Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 13 Jan 1938, p. 8

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OlBON O W E EK f;Y Tl MES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS NEWÏONVILLE COWANVILLE Mr. Melville Jones was in the dit)' oil busÃŽTtiiss one day last week. Mr. J, T. I’l-iin-e has returned -to his hydro w ...rk at -Brocldviile. Mrs. S'. R. Jones visited Mrs, Jaynes, Port, -Hope, ion; Monday. Mrs. VV. Chester, of Oshinv-a, Spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs, A. Bedknapp. .Mrs. John -Stapleton, Newcastle, is visiting lier sister-in,-law, Mrs, Thus. Stapleton, Mr. and. Mrs. .Chah M-o-a-se, Lind- say, spent: Sunday with his sister, Mis, (1. VV. Jones. Sympathy is extended to , Mr. Adam- upon the death of Ms brother, Mr. Fred Adams, Hayden, The Moore Bros, and Ellis Bros., Oastletom, visited the former’s sister, Mrs. James Stark, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Darch gave a party Thursday evening in honour of some friends from. Os-hawa and BWman- ville. . The Orangemen held their annual dance Friday night in the Commun - ity Hall. Mi ni lie'- orchestra from Harwood supplied splendid music and Mr. Wm. Rutherford “called off,” assisted by Messrs. : Ray Brown and Sid Lockhart. A -large crowd at- tended, some being present from Orono, Kendal and Stavkville, New- castle and Port Hope. During the evening a hounti-ful lunieh was served and everyone had an ex-eelllen-t time. Mr,- Tlioma s Kinsman -has returned home after a short visit,, vv.ifh Mrs. Bimdy I lermen. -, .Mr.- ànd Mrs, Willis- Farrow, Lake- shore, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs 7 ' Westdl:: Btringer, . Beyer-al of the young people attend- ed the Orange dance in Xewtonvile and all report a good time. Air. and Mrs. Richard Hu-kid.'of Port Brittain,"-spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. '-Stanley Porteou-s. The regular weekly meeting of the League met; on Tuesday evening with our Christian Culture convenor. Sid- ney Hughes, in charge of the pro-: gram. ISbripture, Mrs. George Hen • denson, public speaking by several. oti: the -members. Topic for the evening was very capably given -by Alfred Perrin. Then all joined in commun- ity singing. The regular monthly meeting of the WomenV Association- met on Wednesday, January 5th, at -the home o-f Mr. Envn Farrow with a good attendance. After the business was transacted the following programme was enjoyed by all: Monologue, Vel- ma Cowan : a reading by Mrs. We-toi 'Stringer, followed by a contest. Mrs. W. 0.. "Oroti-s'ley kindly offered her home for the February meeting. NEWCASTLE The ice harvest has begun at New- castle- on tlie Lake. Mrs. D. B. iS-impson i-s visiting Mrs. James Grace in Toronto. Mir. Alfred Graham has gone to Windsor to take a position. â- Misti Trudy Bona thou has secured a good office;-position in Oshawa. Mr. Geo. Rainey and Mrs. Alee Hendry are taking short courses' at O.A.V., Guelph. Mbs Dorothy Trenwitili, of Tor- onto,, «(pent the week-end with her aunt, Mi-s-s- Tren-witli. Mir. Erskine Dtitivan and «on E- skim- J v.. of vl-mm-i . cottage at the ' -- ‘ "“‘'ÃŽter'lsteiînii" anti »i i-ss U rancis Stinson, of Toronto, were week-end guests of Mrs. George Eilbeck. Mrs. Read, of Port Hope, is stay- ing with her sister. Miss Fligg dur- ing the I latter's continued illness. A number of wells and cisterns in the village are dry -and- Mr. Frank Gibson is busy trucking water in large tanks. Mrs'. Dewdn-ey of Toronto is visit- ing her son- and daughter-in-law, iRiev. D. R, Dewdney and Mrs. Dew# lii-.v ni the Rectory. The -Buckley rink opened on Mon- day evening and will be a great as-set to the young people if the we-atlier continues seasonable. Mrs. John Douglas and Mrs. Brit- tain have returned home after spend- ing Christmas and New Years with relatives' in Toronto. The Mien’s (..Hub of Sit.. George's Church were entertained' -by St. : John’s Men’s Club in Bo-wmati-ville on Tuesday evening- Mlr-s. D. J. G-albrai-th has: closed her house for the winter arid at t>res- erit is staying with Mr. and Mrs, Rex Wynn in Brantford. Whwieas-tle had a very quiet election on Monday week. Scaree’v a ripple did it make on the surface o-f the village affairs. The voting was for tiivo commissioners who with Reeve ( arvetli make up INew-ca-stle’s new Hydro Electric Gormnission. There were four in the field and the results were as fallows-:.Mr. G Jam- ieson elected with 112 votes;. Mr. E. R-inch elected with 97 votes, and Mr Harry Jose and Mr. George Wright poling 59 Votes ea-cli. Tested Free j tubes! i All Kinds Carried j jâ-  ...s..-y-,v;: .i | Chas. R. Knox j | Phone 42r2, Orono I | Serving the public for six years-ÃŽ l .(formerly- with Grèen’-s Radie j j Service), 12th and Monterey Sts., j | Detroit. | LESKARD Roads are not very favourable for motoring. Old dobbin is night in her glory again. Sorry to hear Mrs. Art Tennant on the sick list and hope to see her out again soon. . Mr. Colin Brown is busy shoeing horses these days. He reports/putting on thirty shoes in one day. -Mir. Geeorge Yeo and brother Herb are busy digging a well for Milton Corni-.li and expect to, strike water soon. â-  A number of young people eliiv- areod Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gay one night last week, giving -some very fancy music. Charlie then invited them in. Music- by Charlie and Elva - Harold McDonald, Stanley Ball ; George, Pollafd-"'Rto*"'SBÇÿ6(i'-'by" , -TfeeUbride then served lunch bringing a very jolly evening to a close.. The Home and School Club meeting held on Monday night was a fine -I1VCCS-. The meeting opened opened by the vice-president, Mr. I lurry Davey, with the singing of “O Canada”, followed by the Lord’s prayer being repeated in unison. Mrs. Will Waniiiin then took charge of the meeting, The following program was given, -music by the Leskar-d or- chestra; duet by Edna Billings and Arthur Bell, accompanied by Audrey Billing's on the piano; reading by Mrs. Hartwell Lowery ; recitations by Robert Chafers, which humoured everyone present; a piano instrumen- tal l>y Adele Morton ; recitation by Pauline Robbins, The next on the program was progressive qrokinolle which was enjoyed by all. Lunch was served bringing a delightful owning to a close. The annual meeting of the Sun- day school. was held on Friday, Jam. 7th. A social time wa-s- had at the opening of the meeting when the fol- lowing programme was given with Jack S.vcr acting a-s chairman-: One verse of “What a friend we have in Jesus”, followed by the Lord’s Prayer. Mir, Arthur Bell sang two solos- which were enjoyed by all ; recitation -by Oscar Sikvlc'ding : mouth organ selec- tion by George Pollard and Stanley Ball ; Ivan 'Btil then gave a compile of numbers on his guitar, followed by the chairman’s address. Milton I "orni-li then took charge of the meeting with Norman Bairstow as secretary. Mr. Harry Davey read the treasurer’s report . which was adopted, Harry being re-appointed secretary'treasurer for another year; Oscar Skelding was- re-appointed as secretary .with Kenneth Ball as as- sistant ;. Milton Cornish was. re-ap- pointed superintendent with-Norman. Bair.-tow assistant superintendent; Mrs. Patterson was appointed Bible da sis teacher with. George Bollard as assistant; Harry Davey appointed for Junior Bible clas-s with Norman and Alice Blairstow for a ssistants; MV,s, Jim Ball was appdinited Primary class teacher with Mris. George Pol- lard- assistant ; Elva Gay, Lenor-a- and R-enla Ball were appointed pianists. Tenders were then taken.for the posi- tion of caretaker, there being three Mr. Clarence Martin’s tender wa-s accented. A committee was then ap- pointed Ho attend a quarterly board meeting at Orono ns regards to min- i -'ter preaiehin-g here again, the com- mittee -consisting of Messrs. Ern SiyoT, â-  Harry Davey and Milton Cornish. It, w-as then decided to BOWfWANViLLE ! Rçiv.l Sidney Davison, of Trinity I liiircli, was the speaker at tlie Ro- tary hvn-cheoii on the -New Year mes- sage. Tile filial night for the week of -prayer wa-s lie'lld. in Trinity Church on Friday evening:. The Captain of the Salvation Army was the speaker. Watch /Night Service- were held in- S-t. John’s Anglican Church, Trin- ity Crn; veil and; the-Salvation Army Citadel on New Year’s Eve, notwith- standing the stormy night many at- tended. We notice the building opposite Trinity Church is being occupied these days, and now how about the big building apposite. The late Mayor Strike explained matters very well at the last meeting probably more so than anyone who occupied this important position, but ho-w did the business became so horribly mix- ed, up as it did ? Who was to blame? This is the time of year when there is an epidemic of good resolu- tions-, all’ of which -shows that the spirit is willing but the flesh is wdbb-ly. -How would it workout to changé the date from yearly to daily ? We are told to live just a day at a time-,.- so every morning get out your resolution recipes and try it out, it might be somewhat of a- strain on fish yarns, hunting escapes and a few olid time anacdotagv bones -but the fall from grace would not be so- hard as a yearly one. We are very sorry to have to record the death of Mir. John B. Philp of this town, who has -been ill but for a short time. He certainly will be miss- ed i n the work -of the church, espec- ially in. the -Sunday '-School of St. Paul’s United Chur-eh where- he occu- pied the (position of -Superintendent -for several years past. Deceased was 71 years of age and the interment took place in the Baltimore cemetery. His death took place or- Sunday last, and leaves a devoted widow to mourn her great, loss. The grim reaper has been very busy in our town the pas-t week tak ing two of our -citizens in the persons of Norman Allen, Carlyle Ave., and Samuel Allen, in his 83rd year, o-r Coleman St., father and son, died within 2 days of each other. Nor- man -was at work the day before he passed away as driver for Corbet’s •imk, ,-y.. Cii tern- - wore. Asshed-Tto hear of hi- -sudden death. Ills fath- er’s death was probably hastened by the shock of hearing of his son’s sad- den death. Those remaining have the symtpatliy of every citizen. Well, the elections are over and what a quiet affair it was. Not a drum was heard as the voters sealed the ramparts and not a bugle note was s-ounded as the victors- and van- quished made their way to their several teepes, the victors to gloat over their victory and the vanquished to think there are more liars in this town than ever they imagined. Well, everything will now get hack to nov- nj-alcy and those who aspired will now have time to reflect what a va- porous thing fame is after all. Well we all I can’t sit in the seats of the mighty, some have to be hewers of wood and drawers of water or carry the growler. !So let us be content as long as we get qui* share. The hand by-law -carried and the next item on the musical program will be watched with interest. Where did we read the other day, probably it was jn one of the Toronto papers, that there was a -species of "Tong" warfare started in our quiet village of Orono, in reference to hy- dro affairs. Now Orono should not get into this state, spoil a reputa- tion known far and wide as a model town, no relief, no bonded- debt, -no taxes to amount to anything, every one their own boss, and everything as lovely as a mid-summer’s night dream, and so recently one of the citizens broadcasting from Maple Leaf Garde ns at Toronto of the glor- ies of living in this place, and then like a bolt frotm the blue comes the news of warfare, citizens- against citi- zens, all on account o-f not seeing the light from the same angle. “Tong” warfare will not settle it, let there be 'light arid those that, sit in darkness will probably see the error of their ways and for the good reputation will give way, but, we are not advising which side should do so, as we do not grasp the situation well enough to advise. Our cohmins are always- open to the public for any subject that they may desire to Write upon. S-e-n-d in your copy and make .this paper the newiest yet, Tyrrell’s Drug Store DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHOfiE 68, ORONO hplld! so-cial evenings every month through the winter, the first to be held on January 21si. with Len-ora Ball, Mrs. Lo-m-e Robbins, George Pollard and. Robert, Ohaters being the program committee. Lunch was then served at the close of the meeting. Winter Tonics The ! leah.ii Qualities' of . a Good VVi-niter Tonic are many. 'They are effective for both children and adults in overcoming hudy conditions that result from lack of sunshine in winter and the r-igtirs of indynienl weather. These pre- p-erations come highly recommended and are priced to stive you money, SCOTT’S EMULSION, small.53c. Large.,98c. PURIMTLST EXTRACT OF MALT WITH COD, LIVER OIL, sfrtali..;..49c. 2 lbs. size...98c. AYERST AT,PHAMETTES, 5(Ts.$1.85 100’s.83.00 HALIVER OIL CAPSULES, 50’s.$1.00 100’s.$1.75 WAMPOLE’S EXTRACT OF COD LIVER ........$1.00 REXALL TASTELESS EXTRACT OF COD LIVER COMPOUND ............$1.00 PUKETEST COD LIVER OIL CONCENTRATE TABLETS, 50’-s..65c. lOO’s.$1-00 MEAD’S COD LIVER OIL, 4 oz, 50c; 8 oz, 75c; 12 oz $1 Cold Remedies PINEX 39c. PAR MINT ....75c. C.B.Q. COLD TABLETS .....25c. REXALL BRONCHIAL SYRUP ..50c. BUCKLEY’S MIXTURE, small.40c lge.75c. PASSMORE’S COUGH MIXTURE ....49c. MENTHOLAÃŽUM, smlall .29c. Large.55c. FOUR SQUARE CHEST RUB .......29c. VICK’S VAPO-RUB.43c. CAPSOLIN .35c. You Save with Safety at Tyrrell’s Rexail Drug Store! ÏUST ARRIVED .. â- â- â-  ...1 Hi â€"â€" mm-mMmnMtmmumtum Another shipment direct from thej factory of FRESH LOG CABIN CHOCOLATES in the following flavours : Bor- ^ea»x^uemoîiÿ.-^c^r.mintr.-Mapb-3titter.'i7iTams,., Vanilla Butter Creams, Cocoanut Creams, ( frange, Pineapple, Man- darin, Strawberry and Whipped Cream, assorted or o-ne fla- vour .............. .1.... ......PER LB,...20c. KREMO COFFEE, fresh ground ..............21c. SHELLED WALNUTS ....................LB,.,35c SHREDDED COCOANUT .................LB..15c. CHOCOLATE MALLOWS, fruit centre .LB,.„15c FIG BARS..............i......,..... id'-.15c. BROOMS, No. 8, 5-string, all corn .,.....25c For Chapped Hands Try CAMP AN AS ITALIAN BALM , : 15c. HIND’S HONEY AND ALMOND C AMRON AT MONO CREAM REAM 15c. ..15 c. AMRON VENETIAN BALM 15c. Store closes every night at 6.30 p.m. except Saturdays ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES ..mmâ€".. D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET'YOUR REQUIREMENTS â€" PROMPT SERVICE PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co

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