Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Dec 1937, p. 5

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OI'OXO WEEKLY TIMES mi r -n Mr. Orme Gamsiby attended the ad- dreste: given by Mr. Kuseell Cockburn at the Ilote! G en os-ha on Monday evening. Mr. Gockburn's.address was an interesting aticount of a trip taken by him with a fishing: party who travelled travelled 700 miles north of M-oo-s-on-ee, along the coast of Hudson Bay. Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Richards visited friends in the city over the week-end and took in the I.O.D.E. musical at the Royal York Hotel, and oh Monday Monday Mrs. Richards helped to elect the city fathers and to vote down the million dollar housing scheme by-law. She stilll thinks lier taxes are too high. t E. E. PATTERSON PHONE 19-19 GROCER ORONO <jk I Q. K. SOAP j. :. ...11 BARS... 25 c. COOKING ONIONS ....: 9 LBS... ...25c. BROWN or WHITE SUGAJ K 10 LBS... 55 c. SEEDLESS RAISINS J. 2 LBS... 25c. KETA SALMON i.„. L 2 TINS... .., 17c. MOLASSES SNAPS ! 2 LB'S... 19 c. JEWEL SHORTENING: 2 LBS... 25c. # XMAS. CARDS CLEARING AT 1 CENT EACH Look for next Week's Advertisement CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS AT ROLPH'S HARDWARE RED & WHITE STORES Chocolate Drop Candy fresh 2 lbs - 27c Gold Medal Floor Wax I lb. Tins 23c. WAX BEANS 2 tins 17c ROASTED PEANUTS, 2 lbs ....25c. P & G SOAP, 6 bars, 2 KIRK'S CASTILE, all for ; 29c. TODDY, 1 lb. un ......39c. Good Sized NAVEL ORANGES, dozen .....:19c. PEARL SO AP, 4 bars... 18c, QUICK COOKING OATS, large pkg 19c. LIBBY'S CATSUP, a bottle 14c- GENUINE FIGS, 2 lbs. 23c. LOCAL AND SOCIAL « ALADDIN ELECTRIC and COLEMAN LAMPS; SILVERWARE; SILVERWARE; PYREX; GRANITE and CHINAWARE; CLOCKS and WATCHES; TEA KETTLES; DUST MOPS; KNIVES and FORKS; BREAD KNIVES; ROAST PANS; BADMINTON SHUTTLECOCKS; BEATTY ELECTRIC & ENGINE DRIVE WASHERS. HAND SLEIGHS; SKATES and BOOTS OUTFITS; SKIS; HOCKEY STICKS; RAZORS; POCKET KNIVES; MITTS AND GLOVES ; VELOCIPEDES and WAGONS; FLASH. LIGHTS; KIDDIES' SNOW SHOVELS SHOVELS AND BLACKBOARDS. Anything we do not carry in stock we will be pleased to order Rolph's Hardware PHONE 43rl THANKS for the nice response regarding the FINE COFFEE BEAN which we mentioned in last week's advtg. LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR FRESH SCALD CREAM -- WE HAVE IT -- EATING FIGS, 1-2 lb. pkgs. -10c. HABITANT P E A SOUP, large tin 10c. CHLORIDE OF LIME, 2 tins for 23c. POT BARLEY, 2 lbs,..15c. CHOCOLATE FINGER CAKES, lb 19c. ROBERTS' COUGH SYRUP, bottle 36c. CHRISTIE'S SALTED SODAS, 2-lb. box 35c. MAPLE LEAF MINCE MEAT. 2 lbs 25c. Chipso, large pkg. Icing Sugar, 3 lbs. for 21c. Shoulder Roasts of Beef, lb. - 13c. J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 20c. Mr. Wm. Barrett has bought a new Dodge ear. Mrs. Chas. M. 'Bowden is spending the week in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. W. E. D-avey spent last Thursday in Toronto. M i sis Mildred Roberts spent the week-end -with Mrs. Ghas. Miller. Miss M. Tenant, of Leskard, is clerking' in the 5e. .to ■ $1.00 store, : Mr. Joseph Hall has purchased a valuable horse from Mr. R, Brown. ■-Mr. Harry Rowe is up and around the mill again after his lengthy sickness. sickness. [Shovel the snow from your sidewalks sidewalks and keep them front becoming slippery; Mrs. A. Thompson,, of Nestleton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. "Dean Oar-s'ca-ddon. Miss K. McKay has accepted a position as Clerk in Mr. E. E. Patterson's Patterson's store. Many from hero attended the dance in Kendal on Friday evening of last week. "Mr. and Mrs, Lowes, of Peterborough, Peterborough, visited Mr. and Mrs. N, Porter Porter on 'Sunday. The roads- north of Oroini are nearly nearly imipassalble with snow after the heavy storm. Mr. Andrew Jerome, of Syracuse, tJ.iS.A., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. S am Cut tell. We aire sorry to report Miss Mabel Tucker to be making very slow progress progress towards recovery. Mr. and Mrs. E. Forrester and famly spent Sunday with the former's former's brother in O-liawn. MV. and Mrs. J. Inmis, of Peter- boro, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagle-on on, Wednesday Wednesday last. Mrs. II. G-. McDonald 1 undergoes an operation today, (Thursday), in the Private Patients'. Pavilion, Toronto Toronto General Hospital. Mr. Charlie Brown spent a, few days recently in Kingston visiting his brother, J. W. Brown,, who had liis left foot amputated. MV. A. J. Knox, Hilliard Simpson and Reg, Elliott visited the Toronto Revolver Club last. Friday evening and did some fine shooting. We, are handling Maple Leaf (Laying Mash), (Hog Feed- Starter and 'Concentrates'), and (Cattle Feeds).--Holph's Hardware, Orono. 'Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Brown, Mr. LaE'oy Brown and Miss Olive Brown visited Mr. and Mrs. Lon Buckley and family at Sutton West, last weekend. weekend. Mr. Geo. York, who has been working working at the Forestry, has mowed his; family to town from Toronto and has rented the Hunter property, lately vacated vacated by Mr. O. Drummond. Mr. Wallace Sisson, Mrs. Bertha 'Sisson and Miss Mary Sisson, all of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs Mary Sisson, -the latter returning with them for a week's visit. Mrs. Cook of Bowman ville spent last week with Mrs. J. Armstrong. On Friday Mrs. Armstrong accompanied accompanied her guest home to BWm-an- ville, where, she is spending a few days' visit. Dee is being rapidly made at the Eating rink those days and nights and it is expected that the Continuation Continuation (School hockey team will have their first practise on Friday evening of this week. William II. Bragg, of Bowman ville, former Liberal ALL.A, for Durham County, is expecting the appointment as a special investigator under the Liquor Control Aot by the rulers at Queen's Park. MA', and Mrs. Leaman and son Henry spent a week with the former"- former"- parents; Mr, and Mrs. O. J. Leaman, of Oakville, also a week with bis brother and sister at Miilli- keh/ a,rid Malvern. Change of Place- The h-.-nii.'o to be given by Colonel J. E. !.. IStreight on "The Recent Coronation,," will be held jn the Assembly Hall, Orono Continuation School, instead of the Town, Hall as formerly advertised, on December 9th, 1987, at 8 p.m. Mr. E, R. Rainey, who has conducted conducted a grocery store here for the past ten year's.' has sold his business to Mr. Ernest Patterson, of Orono, Mr. Rainey has not decided at present, where he will purchase .,another business, business, but say's - he is going to'have a well needed, rest for a time. One of our ta] boys lost, his over coat on Monday evening. While at hung hi® coat on a, peg beside six or doves in the pocket',, so each one. Donations are being received for the Community Christmas tree which will be helti. on Thursday, December 23rd. Give your contribution to Mr. C. T. Miller. No matter how large or small every donation will help swell the pot to buy candy for the kiddies. Word was received here early Wednesday Wednesday evening of the death of Miss Mabel Tucker, -who : passed away at : he home of -Iter s ister, Mrs. Luther B-atr-aibell, near Osh-awa. The Morris family received Word, from Albert Morris, of Nunn Battle- ford, ,Sask., that he is improving as well as ban be expected. Mr. Morris has suffered. three strokes. lie is well known throughout this district, for the West. Monday nil te on to a rid- Pontypoi: over i twenty years ago' ev ret ■ visit: urmed ing in horn, N ew 6 on Tor- sœm&imEËaamœtmmss&wmmmiGmmu3sssBsmg!i T tAVING disposed of my grocery busi- * * ness to Mr. Ernest Patterson, I take this opportunity of thanking my many customers for their patronage throughout throughout my business career in Orono, and Ï ask you to give my successor the same splendid support given me. E. R. RAINEY ARMS! RUNG'S PYJAMAS & NIGHTGOWNS We have too many Silk Night Wear Apparel and we are going to give you a bargain. They were worth $2.00 and Q O $2.25 a suit. YOUR CHOICE 02/C PANTEES PYJAMAS Silk Rayon, regular 39c. vali 19< ie Silk in heavy quality in coin- bination of colors, (Pi /*A •* re'g. $3.50, for «pl.O*? RUE WOMEN'S Fur Goloshes, brown Q and black Jersey Goloshes, ydtli zi , P ers $1.9 Rubber Goloshes, black c ,,rown - $1.2 CHILDREN'S Children's Rubber Goloshe brown or black $1 # |, ÎBERS MEN'S and BOYS, i) Goloshes, 2 buckles.. $2.45 > J Goloshes, 3 buckles.. $3.50 r ^ r Ej Felt-lined 1 Rubbers Jj)3 25 Rubbers, 15 inch leather tops, 5 $4.25 LEATHER COATS A'lll Hor'sehjde with Fur Collar, in a 42 inch length, mackinaw I lined, wit'll 4 pockets and belt ^ J 4 (M l 1 UNDERWEAR Turnbull's Combinations, dor hie back and front ^2 5l WINDBREAKERS j i- M elton Cloth, with zipper pleat- j 9 =d m* $5.00 1 SOCKS Heavy All Wool Lumber Soi in plain black or grey Mens $1.00 Boys' 75 I MITTS t, 8 One piece Pullover Mitts of' 8 liorsehide, elastic gg C j cuffs ie ose. SNOW SUITS Children's All-Wool Zipper Front Suits, -in combinations of red and black, plain red, 1 also royal blue (b O QE? sizes 2 to 6 years SWEATERS Men's Fanicv Knit All-Wool Coat with a small d? O' £* , ' plain collar, sizes 38 to 44 SWEATERS All Wool, Fine Knit Pullov j with zipper ^2,0 SWEATERS er All.Woo! Jumbo Knit coat, A very heavy weight, d» A CA V Jlaf'ge 'collar «p^ie «Jv

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