Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 16 Sep 1937, p. 6

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X 3R&N9 WEEKLY TIMES To the People of Orono & District For 'the past two weeks it 'has not been a pleasant task fop me to inform my customers of my retirement from the drug business, for it is not without regret till at I am breaking my relations with the public. I hereby wish to announce flic sale of my business to Mr. Charles IB. Tyréll, of Toronto, who took possession on September 1st. - In doing so I wlishi to express my -sincere thanks to the people of Orono and surrounding country for the splendid patronage they have given me for the past 43 years. I have learned to regard the people of this community as friends and the pleasant relationships and friendships formed in this time will not soon be fo-rgcutten, but will be looked back to with a great deal of pleasure. Mr. Tyrrell is a young man well qualified with both good country and city experience who I am sure will serve you well and I would bespeak for him the same fine support you have always given me. I shall continue to carry on my optical practice in mV present office in the drug store and shall be glad to serve old and new clients who may require my services as an optometrist. Yours very sincerely, John J. Gilfillan COWAN'S In the near future your dollar will buy only 90 cents or possibly possibly 80 cents worth of goods at the present day prices. Our stock is now complete with Fall and Winter Merchandise, and if you want to save 10 to 20 pe-r cent, on your money we would advise you to stock up now. MEN'S ALL WOOL WORSTED SUITS, new styles extra pants FREE) -■• $12-95 to $17.95 MEN'S NEW FUR FELT HATS, in black, town or navy silvertoiies , --v- $1.98 LEATHER WORK MITTS, men's and boys' one finger or 5 finger styles 29c. to 79c. ALL- WOOL WORK SOCKS : 10c. BOYS' ALL WOOL ZIPPER SWEATERS, sizes 24 to 34 98c. GIRLS' MIDDIES, 6 to 14 89c. LADIES' DRESSES ON SALE--We have selected one dozen of our last year's CREPE DRESSES, mostly small sizes and will offer them as is 98c. SUGAR 5 LBS 28c. WHOLE MIXED PICKLING SPICES ..LB 19c. ONION'S .'. ...9 LBS 25c. PHONE 77R1 RED & WHITE STORES Jewel Shortening, 2 lbs. 25c. YELLOW SUGAR, 4 lbs, for ....... 25c. NLIT.SON'S COCOA, 1-2-lb. tin 19c. PARKE'S CATSUP FLAVOUR, bottle 35c. PURITY OATS, in large pkgs. ...21c. 2 TINS POTTED MEATS 19c. -Good BULK TEA :49c. ORONO PASTRY FLOUR, 24 lbs. 72c. CASTILE SOAP, 10 cakes for 25c. PUFFED WHEAT, 2 pkgs. for 19c. 2 pkgs. Pep, glass Free 25c. COOKING RICE, 4 lbs- for 1...... ...,25 c. (A LAY SOAP, 4 bakes 19c. CHIPSO, large pkg 21c. Special - Five Rose Flour - Special 98 lb. bag - $4.15; 24 lb. bag - 1.13 7 lb. bag - 31c. Red & White Baking Powder with 1 bottle of Vanilla, all for - 25c. Chuck Roasts Beef, spllL, lb. 13c. Cooking Onions, 5 lbs. for - 13c. From this date on leave your order for fresh Fish J. J. CORNISH PHONE 12r2 LOCAL AND SOCIAL Mr. Ed. Morton is on the sick, list this week. Mr. George Luna attended! the Osha-wa Fair last Saturday. -Read the addlvertiseinents in the Orono Weekly Times- and prosper. Mrs. John Greenwood from the States is vi-siting Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter. Mr. and Mrs, Norman All-in visited lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Allin, Sunday. Miss Shirley Rowe, of Brampton, is visiting her -cousin, Mrs. j. E. I Richards. Many from Orono attended the Conservative meeting held at Port Hope, last week. •Mr. and- Mrs. Carl Billings and family, also Miss Someth, spent the week-end at Lake Si-meoe. Mr. F. Sheivlin and Mr. !.. Messenger, Messenger, from Buffalo, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Dean. Messrs. LeEoy brown and J. C. Tamhlyn left on Wednesday for .a trip to Hudson Heights, Quebec. tSee your friends at Durham Central Central Fair at Orono on Tuesday and Wednesday, -Sept. 21st and 22-nd. Mrs. Margaret Cooper and Mrs. 4. !.. Seairie visited recently with Mrs. William Henry on the sixth line. Mr. Wel-don Inch of Weston and lady friend called on his! grandmother, grandmother, Mrs. Samuel Billings-, on Friday. Friday. Mrs. Gilfillan returned' home Sunday Sunday evening from Columbus, Ohio, where she attended her brother's funeral. funeral. Vernon Saunders returned to the city after spending a week's vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Saunders. Miss Malbol Duvoy and Mrs. Frae- -liiçk have returned home from Toronto Toronto where they were attending the Exhibition. Miss Marion Dickson, teacher -at Campbell ford, is home. Her school has been closed on account of infantile infantile paralysis. Mr. and Mrs, D. Gibson of O-shawa and Mrs, George Convier of Port Union visited last week at ML Nelson Nelson Oo-uvier's. Miss D-oris Low-den, R.X.. of Orillia Orillia Ontario Hospital, is spending her holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Olias. Loxvden. Mr. Lawrence Wan nan and bride of Toronto are spending their honeymoon honeymoon with Mr. and Mrs. John Wan- nain and other relatives here. 'Rev. and, Mrs. Corwin Oldls and family of Rockland, Maine, are spending a few days with their cousins, cousins, Mr. and Mrs. II. Bo-wen. Mr. Clarence Reid and Mr, Belaud Keat visited Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davev on Thursday last, returning from a, fishing trip at Rice Lake. Rev. John Marshall and Mrs.- Marshall, Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Ja-s. Clark, Mrs. Arhptt, of Toronto, spent Monday with Mr. arid Mrs. Arthur Saunders. Allen Cornish, young son of .Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cornish, was operated operated on for appendicitis on -Saturday evening in the Bowmanville hospital, Mrs. Gray,. of Toronto, who lias been spending the last two months with her -sister,_ Mrs, Samuel Billings, Billings, returned to. her home on Sunday. Sunday. Contractor Frank Hall has commenced commenced work on the new cement bridge at Henry iRiw-aneo'-tt's, - the old one being in very 'poor condition. condition. Mr. -MeL'Stuples is opening an apple apple market on the north of Mercer's garage on- Main street, Mr. Staples will handle - all first-cla-ss: a-pp les for shipping. Stores- in Orono will he open--next Wednesday evening (Fair night), and they will lie closed during Wednesday Wednesday afternoon from 2 until 4 o'clock. We are expecting our annual shipment shipment of Monarch Paint on -Sept. 20 and at the old price of 49-0, per quart. Every quart, guaranteed. Bolpth Hiarldlwiare. _ Mr. Hector Bowen was in the limelight, limelight, with his splendid team of heavy horses at Blacks tock fair yesterday, carrying off the red -ticket in the single single class and second in the double. After a layoff of a few months the Bowmanville Legion will meet in the Armouries af OronO on Friday Friday evening of n ext week. Everyone is asked to attend this meeting. We understand that Mrs, Dickson Dickson has rented her s-tore north of R. Oornfor-th's harness -shop, and that :it will handle. radio's, repairs and other , lines* of electrical appliances. appliances. Tmiprovements to different, homes in Qrono include Mr. Arthur Manning's Manning's home, having thé interior renovated, renovated, the work being done hv' Mr. John All in ; - also M(r. Russell Best's - house on Park: street is- having a double double chimney built, containing 12-50 bricks. 1 ' Mr. Wm. Rtutt's house, occupied occupied by Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gamey is having a new chimney built. Rev. R. A. What tant of Toronto, a former much esteemed pastor of Orono Circuit of the United Church, called on a number of old friends on Wednesday afternoon when he was the guest of Professor Sisson, Mr. and Mrs. Mowatt, who have been spending a- few holidays in town returned to their home on Labor Day aioeompanied- by Mr. R. Z. and Miss: Hall, who spent a few days- ho i days with them in "Beautiful Oakville.", Oakville.", Mr. George Armstrofig and Mrs. Helen Jamieson returned t 0 Timmins last week after a very pleasant visit with relatives- in town. M-r. and Mrs. Ju-dson Yetley and Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Yetley, of Marshall-town, Marshall-town, lo-w'a, called on their con- ! sins, Mrs. -S. Cut-tell and the H. Cl- Bowen family Wednesday. The oh-: ject of their visit was to see the birthplace birthplace of her father, the late J. A. Jerome farm west of the town. - Rainey's Grocery WEEK-END SPECIALS Tender Leaf Tea Exceptional Fine Quality PKG. 27c. Chase and Sanborn Dated Coffee, i n 1-2-11), bags 20c. Benson's Corn Starch, pkg 11c. New Honey, 44b. fin 53c. E. R. RAINEY PHONE 19-19 ORONO WE DELIVER ARMSTRONG'S SETS OF DISHES Arrived in stock this week a crate of SETS- OF DISHES, made in England by the Mcabins Coi,, the largest potteries in the world. They are 'all stock sets of 97 pieces. ^20 5 0 OUR PRICE ONLY DISHES You will be surprised to know what you can buy for 10 and 15c. in Vases, !i,,n Bon Dishes, Butter Dishes- and Cake Plates. See them, they are a very remarkable value. SUITS Bought this week from Cook Clothing Co. 20 SUITS of their $29.50 line, in double and single breast models, brown, grey and blue worsteds. PRICED... $22.00 UNDERWEAR Brush Knit Union Combination Combination Underwear for men, a comfortable weight for the cold weather coming In. Priced $1.50 SWEATERS Men's Heavy Jumbo Knit, All Wool Coals, in plain shades of brown, blue, black, d*0 PA Maroon. Special $Ze*'3U SOCKS All Wool, in Heavy Grey Ribbed Yarn, 3 pairs for $1.< rim rjrs# « nuKEno amaa» y - OVERCOATS We are sellig these SAMPLE COATS of Co-o-k Clothing. You are going to need a coat s-oon. See these, they are . the best: values we ever had in our sto-r-e. Your -J/h QQ Choice ' ; ■ SHIRTS Fancy Plaid Work Shirts, a real warm, heavy 1 PA fiette. Priced imam mum SHOES $2.95 & $3.95 Our FALL SHOES for Ladies are now in stock. They include Straps, Fancy Tics and Oxfords, in Suede, Patent and Kid. We have a large stock to choose from. PRICED -à.......... COATS & HATS The first of our FALL COATS and HATS will be in this week. You are welcome to come in and try on any coat or hat we have and you are under no obligation to buy. We will sell you if we can of course- CHOICE PRUNES, • lge ICING SUGAR, 3 lbs. „„ size, 2 lbs. for. ZOC for 23f RAISINS, 2 lbs, for CORN STARCH, 2 23c pkgs, for i 19( CORN SYRUP, 5-lb. ... , VANILLA, large size . - tin for I. ...... 4 VC -, bottle, ea-dh .......... I9 1

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