. Jackson, jf'S7 Bloor West, Toronto, Canadian dis'- ’â- fri butor. 'TR’CKS, JOKES, PUZZLES AND MAGIC Novelties. Send 25 cents for catalogue, de- ducted from 'first order of §1 or more. $1, :$3, $5 assortments. Crown Supply Company, 1.2A Queen East, Toronto. 'musical instruments, cornets and trumpets., twenty dollars. Clarinets. Boehm system, thirty-eight dollars,; trombones, twenty dollars. ’Molina, five -dollars; guitars six dollars; Conn alto saxophone, thirty dol- lars ; Terms. Barrow, 208 Victoria, Toronto. SEED GRADER (KLINE) WEIGHS EACH Kernel, proof best,, Used Klines bring price -new (-Farm Sales). Kline Manufacturing €o.„ Islington, 'Ontario. AVIATION «COURSES IN FLIGHT INSTRUCTION, NAVI- gation, airplane and engine mechanics, home study courses. Leavens Bros. Air Services, Limited, Barker Airport, Toronto. BOOKS «"ThF^ORLD BOOK," EMPIRE EDITION, an all British Encyclopedia, highly endorsed. Efficient salesmen required. Attractive in- troductory price. Low monthly payments. Generous commissions. The Quarriè Comp- any, 57 Bloor West, Toronto. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WOMENâ€"START A DRESS AND LINGERIE business of your own. A shop, or from your own home. Excellent profit, increasing busi- ness. Prices to meet competition, and gar- ments superior in quality. Small investment starts you off. Write Camden Dress Comp- any, 7A Camden Street, Toronto. DOGS GREAT DANE PUPPIES FROM CHAMPION- ship strain, twenty-five dollars and up. Wil- liam Snazel, Bracebridgc, Ontario. FEATHERS WANTED FEATHERS BOUGHT, GOOSE AND DUCK. Highest prices paid. The Canadian Feather and Mattress Co., Ltd., 41 Spruce St,, Tor- onto. FILMS AND PRINTS ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 FREE enlargement 25c. Re-prints 10 for 25c. Photo-Craft, _ 183% King St. E., Toronto. Yu ERG " " PRICES" EXPERT WORK. . ROLL with free enlargement 25c. Trevanna Stud- ios, 03 Niagara Street, St. Catharines, Ont. FREE ! -"TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARGEMENTS (one colored) with roll developed, eight glossy, fade-proof prints, 28c; highest qual- ity. Mach ray Films, Winnipeg. PRINT YOUR OWN NEGATIVES AT HOME on any surface, cloth or paper, without skill or darkroom. Less than cent, each! Miracle Foto Kit complete with instructions for 150 prints, $1. J. C. Williams, 5 Richmond East Toronto. FREE ENLARGEMENT- WITH. EVERY 25c order. Roll film developed and 8 prints, 25c. Reprints 3c each. Brightling Studio, 29 Richmond St. , E., Toronto. . vr FURNITURE FREE! 2,000 Pieces Furniture FREE! IN LYONS' 1938 .CATALOGUE OF NEW AND He-conditioned Furniture. Write now for this free, illustrated catalogue to give you an idea of Lyons’ remarkable furniture values. LYONS’ TRADE-IN DEPT. NEW AND RE-CONDITIONED BARGAINS <byg 5-Piece Bedroom Suite in two- tone walnut finish. Dresser, Chif- fonier, full size panel bed, sagless spring and brand new all-felt mattress. Completely re- finished. $23. IgQ 8-Piece solid oak Dining Room Suite. Large buffet, extension ta- ble and 6 leather upholstered chairs; like $29 Beautiful 3-plece Chesterfield Suite, •VU rnti Full size Chesterfield and 2 roomy chairs to match, upholstered in a good quality French jacquard with reversible Marshall spring cushions. Thoroughly cleaned and re- conditioned. aa barge 3-drawer dresser with mir- f4i).yy ror, in walnut finish, steel bed in walnut ' finish, sagless spring and brand new roil edge felt mattress. Completely re- finished. $15, 00 Six-piece Enamel Breakfast Suite. Buffet, drop-leaf table and four Windsor chairs. Perfect condition. $11 gQ Oak Kitchen Cabinet. Top has sliding door front with flour and sugar containers, large cupboard space in base with bread box and three drawers in fine con- dition. Ǥȣ* tyjs 3-Burner Gas Stove with oven. ~â€" / u Guaranteed. $49. , QQ Brand new 3-piece chesterfield suite, upholstered in fine quality repp cover, rust shade, Marshall reversible spring cushions; full webb construction. $69 Brand new Chesterfield Bed Suite. "U nr Chesterfield bed has large ward- ’ robe, 2 big chairs to match. Covered in hard wearing repp material (rust shade), A real bargain. Dressers in all finishes with •.{ri-oUi v op large mirrors and 3 drawers. Chiffoniers in oak and walnut $6.50 up finishes. Cûftoda'ï f eremest Adirive, on human problem», will sefui w Chflfacfe/ and Personality Chart »r*« to anyone who'writes him This omening free e“er ** made merely tdiadverhse MASON'S 49 COLD REMEDY dfo ûa® *î available for a limited time only Write W «"dosing o self addressed, stamped envelope gnrf birth-date. Addressâ€" R'eymiiif'"" Mason Remedies LimiteS* M MtCAUL H. TORONTO, CANADA ®”tHre «KO OTHER aia pa Drop-head Singer tie win g Machines, ipiULOU Guaranteed good condition. or Brand new all-felt Mattresses with heavy roll edge, well tufted â€" in cretonne covers. All sizes. |2 g0 up Metal Beds. All sizes. a-b * Brand new Chiffonier in selected tjp 1 ‘**$*>$ hircii with walnut finish â€" five drawers â€" Colonial design. fa a OS Odd Chesterfield Chairs with Mar- shall reversible cushions, (frgyiy jo* Beautiful fi-piece walnut Bedroom JpiOe.*OU guite. Large dresser, vanity, chif- fonier, full size bed, sagless spring and brand new all-felt mattress. Completely re-eondl- tinned. Like new. 4»I*q A a Nine-piece walnut, finish Dining W Room Suite. Buffet,, china cab- inet, square extension table and 6 leather up- holstered chairs. Completely refinished. SUGGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS We have a large assortment of chairs, cof- fee tables, end tables, lamps, sewing cabin- cts, cedar chests, radios, ruga, bedroom and dining-room furniture, etc., at. the most rea- sonable prices In Toronto. All our furniture is thoroughly cleaned and re-conditioned in our own factory and carefully packed for im- mediate shipment on receipt of money order. Our big new 1938 illustrated catalogue is now ready. Be sure to; write for one. LYONS’ BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. Manufacturers OPEN EVENINGS 478 Yonge St., Toronto Your druggist has them. 50c, (a) FUR FARMING MINK RAISINGâ€"-SAMPLE COPY MAGAZINE 10c, book catalog free. Fur Trade Journal, Box 31, Toronto, Ontario. HAIR GOODS WIGS, TOUPEES, TRANSFORMATIONS, Braids, Curls, and all types of finest qual- ity Hair Goods. Write for illustrated cata- logue, Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 528 Bathurst St., Toronto. ANDREWS' ACADEMY OF HAIRDRESSING, Government, licensed. We train you for Board Examination. Free prospectus, 961 Bloor West, Toronto. MEDICAL 5000 EDMONTON CITIZENS TESTIFY FOR (R. and S.) Powder, herbal remedy â€" rheu- matism, arthritis, neuritis, stomach troubles, etc. Two weeks, $1.50; one month, $3; two months, $5. Druggists, or J. C. McIntyre, Edmonton, Alberta. MISCELLANEOUS LEARN SHORTHAND, ACCOUNTANCY, Typewriting by mail. Satisfied students throughout Canada. Write for free prospec- tus. Dept. C., Canada Business College, Hamilton, Ont. NOVELTIES PORTRAIT IN FOLDERâ€"FREE WITH EVERY ROLL PERFECTLY DEVEL- oped and printed. 25c (coin). Star Snap- shot Service, 166 King St. West, Dept Toronto. PATENT ATTORNEY ROY L. KNOX, REGISTERED ATTORNEY. Information regarding Invention Patents; Drawings ; Registrations ; Sales, 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. PATENTS AN OFFER TO ’ EVES" INVÃŽÃœNTOr' "tJST of inventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St,, Ottawa, Can. PERSONAL ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, COMFORT, positive support with our advanced method. No elastic or understraps or steel. Write, Smith Manufacturing Co., Dept. 219, Pres- ton, Ont. POULTRY AND POULTRY EQUIP” MENT POULTRY EQUIPMENT. HIGH QUALITY at low cost. Made in Canada for Canadians. Write for our new catalogue. Model Incuba- tors Ltd., 196 River St., Toronto. OUR CHICKS GROW FASTER, BIGGER, make better pullets, layers. Healthy, hardy, bloodtested, Free chick feeders with early orders. 1938 prices now ready. Cornwall Chick Hatchery, Cornwall, Ont. WOULD YOU LIKE YÃ"UR 1938 CHICKS Free? Enter the Tweddle Chick Contest. 1,500 free chicks, prizes to everyone. Send for contest form. Tweddle Chick Hatchery Limited, Fergus, Ontario. QUILT REMNANTS FIVE POUNDS !â€"QUILT REMNANTSâ€"$1.00 Free !â€"110 Patterns, Designs. Washfast Cottons, Prints, Broadcloths, Silks. Collect Samplesâ€"25c. . Refund Guarantee! Mari- time Textiles. Department; WILS. 8049 Degaspe, Montreal. SALESMEN WANTED TAILORING SALESMAN MAKE ®IG MONEY selling our Made-To-Measure Clothing. Free sample outfits. Morton Clothes, 1108 St. Lawrence Rlvd., Montreal. STAMPS AND COINS WÃœTBUY AND SELL OLD STAMPS. TORON- to Stamp Company, 56 King Street West, Toronto. HOW’S your STOMACH? YOU lose vita» nerve force if you allow your stomach to dis- tress you. ^ Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov- ery is a depend- able tonic which will increase the appetite, eliminate waste from the intestines, stimulate festton, and you thereby grain, at; Mrs. Nellie Winegarden, 467 Mam ht. Hamilton, Ont., said : “Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery was, very beneficial to mo. It helps the digestive system, relieves gas on the stomach and acid indigestion. When one baa no appetite and feels tired and upset the ‘Discovery’ ia very helpful. Buy now of yonr near-by druggist. New size tablets 50 cents, liquid $1.00. Large size, tablets or liquid $1.35. innate the dj- rr Along Canada's !Iii»!ug Highway From coast to ci#st C1C! MsgretjStve expansion goes o;;â€"bringing' resiLis that indicate .another new record of production for 193Ãœ. The Province of Quebec is the scene of great activity. East Malartic bold Mines, now developing underground, shows definitely a “big mine’” outlook. Adjoining on the . east, tilts Rand Mill- ar tie property reports good diamond drilling results. On the Lacoma | pro- perty in Tavernier township exception- al results are reported from first jnew work underground. The East Ladonia people are planning diamond drilling. In the west section of. the Province, Powell and Beattie show healthy; de- velopment. In tile Larder La-lte district,of Ont- ario, great activity is apparent. At the Barber Larder property mining plant •is being installed preparatory to under- ground development of the extensive orebodies indicated by diamond dril- ling, Fernland is preparing for shaft, sinking. I[err Addison continues de- velopment on a Large scale. Martin- Bird is shaping up well, with import- ant new ore developments in the west section. Kirkland Lake Gold, Pamour and Buffalo Ankerite receive much favour- able comment in the older mining dis- tricts. Albany River and tfchi are looming up importantly in the Patricia district. Alberta reports much good news, in- dicating this Province as a potential big source of oil supply for the British Empire. On the west, coast of Vancou- ver Island a new camp is causing some excitement. Bralorne and Ymir Yankee Girl report favourable developments. Passenger Traffic Is Up 15 Per Cent. C. N. Railways Vice-President Re- ports Volume of Freight For Year 1937 Also Tops 1936 Fig- ures. MONTREAL, Jan. 11.â€"The volume of freight and passenger traffic ! car- ried over lines of the Canadian -! Na- tional Railways during the past, year shows a considerable Improvement over that of 1936, Alistair Fraser, Vice-President in charge of Traffic, stated in a. review issued here: last week. ‘‘The year 1937 was one of steady progress in the volume of freight traffic handled, as well as changes and improvements effected in our -ser- vice to the public,” said Mr. Fraser. “While there was a heavy falling off in grain shipments, resulting from, the very light crop in parts of Western Canada, this was more than offset by the improvement in general business, resulting in an Increase In freight tonnage handled of approximately ten per cent, over that of 1936. Progress in Mining Development ‘‘Mining developments in North- : western,^; Ontario and Quebec have tshdvvu‘remarkable progress during the past year. The opening of that j por- tion of the Canadian National Rail- ways’ new Senneterre-Rouyn line from Senneterre to Val d!Or on November 29 , provided mucli-needed rail facili- ties to the numerous mines located in that area.” Increased 15 Per Cent. Mr. Fraser stated that passenger traffic on Canadian National lines had shown an increase of -fifteen per dent, during the year. “Increase in train travel generally resulted from thé up- ward trend in spending power that was noticeable during the greater jpart of the year,” he said. "Frequent i low fare excursions between Canadian cit- ies and towns, and to points across the international border, brought hun- dreds of thousands of people to the railway for short coach trips. Good progress was made in the air-condi- tlonlng of our passenger equipment. We have had air-conditioned standard and tourist sleeping cars, dining cars, compartment, observation and library cars, parlor cars, buffet club coaches and lounge-buffet cars in service for some time. By the purchase of fifty air-conditioned first-class coaches of the latest design during the past jiear,. we have attained the objective of hav- ing all principal main-line trains fully air-conditioned." Two parsons were having lunch at a farm. The farmer’s wife cooked a couple of chickens,, saying that ; the family could dine on the remains after the visitors had gone, but the hungry ministers ate, them all. Later the farmer was conducting his visitors about the place when a rooster began a lusty crowing: One of the Ministers â€" "Sejems mighty proud of himself.” Farmer (growling) â€" “No wonder. 1-Ie has two sons in the ministry.f Bunkers Herbal Pills for PILES Meâical authorities quite generally agree that rrcHiN-ÿ. bleeding or protruding RILES ftfe caused by ap inflamed conditio* of me low^r bowel âïïti congested liyer. TM(s HERBAL medicine h$s been ftiade from to Ift&tr&Ct of HERBS ONLY for over 75 years, to Ssat to INTERNAL CAUSE of PILES, price .00 by mail, plainly wrapped. Send ,p, 0. or Express Order. Your MONEY BACK if not re- lieved., Bunker’s Herbal Medicines, Toronto 9, Ont., Can. Issue No. -’38 B â€" D Rabbit Disease Strikes Humans Ontario Deputy Minister Publishes General Warning Discovery of the rabbit fever or- ganism in a patient at the Tiiison- burg Memorial Hospital and reception of news that there were virulent cases of the disease in New York State, have led the Deputy Minister D. J. Taylor of the Ontario Department of Game and Fisheries to emphasise the possibility of spread of infection. He said the Provincial Laboratories reported that everyone who dresses a rabbit without rubber gloves or eats one which has been improperly cook- ed may become infected. WaleEi -When Dressing Them “Rabbits were almost wiped out in Ontario the year before last, I sup- pose by rabbit fever,” Mr. Taylor said. He explained that there possi- bly was no animal so subject, to cy- cles of decimation by disease as the rabbits. , “The infected rabbits bloat up half ail inch under the skin,” he said. “There are lumps like big water blis- ters.” The Deputy Minister also suggest- GET YOyKS NOW j Ask your draegist for a 7tic 1 KruschenGiantPackage. It con- tains a regular bottle and a trial gize bottle. Use the trial size I first end if not satisfied return I the regular bottle, unopened. | J Your money will be cheerfully ’ refunded. MAKE YOUR LIVER Produce its bile Your liver has a big lob to do. Make it do what it is supposed to.. Its job is to produce 18 to 36 fluid ounces of bile every day and send it through the system. If it falls down on its job you suffer. AND HOW! The most effective stimulant for the liver known, to medical science is calomel, winch in small doses is of the highest use in conges- tive conditions, especially those due to over- eating, over indulgence in alcohol, lack of ex- ercise, etc. Tanol Tablets contain a certain proportion of calomel, blended with cascara and other medicines; They are mild and harm- less. But your liver understands and takes the hint. For sale at all druggists, 50c. (B) COAST-TO-COAST "SMOKE-UP” Wise roll-your-owners will fell you Ogden's is the feature of the smoke- enioyment programme. They know that finer flavour and cooler, smoother smoking are assuredâ€"every time______ w*7* Fine Cut and u Vagif© M of Cnqn?ecler‘‘ papers. And fhbre's a bigger 15c. package of L/gden s, now { FINE CUT- ed that wolves this year were suffer- ! ing from some type of disease. H®I said he based this suggestion on the-j small number of bounties claimed this season. : The first 19 years are the noisiest, * MISTAKE TO WAIT WHEN l%m INDIGESTION emm your /ÃŽLEALI2ER WITH YOU ALWAYS The fastest way to “alkalize” is to carry your alkalizer with you. That’s what thousands do now that gen- uine Phillips’ comes in tiny, pepper- mint flavored tablets-â€"in a tint tin for pocket or purse. Then you are always ready. Use it this way. Take 2 .Phillips’ tabletsâ€"equal in “alkalizing” effect to 2 teaspoonfuls of liquid Phillips’ from the bottle. At once you feel “gas,” nausea, “over-crowding” from hyper-acidity begin to ease. “Acid headaches,” “acid breath,” over-acid stomach are corrected at the source. This is the quick way to ease your own distressâ€"avoid offense to others. TOWN BY TOWN » V ILL AGE BY V JJL LAG E MORE ONTARIO HOMCt SAY ill. m Lef *BLUE be your guide to better heating efficiency and greater eco- nomy. Remember, your furnace is de- signed to burn anthracite and 'blue coal' is the world's finest anthracite. Order a trial ton. Six sizes. :. a size to suit every furnace. Ask your nearest - * blue coal* dealer for free copy of FIRST AID TO BETTER. HEATING, or write to "blue coal* c/o 217 Bay St., Toronto. 373 a e* Listen to “THE SHADOW*'â€"Every Wed., CF5IB, 9 to 9.30 p.nt.

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