Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 15 Jul 1937, p. 7

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J-- ■-- - • '■ ---- Her Limbs Were Almost Crippled Suffered with Sciatica for 25 Years Those who are subject to sciatica should read this letter frbm one who suffered for years before she found out how to obtain relief :-- "For 25 years I suffered from sciatica sciatica in my right side, and I had backaches backaches which forced me to remain in bed for two or three weeks at a time. When I got up in the mornings, my arms and legs used to pain me almost unbearably. One day I heard of Kruschen Salts- I took a bottle of them without feeling much improvement. improvement. I tried a second bottle, and that time I felt better. I _ have kept on taking Kruschen ever since," -(Mrs.) H.L. The pains of sciatica are frequent- - ly caused by an excess of uric acid in the body. Two of the ingredients of Kruschen Salts are notable for their work in dissolving uric acid. Other iriggodjents of these salts assist the interim! organs to expel the dissolved acid from the system. Sports Were Same 5,000' Years Ago Today's athletes are still enjoying sports that were popular 5,000 years ago, according to Dr. Ephriam A. Speiser, leader of a University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania expedition, which recently discovered Sumerian relics and bronze figurines showing wrestlers and boxers of that remote era, notes the Christian Science Monitor. The expedition spent one month at Khafaje, site of a Sumerian temple to the god of fertility, after devoting five months during the past season to continuing the excavation work at the mound of Tepe Gawra, 300 miles northwest of Khafaje in Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia. With almost every spadeful of KING OF Issue -Mo. 29---'37 . dirt removed from the Sumerian sites, Dr. Speiser declared on his return, return, these ancient people become more surprisingly "modern." The most interesting "finds" at Khafaje this season, he said, are a stone relic of two boxers and an exquisitely exquisitely cast bronze figurine of wrestlers, both found in the temple. "Both objects are unusually well preserved and were discovered in a pit near the ai.ar of the temple, thus indicating that the two sports formed formed an authorized part of religious ceremonies of that period," Dr. Speiser explained. "Except for the fact that one of the men is bearded, there is little to show that the work was executed 5,000 years ago. Both fighters are standing on their toes, with arms outstretched. In the figurine of the wrestlers the two contestants wear only narrow girdles around their waists. Their feet arc planted firmly on the ground and the arms of each man encircle his opponent's waist as if in an effort effort to force him. out of position and bring him to the mat." Let CMdren Handle Their OWn Allowance Bui If They Don't Use It Properly Properly They Must Be Taught A Lesson Summer is penny-catching t'me. It is surprising how sodas and ice cream cones, pony rides and balloons amount up. One mother says she'd rather face the winter's coal bills than this perpetual picnic. The good old summer time is, as it should be, a season of happiness, and daddy hasn't the courage to deny nic'Mes and dimes for popcorn or what have you? This sermon will not conflict with papa's generosity in the least, since its theme is the money the children handle themselves. Many parents are now practicing the plan of the weekly allowance. So much for amusements, so much for sweets, this for socks, that for haircuts, and carfare, down through the list of daily demands that would come out of the family purse anyway. anyway. The child with an allowance and no control is likely to find himself himself bankrupt in three days. Then off to mother for an extra handout. "Why, Billy, where's your two dollars dollars gone ? It's only Tuesday and I told you it had to last. You were distinctly told that a dollar had to be saved for sneakers: "Well, I'll give ÿoil extra money this time, but next we* you'll have to manage better." It hardly ever fails- And instead of learning a good moral lesson, Billy is being more extravagant than ever before in his life, Thus the whole plan falls down. Why try it at all, if it is going to weaken rather than strengthen William's William's powers of selection? If the child is too. indulgent to himself, let him learn some lessons; he'll bo embarrassed, for example, when he has to tell the fellows he needs another quarter to buy new swimming trunks, but, as he spent his allowance foolishly he'll have to wait till next week to go swimming. Britain Buys Canadian Onions A small item in the news the other day tells of onions being exported exported from Canada to England for the first time during the last fiscal year ending in March, notes the Ottawa Ottawa Journal. This is no doubt a cause for congratulating the Department Department of Trade and Commerce, even though the exporters might have wished the total to have been larger. Why has the market so suddenly been opened to Canada? In the absence absence of further, details it may not be far wrong to guess that Canadian onion-growers can thank the war. The British housewife for years has been accustomed to ask for "Spanish "Spanish onions" at the green-grocer's. And in addition a familiar autumn sight in and around London, are swarthy, foreign-looking men, shouldering shouldering curious strings of onions, knocking at suburban doors and in broken English offering their wares for sale. Those foreigners are the sturdy Basques, who venture abroad regularly after the onion harvest to trade a bit and see a little bit more of the world than their own hardy country. There will hardly be any picturesque picturesque onion-selling Basques in England England this autumn. Instead, British and French food ships are trying to enter Bilbao harbor to succor these determined defenders of the'r country. country. The only Basques making the journey over to England this year are the hundreds of little refugee children who have lost home, parents and all their little world in the horror horror of a modern civil war. But Canada for the first time on record sells onions to the United Kingdom. MILL RUNS GIVE HIGH GRADE RETURNS ON NEW SPLIT LAKE GOLD ORE I "Average $41.65 Per Ton f?, TTU. n j ns made Gf .„? r , 0 from high grade ore shoot on the Bigstone Bay property of Split Lake Gold Mines been mi } he S?° 01 W1-6S and an average recovery of $39.55 in gold per ton ol ore. The ore shoot has taken a le t b gt l ?, f , 86 teet and shows an average width of three feet. The ore 'for the mill runs was gold <4 be seen dissemfnated S thXgh thTïulphîdesl CXD0Se<1 ' The Vei " ls nlCc!ÿ m . lneralized with tinc ™lphides, and native firs C t 0, 5mftlM 1C h» ^, f nv h li«lli5 any ' a ,v Be ° l0 S st , cal1 tor "haft sinking, immediately, on this high grade deposit and With this be forthcoming almost daîly 3 ^ ° n ^ îe oreb0( *y, information regarding the downward continuation of the high grade should the V mmerero t ,™ £1 ri Jit' obtainetl ln the form of consistently high average values over Important length and 'width, in sight to peni.it establishing thTmme"T aTroteing basis? 61 * 1 * 1 *° tlUiCMy P ' a ™ a ™" iCient tonnagc at Mgh B1 ' arle ore 5 6 .? 6 above, word has been received from the property that a new find with heavy showings of ^no iwS 1 > en A p( ?! nt 1 ' 300 feet aIor >£ the strike of No. 3 vein. No. 3 vein Is located about oncrtiff» 2°? t 7. e , first 5 ep ?l 5lt referred to In this advertisement. Regarding this new find, the company'e eB 3 bRdollbtedly the continuation of No. 3 vein and that it appears to be the most important important discovery on the property to date. NEW HIGH GRADE DISCOVERY Present Public Offering at 20 cents per share aharea are being sold at 20 cents per share. A portion- of this offering ls open for public subscription, i™, 7"V' l ? sen ?£ t0 applications in whole or in part and also to award in any case a smaller number of shares COM Ttunl. J he w? f ! erln . g to «lose without notice. Applications should be mailed direct to Split Lake uoiG Mines, Limited, Bank of Hamilton Building, Toronto, Ontario. SPLIT LAKE , GOLD BANK OF HAMILTON BUILDING - . CAPITALIZATION (No Par Value) 4,000,000 shares Issued for Properties .. 1,505,000 shares Sold Through Financing 783,465 shares Held by the parent company Smelter Gold Minos Limited and available for such - ■< fjj|ther financing as play be deemed necessary necessary and advisable 1,711,634 shares NES: LIMITED - - TORONTO, ONTARIO OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS .President HUGH C. McRAE, Toronto, Ont. Secretary-Treasurer ........ GLEN A. REA, Toronto, Ont. Managing Engineer HARRY L. DONALDSON, Toronto, Ont, Director DANIEL I. JARVÏS, Thornloc, Ont, Director W. S. KICKLEY, Winnipeg, Man. To SPLIT LAKE GOLD MINES LIMITED, 1104 Bank of Hamilton Bldg., Toronto, Canada. Kindly forward further information regarding Split Lake Gold Mines Limited, 'nr. , Address «8 O Ù S | S ^ A o -y ^ a o ° o ,iJ 'Ü 'S .52 f d ® m § Ê 6 ** w ® '*•' g' d„5« 5 « .1 £ a § S g <u Pi si a | E b 2 S 4j O W . (S3 OoJ o P c . 8 u 9 ^ « Is s'o To SPLIT LAKE GOLD MINES LTD., Head Office: 1104 Bank of Hamilton Bldg., Toronto Gentlemen : I hereby make application for shares of the Capital Stock of SPLIT LAKE GOLD MINES LIMITED, (4,000,000 shares) at 20 cents per share. Enclosed please find the sum of ............... Dollars Dated this ........................ day of 1037 Kindly issue and mail these shares to: Name L........ » i. ., Address ... Witness ....... All Moneys to be paid direct to the , Company. DOUBLE AUTOMATIC I BOOKLET07^ More convenient to carry, □ndmoreconvenienffo use, thedoubleaufomoticbook- let keeps every paper fresh; NONE FINER MADE msm DOUBLE Convèr EJTE PAPERS Following the example of the reforestation reforestation work carried out for some years at the Scout Forest near Angus, Angus, Ont., the Scouts of Fort Erie this spring planted 700 saplings on property near their Scout cabin, Beamsville Scouts planted 600 trees in the game preserve south of that town and a group of Ottawa Patrol Leaders planted, the same number on a reforestation project at Carlsbad Springs. The King's Coronation Honours list included many distinguished figures figures prominent in Scouting in many parts of the Empire. In addition to Lord Badcn-Powell who received the Order of Merit, and His Excellency the Lord Tweedsmuir, who was made a Privy Councillor, the list included the Hon. Sir Patrick Duncan, Chief Scout for the Union of South Africa Africa ; Viscount Galway, Chief Scout for New Zealand ; Baron Gowrie, Chief Scout for Australia ; Sir Herbert Herbert Emerson, Provincial Chief Scout for the Punjab ; the Raja of Khil- chipur, Chief Scout for Khilehipur State, and Sir Bernard Bourdillon, Chief Scout for Nigeria. Scouts helped prepare the meals, supplied supplied children with boiled drinking water, took charge of lost children, ran messages, swept the floors Generally, Generally, "Their smiles, courteousness, willingness and quiet discipline earned earned appreciation and commendation on all sides." In other words, London's London's Scouts lived up to the best Scouting traditions when suddenly confronted with a serious test. "Thank God, Americans and the "English are different, and that is why we are such very good friends." --Lord Tweedsmuir. Classified Advertising COLLECTION SERVICE â | NTARIO COLLECTION AGENCIES, EX- " " perièneed Collection Service. Bailiffs. -- Stair Bldg.; Toronto. CHICKS ,$5.50 PER HUNDRED B aden , government approved chicks from blood tested breeders. DAY OLD LEGHORNS $5.50, Barred Rocks $5.95, Pullets, Rocks $8.40, Leghorns $11.95, Cockerels Cockerels Leghorns $1.25, Rocks $5:50, Started Chicks 2 v/eek old add 6c, 3 week old 10c.-- Baden Electric Chick Hatchery, Baden, Ont. PHOTOGRAPHY One of the after-stories of the London, Ont-, flood concerned the services 6f many kinds rendered by the Boy Scouts. Within half an hour of a radio mobilization call, at the request of the police, 250 boys and leaders had reported for orders at Scout Headquarters. They relieved officers on point duty, and handled traffic efficiently. They watched bridges, manned boats, and kept sightseers from coming into the city. At the police station they took over the telephone switchboard, releasing officers for other work. A staff of six older Scouts assigned to the fire department, went out on all fire calls, to handle traffic and the crowds. Red Cross Headquarters at the City Hall was supplied with runners. At the clothing depot messengers were furnished furnished the different departments, and other Scouts kept the refugees in line. At the Armouries, crowded with refugee: for several days, TO NLAEGEMENT FEES WITH ; EVERY -M j 25 cent order. Roll films developed and eight prints 25 cents, reprints 3 cents each. Brightling, 29 Richmond Street East, Toronto. TWEDDLE R.O.P. SIRED GOAT? APPROVED APPROVED CHICKS AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES FOR JULY D AY OLDS, LEGHORNS $6.45, BARRED Rocks $6.95, New Hampshire Reds, White Rocks $7.95. PULLETS, Barred Rocks $9.95, Reds, White Rocks $10.95, Leghorns $13.45. COCKERELS, Leghorns $1.25, Barred Rocks $5.95, White Rocks, Reds $6.45, 2 WEEK OLD, Add Gc per chick, 3 week 10c, 4 week 15c. -- Tweddle Chick Hatchery Limited, Fergus, Fergus, Ontario. Witching » TCiimiEE In A Minute For quick relief from the itching of eczema, blotches* pimples, athlete's foot, scales, rashes and other skia eruptions, apply Dr. Dennis' pure, cooling, antiseptic, antiseptic, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Its gentle oils soothe the irritated skin. Clear, greasclcss and stainless--dries stainless--dries fast. Stops the most Intense itching_ ia» atontly. A 35c trial bottle, at drug stores, proves it-- or money back. Ask for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION, 2S Ixidepeiviient 7 e s I Proves Tli^t a ¥0L»o-reir TABLETS INCREASE CAS- up CLINE MILEAGE 70 25 V In a test run of 507-6 miles a 1986 Chevrolet Master Six Coach consumed 18 gallons of gasoline to which Vol-o-Pep Tablets h$td been added--an average of 28.2 miles per gallon. Without Vol-o-Pcp Tablets the mileage was 22.2 miles per gallon. The increase per gallon effected by Vol-o-Pep ,was 27%. The same gasoline was used on both runs over the dame roads and no adjustment adjustment of the carburetor made. ' Tests were conducted by a well known Toronto firm of Inspecting and Testing Engineers, whose name will be furnished on written request. Vol-o-Pep is in a convenient tablet form. Dropped in gasoline it completely dissolves, leaving no sediment whatsoever. Recommended Recommended for use in autos, trucks, motorcycles, tractors and all gasoline and diesel engines. Send one dollar for a tin of. Vol-o-Pep Tab- L lets (65 tablets treat 65 gallons), use ten j tablets and if you can not notice., improve- | ment in your car, return the balance and j! get your money back iri full. Mail $1.00 to [f THE VOL-O-PEP CO. OF CANADA 36 Toronto St., Toronto. AGENTS WANTED!

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