'Yi V, MB HH am. B»as ' ,vi • X'J ê A I AGENTS WANTED p OOD PROFITS EVERY DAY SEL- '■A ling our guaranteed hosiery. Plenty Plenty of repeat orders, Protected territory territory for producers. Clarion Company, Post Office 162, St. Catharines, Ont. 0 « lü i^LfS* 1 'CAüb p ROGRESSIVB AGENTS WANTED for made-to-measure men's clothing. clothing. Supercraft Clothes, 504-1 St. Lawrence, Lawrence, Montreal, Quebec, ' SEND FOR FREE KIT COBLE'S, manufacturers for their *■* * own 24 city stores across Canada, Canada, want agents to become exclusive exclusive factory representatives. Men and women, earn big money! Sell Sobie's guaranteed Lingerie and fine Hosiery. Hosiery. Get into this profitable business business now. Write today for free outfit. Sobie's Silk Shops, Department S.T. Farnham, Que. CCn HO WEEKLY SELLING FELT «piJV.'VU Rugs. For full particulars write M. Shedel, Box 473, Mimico, Ont. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS OANGER STANDARD LIMB CO., 126 Wellington Street West, Toronto. Toronto. Improved light metal and willow willow artificial limbs without. shoulder straps. BARN ROOFING -- FENCE POSTS ryj R DIRECT FACTORY PRICES gave you money on Supèrtite galvanized galvanized roofing, Superior steel Fence Posts and steel granary lining. Superior Superior Products Limited, Sarnia, Ont. CARPETS RE-WOVEN INTO RUGS r)LD CARPETs"wOVEN LVJ'ORK w versible Rugs. Write for price list. Baker Cleaning Co., Toronto 1. CORONATION COVERS iblRST - DAY ISSUE CORONATION 1 Covers--Newfoundland 30c each. L. Hodder, Bay-de-Verde, Newfoundland, Newfoundland, DOGS lLJIGH CLASS SCOTCH, ENGLISH ° Collie Pups, natural born, low heelers, good watch dog. Males, two months, $3.50. 3 months $3.75. Females $2.00. Failures replaced free. Trained cattle dogs, trained fox, coon and deer hounds. Rapidview Kennels. Morris- bur! v. Ontario. FURNITURE LYONS' USED FURNITURE BARGAINS Great savings in our Furniture Trade-in Department. Our low prices have made this department the largest largest and : most popular in Toronto. Just a few of the hundreds of specials are listed here. If you don't see what you want advertised come in or write, Lyons are sure to have it and at the lowest price in town. Every piece of furniture is sanitarily treated and completely refinished to look like new. (CQ nn Beautiful American walnut «POOGW bedroom suite, large chiff- l-obe, full length triple mirror vanity and full size 4-poster bed with sagless spring. Completely refinished. Cost new over $200.00. CO Walnut finish dresser, in ▼" I *vw perfect condition, with full size steel bed to match, sagless spring and brand new all-felt mattress. d>-| q Cf| Solid oak dining-room •piiS.JV sUiteg _ i aV g e buffet, extension extension tables 1 and 6 leather upholstered chairs, in perfect condition. Your choice of golden or fumed oak. (POÇj ft if) Beautiful solid walnut din- «POB'.VV ing _ room suite, large buf- : fet, twin pedestal extension table, china cabinet and 6 chairs upholstered In genuine leather. A really fine suite and looks brand new; complbtely re- finished. Cost originally about $300.00. â>4,7 #)/) Eight-piece, 2-tone walnut y 4 ® «VV finigll dining-room suite -- Queen Ann design ; large buffet, extension extension table and 6 chairs upholstered in genuine leather. Completely refinished, refinished, OO Luxurious 3-piece chester- «Pbiy.W fiel(1 guite (unclaimed). -- This suite has been rebuilt and recovered recovered in a very attractive brand new brown repp; has Marshall reversible spring cushions and is a real bargain at this price. Originally cost $175.00, is exactly like new. «U9Q EJO Full length chesterfield «p<«S.UV and two roomy chairs to match, upholstered in a novelty repp with reversible" Marshall cushions and show-wood walnut frame ; completely re-conditioned and dry cleaned. 4JOÇ AA Large Chesterfield with «pUeJoW two big chairs, covered in a French Jacquard Taupe shade; completely re-built and thoroughly dry cleaned. Large assortment of Kitchen Cabinets, Cabinets, Sewing Machines, Gas Stoves, Library Tables, Beds, Spring- Mattresses, Mattresses, ' Odd' Dressers, Chiffoniers, Studio Couches, etc., at amazingly low prices. TRADE-IN DEPT. LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING GO. Stive 40%. Buy Direct from Factory 478 YONGE ST. TORONTO THAT S FRESH AS A DAISY SWEET AS NU l. 2 I f THE PERFECT Chewing Tobacco & El iSSL9 fill ptiS 1 ELECTRIC WELDER ^ The Trindl Electric Welder WONDERFUL NEW INVENTION. V Operates from C-volt battery. Welds--Solders--Brazes. $4.50 delivered. delivered. R. H. Anderson, Lindsay, Ont. ~ " EDUCATIONAL STENOGRAPHY BY MAIL--WRITE " for free sample lesson. Miss Macdonald, Macdonald, 3472 West Broadway, Montreal, Montreal, Quebec. FILMS AND PRINTS ENLARGEMENTS FREE WITH every 25 cent order. Roll films developed and eight prints 25. cents, reprints 3 cents each, Brightling, 29 Richmond Street East, Toronto. SPARKLING, HIGLOSS, DECKLE 13 edged prints, three extra with each roll finished 25c. Twelve reprints 25c Delhanty's, Webbwood, Ont. -- ROLL DEVELOPED AND one deckle edge print of each. Reprints 3c, 10 for 25c. One Free enlargement enlargement with each order 25c or more Snap-Y Photo Service, Box 72, Station K, Toronto. yKKO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. Roll with free enlargement 25c. Trevanna Studios, 93 Niagara Street, St. Catharines, Ont. {DOLLS DEVELOPED AND EIGHT ^ prints with free enlargement, 25c. Reprints 3c each. Commercial Photo Service. Dept. B.. Outremont Que. P UK FARMING raAISE MINK FOR PROFIT -- GET IV started right with Moss "Quetico" strain mink--guaranteed stock. Write for full information, Moss Fur.Farms, Limited (mink breeding specialists), Sapawe, Ontario. 'MINK with a proven pelt record, the same strain which averaged $36.50 in 19-36 and $41.50 in 1937, and that after the best have been sold for breeders. O. Lee, Faust, Alberta. "grëâFsalë ûsedTîânôs fXRIGINALLY COSTING WHEN ^ new up to $800., good makes, beautiful beautiful walnut, mahogany and golden oak cabinets, In real good condition, tuned, including piano benches ; bargain prices, $39.50, $49.50, $59.50. Ideal for homes, schools, churches.. Write, for our bargain price list. Sovereign's Sales, 2418B Dufferin St.. Toronto. HELP WANTED miscellaneous YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN--positions WOMEN--positions more easily' secured if you train for Telegrapher or Stenographer. Become stenographer in ten weeks notes written in English. Typewriter supplied. Self-teaching machine loaned loaned with telegraphy. Inexpensive. What course interests you? Write Cassan Systems, Toronto. LILY BULBS DLANT LILIES NOW -- ADD TO r brightness of your garden with Lilies from home-grown bulbs of reliable reliable varieties. Also other perennial flowers--and fruit trees for northern gardens; all of the hardiest strains. Send for Autumn Catalogue with instructions instructions for Lilies,, etc. Arrival of all plants in good condition guaranteed. guaranteed. The Manitoba Hardy Plant Nursery, F. L. Skinner, Prop., Drop- more, Manitoba. ™ r ~ " 'machinery IT OUR NEW PRICES ON THE Goold, Shapley & Muir gas, gasoline, gasoline, and fuel oil engines and grinders. Also repairs for Brantford engines, pumps, windmills. J. A. Fellows & Co. Brantford, Ont. CANNING MILL (KLINE) SEED Grader, guaranteed Increase crop. Write, Kline Mfr.. 121 Empress Créa., Toronto. REBUILT FARM MACHINERY AND trucks composed of: Grain choppers choppers S" to l5";> Gas engines 1% to 14 h.p,; Tractors 8 x 16 to 25 x 40 h.p.; Rower units 26 h.p. up; Ensilage cutters; cutters; 21 Trucks from %-ton up. We pay spot cash for old tractors. Write or see us. Hânna's International Sales & Service, MacDonnell St.-, Guelph, Ontario. . MEDICAL CONSTIPATED?-- Immediate Re-, ,v> lief--(money back guarantee.) Perfect (brand) ' Laxative Pills, 35c box, 3 boxes $1.00, Mail orders _ invited, invited, Perfect Chemical, 46,0 Richmond!^., Richmond!^., Toronto. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS " I EARN TO RLAN Â SAXOPHONE, • Trumpet, Trombone-.. < Become a Musician. Send for Form for six. days' Free Trial. Ten months' terms--no in terest. Literature free. Greene Music Company. 57 Queen St., East, Toronto. Doctor--"What is a red corpuscle?" Recruit--"A red corpuscle is a Russian Russian non-commissioned officer." Sensational New Discovery DECHARGES RADIO B's, FLASH- R lights, dry cells, guaranteed like new. Stamped envelope brings full particulars. A. E. Lueck, Box 152, Lockwood, Sask. ï EAF BURLEY, FOUR POUNDS *-* si 00 fourteen pounds $3.00. Five pounds Virginia Leaf Cigarette Tobacco Tobacco $2.00. Postpaid with flavoring. Natural Natural Leaf Tobacco Co., Leamington, Ont. . \T/E GUARANTEE YOUR -FIT WITH W best quality, latest style suit or winter overcoat (slightly used), regular regular to $60.00 for $6 to $12. Fall coats, regular to $35.00 for $4 to $8. Suit coats, $2, $2.50, $3. New trousers m tweeds, serges and worsteds, $1.25, $1.75, $2.25, $2.95. Postpaid, State measurements, colours, style, age. Satisfaction Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. refunded. Send money order--Ruskm & Co., Peterboro, Ont. PERSONAL DOCKS EVERY MARRIED COUPLE 0 and those contemplating marriage should read. "Entering Marriage," 24 pages, postpaid, 15c. "Sex and Youth," 104 pages, postpaid, 25c. Our 20 page illustrated catalogue of books, drug supplies, and household novelties, free upon request. Supreme Specialty, 169 Yonge, Toronto. The YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, Comfort,- Positive Support _ with our advanced method. No elastic or understraps or steel. Write, Smith Manufacturing Co., Dept. 219, Preston, Ont. FôüItry'and eggs Free Range Pullets ALL HEALTHY STOCK FROM " Government Approved blood-tested blood-tested breeders--Leghorns, Barred Rocks, 10 weeks old 40c, 12 weeks old 50c, 14 weeks old 6 lie. Act quickly. At these low prices, they will soon sell. Write for prices on older pullets. Tweddle Chick Hatchery, Limited, Fergus, Ontario. - Ï^ÂDÏÔ P ARM-CITY RADIOS $7.95 COM- r plete. Save half. Agents free otter. Amazing prices windchargers, power plants, accessories. Marco 1243X Mc- Gee, Kansas City, Mo.- STAMPS DTANTED, CANADIAN STAMPS IN quantity. Best prices for accumulations accumulations and collections. Queen Stamp Co., Toronto. SALESMEN WANTED CALESMEN, EASY TO EARN $25.00 ^ weekly. Sell shirts, pyjamas, made-to-measure. Dignified work. Every Every man interested. Write D. Stetson, Box 2110, Montreal. ■ TÊLÊVISIOÎTaND RADIO pNGINEERING TAUGHT PRA.CTI- . cally. Motors, generators, armature armature winding, electrical drafting, etc. Day and evening classes. Special correspondence correspondence course. Employment service service guaranteed. Canadian School of Electricity. 282 Ontario West, Montreal. Montreal. TIRES .Bfi'iNziE'S. USED TIRES $2.95 UP for Ford, Chevrolet, Plymouth Dodge,. Buick, Oldsmobile, Pahkarq, Cadillac and all other cars and trucks. ; Every tire guaranteed. 190 King West, Toronto. - -- ' TRAPPING ¥ CAUGHT 16 FOXES TN 3 .DAYS, You can do, it. Particulars free. Wells Hadley, Stanstead, Que. WATCH REPAIRS 30 ŸiÂRS' EXpËrÏÊnCE •$1.00 re P lac ?? maiuspring ' jewel, * , cleaning, hands, crystals, dial repaired. Providing no parts missing. 2-years guarantee. , Return1 Return 1 .postage paid. Formerly 1 with Hamilton Watch Factory., American Swiss Watch Specialist Keg'd,. Dept. W., 4313 Brebeuf, Montreal, SHE WAS X-RAYED 12 TIMES Tried Electric Treatment For Rheumatism To suffer for five years with pains in the hack ... to he X-rayed 12 times ... to undergo electric treatment for three years . . . and then to find that Kruschen was what she really needed to get relief--that was this woman's experience:-- "Five years ago, I was taken ill with, pains in my hack. After three weeks in bed I was sent to hospital. At first, spine trouble was suspected, but after 12 X-rays I was found to have serious lumbar rheumatism. For over three years, I was given electrical treatment three times a week. Last year, I tried Kruschen Salts and it has done wonders. wonders. I have discontinued hospital treatment, and last winter, the first for five years, I was free from pain. My friends are amazed to see me so well." (Mrs.) E.P. In a good many cases, rheumatism cannot resist the action of Kruschen Salts, which dissolve the painful crystals crystals of uric acid--often the cause of those aches and pains--and assist the kidneys to eliminate the poison through the natural channels. v K4 V s V Smiles and Chuckles 8 V I ! The reason there are so many dog lovers in this world is because almost everybody is important in the eyes of a dog. A few well-earned compliments are the spice of life. Lieutenant (giving examination) -- "This exam will he conducted on the honor system. Please take seats, three apart in alternate rows. NEUHITIS One thing that: helps is to warm a dish, pour in Min- ard's. Then rub the liniment gently in. Pain eases off I PA About the time a fellow gets enough money saved so that he can go places - and see things, says Mr. Bright, rheumatism rheumatism sets in. Read it or not;--The world's oldest . living married couple is Rustam Mane- 1 dov and his wife Sayat, of Armenia. Their ages are 140 and 116. We've noticed anyway that it's the ; brain workers who insist that brain 1 work is really harder than physical ) labor. - i L Critics declare the gentlemen who write the gags for the radio comedians are "near the end of their rope." In most cases, though, it wasn't their rope in the first place. We pay for our wrong-doings only So far as we can. They are like debts. Copper Can One of the Arts, accredited to the ; ancient Egyptians and thought to have been lost to modern science, is that of tempering copper. Scientists be- : lieve that the Egyptian legend is true only to the extent that the ancients hardened this copper by hammering. It is now claimed that by the addition j of 2 % of a metal called Beryllium j to copper, the alloy can be tempered | to a hardness that will even cut steel. The vast possibilities that this new alloy offers to «modern industry has stimulated the search ail over the, world for deposits of the mineral Beryl, from which the metal Beryl lium is extracted. Geologists agree that Canada offers the best hunting ground and it is expected that large deposits of the mineral will be found in this country. By Beasley'» W©nderfuB Mew AEa* CtsshS&ra ENDORSED BY THE MED6CAL PROFESSION Thousands of ruptured people have found instant relief from Rupture given by this light, easily washed, inflated air cushion. Com Editable and cannot slip. Holds rupture gently firmly, affording tissues increased chance of ' re-uniting. Y ou inflate or deflate it to pressure you desired A. wonderfully simple but 10055 effective device.' Doctors recommend it. Th» "Lancet", the great medical paper and th< Institute of Hygiene endorse it, 1 Send for Free Trial Particulars BEASLEY'S (Canada) LTD. Dept. 37E 60 Front St. W., Toronto Issue No. 38- B--1 -'37 "SUPERBILT SXSsS* •i.m a a et «'«s'rijM The best and .most economical Sgfterÿ equijjSlnent for yôu* radio. pEY LAST LOjpER .. ' Vrite for Pamphlet on ' ' SUP if 1 //// A' Pi i er a « ESI && UPH Vaiipitla S-i 1-1,1 s