Tea for every Taste JgJI Ititll iii » I l| 1 . 1 I m iSP-WSS WwM % ,*U$ W4 St J f, .w ■' ,;:•; Hill 51 L 1 m' . i 6-SfPt BV8ÉI "BEl©¥E© CASTAWAY By MARTHA BANNING THOMAS ss Karen Chase leaves her home in the little town of Two Rivers to travel to a far-off place where she can forget forget the bitterness and unhappiness brought to her and her dead mother and father by a vengeful woman, Mrs, Masters, who as a girl had loved loved Karen's father and . had been spurned by him, and had, in revenge, concocted a malicious scheme whereby whereby she had brought him to financial ruin. Karen goes to the little fishing village of Smoke Mountain.. There she stays with Peg O'Farrel, devoting her time to tending the villagers in their illnesses. Meanwhile, Peg's fisherman son, job, has fallen in love with Karen. Household Scrnme By SUSAN FLETCHER Æès X COCONUT ADDS CLASS fMmmÊ PAW.. TWTtQN ............It Stags After a while, Rory had regained consciousness and strength enough to go on. The forlorn party set forth down the way that led to the tiny Jiamelt on the other side of the mountain. After a short consultation, consultation, they had decided that this was their best course--to get aid in searching for old Sawyer and the child. "I don't think he will hurt the little feller," said Job, who limped at every step. "He's so crazy after children, ever since hi^unwn boy was lost. I reckon he's had something like this on his mind for a long time. He's ■ so danged muddled in his head, likely he thinks the lad is his, anyhow-" "Were you thinking of old Sawyer when you went to the blacksmith's shack?" asked Rory. "It come to me sudden he might .be staying there. Thought if he was, . we .could haul him home with us on the way back." They made fair, progress down the mountain, considering their handicaps. handicaps. Colin bad gathered up the cradle. Job carried the box of food. Fortunately, there was no need for Rory to bear his share of the cradle poles. He was plainly weakened by Ins accident, and the going was heavy for him. "Funny," said Karen, "that the child didn't scream when the old man took him." "I reckon," remarked Colin, "that when Sandy see him plain, he wa'nt scairt, after all. It was just them eyes that set him to screeching." "Poor, frail little child," murmured murmured Karen. "We tried to save him from every jounce, and now heaven knows how his back will ache, carried carried hither and yon by that crazy old man." Job gave her a worried glance, "Do ye think it'll kill him?" "Oh, I can't tell, Job. If he's hurt, -and terribly frightened and miserable " Her voice trailed off. "No Buggy Ride for Me" Job glanced continually at Rory MacLeod. He saw exhaustion gaining gaining on him. "See here," he said, finally. "Why not' let Colin and me give you a lift in Sandy's swing ? If your legs hang over, it won't matter." Rory looked at him defiantly. "Thanks for the offer. Very kind.,, but I don't need a buggy ride!" For a moment now, they rested be-, neath a tree. Job drew from his pocket the watch chain and small lead soldier. "This here soldier used to belong to Sawyer's little feller. The pants wore off, he carried it with him so steady," "It's all so pathetic and dreadful and unnecessary!" exploded Karen. "I should have been more careful about watching the old man at home. But Dr, Blake assured me he was quite harmless." "It ain't really no one's fault but mine," stated Job with finality, and Karen.knew this was full apology to Rory MacLeod. "I was skipper on this here mountain cruise -- and I should have stayed responsible." They rose and went on. Now, .ahead they could see the roofs of the village, could hear the long rolling boom of water on the shore. "Almost there, Rory," encouraged the girl. He gave her a sudden smile. "I can't talk about it here, but I should have told yoti my errand as soon as I came, Karen. But somehow, I was afraid you'd look upon it as a bribe or inducement.. • - I wanted no influence influence or pressure from the past.... You see?" She shook her head, and for a brief moment, the dismal wretchedness of her old life swept over her. "Please don't say any more.. ..all that is behind me. I don't want to hear whatever you came to tell me," "I'm afraid," said Rory soberly, "that you must--when the fight time comes." . Plain Pishes Easily- Transformed Into Delicacies By Katharine Baker With Thanksgiving and Hallowe'en over, there is a lull in festive events till Christmas comes. No doubt you put your best foot forward on those occasions and gave the family lovely things to eat. But because there is nothing to celebrate for a few weeks, don't deny them the extra tasty dishes dishes they love. Rich foods are not essential essential when we think of good meals; simple things "dolled" up are really the best because they are easy to prepare and good for all concerned. A time-saving and convenient way of adding dash and class to jmur cooking is by having on hand those little extras that go such a long Way in. making good-looking and good- tasting dishes. Coconut, in almost any form, is a favourite. There are so many uses for these delightful, moist shreds of goodness that every housewife should keep a carton or sealed tin of it on the pantry shelf- It's really an adventure to discover the number of ways in which you can use coconut to transform plain dishes into extra special delights ■ ;- Apple Betty has long been popular in most homes but the addition of coconut, as in the following recipe, makes it an even more tasty dessert. Folded Up The final dip down through the bushes. The sight of tall red chimneys. chimneys. The little fishing-village of Small Smoke! Wide-eyed children trailed after them. "There's Mrs. Andrews' house over there. And the Doc's car is histed up on the bank," |aid one barefoot guide in answer to an inquiry. "Mrs. Andrews, that's his daughter, ye know." Job and Colin, who had gone ahead, waited on the doorstep of the house for the others to catch up. "Pretty near stove in, Mr. MacLeod?" MacLeod?" asked Job. Rory made no answer whatever, for the simple reason that his legs folded folded up beneath him, and he dropped in a heap at the bottom step. The other two men lifted him between between them, entered the house, and carried their burden to a door at the end of the hall. Karen, who had gone ahead, flung it open. The heavy-shouldered figure of the doctor rose from bending over a cot- "Great guns, O'Farrel, don't tell me you've brought another dying man over the mountain! One at a time is about all I can tackle." Karen heard these words, but they meant nothing to her. The doctor's voice went on. "You here too, Miss Karen ? What is this ? Job, you dolt, why stand there hanging hanging onto the poor fellow ? Lay him on these two chairs.... so! Miss Karen, grab a pillow and blanket from over there.... that's better," Grumbling every minute, his skilful skilful hands sought to make Rory comfortable comfortable on his makeshift bed. "The sofa, as you can see," he barked, "is already occupied. So is the extra cot we brought in." Karen saw Colin and Job standing by the sofa, staring down. Her eyes glazed with stupefaction at what she saw. (To be Continued.) PreTsatti now for better job si'd. & future oy 3.2-' weeks' training here in the famous Coyne shops. Not- by books or -lessons -- actual shop work. Don't Set shortage of cash hold you bac£. coupon for all details of my Pay After vraou titm'* plan, how we help students with Irnng problems while here,lob help after graduation. H <1 LEWIS, Pres., COYNE ELEC- , fi Tkï CAL SCHOOL, soo S. Paulina-' St., _ Dept. 87-05, : Chicago, III. _ 1 a 8 pend Big Free Book with facta on Coyne training and tell me about your , ' 'Pay-After -Graduation' ' § Name Address J City S RW «s «ta _ „ „ S "Swingle" Dress With French Panties f/ i; & H 203! A "Swingle" Dress with tricky pockets, Peter Pan collar and with sleeves that "puff up" so cunningly. cunningly. What could be more spic and span or more appropriate for the romping youngsters? It has matching matching panties to complete it. They ate the cut up at the side type, so neat and comfortable. This one- piece pantie outfit is quite flat for easy ironing. Whether you make it of plain or plaid cotton, white pique is a nice trim. Plaid wool, cash- mere Jersey, Velveteen, etc., are popular materials with warmth. You'll run it up so quickly on the sowing machine, you'll want to make several outfits. Style : No. ; 2031 is designed for sizes 2, 4, 6: and'8 years. Size 4 requires 1% yards of 39-inch material material with % yard of 35-inch contrasting contrasting for dress; and % yard of 35- inch material for panties. The cunning cunning Doll's Dress and Hat -- Pattern Pattern No. .15-11158 is 15 cents extra. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (15c), (coin is preferred) for PATTERN. Write plainly your NAME, ADDRESS ADDRESS and STYLE NUMBER. Be sure to state size you wish. Fall-Winter Fashion Magazine, 15 Gents extra. Address order to Peerless Fashions, Fashions, Room 421, 73 West Adelaide St.. Toronto. Coconut Apple Betty 4 tart apples, pared and thinly sliced 1 cup soft bread crumbs 1 cup coconut, premium shred 1-2 cup firmly packed brown sugar sugar 1-2 teaspoon cinnamon 4 tablespoons butter Arrange layer of apples in greased baking dish. Cover with bread crumbs and coconut; then sprinkle with mixture of sugar and cinnamon, and dot with butter- Repeat until all ingredients are used, topping with coconut. Cover and bake in moderate oven (350 degrees F.) 35 minutes. Uncover and bake 10 to 15 minutes longer, or until apples are soft. Serves 6. Coconut Cup Custard is a new thrill for those who love custard and, (hose who are not fond of it but whose diets demand it will find the addition of coconut a big help in "taking their medicine". Coconut Cup Custard 6 egg yolks or 3 eggs, slightly beaten 6 tablespoons sugar 1-2 teaspoon salt . 3 cups milk, scalded 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup coconut, premium shred. Combine eggs, sugar, and salt. Add milk gradually, mixing thoroughly; thoroughly; than vanilla and coconut. Pour into custard cups; place in pan of hot water and bake in slow oven (325 degrees F.) 40 to 45 minutes, or until knife inserted comes out clean. Chill. Serves 6. Layered Cheese and Apple Salad 1 package lemon jelly powder 1 pint warm water 1 teaspoon salt 1 red apple, cut in 1-4-inch dice 1 teaspoon sugar 1 package (3 ounces) cream cheese 1-2 cup walnut meats, broken. Dissolve jelly powder in warm water. water. Add salt. Chill. Combine apples, apples, sugar, and dash of salt. When jelly is slightly thickened, fold apples apples into 1-2 of jelly mixture. Turn into mold. Chill until firm. Place remaining jelly in bowl of cracked ice or ice water and beat with rotary rotary egg beater until fluffy and thick like whipped cream. Fold in cheese and nuts. Pour over first first layer. Chill until firm. Serve in squares on crisp lettuce. Garnish Doctor Believes Crime A Disease Crime is due to a disease, according according to doctor who has been carrying carrying out experiments on habitual crim- ' inals in Chicago. He finds that then- spinal fluid contains substances not found in normal persons. In many cases the spinal fluid contained contained a large number of cells from destroyed brain and spinal cord tissues. tissues. Another substance, known as globulin, was also found. These discoveries discoveries have, led the doctors to believe believe that crime may yet be treated like any ordinary disease, and prisoners prisoners may one day undergo medical treatment and be freed when their "malady" is cured. One Diseased Animal Dooms $60,000. Herd Orders were issued last week for the slaughter at Stowmarket, England, England, of some 300 cattle and 1,800 pigs. The bodies will be burned. The ruling resulted from discovery that one bullock in the Stowmarket sale ward was infected with the dread foot and mouth disease. The animals arrived at Stowmarket from various parts of the country. The doomed animals are valued at between $59,400 and $74,250. The slaughter will take several days. with Lemon Cream Mayonnaise. Serves 8. Lemon Cream Mayonnaise 1-3 cup mayonnaise 2 1-2 tablespoons confectioners' sugar _ '•T "'U- Dash of salt 1 1-2 tablespoons lemon juice 1-3 cup cream, whipped. Fold, mayonnaise, sugar, salt, and lemon juice into whipped cream. Makes 1 cup mayonnaise. 10c a day buys a new guaranteed REMINGTON PORTABLE TYPEWRITER with all essential features Free- carrying CASE TOUCH TYPING INSTRUCTOR Write --- Remington Rand Limited Toronto Issue No. 47--'37 B--2 k Wit.i v t>„ H" à t o*° y°r„ . ■ V-, ~ -V G ► 66»' , % » .çl o'*** «eO .-a \>e 8 v,e« , x cV>*V° iVW, OV®, te s» vÿj e* v ' A ^ 5*