Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Dec 1937, p. 4

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orono weekly times WAR "Tw-as on that summer evening old Caspar's work was done and he beside beside the cottage door was sitting in the sun. It was his grand child Fet- erldn rolled something large and round which he beside the cottage' in playing there had found. ' A soldier s skid:! And Caspar, said : "We put the French to rout, but what: they killed each other for I could not well make out." Our modern war on cruel Seale, where blood in -rivers run, the Nippon esc on palfrey pale. Their goal ? Place in Ihe sun. Wo cannot Well compute the end hut read in written Word that he who will not war forefend ."shall perish with the sword." 1 With babies, women, women, children 1 slain and holocaust for man. Why dp they MU ? The answers answers plain. Here it is ! It's ; this Japan. ETON ■ Kendal, Dev ember 4 th, 1937. BOYS' CLUB COMPETITIONS On Wednesday, December 1st, the Junior Inter Club Competition was held at thé Guelph Winter Fair with twelve seed teams and nine potato teams, taking part. Durham was represented by two .seed teams and a potato team. Ear the third consecutive year the Durham Durham boys won the Seed Judging Contest, Contest, and the other team' stood third. The winning team members were Fred Brown, Millbrook and Allan Dawson, Bai'lieboro, with their totals placing them in the general standing standing first and second in the order named. James Similes, Enniskillen, and Roy IScoitt, Rowm'anville, were the members of the other team. Ilal- ton County was second and fourth, with Huron in fifth place. The Durham Potato team of Eric Fallis, Millbrook and Bully Boyles, of Cavan, were in fifth place. The first four teams were Buffering Wentworth, Wentworth, Middlesex, and Ontario Counties. Counties. In the Dominion Club Competitions Competitions at the Royal Winter Fair, Durham Durham was represented by a Grain Club team composed of Freddie Martin, Martin, Hampton, and Howard Millson. Eimiskillen ; and a Potato Team, of Edward Brown, Bethany and Allan Beer, Bethany. The Grain team was second, 22 points behind Alberta, and the Potato Potato team Was also second, on'e point behind British: Columbia, The Beef Club Team from Middlesex Middlesex won , first, while . the Dairy Team from Peel stood in; third' place. In the Club Grain and Potato exhibits exhibits at the Royal in competition with the other Provinces the Durham boys' in Tate oats stood as follows : SIXTH LINE (Members' of the Stewart family were recent visitors with Mrs. C. Henry and the Glover brothers, her nephews, where she is spending the winter months', and' report our longtime longtime Sixth Line neighbor ate quite well. Mr. Fred .Cornish was anxious- for a, few days the past week over the fate of a valuable mare which had contracted a severe attack of pneumonia, pneumonia, However, with the best possible possible veterinary aid lie is now receiving receiving the congratulations' of his neighbors neighbors on her recovery. Around the words of Arnos the prophet, Rev. Eugene Beech drew many . Tessons which seem to apply just as well to humans today a|s : when Amos hurled dcr.unciiilions against sin, described a contrast to the ideal held up and wi.-hed for by the pro- am :--"Hut let judianenr run down is waters and righteousness as 1 a "iighty stream." By the way, M.r. Tim Hunter this morning stated that in Toronto there are some thirty or more communistic s'choolb where children. children. are instructed to say " There is no, Gad". Classified Shoe and Harness Repairing All Work Guaranteed Laces, Skate Straps, Felt Hockey Tongues and Insoles PRICES REASONABLE W. CARLETON First house north R. 13. tracks GOWANVILLE The monthly meeting of the W. A, on Wednesdlay was postpone for a week. (Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Marvin visited Mr, and Mrs. George Henderson on Friday night, Mr. and Mrs. !.. 0. Bube Morrish visited Mr. and Mrfe. George Henderson Henderson Saturday evening. Don't forget the evening 0 f December December 16, Cowanviille Christmas Tree in the Church. Mr. and Mrs. II. Haskill, Port Britain vil-ited Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Porteous on Sunday. Mr. " T, J. Simpson and 'Misses Marian and' Kathleen spent Sunday at, Mr and Mrs 1 . Rob. Graham's. 'Clarke LeSaque spent a very pleasant pleasant evening with the Young People of Shiloh last Wednesday evening. 'Mr. and Mrs. C. Bedwin and Mr. Frank Parker celebrated with Mr, Fred Parker his seventy-fifth birthday birthday on Saturday. Mr and Mrs, Westol Stringer and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. W. Stringer visited Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Chatterton Chatterton Orono on Sundlay. COMING EVENTS Antioch Christmas Tree and Concert Concert will! be held om Friday evening, Deceinlber 17 th. Admission, 1'5'e. h-47-p. The L.O.B.iA. will hold a Euchre and Five Hundred Party oh Friday evening, December 17 th, 1937. Come and have a good time. b-47-c. The Kendal Public School will hold their Annual' Erilertainmenl in the Orange llalh on / Friday night, .December the 17th, /and the public are cordially invited. b-47-c. 'St, iS'aviour'k. -Sunday 'School Christmas Tree and Concert will be held in the Parish Hall, Orono, on Monday, D'eeeemher 20th. Everybody welcome. (Send yo-ur letter to Santa in care of the . Secretary or other members' of he A'Y.P.A,. Admission, 20c. and 10c. , b-47-c. The regular meeting of the Women's Women's Institute will be held in the- Council chamber, on Friday, December December 17th. Topic : "The Archives in. Ottawa." Roll Call : "A. Historical -Spot I Have Visited." Meeting in charge of Mrs. Elagleson, Convenor of Committee on Historical. Research., Research., Antic exhibit.. Meeting at 2.80 p.m, b-47-c. Fred Brown. Millbrook, 9th ; Gordon Fallis, Millbrook, 16th ; Mac. Walker, Campl 'i-llvri.fr. 17th. 'Early Alaska Oats, Fred Martin. Hampton, 2nd ; Howard Mills-on, Enniskillen, 4th, and Gerald Anderson. 'South Monaghan, Monaghan, 7th. Irish Cobbler Potatoes, Earl Weatherilt, Bethany, 3rd ; Chas. Weatherilt, Bethany. 5th, and Albert Albert .Bo-wins, Pontypo-ol, 6 th. In a similar competition at the Guelph Winter Fair, with the various Counties of Western- On taro exhibiting, exhibiting, the standing was : Late Oats, Fred Brown, 1st ; Gordon- Fallis, 2nd; Mac Walker 34rd. Elarly Oats, Fred Martin, 1st ; Howard Mill-son, 2nd. Irish Gobbler Potatoes, Albert Bo- wins, 1st ; Oh as. WeatlierLt. 2nd ; Earl Weatherilt, 3rd 1 . John J. Gilfillan Pbm. B. QUALIFIED OPTOMETRIST Licentiate of the College of Optometry Optometry of Ontario Office Hours- ; 10 t-o 12- a.m. and 2 to 4.30 p-.-in and by appointment Office in- C. B. Tyrroil's Drug Store Phone 6Sr2 CRYSTAL GAZING WON'T GET YOU ANYWNERE, BUT DOING YOUR XMAS SHOPPING HERE WILL EASY ELECTRIC WASHERS. $69.00 to $99.00 ELECTRIC IRONS $2.25 to $8.95 CU.M. HOCKEY BOOTS AND SKATES.... .$3.75 to ........................ $22.50 ENGLISH CARVING SETS $1.95 to $4.75 ROGERS BROS. AND COMMUNITY PLATE SILVERWARE CHESTS ENGLISH and BOILER POCKET KNIVES 15c. t- 0 $1.50 HAND SLEIGHS AND COASTERS 45c. to $1.75 SCOOTERS, KIDDY CARS and WAGONS HOCKEY STICKS 25c. to $1.25 COLEMAN LAMPS and LANTERNS STEWART-WARNER RADIOS MAGIC KEY BOARD. Before you buy a Radio you owe It t-o yourself to hear, see, and get our price, which to say the least will SURPRISE YOU. HOUSE FOR RENT A well built Frame House in the Village of Kirby. ; Apply to D. A. Mackinnon, Kirby. tf NOTICE On and after November 1st, Harness Harness Repairing will be done at my house.-- K. S. Oornforth. tf A Gift You JSiever Thought of CHRISTMAS GIFT CERTIFICATE For an Individually Designed Spencer Foundation Garment ESPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR HER MRS. J. E. RICHARDS phone 24 R I - ORONO Professional Directory DENTAL HOUSE FOR RENT On Station Street; also Brass Roller and Markers . for Cement for sale.--Apply Mrs, Wm, Seymour, Orono c-46 p. L.O.L. No. 409 are holding their annual dance in the Town Hall, Orono, on Wednesday, December 29, The Lodge is endeavouring to- make this daniee the best yet. A good orchestra orchestra has been. : procured for the evening. Keep this date open. TLURSDAY & FRIDAY Note Days ; PORT HOPE 7.00-9.00 Romantic Melodrama "BIG CITY" With Luise Rainer and 'Spencer Tracy SATURDAY ONLY 2.30- 6.45-9.00 Gene Autrey In "The Singing Cowboy" Next MON. and TUES. Music and Merriment. "DOUBLE OR NOTHING" With Bing Crosby and Martha Raye Next WED. and THURS. Mother-Love Drama "CONFESSION" With Kay Francis and Ian Hunter DR. J. 0. MILNE, Dental Surgeon, Surgeon, Orono. Office hours : 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.rn. Evenings by appointment. appointment. Newcastle eyery Wednesday Wednesday and other days by appointment. appointment. Phone lSrl. MEDICAL DR. H. E. MANNING Physician and Surgeon Orono - - - Ontario Office Hours : 1.30 to 4 p.m, and 7 to 9 p.m. 'Sunday by Appointment AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction -Sales of all size» and 1 at reasonable rates. Communicate with him at Pert Perry, Ontario, or see his C-lerkg, A. J. 'Staples or A. E. Morton, at Orono, for d&te. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker All Repair» te Wetches. Clocks, and Jewellery, will receive our prompt attention PARK STREET ORONO PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY. DEC. 12th 11 a.m.--The 6 th sermon in the series' o-ni -the life of Christ. 7 p.m.--ESven-in-g Service. Identify yourself with the most important institution in the tiom-- nronity--the Church. COME AND WORSHIP Try u-s with your next printing order, Our prices are reasonable. LUNN'S HARDWARE PHONE 66 ORONO Where Else Gan You do This ! Buy a New Radio or Washer with a small down payment--Low terms up to 2 years FREE SERVICE for one year on all New Machines Life-time guarantee on New Thor Washers We would like you to compare our prices anywhere Satisfy Yourself PHONOLA RADIOS Come in--See and hear the New Automatic Tuned Radio SPECIALS Two Re-conditioned Beatty Copper Tub Washers Reasonable Prices ELECTRIC TOASTERS ELECTRIC IRONS FLOOR and TABLE LAMPS Service Dept. Under the competent direction of CHARLES R. KNOX All Radios Repaired e and Guaranteed Thor Wusher Enquire about the large allowance on your old washer We will ré-condition your old washer at reasonable reasonable rates regardless of make - PHONE 78rl6 ORONO TED WOODYARD Radio and Electric Next door south of 5c. to $1.00 store

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