Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 23 Sep 1937, p. 1

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES -<r v..„, Vol. 1. No. 35. ORONO, ONT.. THURSDAY, SEPT. 23 1937. Subscription, $1.25 Per Year. Mrs. Orr, Of Peterboro, Wins Pontiac Coach Baby Show Draws Large Crowd Of Spectotors And Competition Keen Great Display of Horses and Cattle--Keen Racing Program Fair weather and the first warm snn felt in days shone down upon the 55th annual exposition of Durham Durham Central Agricultural Soc. Fair held Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 21st and 22nd, in Orono, with one of the finest exhibit displays in years of livestock, ladies' work, domestic manufacture, decorative and constructive constructive art, fine arts and domestic •science. Approximately 5000 people from far and wide met on the Fair grounds in the village of Orono during Wednesday Wednesday afternoon. Lively music by two bands, the liihvmanvii'.e Legion Band and the Midland Regimental Band handled the musical end of the programme. Horse racing, bucksaw contest, bally show, midway and many other attractions provided young and old with a happy and worthwhile afternoon. afternoon. There were two races, free-for-all . and a green race, and was very closely closely contested. The track was in perfect perfect condition and seven horses competed, competed, The bucksaw contest, held, in front , of. the grand stand caused great fun, the preliminaries were run off in the morning and then at 3.30 a truck with two saw horses and the scantling appeared, the scantling was hard dry maple; and masuréd 6 inches by 6 inches. The fastest time was around: thirty seconds. There was a. fine display of horses, cattle andi ponies. Later in the afternoon a parade of cattle was held on the race track which was a picture io behold, consisting of Ayrshirea, Shorthorns, Aberdeen Angus, Herefords, Herefords, Holsteins and Jerseys, The winners in the bucksaw contest contest are as follows ; 1st, Abe Clark; 2nd, Fred Winn ; 3rd, Harry Lewis. The winning babies in the baby contest are : Boy or Girl 8 months and under, 1st prize, Mrs. W. T. T.ako'.î child, Newcastle ; 2nd, Mrs. J. J. Drimmondtatle'si child, Sudbury ; girl over 8 months and under 16 months, 1st, Mrs. Geo. Henderson's, Orono ; 2nd, Mrs. Richard Pearson's, Toronto ; 3rd, Mrs. IT. M. Bullock, Orono ; boy over 8 months and under 16 months, 1st, Mrs. Afo. West's, Orono; 2nd, Mrs. IT. Gouch's, Newcastle Newcastle : 3nd, T. W. Graham's, Bow- mnnviile. Net receipts for the day amounted to approximately 81370.00. A large number attended the dance held in the Armouries in the evening, the big attraction being the draw for the" 1937 Pontiac Coach. Following is a complete list of the winners : Pontiac Coach, ticket 17349, Mrs. Orr, Peterboro; .sewing: machine, ticket ticket 9668, L. Barks, Osbawa. ; boys or girls ( wheel, ticket 19361, H. Francis, Francis, Bowmanville; and ten consolation prize of $1.00 each, ticket 12774, Mr. Os. Cowan, Orono ; ticket 8049, O. S, Jamieson Bowmianiville ; ticket 19779, T, II. Hogarth, Solina; ticket 115-86, N. Robinson, Toronto; ticket 1432-3, W. A. Waddell, Thedford; ticket 91-67, Mr. McGill,ivrav, Os-hawa. ; tic- - ket 19009, Geo. McÀleer, London ; ticket 11342, -G. IT. Johnston, no address; address; ticket 7584, Mr. Embly. Newcastle Newcastle ; ticket 4510, Laura Cawker, Bowmanville, ' Miss Lillian Colling, of Salem, drew the tickets from: the drum. Mr; F. Pearson receives $10 for selling the lucky ticket. It is expected expected the net profits .will amount in the neighborhood of $1,000. A. complete list-of the stock awards will appear in next, week's edition. Following is a complete list of the prize winners for Tuesday afternoon : Bedroom Set, Mrs. W. A. McColl ; Set Table- Mats, Mrs. F. Bogart, Mrs. Ira Lowe ; Handmade Slip, Mrs. F. Bogart, Mrs. W. A. McColl ; Table Runner, crocheted, Mrs. Roy Putnam, Putnam, Mrs. F, Bogart; Table Runner, other kind, Mrs. F. Bogart, Mrs, Geo, Henderson : Centré Piece, white, Mrs; Tra I.owe. Mrs. Roy -Putnam : Colored Centre Piece, Mrs. F. Bogart, Mrs. Ira Lowe; Boudoir Pillow, Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mrs. Roy Putnam ; Quilted Sofa Pillow, Mrs. Eagleson, Mrs. Ira Lowe; -Sofa Pillow, new work, Mrs Ira Lowe, Mrs. Geo. Henderson Fancy Work, 6 kinds, Mrs. F. Bo gart, Mrs. Roy Putnam; White Tea Cloth, 4 Serviettes, Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mrs. W. A. McColl; Colored Tea Cloth, 4 Serviettes, Mrs; Ira Lowe Mrs. F. Bogart ; Chesterfield Bolster, Mrs. J. E. Armstrong, Mrs." W. A McColl ; Brassiere and Pantie Set. Handmade, Mrs. F. Bogart, Mrs. Roy Putnam; Beach Pyjamas, Mrs. W. A. McColl (2nd) ; Crochet Work, cotton, cotton, Mrs. W. A, McColl, Mrs. Roy Putnam; Tray Cloth, Mrs. Roy Put, nam, Mrs, Ira. Lqw.e; Tea Cloth, Mrs- F. Bogart, Mrs. W. A. McColl; Buf felt Set, Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mrs. Roy Putnam ; Handmade Kni tted Hat. Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mrs. W. McColl ; Boudoir Boudoir Lamp 'Shade, Parchment,, Mrs Eagleson ; Pillow Cases, embroidered, Mr-. Ira Lowe, Mrs. Roy Putnam- Handmade Tapestry, Mrs. F. Bogart Mrs. W. McColl ; Fancy Bed- Sheet, Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mrs. Ed. Dean ; Roman Roman Out Work, Mrs; F. Bogart, Mrs Ira Lowe; Luncheon Set, white, Mrs F. Bogart ; Luncheon Set, colored, Mrs. F. Bogart, Mrs. Roy Putnam ; Pyjama Bag, Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mrs Roy Putniam ; Novelty, not listed, Mrs. F. Bogart, Mrs. I). G. Hooper ; Fancy Purse, handmade, Mrs. W. A, McColl, Mrs. Ira Lowe ; Runner for Tea Cart, Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mrs. F Bogart; Colored Tatting, Mrs. F, Bogart, M rs. Roy Putnam ; Guest Towel, white linen, Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mrs, Roy Putnam : Fancy Bath Tow e l-s, Mrs. W. A. McColl, Mrs. F Bogart; Guest Towels, worked in colors, colors, Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mrs. Roy Putnam; Putnam; Worked Hand T-owels, Mrs. F. Bogart, Mrs. Roy Putnam; Hand Towel, crocheted insertion, Mrs. F. B'ogart, Mrs. A. H. Found ; Handmade Handmade Dress, Mrs. W. A. McColl, Mrs, F. Bogart; Handmade Crocheted Hat Mrs. Ira* Lowe, Mrs. W. A. McColl, Filet Crochet, Mrs. W. A. McColl' Misl F, Bogart; Card Table Cover, Mrs, Roy Putnam. Mrs. F. Bogart ; hazy Daisy and French Knot Embroidery, Embroidery, Mrs. Ira Lowe. Mrs. D. G. Hooper, Colored Fancy Work, Mrs. Roy Putnam. FLOWERS AND PLANTS Collection of Asters, Roy Putnam, Mrs. R. ; H, Brown ;iShell Pink Asters, Asters, Roy Putnam; Rose Asters, T, W. Jackson, R-oy Putnam; Red Asters, Asters, Roy Putniam, R, IT, Brown ; Mauve Asters, Boy Putnam, R. II. Brown ; Purple Asters, Roy Putnam, R. H. Brown; Dianthus- or Pink, coll., Geo. B. Biclde & Son ; ; Carnation, coll., Mrs. Ada Annis ; Calendula, col., Roy Putnam ; African Marigold, Roy Putiiam, R. H. Br-own ; French Marigold, R. H, Brown, F. W. Tamblyn Tamblyn ; Nasturtiam, Col., Mrs. A. IT. Found, T. W. Jackson; Nicotina, col. M. IT. Staples, Roy Putnam; Single Petunia, Geo. B. Biclde & Son, Roy Putnam ; Double Petunia, Roy Putnam Putnam Best Display of Pansies; Geo. B. Mickle & Son ; C-ol. of Stocks, Roy Putnam ; -Col. of V erfoenas, 11. II. Bro-wn; Col. of Salpiglossis, Geo. B, Biekle & Son ; Salvia, Roy Putnam, R, H. Brown; Snapdragons, col, Roy Putnam ; Zinnia, Pom-pom, col., Roy Putnam ; Large Flowered Zinnia, T. W, Jackson, W. IT. Carruthers & Son; Col. Roses, W. II. Carruthers & -Son ; Phlox. Drummond!, Col.. M. II. Staples, Mrs. F. Dean ; Col. Cosmos, Cosmos, Geo. B. Biekle & Son, Mrs. W. H. Rowe;'Decorative Dahlias, Mj. II. Staples (2nd): ; Dining Table Bouquet, Bouquet, M IT. Staples, F. L. Squair & Son ; Living; Room Bouquet, Mrs. Ada Annis, Roy Putnam ; Gol. Gladioli, Gladioli, II. U. Staples, Bby Putnam ; any Color Glad, M. H. Staples, Mrs. W. H- Rowe ; Dark Glad, Rov Putnam, M. FT Staples ;: Pink-or Rose Glad. Roy Putnam : Annuals. Col, M. II. Staples. R;oy Putnam ; Perrpuial, col, Hiss Lorna Hooper : Best Arranged High Banket, Boy Putnam : Best Arranged Arranged Low Basket. Mrs. Ada Annis, "Rov Putnam • Çol. Cut Flowers, Mrs. Ada Annis. B. TI. Brown : Japanese TPntems, Geo. B. Biekle & Son ; Col. Wild Flower-:. Fred Blackburn 3fr W Farrow; Beefsteak Beg, Mrs, W. H. Rowe, Mrs. F. Dean ; Rex Begonia, Mrs. W. F arrow, Mrs. W. II. Rowe ; Tuberous Begonia, M. H. Staples ; Begonia in Bloom, Mrs, D. G, Hooper, Hooper, Mrs; Ed. D e an ; House Plants, Mrs. W. H, Rowe; Sword Fern, Mrs. W. Farrow, Mrs. Ira Lowe ; Aspidistra, Aspidistra, Mrs. W. F arrow ; W. W. Lane Special, Miss E. Waddell, Mrs. W. H. Rowe. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURE Knitted Skating Set, Mrs. W. A. McColl; Hot Pan Holder, Mrs.- Ira Lowe, Mrs. W .A. McColl ; Appliqued Quilt, Mrs. Ed. Dean, Miss Lorna Hooper; Handmade Gents' Shirt, Mrs. T. C. Bogart, Mrs. Ira Lowe; ■Practical Comforter, Mrs, Wellington Wellington F arrow, Miss E. Waddell; Fancy Homemade Comforter, Mrs. T. Bogart, Bogart, Mrs. W. Farrow; Pieced Cotton Quilt, Mrs. W. A. McColl, Mrs. Roy Putnam ; Embroidered Bedspread, Mrs. T. Bogart, Mrs. Roy Putnam; Hooked Hearth Rug, Mrs. Roy Putnam, Putnam, Mrs. W. A. McColl; Braided Hearth Rug, Mrs. W. A. McColl, Mrs. Boy Putnam ; Handmade Tea Towels, Mrs. W. A. McColl, Mrs. Ira Lowe; Bathmat, Mrs. T. Bogart, Mrs. Roy Putnam; Knitted Ladies' Scarf, Miss Lorna Hooper, Mrs. Roy Putnam Putnam ; House-work Apron, Mrs. T. Bogart, Bogart, Mrs. W. A. McColl; Knitted Child's Pullover, Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Mrs. W. A._McColl; Child's Play Dress and Bloomers, Mrs. T. Bogart, Mrs. W. A. McC-oll; Knitted Child's Sweater and Cap, Mrs. T. Bogart, Mrs. W. A. McColl ; Knitted Ladies' Pullover, Mrs. Roy Putnam, Mrs. Ira Little; Washable Housedress, Mrs. T. -Bogart, Mrs, Ira Lowe; Verandah J aeket, Mrs. T. Bogart, Mrs. Roy Putnam; Crocheted or Knit Wool Sofa Pillow, Mrs. O. G. Cooper, Mrs. Roy Putnam ; Plain Smock, Mrs, Roy Putnam, Mrs. Ira Lowe ; Knitted Wool Afghan, Mrs. W. A. McColl ; Crocheted Wool Afghan, Mrs. W. A. McColl, Mrs. Ira Lowe; Wool Tea Cosy, Mrs. T. Bogart, Mrs. W. A. McColl; McColl; Wool Sofa Pillow, Mrs. Roy Putnam, Mrs. T. Bogart ; Hooked Rag Mat, Mrs. Boy Putnam, Miss Lorna Hooper ; Knit or Crocheted Ladies' String Dress, Mrs. J. E. Armstrong, Mrs. W. A. McColl ( Knitted Knitted Costume,. Miss Lorna . Hooper, Mrs. Boy Putnam ; Best Labor Saving Saving Device, handmade, Mrs. W. A. McColl, Mr®, T. Bogart ; Best Article Article made from Flower Sack, Mrs, Ira Lowe, Miss Lorna Hooper ; W. F. Rickard; M.F., Special, Morrish Women's Women's Institute, Nestletbn Women's Institute, Orono Women's Institute, : VEGETABLES Beets, Blood, Table, Geo. B. Biclde & Son, Robert All in; Red Table Carrots, Mrs, R. Allin, Geo. B. Biclde & -Son; Winter Cabbage, Roy Putnam, Geo. B. Biekle & Son ; Red Cabbage, Roy Putnam ; Celery, Roy Putnam, "Mrs. Reg. Sutton; Citrons, R. Armstrong, Mrs. A. H. Found ; Red Mangles, Mr,. Ed. Dean, Mrs. A. H. Found; Yellow Mangles, Mrs. A. H. Found, T. L. Squair & Son; Sugar Mangles, Mrs. Ed. Dean, Mrs. A. II. Found ; Red Onions, Roy Putnam; Putnam; Yellow Onions, Roy Putnam, Geo. B. Biekle & Son ; Parsnips, Geo. B. Biclde & Son ; Field Pumpkin, Fred Blackburn, Wesley Brown; Pie Pumpkin, F. W Tambivn, W, Brown ; Summer Squash, Geo. B'ickle & Son, w. Brown ; Winter Squash, G e o. Henderson Jr, F. Blackburn; Red Tomatoes, Mrs. A. H. Found, W. Brown ; Swede Field Turnips; Mrs. Robert All-in, N. E. Andrews; Watermelons, Watermelons, R, Armstrong, Geo. Biekle & 'Son; Muskme-lons, W. Brown, Geo. Biekle & Son ; Early Pota toes, II. Blakely, Mrs. Reg. Sutton; Late Po- atoes, H. Blakely, Mrs. A. II Brown : Gol. Potatoes, H. Blakely; Exhibit Garden or Farm Products, Mrs, W. F arrow, Geo. Biekle & Son ; Wm. Biddell Special, Bushel Late Potatoes, Potatoes, H. Blakely ■ FRUIT ; Best Gol. Fa'll Apples,'. Wilfred: Carruthers, Mrs." Neil Mutton, Geo. Biekle & Son ; Best Col. Winter Apples, Apples, Wilfred Carruthers, Mrs. Neil Mutton, F. L. Squair & Son ; Alexander Alexander Apples, Wilfred Carruthers, Milton I). Brown ; Duchess Apples,- Mrs. F. Xoveldn,, Geo, • Biclde & Son; St. Lawrence; Geo. Biclde & Son, Wilfred Carruthers • 'Graven- stein, W. Carruthers, Neil Mutton ; Wealthy, Mrs. F. Lovekin, W.Car- ruthers. Snow, > Nejl Mutton, Geo. tickle & /Son ; Cranberry Pippin, Neil Mutton : Macintosh, Geo.' Biekle & Newcastle Woman Dies In The Bowmanville Hospital After Crash W. Carruthers; Baxter, W. Carruthers, Carruthers, Mrs. F. Lovekin; Delicious, F. L. Squair & Son, Neil Mutton; Blenheim Blenheim Orange Pippin, W. Carruthers, Gordon Brent; Six Quart Basket of Snows, Neil Mutton, Geo. Biekle & Son ; Six Quart Basket of St. Lawrence, Lawrence, Geo. Biekle & Son, F. W, Tamblyn Tamblyn ; Six Quart Basket Gravenstein, W. Carruthers, Gordon Brent ; Six Quart Basket Macintoshs, Geo. Biekle & Son, Mrs. F. Lovekin; Wolf River, G. Biekle & Son, W. Carruthers Carruthers ; Taim an Sweet, W. Carruthers, Carruthers, Geo. Biekle & Son; Wagner, Neil Mutton, W. Carruthers; Northern Northern Spy, W. Carruthers, F. L. Squair & Son ; Golden Russet, F. L. Squair & Son, Neil Mutton ; Rhode Island Greening, Neil Mutton, F. L. Squair & Son ; King, Geo. Biekle & Son, W. Carruthers ; Baldwin, W. Carruthens. Mrs. Ed. Dean ; Ben Davis, Neil Mutton, W. Carruthers'; Stark, Geo. B'ickle & Son; Crab Apples, Apples, Gordon Brent, F. W. Tamblyn, Gol. Pears, Geo. Biekle & Ron, F. L. Squair & Son, F. W. Tamblyn ; Bartlett Bartlett Pears, Neil .Mutton, Géo. Biekle & Son ; Sheldon Pears, Geo. Biekle & Son, F. W. Tamblyn; Flemish Beauty Pears, F. W. Tamblyn, Geo. Biekle & Son; Buerrie B'osc Pears, F. L. Squair & Son; Angou Pears, F. L. .-Squair & Son, Geo. Biekle & Son: Col. Plums, F, W. Tamblyn;: Bradshaw Plum®, F. W. Tamblyn : Burbank Plums, Gordon Brent, F. W. Tamblyn ; Imperial Gage Plums, W. Brown, F. Blackburn; Lombard Plums, Gordon Brent, F. W. Tamblyn Tamblyn : Rieinecaliid-e Plums, Gordon Brènt, F. Blackburn : Green Grapes, F. W. Tamblyn. E. Waddell ; Black Grapes, E. Waddell, F. W. Tamblyn. GRAIN AND SEED Bus. Fall Wheat, 1937, Roy Armstrong, Armstrong, Mrs. Ira Lowe ; bushel Hard Spring Wheat, Robert Armstrong, W. J. Least; bus. Barley, 6-rowed, Wesley .Brown, Robert Armstrong; bus. Barley, 2-rowed, W. J. Least; bus. White Oats, Robert Armstrong, W. J. Least ; bus. Small White Peas, Wesley Brown ; bus. Large White Peas, Mrs. Ira Lowe, R. Armstrong ; bus. White Beans, Mrs. Ira Lowe.; 25 ears Flint Corn, strung, Roy Ball; 1.2 Stocks Flint Corn Ears for Ensilage, Ensilage, Mrs. A. II. Found ; 12 Stocks Dont Corn for Ensilage, R. Armstrong, Armstrong, R. G. Moffatt; Sheaf Fall Wheat, 1937. Ti. Armstrong ; Sheaf Spring Wheat, 1937, Wesley Brown. ; Sheaf White Oats, 1937, Wesley Brown ; Barley Sheaf, 1937, \Y. Brown. DECORATIVE AND CONSTRUCTIVE CONSTRUCTIVE ART Col. China Pairing. Mrs. W, A. McCo ll ; Bread and Butter Plates, Mrs. W. A. McColl; Sandwich Tray, China, Mrs. W. A. McColl; Lustre Work, 3 pieces, Mrs. W. A. McColl; HandsPainted Salad Bowl, Mrs; W. A. McColl ; Low Flower Bowl, Mrs. Auto Collided With Trailer Truck--Inquest Held To-night From the result of an accident that occurred about two miles west of Bowmanville on Saturday evening of last week, Mrs; Edith Stephenson of Newcastle, died in the Bowmanville hospital on Tuesday. She was 60 years- of age. According to the story told the police a truck and light trailer, driven by G. Gilman, of Burgessville, was proceeding west down the hill near Bragg's corners, the scene of several accidents this year, when thé trailer, which was swaying, came in contact with the car driven by Mrs. Ross Dickinson, of Newcastle. The passenger car turned over on its side iii the .south ditch and the truck also went off the pavement following the impact. Mrs. Steghenson, one of seven passengers in "the car, was the most seriously injured of the seven, suffering, a fractured, pel-vis and puncture puncture of the bladder. Dr. McComib, of Toronto, performed an emergency operation on the injured woman Sun- day morning. Mrs. George -Stephenson, daughter-in-law daughter-in-law of Mrs. Edith Stephenson, also suffered -bruises and possible internal. internal. injuries. , Others in the car were Norton Cowan,. Gordon Ket- clium. Peggy and B c iiy Stephenson, daughters iff Mrs; G. Stephenson, They all suffered shock and minor bruises. Dr. C. W. Slemon, of Bow- manvi'lc, attended the injured people and had them removed to" the hospital hospital and on Sunday morning called in Dr. McComb for the emergency operation. One -side of the Car was -badly smashed- in, the seats were buckled and overhung the running board or, the opposite side. Traffic officer Harry Oolwill investigated. An inquest has been set for (tonight) (tonight) Thursday. MACKINNON SWAIL The home of Mr, and Mrs. Albert V. Swail, 383 Masson street, was the setting for a wedding of wide interest interest at 1.1 a.ml on Saturday, September September 18th, when Harriet Margaret only daughter of Mr. and- Mrs, Albert V. Swail, was united in marriage to Donald McCalllster Ma-ckinnon, of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs.-Donald Maokinnon of Kirby, Ont. E-ev. Gordon Gordon Maxwell, of Cambray. officiated. Autumn flowers, palms and ferns decorated the rooms. Wedding music- was played by Mrs. Gordon Maxwell. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a becoming gown of dusky green silk crepe fashioned with a shirred bodice, high neckline and- full skirt, brown accessories and a shoulder bouquet of white roses, Farrow: Col. Begonias, Mrs. W. Son, W. Carruthers : Scarlet Pippin. W. TÆoTHiTFw Ci: £. of the valley and Miss Margaret Anderson, of Toronto, Toronto, was bridesmaid, and wore a frock of French wine triple crepe with matching accessories. Talisman Talisman roses -and lily of the valley were arranged in her corsage. Frank Waram, of Toronto, was groomsman. Many guests attended the wedding breakfast sewed- at Pickering Arms, where the -bride's table' was centred with a lovely wedding cake. Vases of autumn. - flowers decorated the tablais, The happy couple left on. a wedding wedding trip 1 to Eastern Ontario arid Quebec. The , -bride chose a tailored dross- of black ivool crepe and satin' over which she wore a fingertip length coat: of Black wool crepe with buttons and frogs of black Persian lainib. Her hat and other accessories accessories were black. Mrs. W. A. McColl ; Assorted Cups and -Saucers, Mrs. W. A, McColl ; Tea Sot, Mrs. McColl ; Col. Manual Art, Miss' E. Waddell, Mrs. W. McColl; Pest New Craft, Mrs. F. Bogart,* Mrs. McColl ; Russell Osborne Special, Special, Best Col. Antiques, Mrs. D. G. Hooper, Mrs. E. Eagleson. , FINE .ARTS' Oil Painting Portrait, Mies E. Waddell, Miss Agnes Wadd e ll ; Oil Painting, Figure, Mrs. W. A. McColl, Miss E. Waddell; Oil Painting, Animal, Animal, Roy Putnam, Mrs. W. A. McColl McColl ; Oil Painting, Marine, Miss E. Waddell, Miss Agnes Waddell ; Oil Painting, Landscape, Miss E. Waddell, Waddell, Boy Putnam"; Oil Painting. Fruit, Rov kPutnarm, Miss E. Wad- doll. Oil-, Painting, Flowers, - Miss E". Waddell. 'Mrs, F. Bogart ; Water Colors, Figure. ; Miss' E. Waddell, Mi-s.s- ■ Agnes Wadd-ell ; Water Colors, Portrait,. Mrs.: F. -Bogart, Mrs. W. McColl; Water, Animal, Miss- E. Wa ddelk Mrs, F. . Bogart ; W'ater Color, Marine, Mrs. F, Bogart. Miss U Waddell - Water Color. Landscape. Landscape. Mrs. F. Bogart; Roy Putnam: Water Colors, Flower, Mks E Waddell, Waddell, Mrs;: F. Bogart ; Wafer Color, - (Continued on page four) PORT HOPE FAIR In: addition to the-published prize list for the Port Hope Fair, the Durham Durham Ho[stein .Club will. present six Prizes for mate and f emale "Holsteins under two years -of age, dam and sire of R O. P. stock. Owners should ' Communicate with the secretary for entry forms, etc.

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