Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 16 Dec 1937, p. 3

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■ ù«nt 'il y à silled Advertising AGENTS WANiED LALUUilAN WANTED BY -THIS OLD RE- "'ti.aiie Iv.iUtMH Nut series" ..(Established 100 v&uv) Send fur Centennial Catalogue and l "eciai urnes Start now., exclusive ' terri - in u v/n vit q nm try, liberal terms; free Btune nm-i Wellington, Toronto 2. 1. . 23EN1'A.Tl VÉ WANTED FOR HOS- uiaiu] facturer for this district. Only v -iitic man considered. Write full parti. parti. Mr Elli-'U. 72 Queen West, To rt ,; tTS TO SELL MEN'S NECKTIES FOR i.nristmas. Good profits. Write for samples and price list. Murgatroid Agencies, Yonge tit. Arcade, Toronto. sHTgLYCO"HAN DCL E A N E R AGENTS WANTED |N ALL COMMUNITIES 'to. demonstrate and sell Glyco, the perfect, hand cleaner Glyco overcomes competition, sure repeat sales summer and winter. Exclusive Exclusive territory- Glyco Company of Canada, tit. Nicholas Building, Montreal, >ASH, WATCHES, ' BLANKÉTS, . SETS OF .Silverware, Toiletware and many other usc- fui articles given to our agents. Send for free catalogue. Royal Mall Order Co., 88 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, AGENTS WANTED TO SELL BABY CHICKS in your district for one of Canada's largest Chick Hatcheries. Apply Box 10, Suite 421, 73 Adelaide West, Toronto. ARTICLES FOR SALE Christmas Furniture Bargains «f>13 SO ^ set * genuine Singer drophead Used genuine 1 sewing machined, golden oak cabinets, cabinets, head folds down to make table when not in use, long shuttle, complete with fittings, fittings, sixty day guarantee. qc Used cabinet console phonographs, ipOemahogany or oak cabinets, all standard standard makes, heavy duty motor, large record compartment, complete with one hundred record record selections. Aig Qj ç* Used genuine Victor Orthophonies, «p IDiS/sJ } n so ii c i walnut cabinets, two small doors in front, orthophonie type reproducer, reproducer, two hundred record selections. AM Better grade upright pianos, small èpDsLUU apartment size, modern plain case, solid mahogany, all standard makes, Heintz- man, Mason and Risch, Stanley, Bell, etc., a complete grand scale, full metal frame, polished polished like new and crated for safe shipment. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE , ALL MERGE- andise shipped money-back guarantee. FURNITURE FURNITURE WAREHOUSE EXCHANGE , 86 CHESTNUT STREET, Toronto, Ontario. BARN ROOFING--FENCE POSTS OUR DIRECT FACTORY PRICES SAVE YOU money on Supertite galvanized roofing. Superior Steel Fence Posts and steel granary granary lining. Superior Products Limited, Sarnia, Sarnia, Ont. BOOKS AND MAGAZINES 'USED MAGAZINES--DEFECTIVE, A.DVEN- ture, Western, Sport, Love, 30 for $1.00. Collect. Harhord Stamp Store, Toronto 4. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FURNITURE WOMEN -- START A DRESS AND LIN- gerie business of your own. A shop, or from your own home. Excellent profit, increasing business. Prices to meet competition, and garments superior in quality. Small investment investment starts you off. Write Camden Dress Company, 7A Camden Street, Toronto. CATTLE DUAL-PURPOSE SHORTHORN BULLS, ONE to twelve months. Twelve to fourteen out - \ fifteen nearest dams in their pedigrees "--average over eleven thousand pounds milk per year. Prices $55.00 to $80.00. Federaly Accredited. Bayside Farm, Owen Sound. DOGS FOR SALE CHRISTMAS GIFTS! CHAMPION BRED Pups, Adults. Setters, Spaniels, Dalmations, Scotties, Bostons, Pekes, Toys, etc. $2.00 up to $15.00. Stamp Reply Kennels, St. Jean, - Quebec. ELECTRIC WELDER THE TRINDL ELECTRIC WELDER--WON- rterful new invention. Operates from 6-volt battery. Welds--Solders--Brazes. $3.96 delivered, delivered, R. H. Anderson, Lindsay, Ont. 2000 GIFTS TO FURNITURE BUYERS in Lyons' 1938 Catalogue of new and reconditioned reconditioned furniture. Write now for free catalogue catalogue or see Lyons' remarkable furniture values values when in Toronto. LYONS' TRADE-IN DEPT, NEW AND RE-CONDITIONED BARGAINS <S/l/8 Gn 6-Piece Bedroom Suite in two- fM.OU tone walnut finish. Dresser, Chiffonier, Chiffonier, full size panel bed, sagless spring and brand new ail-felt mattress. Completely re- finished. g ft. 8-Pieee solid oak Dining Room Quite. Large buffet,, extension table table and 6 leather upholstered chairs; like flO Beautiful 3-piece Chesterfield Suite. P'uli size Chesterfield and 2 roomy chairs to match, upholstered m a good quality French jacquard with reversible Marshall spring cushions. Thoroughly cleaned and reconditioned. reconditioned. AgQ /fi'A Factory sample brand new Bed- room Suite: Vanity, chiffonier and full size panel bed. Beautiful two-tone walnut finish. A snap. aie; <pn Six-piece Enamel Breakfast Suite, spl«3*UU Buffet, drop-leaf table and four Windsor chairs. Perfect condition. A | i Oak Kitchen Cabinet. Top has gliding door front with flour and sugar containers, large cupboard space in base with bread box and three drawers in fine condition. condition. A/* 3-Burner Gas Stove with oven.. -- ijpv» i «5 Guaranteed. AA 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite (re- built), brand new covering Itt repp; rust shade; with Marshall reversible cushions. All webb construction. A A ® Fan ^ Rew Chesterfield Bed Suite, Chesterfield bed has large wardrobe, wardrobe, 2 big chairs to match. Covered in hard wearing rêpp material (rust shade). A real bargain. a,*" Dressers in all finishes with IriwV **P large mirrors and 3 drawers. pa Chiffoniers in oak and walnut Jpb.bU Up finishes. fl Rfl Drop-head Singer Sawing Machines. Guaranteed good condition. qe* Brand new all-felt Mattresses with heavy roll edge, well tufted -- in cretonne covers. All sizes. %? SO Lip Metal 136(181 Ail sizes. A*8 y| Brand new Chiffonier In selected .«eey-aJ birch with walnut finish -- five drawers -- Colonial design. A| Qg Odd Chesterfield Chairs with Mar- shall reversible cushions. fiA Beautiful 6-piece walnut Bedroom «1*0 s «W Suite. Large dresser, vanity, chiffonier, chiffonier, full size bed, sagless spring and brand new all-felt mattress. Completely re-conditioned. re-conditioned. Like new. A A Nine-piece walnut finish Dining Room Suite. Buffet, china cabinet, cabinet, square extension table and 6 leather upholstered upholstered cha.irs. Completely refinlshed. SUGGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS We have a large assortment of chairs, coffee coffee tables, end tables, lamps, sewing cabinets, cabinets, cedar chests, radios, rugs, bedroom and dining-room furniture, etc., at the most reasonable reasonable prices in Toronto. All our furniture is thoroughly cleaned and re-conditioned In our own factory and car - fully packed for immediate immediate shipment op receipt of money order. Our big new 1938 illustrated catalogue is now ready. Be sure to write for one. LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. Manufacturers 478 Yonge St„ Toronto MEDICAL ARE YOU SICK? NATURE HAS A .REMEDY FOR ALL COM- raon ailments. No drugs, pills, capsules, or ïiqulds-r-ONLY NATURAL REMEDY-- Free Booklet, "Nature's Way to Health*!--- No obligation. Indian Herbal Remedy Company, Company, 2090W Dundas St. West, Toronto. " 7 WHŸ" SUFFER? WHEN YOU CAN GET IMMEDIATE RELIEF from Head. Colds, Catarrh and Deafness, by using "NAMELESS" Cold Remedy. Trial will convince. By mall 59c. A product of The Purity Chemical Co., Exeter, Ontario. GARLIC PEARLES SOLUBLE CAPSULES PURE ESSENTIAL OIL of fresh garlic. No disagreeable odor nor after-taste. For arthritis, prostate gland, catarrh catarrh and other obstinate disorders. They are an internal disinfectant regulating the entire digestive system and are an excellent safeguard against common colds. $3 per 100 (enough for five weeks). R. Adam, P.O. Box 374, Vancouver, B.C. Mother of Five Who Was Always Tired Now .Awakes as Fresh as ® Daisy À mother of five lia« S-lot to 4°; Especially a country mother. Anu this one was "always tired. But Kruschen ended all I Rat---now she gets up, feeling fregh, at live 0 clock in the morning! She writes: "I find Kruschen Salts the best thing money can buy for my health. 1 am the mother of five children, and before taking Kruschen, I was always feeling tired and run down. Now, I am glad to say that I get up feeling fresh--and 1 get up at five o'clock in the morning. I do my housework, look after my children, and leave the house at 6:30 to start my daily work."--(Mrs.) B. Tiredness and that run-down feeling feeling can be traced to one root cause. That cause is internal sluggishness; failure to keep the inside free from poisonous, waste matter. Kruschen Salts is an excellent recipe for maintaining a condition of internal cleanliness. The numerous numerous salts in Kruschen stimulate your internal organs to smooth, regular action. Your inside is thus kept clear of those impurities which, when allowed allowed to accumulate, lower the whole tone of the system. $ Smiles and | Chuckles V . 1T ' 1 CHRISTMAS TIMES Oh, what joy there is in living on Christmas ; What a charm there is in living on Christmas. What a pleasure 'Lis to see children dancing Merrily 'round the decorated tree on Christmas. Is your heart becoming a little more soft?. . . That's the spirit of Santa Claus, coming only once a year, but splendid even for so short a while. FILMS AND PRINTS ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 FREE enlargement 25c. Re-prints 10 for 2Sc. Photo-Graft. 183'/, King St. E., Toronto. ZERO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROLL with free enlargement 25c. Trevnnna Studios, Studios, 03 Niagara Street. St. Catharines, Ont. FREE!--TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARGEMENTS (one colored) with roll developed, eight glossy, fade-proof prints, 28ci highest quality, quality, Maeliray Films, Winnipeg. FILMS DEVELOPED WITH. SIXTEEN GLOSSY GLOSSY prints (two of each) 25c. Free enlargement. enlargement. Eight Photographic Greeting Cards, 25c. Speedy, satisfaction guaranteed. Superior Superior Service, Machray, Winnipeg, DR. LEFEVRE'S GENUINE DEHYDRATED Garlic and Spinach Powder In capsules. Nature's Nature's germ killer and antiseptic, odorless, tasteless, blood builder, strengthener; anti- eatarrhal; for meu, women and children. 50c and $2. Prepaid. Address Frisco Importing Co., Ltd., 441 Seymour St.. Vancouver. MISCELLANEOUS Cut Your Own Hair LITTLE GIANT POCKET BARBER, the automatic automatic hair-cutter for men and boys, really does cut and trim the hair, and does It well. Send for circular. 8. J. Jackson, Canadian Distributor. CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR FAVOUR- ite negatives, 3 for 25c; 75c a dozen; complete complete with envelopes. Enlargements 8x7 in easle frame, 39c; 2 for 75c. Roll films developed and printed, 25c; reprints 3c each. Free enlargement with every 25c order. Brightling, 29 Richmond St. E., Toronto. ROLLS DEVELOPED AND EIGHT PRINTS with free enlargement, 25c. Reprints 80 each. Commercial Photo Service, Dept, B., Outremont, Que. SPECIAL OFFER! THREE, 5x7 GLOSSY enlargements, 25c. Send your best negatives. Everett Wees, Route 3, Sarnia, " FOR SALE SPECTACLE FRAMES, $1.50. PRESCRIP- tions filled. Special low prices. By mall. Schaefer Optical, 15(1 Yonge, Toronto. FOR SALE--GOVERNORS FOR AUTOMO- bile engines for land use. H. W, Crosby, 25 Clyde St., Hamilton, Ont, FOR SALE--LAVENDULA VERA -- TRUE English lavender flowers, for sachets. One Dollar a pound, delivered. . Canadian Pacific Bulb Gardens, Duncan, Vancouver Island. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS ANDREWS' ACADEMY OF HAIRDRESSING, Government licensed, V e train you Board Examination. Free prospectus, 961 Bloor West, Toronto, MADAME HUDSON SCHOOL, HAIRDRESS- ing and Beauty Culture. Write for pamphlet. pamphlet. 707 Yonge Street. Toronto. HAIR GOODS 20 YARDS! "QUILT REMNANTS'* -- $1.00.. Washfast. Cottons! Prints! Broadcloths! Silks! Free! "70 Quilt. Patterns." "Collect." Refund guarantee. Maritime Textiles, 8049 Degaspe. Department Wlls. Montreal. PATENT ATTORNEY ROY L. KNOX, REGISTERED ATTORNEY. Information regarding invention Patents; Drawings; Registrations; Sales. It Metcalfe, Ottawa. PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. LIST of inventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St., Ottawa, Can, PERSONAL ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, COMFORT, positive support with our advanced method. No clastic or understraps or steel. Write, Smith Manufacturing Co., Dept. 219, Preston, Preston, Out. . PERSONALITY CHART SENT FREE WIGS TOUPEES, TRANSFORMATIONS, Braids, du vis, arid all types of finest qual- tty Hair Goods. Write for illustrated catalogue. catalogue. Toronto Human I-Ialr Supply 523 Bathurst Street, Toronto. Co., R AYMAR, CANADA'S FOREMOST ADVIS- er on human problems, will send a Character and Personality Chart free to anyone- who writes him. This amazing free offer is made merely to advertise Mason's 49 Cold .Remedy and is available for a limited time only. Write today enclosing a self-addressed, stamped envelope and your birth-date. Address Address -- Raymar, care of Masoti Remedies, Limited, 14 McCaul Street, Toronto, Canada. Canada. "" POULTRY Visitor--Do you think it is proper to use profanity to a mule? Farmer--So far as my own feelings feelings are concerned it is highly improper. improper. But when you are trying to QUILTING PATTERNS FREE! -- 70 QUILTING PATTERNS I GIANT i- washfast remnants! "Makes five quilts" Cottons! Prints! Silks! Eiderdowns! -- $1.00 "Collect." Sample bundle --- 26c. Refund Guarantee! Maritime Textile», 8049 Degaspe, Degaspe, Montreal, RADIOS SONGS TANNING Queen St., E., Toronto. TAXIDERMY get along with as sensitive and exacting exacting an animal as a mule, you've simply got to humor him. "Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important." She-- Funny no one seined to realize realize what a had egg he was while he was rich. He--My dear, a bad egg is only known when it's broke. The English laugh at a joke three times-- First--When they hear it. Second--When they tell it. Third--When they understand it. All the world loves a fat man, if he answers to the name of Claus. Student -- (looking up from his hook)--More than five thousand elephants a year go to make our piano keys. Landlady-- Really? It's remarkable remarkable what those beasts can be trained trained to do. Poor-- Were you presented at court when you were in England? Rich--Yes, and I had to pay five pounds' fine. Bill -- What's that noise over there? Ted -- Oh, Battling Bloke, the fighter, is having a tooth pulled. One of the big secrets of happiness happiness is to tackle our work joyously. To attack it With gusto and a smile. To wade into it with the spirit of a conquering chief. When one works joyously at the wood pile, the ledger, or the typewriter, the hours flash by, the sunshine enters our heart and the world seems a good place in which to live. To come to our work with a grouch, a frown, and inward reluctance, reluctance, is to cramp our creative energies energies and stifle our power to think. The joyous spirit is the spark that gets things done ! It releases a flow of ideas. It makes the chips fly. Joyousness attracts the best. Tourer--So your daughter is going going around the world during the Christmas holidays. Is she prepared for the journey? De Tourer---Well, she can say "NO" in 12 languages. "Of all sad words of tongue, or pen, the saddest are these :--"Don't open till Christmas-" MAS MARKS THE SPOT You'll magnify Christmas Cheer for the man who "Rolls His Own"--with a gift of Ogden's Fine Cut! Vis lb. tin colomfully wrapped for Christmas giving. OGDEN'S FINE CUT Traveler--Can I get anything to eat in this dump? Negro Waiter--Yes, sah, yo' sho* kin.. Traveler--Such as what? Negro Waiter--Such, as it is, sah. The train roared past the station. Above the noise the station agent heard a yell. Rushing out to the platform, he saw a man sprawled out alongside the tracks. A little girl" was standing: Agent-- Did he try to catch the train ? Little Girl--He did catch it, but it got away from him. We give up luxuries for war. Do we give up luxuries for peace? When a couple becomes engaged in Persia, an alimony agreement il drawn up immediately. It takes ef. feet in event the marriage ends in a divorce. 1938 CUSTOM-QUALITY RADIOS SENSATIONAL NEW 1938 MERCURY CUS- tom-Quality Phonola Radios, delivered direct direct from our laboratories. Eighteen models, automatic tuning. Battery and Vibrator. New low prices. Send for free catalogue. .Mercury Radio Company, 970C College Bt., Toronto, Chance For Life Given. Ontario's Children By Hospital F or Sick Children SENSATIONAL SONG BARGAIN--70 POPU- lar Radio Cowboy Songs, pictures of Lonesome Lonesome Southerner, Roundup scenes, only 26c* Order quick. Empire Novelties, Dept. W., Feterboro, Ontario. FOX PELTS TANNED AND MADE INTO scarves or capes. Reds, $6.50, Silvers $8.50. Bear and wolf skins made into rugs. Moder ate prices. Unexcelled workmanship. Satisfaction Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Thos. Emack, Furrier and Taxidermist, 1868 Paralysis Epidemic Reminds Reminds Province of Type of Service Given Every Day. For 62 Years ARTIFICIAL BYES AND SKULLS -- TAXI- dermist and furriers supplies (as used in our own workshops). Bend for free catalogue. catalogue. Oliver Spanner and Co., Ltd., 28 Elm Street, Toronto. TANNING FOX PELTS TANNED AND MADE INTO Scarfs. Animal skins tanned and made into floor rugs. Deer and Moose Heads mounted. By expert Furriers and Taxidermists. Satisfaction* Satisfaction* guaranteed, prices reasonable. Oliver Spanner Co., Ltd., 28 Elm St., Toronto. TOBACCO LEAF BURLEY, FOUR POUNDS $1.00, fourteen pounds $3.00. Five pounds Virginia Leaf Cigarette Tobacco $2.00. Postpaid with flavoring. Natural Leaf Tobacco Co., Leamington, Leamington, Ontario. 1500 TWEDDLE SPECIAL MATING CHICKS Free. Write for full information, about Twiddle's Annual Chick Contest. Tweddle Chick Hatchery, Limited, Fergus, Ontario. Issue No. 51--'37 B--1 RHEUMATIC PAINS Attack Uric Acid with ■ FYNNÛN SALT Back to Nature! If only we could all do that, there would- be no more Rheumatic pains to drive their agonizing rapier into the tortured joints of stricken humanity, But Rheumatic pains do exist, as thousands of sufferers know only too well. Nature's job is to drive them out. and keep the system free from uric add that causes so much unnecessary suffering. There to a remedy for Rheumatic pains that comprise# R combina tion of natural Salts of the Earth --• Fynnon Salt. Containing Sodium, Potassium, Lithium,, and other ingredients with high remedial potency, Fynnon Salt puts un an irresistible attack on uric acid (the cause of Rheumatism; Sciatica, Lumbago, etc.). It dissolves the acid crystals and washes them awav. Get rid of the acid and the crystals cannot. cannot. "form. Absence, of crystals means blessed freedom from the knife slabs that torture the very soul of the Rheumatic Sufferer. If you are a Rheumatic sufferer try Fynnon Salt. Take it every day. Even one large 75c package will convince you that in this famous British remedy you have found the relief you have long been lobking for. Get Fynnon Salt from your druggist today. If you have any difficulty getting getting supplies, write Laurentian Agencies, St. Gabriel Street, Montreal. a Like a spectre out of the dark ages, Infantile Paralysis (Poliomyelitis) appeared in Ontario homes Me last July. Rich and poor, old and young city dweller and farmer--all were hit. Appearing without warning, striking where least expected, the horror spread. By late August an epidemic of major proportions was with us. School opening was postponed over a great portion tit Ontario. Children died before they could be rushed to hospitals. Nearly every parent in the Province Province was concerned and took, what precautions seemed best to have children avoid contacts which might bring the ghastly plague to them. But mystery still shrouds the way in which this dread disease is spread. Then, tiie Iron Lung became front- page news. In all Ontario there Were only three Iron Lungs available. available. Telephone enquiries to Boston and Montreal manufacturers produced produced the indefinite promise that MAYBE in ten days or two weeks ONE could be shipped. But children were in danger, lives were at stake. IRON LUNGS Were needed at once. So the officials and staff, of The Hospital for Sick Children Children decided to build- IRON LUNGS themselves. In less than eight hours, a crude but workable wooden lung was finished--less than 30 minutes before the doctor had said a little patient Would die unless a respirator could be provided. Four more Iron Lungs (wonders in design and operation) were rushed to completion in as many days. Enthused Enthused workmen gave up Saturday, Sunday and the Labor Day holiday to fabricate' the steel shapes and parts under the direction of Hospital officials. These machines went into instant service. The Provincial Department of Health then asked tha t twenty-three more IRON LUNGS be built with all possible speed, so that children from every part of the Province might be provided the only possible chance for life during the later stages o- the disease. Thus was the emergency met y The Hospital for Sick Children when many lives were, at stake. There was no thought of expense or human, limitations., The :iob had to be done, and was done despite the fact that it meant night and day service for many, many weeks. But this is just typical of the service service The Hospital for Sick Children has rendered for over 60 years. Every hour of every day and night some emergency must be met. The life of a child, precious to some family, is at stake. It is only when dozens of similar cases Occur at the same time that the work becomes "hews." and can be called to the attention of the public by the press in a spectacular manner. Nevertheless, Nevertheless, the work goes on hour after hour until the days and months and years total decades of service to the/ needy children of the Province. Every emergency situation creates costs which mount' up far beyond the normal provisions of government and municipal grants. But. unlike most other hospitals, The Hospital for Sick Children has no large group of Private Ward beds from which to draw extra revenue which can be applied to Public Ward service. Over 400 of the 420 beds are in Public, Wards. No help is received from the fund collected by the Toronto Federation for Community Service, as patients are taken from all over the Province. Sick and crippled children must be given medical attention and hospital hospital care no matter what their circumstance. circumstance. No one woiiîfl deny them this right. This worthy Institution has- just started its annual Christmas appeal for funds to enable its work to be continued in just: as effective a manner manner as in the past. Those who have investigated all agree that The Hospital for Sick Children makes most careful use of charitable donations and bequests-- a world-wide recognition for efficiency' efficiency' and economical operation has been "earned. Your gift should be mailed to the 1 Anneal Secretary. The Hospital for Sick Children, 67 College street, Toronto. Toronto. A chance for health and happiness . is the greatest possible Christmas gift to childhood. -->

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