Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Dec 1937, p. 8

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OR.OXO WEEKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS NEWTONVILLE Mis S' Elsie Wallace spent the weekend weekend in Toronto. Miss B'ertha Thompson, is visiting friend's in Toronto. M'isi- Betty Stapleton visited friends in Orono last week. A uniter of young men from here attende;! a stag party at StarbviHe recently. Mr. and Mrs. A. Barr-lay, of Osh- awti, visited Mr. and Mrs. !.. Savory on Saturday. Mr.'John Zealand, Port Hope, visiited his brother, Mr. Mitchell Zealand, Zealand, last week. Mrs. Alice Tniltdott: Jones was a guest of Mr. and Mro. H. Trenouth, Port Hope, recently. Mise Velma Mlaflough,; Toronto, was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. -George J, 'Stapleton: Jr. Messrs, Ronald Burley, J. J. Medio Medio v and W. Andrews were at a boys' meeting in Grebnlbank recently. Mr. Leland Million was injured in the woods when a tree failing snick an axe and the axe flew up and struck him in the face. . An owl, measuring 56 inches when the wings were outspread, was caught by Mr. George Stapleton J r. on his farm after it had killed two hens and one large turkey. Miss Dickinson) of Port Hope and her orchestra provided -speciial music ■ for the ITjCjSJS. anniversary on Sunday. Sunday. • Dr, Mills-on, of Welcome, was the guest". speaker. KENDAL Miss Annabel!)' Tlendvy spent -the week-end at her home at Newcastle. Miss Helen Darlington was home 'Sunday paying her mother, a short visit, Mrs. T. A- Reid and son Jack, of Xewtonviilc. attended church service here iS-unday monring. » Mr. and Mrs. !.. D. Bell, Clarence -and Hilda visited 1 ait Mr. and Mrs. Carman Bell on Sunday. Receti ; ! ,y the Garden- Hill young : people visited our League and gave a very enjoyable program. , Last Sunday quite a few of our people enjoyed the special services in iNewtionville United C'lmreli. 1 Mr, and Mrs. Milton Robinson were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, George Smith at iSharkville, Miss Etta Boyd, who has been in Toronto hospital for some months, returned: home on Saturday and her friends are glad to welcome her back again. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Farrow and baby, of Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thertell visited at their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ther- tell's, over the week-end. 'There was a fairly good attendance at church >:ind-ay - morning. Mr. Beech's sermon was based on the story of Amo's. He pointed out that the evils of that day and applied them to our .modern times. We are looking forward to our school concert- this" year. Kendal school will hold their concert on Friday Friday evening, Dec.. 17th, and McLean's McLean's on Monday evening, Dec, 20th. -Both will be.-held in the Orange Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mercer celebrated celebrated their 6l!st wedding anniversary on Monday, December 6th, in their home, when they and their family enjoyed an oyster supper. Mr, and Mrs. Mercer are to be congratulated on this- occasion. Then- were quite a number of peuple peuple from, here last week attended the funeral of our old friend, Mr.- John White,, of Sfarkville. Among others present we noticed Mr. J. F. McMillan McMillan and' his ttoo d-auightei*, Mrs. W. : Mu-tton, Coltiornc. and Mrs. Bruce Thompson, Odb-ourg; also Mr. and Will YOUR RADIO ! GIVE YOU Jack Benny j j Every Sunday Nite ? ? or j| Do you get stations j Static and Sputter | Have your radio fixed , j I = ! NEWCASTLE Mr. Lloyd 11 a ucock was "home from Fnion ville for the week-end. Mrs. .Floyd Butler and brother, Mr. Hanlon Parker, have returned from a fortnight'.-, visit with relatives' in Rhode Island. The Men's Club of 'St. George's Church journeyed to Port H-op© -on Monday night to play the club of St, John's Church. 'Mr. Boss Dickinson spent the week-end in Toronto. Mrs, Dickinson Dickinson is progressing favourably from lier serious motor accident in the fall. Mrs. 'Thomas Gib-mi ba@ closed her apartment for the winter and at present present is visiting her daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wynn at Port Hope. The Home and 'School Club of the Lake Shore School held a very enjoyable enjoyable and successful!! card party in the council chamber of the community community hall last week:. Dr. Walton Ball and family spent the week-end at their Cottage at the lake. Mr. and Mrs, Win. Eiilheck closed their cottage for the winter while down for their last week-end. The funeral service of the late Mrs. M. H. Mlais-on was held in the United Church on Monday . afternoon. Rev. Samuel McLean conducted the service service assisted by 'the former pastor,, Key, J. LI. Rogers of Bowmanville. The pallbearers were Mr. Win. Be- rnon, I)r. J. A .Butler, Mr. J. E. W. Philip,.. Mr. Norman Allin, Mr. J. XV. Bradley and Air. Pickard of Bowman- ville. The sincere sympathy of the entire community goes out -to ; Miss Hattie Maison in her bereavement. Interment Interment was made in Buwnnttiviüe cemetery. The funeral of Dr. Charles G ib- - otn of New Vm'k was held in St. George's Church on Tuesday afternoon. afternoon. "Dr. Charlie" as everyone knew him was the. late, XV. II. Gibson's brother and his sudden passing was a great shock to his relatives here and his many friends. The service was taken by Rev. D. R, Dewdeney and the pallbda'rers were his four nephews. Air. Charlie Gibson, Air. Harold Gibson. Mr. XXV.htce Gibson, Air. Herbert Gibson and two cousins, Air, Howard and Mr. Donald Gibson. Interment, was made in S't, George's Cemetery. GET RESULTS | Chas. R. Knox | Î Phone 42r2, Orono j I Serving .the public : for six years I Î (formerly with Green's Radio j I-Service), 12th and Monterey Sts., j $ Detroit. • KIRBY Mr. D. A. Mm.'kinnon spent a. few days in the city recently visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bryson and family spent, Sunday afternoon with 'ir. and Mrs. Chafe. Cooper. Air. arid Mrs. Wes. MoFeaters and little child spent a. few hours on: Sunday Sunday with Miss Pearl Morrow, and hier father Andrew, Rev. J. II. Osterhout. delivered one of his series of sermons on the Lord's Prayer, which was -well receiive- ed by those present, XVe are sorry indeed to learn that Air. Win. Ban lion Continues in poor health and wish to see him around again in the near future. Air, Percy Morden is still doing a good"grocery bu.-irn -b arid he has an up-to-date store and well kept, with priiees right, in every lfine. Kirby wliei! intend!- holding their Christmlas tree 'and' concert, on the evening of Tuesday, December 21st, when a good programme is in store for those who attend. Wc want those chap- who desire .wells to just make a call 1 at- Dr. Ool- v'ille's at Orono and, see a real flowing flowing well, nut there by Mr. George Forbes, of Kirby, the man that leaves no clrys behind him. Mr. Wilfred! A. Bigelow, of Camp 'V-rden formerly of the Royal Military Military Co A ego, Kingston, spent the week-etid with his parents, Mr. and Airs. A. J. Bigellow, a welcome visitor to all the folks here. Mrs. John Elliott and Mr. Milton Elliott Elliott of BowmanviKo. ^ There was a fair attendance at the Young People's meeting on Thursday evening whitedi was in charge of (lie dévqtional convenors, Messrs. Arthur Thompson and Leonard Falls, The bibio reading was given day Air. Clarence Clarence Bell and a splendid topic on the subject, "Neglect,". wins given by Leonard E-alls. Mr. Brariton Richard, of Newcastle, who was candidate for the L'oyis' Parliament, addressed the mee'ine-. He was introduced by Air. Carl: Fisher of Newcastle. A reading was. given by Mr. Archie Tfoye and a, eon * eel was conducted hr Xfr. Arthur Arthur .Thompson, Meeting closed with hymn " I can hear my Saviour calling," calling," and the mix,pah benediction. BOWMANVILLE It is said 1 that there are at least 240 people that will need assistance this Christmas in a town the!population the!population of Bowmanvi'iie, that is a number number that the old 1 timers never dreamed would happen. The death of Mr, John Fogg, a Darlington farmer, was announced o-u Monday morning last. .Deceased was one of a well kn-o-wn family in this town s-ome fifty years ago. The father being engineer in the old cabine: factory when J. P. Walters was manager. lit, would be just as well to put an extra lock on your chicken coop door this holiday season -and see! that your windows are secure. People who prowl around with tools f'o-r prying doors or windows open, are rather too plentiful for safety in this- direction,- so make sure and run no risks in this line. iSorry to record the death of one of this town's popular citizens, Mr. Harry Fry, who passed away last week in Toronto Hospital. He- was employed for several years pafet in, the hospital here and was -very popular popular with the old soldier comrades. The funeral took place on Monday last with service at S't. John's Anglican Anglican Church. The Ministerial Association of 50 years ago condemned' the hiring of livery rig.- on Sunday and alsio 'Sunday 'Sunday funerals. Wei, what will the next fifty bring ? Old father-lime seems to work put ali .those' things provided you give ,him the space needful for the work. 'So passes your soul in patience^ everything comes to the mian that waits. The' High School Commencement exercises last week was a great succors. succors. The dances, and 1 in fact the whole program went off with a vim Hat '»"-ve tho'sc in charge- great credit, for the management;. Air. jSutton with his 'school 1 orchestra of some 30 members, was n feature -of the musical dart, and the operetta was 1 most enthusiastically enthusiastically received. 'Christmas tree entertainments are what holds the boards nowadays in various sections 'of the county, or the province for that matter, and in what, way better could the kiddie- be entertained. entertained. They will so,o-n grew up and face the world with, very often, hard knocks. 'So give them a good time while in the growing state. for they will be up against the real thing all too soon. Wo notice in the Ne weals tie Sews about a grand! daughter of the late Robert, Atkinson, Newcastle. Robert and this scribe were old friend's of No. 9 'school section, and: the father was a miner ai the Nairn Mills. We knew the family well, the mother being being a v-ery estimable woman. XVe re member there was -a daughter Hannah but 0 f late years we lofs t, track of this family except the manager of the Toronto Star. Nowadays the citizens are more than postered with tramips and dogs. There are dozens of mongrels in town that are a nuisance and should be under under ground. XX'-e were pleased to notice notice 'in last week's Orono Weekly Times one of those wolf hounds got his desserts when in the act of worrying worrying cattle, and 1 there are a number here, of what use will some one tell us ; with an to thieves 1 , purse snatchers, snatchers, -hitc-h-ibikers, cup of coffee mendicants, mendicants, and: others of the great unwashed, unwashed, the ordinary citizen has jufst, about all be can put up with without getting'hot, around' the eoiiar. This is a busy week in this town with social doing!, bridge parties, rotary social evening at Blaeksioek, and , various smaller assemblies, with the opening of the new addition at the Goodyear plant, well, there will be very likely no let-up until Christmas Christmas is over, and with the Sfeottish element, not until after the New Year, for that !,n- always 1 been the festive day around which all others revolved. The program (for Friday evening at the Goodyear is, quite an extensive one and embraces the following, following, Legion Bland 1 selections; At 7.3-0 Harry Dunlop and his company of entertainers. At 8 p.m. M-auro, the accord ian wizard and five other tiuniheiy of a musical; character; at <8.45 will be the official opening, af- IevwH i'($- a musical march and floor work by trained artists. At 9.15 it will be on with the dance arid for round dancing Ralph Blink hors orchestra orchestra will officiate, , and for the square dances ILmnigmiN Corn 11ns-' kers will call the tune, Main' ;-entrance ;-entrance will, be at the -effet end and through the shipping room. Sub-' sicription price is $<1.00 per person, and 'be sure .and bring, your invitation card. Tyrrell's Drag Store ►<* DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 88, ORONO ! SPECIAL VALUES ! In Christmas Gifts i ----- -- -- « --™---- j GU I EX SETS, priced at from 35c., 65c., $1.10, $4.50 j and $9.00 I WOODBURY'S GIFT SETS for men .hLufPRICED $1 00 j LADY ESTER TOILET SETS, 30c., 45c. and $1.10 i LORD BALTIMORE STATIONERY at 45c-, 69c. & $1.00 j "ROYAL" COMBINATION CIGARETTE CASE j AND LIGHTER, - engine turned, chrome finished case .....SPECIAL $1.98 j WADDINGTON PLAYING CARDS, single deck SI.00 | Double deck ...., ; ; $2.00 j "ECLIPSE" FOUNTAIN PEN AND PENCIL SETS, | in gift boxes .$1.50 i These Pens are well made and guaranteed for life f WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PEN AND PENCIL | SETS, in- gift boxes PRICED FROM $3.00 UP j "KODAK" BROWNIE CAMERAS, Priced from $2.25 | $2.50 - $3.00 and up j FOLDING KODAKS at $5.00, $8.25, $9.25, $15.00 and up ! STORY BOOKS FOR CHILDREN at $9c., 15c., 25c., 50c. i POPULAR FICTION BOOKS at 90c., $1.50 and $2.00 3 v -- -- 1 Latest Contest Results are to be found in this issue of Orono Times ! -4 -- -- j Watch for your copy of our Christmas Gift Values 1 in the mail on Friday | There are only thirteen more Shopping days until Christmas, | but you will find gifts that please in our -store; a widespread I and exciting variety that should make it possible t-o do your I shopping here in a comparatively short time. I VISIT OUR STORE AND SEE ! | --* -- -- ! j You Save with Safety at Tyrrell's Rexall Drug Store! ENGAG K'M®NT ; Mr. and Mrs. .John Arnold. Tor-, on-to, wish to annoimee the engagement engagement of their ."youngest daughter. Margaret Ellen, to Robert John,.-Ison of Mr. and Mrs. Egerto-n Daneo-ck,' of Orono, the wedding to take place the a-tt-er part of December. ,*«* x . Pit typ. A; , Sj '4 isA 1 % ■M-: You'll Hardly Believe THERE IS SUCH A NICE COLLECTION OF USEFUL GIFTS IN ORONO COG CABIN CHOCOLATES, hand dipped, lb.. 20c- Good Old CHEDDAR CHEESE, per lb. ...29c. Combination Offer--3 cakes of LIFEBUOY and 1 pkg of RINSO, all for ,25c. Bulk SOAP CHIPS, 3 lbs 25c. BETTER CRUST PASTRY, 24 lbs 69c. LUXOR MATCHES, box 8c. 3 -boxes for .....a....* 21c. MOIK'S or WILLARD'S CHOCOLATES, assorted flavours, 4 lib. box ...» ..98c. WRAPPING TISSUE, red, white or green, 12 double sheets ; <.. 5c. CHRISTMAS PACKED CIGARS, CIGARETTES AND TOBACCOS ASH TRAYS 10c. to $1.00 ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE THE POPULAR TEA, at a popular price, pkg. 28c. Home and Building Improvement Pays You Big Dividends, Both in Comfort and Convenience WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES AT ALL TIMES D. L. & W. GUARANTEED BLUE COAL The Coal that is Trade Marked for your protection SCOTCH COAL WELSH COAL COKE AND DRY HARDWOOD TN STOCK AT ALL TIMES TO MEET YOUR ' REQUIREMENTS -- PROMPT SERVICE Just; now we are featuring STORM SÂSH PHONE 48R16 Orono Coal & Lumber Co

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