Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 15 Jul 1937, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS KENDAL Mr. Leonard Buckler was a weekend weekend visitor ,ait the home of Mr. John -Hatton, A large crowd attended the sale of Mr. Win. Boyd on Tuesday of last week. 'Miss Helen Darlington, Newton- vil'le, spent 'Sunday with her mother, Alrs. ; A. Darlington, Mr. and Mrs/Hugh Hoye, Oshawa were recent visitors at their diau; tier's, Mrs. ■ Oodll: Tebble. Mr.: and Mrs. Boss -Patterson, Tor onto, were week-end visitors at hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patter son. 'Mrs. George QuantriB arid 1 diaugh tor, Mrs. fra Thr.nipson, spent a few days reioently at' the, formers daughter, daughter, Mrs. Milton Plunkett, Toronto. A. number from here took in the Orange service at B'kcks-fcook Sun dlay afternoon, .a,Do the 12-th, when the Lodge from here were in the parade •at M'tibrook. The usual weekly meetings of the Young Paopile's haw© been diseonun ued throughout July and' August and monthly meetings will be held, instead during those month-. Mr. William and Mise Georgina Darlington are taking a summer course at Guelph College, also Miss Annabel'! Hendry of Newcastle, who. is teaching at McLean's school. Haying has been in full swing this past week, also- the terrific heat which has been pretty Hard on some of the ,crops and we were very thankful for the shower of rain Sunday afternoon Mrs, Wm. liittl'e lamid son,, accompanied accompanied by Mrs. No-den and daughter Viola, of Oron'o, are on - a nto-for trip to Chicago. to visit their" brother, Mr. Boss Lai nig and from there they are motoring to the coast, . Murray Plunkett, Toronto, has been visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George- Quan-tril, while hi; brother Ronald is spending his holi days with bis, uncle, Mr. Cecil Quan tril at FKzabefhville., Owing to the Orange . service at "lUacksn >ek there was a smaller atten dailies at church Sunday morning than usual huit those present were de lighted to hear again liov. liohor* Wrlagg, who is visiting Ms- parents at. Newtonvill'e. Mr. Wra/gg gave us a st lend ill talk on his work among the Ukrainians- in Canada, Messrs. Blake Alexander arid Bert Holland are again working in E! Kottls Cemetery and state tba.it; they are working as quietly as possible as they do not care to cause a dis-fm-b- ance among those they are working with but juist the same we are glad to say thia.it the bemetery in the not so- distance future promises to be a spot, of beauty and the community does appreciate what Mr. McLean"is doing with. it. o-- COWANVILLE Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnson of Toronto Toronto are visiting at Mr. and: Mrs. .Brooks Cowans; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Thompson of Toronto visited Mr. and' Mrs. W. A. Reid on 'Sunday. Mr. .-uni Mrs. Boy Burley, Port 'Drandby, visited Mr. arid Mrs. W-es-toT «Stringer on Sunday. Mr. and Bra O. Parnell visited Mrs. Parnell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Poirteousi on. 'Sunday. Mise Velma Cowan spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Roy Smith, Newtohiville, and; brought Carl us, her little nephew, home with her for the remainder of the week. The regular monthly meeting . oh the W.A. met in the Sunday School room Wednesday evening with a goodly attendance. After tjie business business was transacted there Whs a programme programme and social half hour followed, followed, I ■ . / - NEWTONVILLE Mi-sis Anniie Nesbitt was in Toronto on Friday, Remember Newton-ville Field Day ---Saturday, July 17th. M.iiss- Morton, Orono, is visiting Mi-sis. Jennie Thompson. -Miss Helen Darlington visited her mother in Kendal Sunday. Miss Velma. Cowan, Cowauvllle. visited her sister, Mrs. Boy Smith. A great many from here took in the "Glorious Twelfth" in Millbroo-k. \ n-uimlbêr from here attended the Traveller's picnic in Cobourg Wed no.-day. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Lane and Leone, Co-Lbonie, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. George Stapleton Sr. visited their daughter, -Mrs. Alvin Jones, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Colon, Osh- awa. arid. Mr-. F. Lippett, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Colon. Congratulations to Bud Jones and Elgin. Sawery who passed 1 their music examinations (piano) with honours. Mrs. G. W. Jones- had her toms-ils removed in Port Hoipe Hospital last week and has returned home again. Mr. MacGregor Jones h-a-s gone to Markham where h-e has accepted a position with -the Bell Telephone Co. Congratulations to Helen Couch, Dorothy Scott and Floyd M.ilbon, who .successfully passed their High S'dhoiol entrance. Mrs. B. Abbott and -daughter, Mrs. 11. Cransi,.!i. London, Ont, were guests of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs, J. Blame, last week. Mr. James Martin, Ernest Filina mid Gertrude and Miss Lynn, Stiay- ner, visited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs, George iStapleton Jr., Thursday. On /Saturday night the Township Council called a meeting' in our co-rn- mimiit-ÿ hall re street lighting in Newtonville. Nothing definite was -settled. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Walters and Mrs. Beg. Woodhara, Toronto, and Mr. Murt-oin Walters, Oishawa, were guests iof Mrs. N. 'Samis and Mrs. All,in, Sunday. Rev. Robl. Wragg, with his bride, has been visiting his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Albert Wragg and! condutit- ed the service in the United Church -Sunday evening, t Little Lois 1 Bellamy, 5-year-old daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Everett Bellamy. Brechin, and gramldangli ter of Mr. and Mrs. Loftus Bellamy, Newtonville, was successfully dper a ted on for appendicitis in Orillia 1 fospitnl. KIRBY i A 50° S \ ' Radio Repair Service I I Any Where! Any Time ! f . : I. |. IA more 'Completel line of Tubes will | i not be found tlms side of Toronto! !"--all Tubes leafed free of charge. ! j j ! Chas. R. Knox | | Phone 42r2, Orono | I 'Serving the public for -six years I 1 (formerly with Green's Radio j 'Service), 12-th and Monterey Sts., ■ Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Demiill spent the week-end a-t, Mr. John Brown's. Mias E. G. Bonny of Oekwood hais eturned home after a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. A, Powers. Miss Pearl Morrow has returned home again after .spending a, nice time in Toronto, Hamilton and other western cities. Mr. and Mrs. W. IT. Abbott, Lind say, were guests of Mr. C. A. Bow ers, Sunday. Mr. Abbott has held position-s on the O.N.R. for twenty five years and is considered an ex e'-lent employee. Mr. Os'erhout Spoke briefly to bis congregation on Sunday but very impressively to those who listen and left no plaice for mu I ice or hatred to -redi-minate in the minds of those who protf&sQ to be Christians, Air. and Mrs. TT. B. Darch of New Vorlk, who are spending their vacation vacation Bit their summer cottage, Bo-w- nnmvil'ie on the Lake, made a pleasant- pleasant- visit with their cousins, Messrs. •I. H. and A. M-orro-w, recently. Mrs. A. T. King of Biggmr, Alta., called 1 here Sunday to spend a few hours with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Powers. Mrs. King will return again later for a more prolonged visit with relatives- and friends' and we were pleased to see her. Mr. Perky Morderi, our up-to-date grocer and ton.sorlal, is doing a good busimesa, at present. As in, the past bis- goods are of the best -quality and prices oani't- be -excelled "anywhere, "anywhere, therefore, why riot patronize home industry and drop out the idea •of bbiing an elite when- only ordinary like others. The amount of wheat fed to livestock livestock and poultry during the crop season 1936-37 is estimated preliminarily preliminarily at 12,774,000 bushels, as com- narej with 20,939,000 bushels in the 1935-36 season. NEWCASTLE Mrs. Whitaker, formerly resident here, is,"Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Boss Dickenson. Miss A da Thom son -of Chicago is. visiting her cousins, Mists Sarah Ann Thomson and Miss Swim. Mr. W. E. N. Ward has gone to Toronto and with Mrs. Ward is going to W-a saga Beach for a holiday. Mrs. Lowery and son of Toronto are -again, occupying Mrs-. Long's cottage cottage at -the ,ake, Dr. Lowery coming down for the week-ends. Mr. George Wright, Mr, Douglas Wright and Miss Frank,is Brereto-n have motored 1 to Sudbury to- visit Mr. -and Mrs. Donald Wright. Miss Brown of Toronto has returned" returned" to the city -af ter spending her vacation vacation with her aunts, Mrs. John Douglas and 1 Mrs. Brittain. Mr. 'and Mrs. George Kirby and two -children from Cranston, Rhode Island, have been ysiting Mrs. Floyd Hurler and Mr. Hanlon Barker. Miss- Gladys Bradley, -accompanied by a friend, motored from Glovers- ville to spend her holidays with her parents, Mr. -and Mrs. John Bradley. Orono girls softball team visited Newcastle girls on Tuesday evening. The game went to the home team which has some very promising young players. Mr. and Mrs'. Henry Bagou and -their two- daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Gowdy of Toronto were Sunday visitors visitors with Mrs. John Douglas and Mrs. Brittain. Dr. anil Mrs. Le Boy Halfnvr, Mrs. Bradford Kay and 1 Mrs. Richard Turner Turner motored' from. New York to- visit their mother, Mrs-. George Eilbeck. Dr. Ha (In or returned to New York -on Monday. The Ladies- Bowling Club entertained entertained the members of the Port Hope Bowling Club on Monday afternoon for a friendly game. Twenty-four ipOlayad and tea was served. Prizes were won by Mrs. Highfield and Miss Lawrence of Port Hope and Mrs. Brittain and Mrs. Oarveth of Newcastle. Newcastle. CELEBRATES 90th BIRTHDAY A very pleasant and happy event of last Thursday was the celebrating of the 90th birthday of one of Newcastle's Newcastle's -oldest and most highly respected respected citizens, in the person of Miss Sarah Ann Thompson. In the afternoon Miss Thompson -was at home to her many friends, the old family home, beautiful with its- fine old 1 furniture, was most attractively decorated with all the old-fashioned garden flowers and 'amid them, Miss Thompson looked tranquil and happy and wore a becoming gown, of heavy black silk trimmed with o-kl lace and wearing a family heirloom, old gold beads-. She was assisted in receiving receiving her guests- by her cousin. Miss Annabel; iSlwim, in a rich mulberry silk and Miss A da Thompson of Chicago looking charming in a blue and white voile. The dining" room was- decorated in pink and white and the table looked beautiful with an Irish fillet elo-th and pink roses- in silver vases and tall pink tapers in silver candle sticks-. In the centre was a lovely two storied, birthday Cake decorated in, pink and white and having "90" in candles on the top story. During the afternoon Mrs. W. I f. Gibson in purple chiffon and Mrs. Merkl.v Clark in figured silk. poured 1 ton.. The assistants were two attractive young matrons, Mrs. Irwin Colville and Mrs. Gordon Watson and two young ladies, Miss Margaret Brown and Miss Hilda Rowland!. In -the entrance hall, Mrs. Howell Rowland Rowland was in charge of a guest book in which each caller inscribed her name. In the evening friends gathered gathered again, taking Miss Thompson by surprise. In the cool of the beautiful beautiful summer evening, they sat in the garden and Dr. Butler, as chairman, called for order. With a -few sincere and well chosen remarks he called on Mrs 1 . Wallace Holmes who read a short address of congratulations and felicitations to Miss 1 Thompson. Mçs. Harry J0-se then presented her with well filled purse. There followed few speakers, old friends of Miss I - n i min-s on, M:r. Joseph Ooulson, Mrs. Fred Bowen,, Mr. Fred Bowen, Mr. F. Rickard. Mr.-Robert Martin and the Bey. Samuel McLean, pastor of the United Church. Miss Mason, -and Mrs- Charlie Cowan sang" two dluets and between speeches' Miss Mason, led some community singing. ' Telegrams Telegrams were read' 'from Texas, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Quebec, Toronto;, Montreal! and BeHleville, and after singing an Id lang syne, coffee iand cake was- served. In seeing Miss Thompson taking her honors oallmly and serenely there was brought, to this reporter's mind "The Peace of God which passeth all ur.i- deT-taniling" and how it bad undoubtedly undoubtedly came to- Miss Tbotopson. Classified Advertisements in The Orono Weekly Times Bring Results WEEK-END SPECIALS TIGER CATSUP ; : J QUART 16c. LUX TOILET SOAP, SPECIAL 4 FOR 23c ICING SUGAR £ LB 9c. PORK & BEAN S, 22-;ounces ................ 1 2 FOR 19c SHREDDED COCOANUT / LB 15c' WASH QLOTHS , I. 3 FOR 13c. PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES / 2 PKGS ..27c. TENDERLEAFTEA Prices are up but we have aJ few days supply left at / 25c. pkg. NEW MERCHANDISE Fresh Shipment FANCY CAKES) including BUTTER BARS, SHORTBREADS, /ORANGE CREAMS and SNOWBALL MALLOWS, .etc. , LB 15c. MARVÂ COFFEE, a high grade blend LB 29c. ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE Shingles, as low as $3.25 PHONE 48R16 i Orono Goal & Lumber Co COWAN'S WE GUARANTEE YOU MORE FOR YOUR. MONEY IN BOTH QUANTITY AND QUALITY. REMEMBER, TO, WE WILL f PAY DOUBLE YOUR PURCHASE PRICE IF YOU PAN BUY THE SAME ARTICLE ON THE SAME DAY FOR LESS MONEY. SILVERT CREST SALMON (sold exclusively by us in Orono) 1 ; 1 2 FOR 25c. ORANGES (sample them) before you buy) 2 DOZ.. 29c. LEMONS ! DOZ 30c. LARGE SIZE ORANGES (we . sell! oranges of good quality only) ; .DOZ. 30c. AYLMER LARGE TOMATO JUICE 25 1-2 OZ 09c. 3 STRING BROOMS /.. .EACH 23c. CAMPBELL'S PORK AND BEANS 1 LB. TIN 07c. FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE, 1st QUALITY 49c. LADIES' PRINT HOUSE DRESSES, ALL SIZES .49c. LADIES' STRING SWEATERS I 69c. MEN'S POLO SHIRTS, White and Yellow ,59c. PHONE 77R1 I HOME IMPROVEMENT IS NOW THE SLOGAN OF BETTER/TIMES BLUE C0ÂL IS THE BEST, AND THEREFORE THE CHEAPEST OÜR summer price Will make it worth your While to order now WE UNDERSTAND MISLEADING STATEMENTS ARE BEING MADE AS TO THE PRICE AND QUALITY QUALITY OF "BLUE COAL." WE WOULD APPRECIATE THE OPPORTUNITY OF REFUTING THESE STATEMENTS, AND GIVING YOU THE CEIANCE TO SAVE MONEY ON YOUR COAL. per square I PROMOTION RESULTS Brown's, S.S. Ho. 5, Clarke High School Entrance -- William Webber. . ■ To! Sr. IV.--Richard Holley. ;j\-. . Jr. IV. -- Harold Wright i 1 lot:.). To Sr, HT.-- Roy Humphrey. To. Jr. >1111. -- Pauline Branch (Hon.), Joyce Eddy. To. Jr. I.-- Betty Stephenson (Hon.). ■ . 'Beginners -- Russel Branch, Bobby Stophensun, 'Jamies A. B. Mainwar- ing. --Teacher, E, M. Simpson S.iS. No. 16, .Cowan ville High School Eiutrance; -- Kathleen Kathleen Simpson (Hon.), B'erniéce Andrews, Andrews, V elma ' Cowan. To. Sr. III.--Willie Morris (Hon.), Grace Morris. Tq Jr. III.--Violet Hollings worth (Hon.), John Morris. To. . Jr. * 1L--Xorrivan Andrews (lion.), Fred Morris (Hon.). To. Jr. I,--Armond Holilinge- wigtli (Hon.), Renee 'Morris- (Hon.), Peter Sibilc>ek, Jim Morris. Beginner--Ruby -Morris. Flonours^--74 per cent. Teaicfher, Marion F. iSimpson •

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