Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 25 Nov 1937, p. 7

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À Sunday School Lesson LESSON IX. Christian Fruitfulness--John 15:1-16 Golden Text.--Herein is my Father Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit ; and so shall ye be my disciples. John 15:8. . The Lesson In Its Setting Time -- Thursday evening, April 6, A.D. 30. Place--Probably in the upper- room, where the Lord's Supper was instituted. The beautiful discourse concerning concerning the vine and the branches is a part of his wonderful revelation to his disciples on the night before his crucifixion, Thursday evening of Pas- "i"n Week. This long discourse begins begins with chapter 13, extends through chapter 16, and is followed by chapter chapter 17, which records the high-priestly high-priestly prayer of our Lord which he uttered uttered that night, shortly before his arrest. 1. I am the true vine. The nation of Israel was often, in the Old Testament, Testament, likened to a vine (Ps. 80:8- 16; Isa. 5:1-7; Jer. 2:21; Ezek. 19: 10-14). Of course the vine here referred referred to is the grape vine, which was so extensively cultivated in Palestine. This is the seventh and last of the famous declarations of Christ occurring in the Gospel of John, and only in the Gospel of John, beginning with the two significant words "I am." When Christ speaks of himself as the true vine, ha assigns assigns to himself a place no other person in the universe ever had before, before, or ever can have again. There are not many vines, but one. In that vine, life flows, and apart from , that vine there is no true life. If We Are To Bear Fruit The husbandman expresses a relationship relationship of possession and care on the one side, and of dependence and submission on the other. 2. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, he taketh it away. As the fruitless branch has no living connection with the vine, no more can the, fruitless, professing Christian with Christ. How, and when the husbandman takes the fruitless fruitless branch away is left unmentioned; unmentioned; there is not one definite way or time, the process may bè gradual, every branch that beareth fruit, he cleanseth it, that it may .bear more fruit. 3. Already ye are clean because of the word which I have Spoken unto you. Everything which had been conveyed in his word had been an agent of purity, and had tended to "ake them clean. His revelations eansed their minds like a sweet, ,-resh mountain stream flowing into a stagnant pool. And when the mind 'ïrr« setu oti eï -W, INVIGORATING DRINK OF REAL BEEF FLAVOUR is cleansed, the heart begins to share the cleansing. 4. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, itself, except it abide in the vine; so neither can ye, except ye abide in me. 5. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same beareth much fruit: for apart from me ye can do nothing. That peerless expositor, Dr. Alexander Maclaren, has said that, by Christ abiding in us and his words abiding in us, "something a great deal more than a mere acceptance acceptance of Christ is meant. It means the whole of the conscious nature of Christ being saturated with Christ's words, his desires, his understanding, his affections, his will, all being steeped steeped in the great truths which the Master Master spoke." We can do many things without abiding in Christ--we can go to church, we can contribute heavily to Christian causes, we can offer prayer, and be good students of the Scriptures. Scriptures. But there is one thing we cannot do, unless our life and service service spring from our union with the Lord Jesus, and that is, we. cannot bear fruit. 6. If a man abide not in me, he is, cast forth as a branch, and is withered; withered; and they gather them, and cast them into thé fire, and they are burned. Abiding in Christ ■7. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatsoever ye will, and it shall be done unto you. 8. Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit ; and so shall ye be my disciples. If we are to live a true prayer life with the love, and the power, and the experience of prayer marking it, there must be no question about the abiding, and, if we abide, there need be no question about the liberty of asking what we will and the certainty of its being done. God is glorified among men when those who are Christians are seen to bear fruit, to live such a life, that the world cannot help but think of God and give him the glory. 9. Even as the Father hath loved mo, I also have loved you: abide ye in my love. 10. If ye keep my commandments, commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's Father's commandments, and abide in his love. Here are two fundamental facts, which nothing can ever change, clearly announced by our Loi-d: first, that God loves Christ, and, secondly, thit Christ loves us. What our Lord is urging upon Ms followers followers is that they should realize in their own lives these mighty truths and abide in the love which Christ has for them. 11. These things have I spoken unto unto you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full. It is very, very significant that the Lord Jesus, with a single exception, never speaks of his own joy until the darkest night of his life, the night of his betrayal. The Lord Jesus had a joy that night which no one could take away from him. because of at least four things: his knowledge of God's over-ruling and guidance in everything everything that was happening to him; in his consciousness of the Father's love; in his realization that he was doing the work of God, the greatest work that anyone could ever do, laying laying down his life for men; and, finally, finally, in the conviction that he was, in his death, going home to his Father from whom he had come. Now, though in a different degree, we have exactly the same springs of joy, and we have them because of the words is This Y our Birthday ? By A. R. WEIR What the STARS foretell for those bom on November 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30 and Dee. 1st and 2nd. GENERAL--If the date of your birth is listed above, the, sun was in the Sign Sagittarius when you were born. This makes you enthusiastic, enthusiastic, hopeful and optimistic by nature. You should avoid carelessness. You love harmony, truth and justice and are greatly given to demonstration of your, affection, having a nature that is remarkably _expressive. It would be- -to your advantage to guard against unkind speech when you are aroused. NOW FIND YOUR OWN BIRTH DATE NOV. 26---Your lucky number is A The keynote of your planet is Prosperity which this year is indicated in your business and .-financial prospects' though some annoyances go witn it which are soon overcome. Social activities, however, are not so brightly defined defined though you are too optimistic naturally to allow them to influence influence you. NOVEMBER 27.--Thursday is the most favorable aay in the week for you. Some very important developments are shown in your business affairs bringing a considerable increase in your income. You should cultivate respect for authority and control your impetuosity. impetuosity. NOVEMBER 28.--The 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st are your lucky days. This year is important for business affairs... There should be a slow, steady improvement bringing more prosperity and success. success. Be cautious in your correspondence. NOVEMBER 29.--There is a strong love of drama in your nature and you should be particularly clever in comedy or drama. The -years 1937 and 1939 are good years for you. You will receive some favorable news and be very successful while on an important journey. NOVEMBER 30.--This is a changeable period for you financially and difficulties with elderly people should be avoided, also disputes with workmates though a gain and an agreement is shown. Much happiness is denoted socially. Do not forget that your main success in life will come through personal application and nard work. DECEMBER 1--While you may have trouble in connection with property and public companies, yet these will be easily overcome and you will gain by a loan or legacy. There ma be a removal of residence. Give your love of harmony the upper hand when things are a bit muddled. DECEMBER 2.---On. the whole, the coming year will be brilliant and successful both financially and socially. Even relatives will benefit you. Control your earless tendencies even though you are of a happy-go-lucky temperament. If your Birth Date is not listed above and you would like your personal personal horoscope, or if ou wish a complete horoscope for any date listed above, send 10c (coin preferred) to A. R. Weir, 73 Adelaide St. V/., Toronto, Ont. Please print your name, address and birth date plainly. FOR YOUR COMPLETE HOROSCOPE send '1.0C (coin preferred) preferred) to A. R. Weir, 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Out. Please print your name, address and birth date plainly. LISTEN.. , „ mm-mm I IMPËfttAL r r jjH IMPERIAL TOBACCO'S INSPIRING PROGRAM Every Friday Night on a national coast to coast network. which Jesus has given ns: we know that all things work together for good, that our lives are divinely planned, planned, that suffering has been foreseen foreseen by God, and will never destroy our souls ; profoundly do we know that we are loved by the Father, and by the Son, and that nothing will ever separate us from that love; we too have a divinely bestowed purpose purpose in our lives--.namely,, the bearing bearing of fruit; finally, we know that when we depart from this life, we shall be at home with the Father. 12. This is my commandment, that ye love one another, even as I have loved you. 13. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Friendship's Privileges V. Friendship with Christ and its Privileges, John 15: 14# 15. 14. Ye are my friends, if ye do the things which I command you. 15, No longer do I call you servants; for the servant servant knoweth not what his lord do- eth ; but I have called you friends. "The liberty to claim the friendship of Jesus, the power to enjoy it, the grace to prove it in all its blessings --all come to us as we do the things he commands us. " For all things that I heard from my Father I have made known unto you. These twelve men were Christ's confidants. He opened his heart to them. He kept nothing back from them. 16. Ye did not choose me, but I chose you, and appointed you. "The stability of the connection of friendship friendship between the Lord and his disciples disciples is assured by the fact that its origin lies with the Lord and not with man. That whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give" you. "These are the closing closing words of the parable of the Vine, The whole mystery of the Vine and its branches leads up to the other mystery--that whatsoever we ask in His name the Father gives! Our faith in the teaching and the truth of the parable, in the truth and the life of the Vine, must prove itself by power in prayer. The life of abiding and obedience, of love and joy, of cleansing and fruit-bearing, will surely lead to the power of prevailing prevailing prayer." B--3 Office of Mayor Tides end Privileges Go With It In'Many Towns of British Empire The office of Mayor is an ancient one, reaching back to Saxon times. During his term the Mayor of a borough borough is always the Chief Magistrate, and is accosted as "His Worship" in. the courts, the term being derived from the Saxon "worth-ship," meaning meaning a highly estimable person. In Scotland the mayor is called the "Provost," "Provost," which conies from "praeposi- tus," the Latin for "perfect" or one who is placed before. Both Edinburgh and Glasgow have Lord Provosts, but in England the same word usually refers to the heads of colleges, universities,: universities,: and certain cathedrals. Some mayors and lord mayors have other titles, too. London's Lord Mayor, for instance, is Portreeve, or in modern parlance, Admiral of the Port of London, and as such lie takes precedence over all officers of the Royal Navy in London waters, and only the King and the Prince of Wales can issue orders to him. In many towns--including Dundee, and Nelson and Moseley (Lancashire) --mayors are allowed the privilege of setting up lamp-posts outside their homes,. and the practice has also spread to the Dominions. At Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, where this privilege is highly prized, the residences of past mayors may be picked out by the distinctive, distinctive, lamp-posts In front of them, bearing the coat-of-àrms of the city, Deaf Drivers Safe Deafness is not a handicap when it comes to driving a car. 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